Eagle’s Glory

Three hundred and sixteen, refuge and foster care

Chapter 700 316, Departure and foster care

"You shall stick to him like leeches!"

His father's roar made Edgar flinch again.

"I understand...but where should we wait for him? He didn't tell us?" he asked softly.

The Marquis himself didn't know the answer to this question. Although he knew that His Majesty was already watching the Swiss border, he didn't know exactly when and where he would officially set foot on French soil. His Majesty did not disclose it to him.

However, this did not trouble the Marquis of Treville, he already had a plan in his mind.

"The Count of Monte Cristo must know. Next, you and Alice will go to him and ask him to make your evacuation plan... I think that since he was able to bring people to meet His Majesty before, he will also know that he should take you with him next. Where to hide..."

Having said this, Marquis Treville suddenly seemed to notice something was wrong.

what exactly is it? He thought hard, trying to find the fleeting clue. The son next to him did not dare to say anything to disturb his father's thoughts, so he could only stand aside obediently.

After a while, the Marquis finally grasped that bit of inspiration and slammed the table.

"I should have thought of it a long time ago!"

Then, he looked at his son again, "Alice told me before that His Majesty wanted to summon your father-in-law, and then he left Paris. His Majesty must have met with him not long ago."

Edgar was stunned for a moment. He didn't have a good relationship with his father-in-law, Duke Nordlien at all, and he never cared about his father-in-law's situation. He was really confused when he was asked about it all of a sudden.

"I heard someone said he went to recuperate from illness -" he replied casually. "He has encountered a lot of bad things recently, so there must be something wrong with his health. No one cares about him anyway... I didn't expect that he could still be valued by His Majesty."

"When he encountered a crisis before, His Majesty generously donated money to help him escape from death. Of course, he has to pay something in return. Although he is incompetent and mediocre, he is still a son of a famous family after all. He can also play a role as a brand, so Your Majesty uses Get him." Marquis Treville thought of the information he had learned before, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became. I heard that he is currently recuperating somewhere in the south. I think he is already waiting for a call! "

Although he and the Duke are related by relatives, the Marquis of Treville deeply hates that the other party despises him.

There was almost no contact, and now that he saw that the Duke's fortunes were changing, he was naturally very unhappy.

Edgar watched helplessly as his father became angry and could only wait silently for him to calm down before speaking.

Fortunately, Marquis Treville's ability to control his emotions was not bad. He quickly regained his composure and started thinking again.

"Although I hate this guy very much, now that his fortune has changed, there is no need for us to continue to be angry with him. You and Alice can go to him and then go to meet His Majesty together."

"Go to him...?" Edgar hesitated. "Will he take us in?"

After all, he also knew what his father-in-law's attitude was towards him and his wife. It was conceivable that if he and Alice's family went there, they would definitely not be welcomed - it would be nice not to be humiliated.

"Edgar, you didn't understand." The Marquis sneered, "The most important reason why he resisted us before was that our positions were different, but now that our positions are the same, can he still act like a mortal enemy? Now with His Majesty, we and he have some status, and for the sake of his family's future, he does not dare to fall out with us. Besides, Alice's status is now different from what it used to be, and he will never dare to be rude to Alice. of."

After hearing his father's judgment, Edgar finally felt relieved.

He has lived the life of a wealthy young man since he was a child. He has never suffered hardships, and he will inevitably become a little confused when encountering big events. If he rashly took his family out of Paris and came to a place where he had no friends, he wouldn't even know how to arrange his family's life, let alone protect their safety. But if he could defect to his father-in-law and be accepted, the situation would be It's completely different. My father-in-law is a well-known nobleman, and there will be people in various places who will give him face. At least the family's living security will not be a problem.

"Then I understand, Dad." He nodded, "I will go with Alice to contact the Count of Monte Cristo and her family to prepare for evacuation."

After he finished speaking, he added, "After we leave, you...you must also take care of yourself."

"The hail of bullets and bullets couldn't kill me back then. This little storm is nothing now. Don't worry, I'll be fine. You have to take good care of Charlotte and Xia Lu. These two beauties can't be wronged. "The Marquis of Treville replied with a deliberately relaxed attitude, "If you run to a safe place early, you will be doing me a big favor."

After explaining all this, the Marquis, who had not slept all night, finally felt extremely tired.

Uncontrollable sleepiness surged into his heart, and he waved his hand to signal his son to leave.

Edgar hesitated for a moment. He originally wanted to persuade his father a few more words, but in his heart, he strongly disagreed with the illegitimate child's "reformation plan" and he didn't want to force Alice into that situation.

He does not have the obsession of the Marquis of Treville that "someone must continue the hard work of a lifetime." To him, what does it matter whether he has a legal heir or not? Anyway, my uncle has a child, so if that doesn't work, the worst thing I can do is let Xia Lu marry her cousin. Isn't it also a bloodline of the Treville family?

If the illegitimate child is turned into a positive person in disguise, it means that Xia Lu will have no place in the family in the future. How should she face her father and grandfather who deprive her of everything she deserves? Even if her seemingly loving grandfather prepares a generous dowry for her in the future, she will still be excluded in the end.

However, even if he had an opinion in his heart, he still did not dare to speak out to dissuade him after much hesitation in front of his fierce father.

After all, his father's power in his mind has been unshakable since he was a child, and he is afraid when he thinks of his father being angry.

He could foresee that once this plan was exposed, the conflict between his father and his wife would intensify until it exploded, and he, caught in the middle, would be destined to be in a dilemma and feel ashamed.

Alas, now I can only take one step at a time, hoping to change Alice's mind and allow her to successfully give birth to a son... Edgar lamented in his heart, and finally left his father's room quietly without saying anything.

By the time he returned to his bedroom, Alice was already awake. After dressing up carefully, she was as beautiful as ever.

It's just that it's so beautiful, but Edgar is not in the mood to appreciate it at the moment. Everything that has happened has brought him great pressure.

"Alice, my father just came to see me and told me something very important."

"What's going on?" Alice stopped and looked at her husband.

His wife's expression and tone were as gentle as usual, but Edgar instinctively sensed her wariness and alienation from his father.

"My father told me that there might be unrest in Paris next, and he wanted us to leave as soon as possible."

Then, he relayed to Alice the exact conversation he had just had with his father - of course, he did not dare to reveal a single word about the Marquis's plan to turn his illegitimate son into a regular one.

Alice was a little surprised to hear that Duke Treville had actually made plans to flee the family, but she was not too shocked. She could also sense that it had reached an extremely important moment.

As for the secrets and tacit understanding between the Treville brothers, she had no intention of asking.

"Dad, you want us to take our family to find my father and settle down with him?" She was more concerned about this issue.

"Yes, that's what dad said." Edgar nodded. "Although our two families had some differences before, at this time, it is the best choice for everyone to take care of each other. Of course, if you feel embarrassed, we You can also think of another way.”

"I think this is good." Alice did not object. "Although my father has an arrogant temper, he is not completely ignorant. How could he abandon his daughter and grandson? Besides, , now that we are both standing with His Majesty, he must take good care of us even for the sake of his own image in His Majesty's mind."

There was another part she kept in her heart that she didn't say - after all the previous troubles, Alice didn't believe that her father dared to show off to her. As long as she ran to him, no matter how unhappy he was, he could only treat her with courtesy. treat.

Precisely because she was confident that she could control her father, she supported the Marquis' plan and even went one step further.

After thinking for a moment, she said to her husband, "Now only my father has left Paris, and my family will definitely be evacuated next. I will go find Agnes and ask her to take us away and join my father." Right. She will definitely never leave us alone..."

Since the Bianca incident, there has been a rift in the relationship between the two sisters, Alice and Agnes, and they are no longer close to each other, but Alice knows that even so, Agnes will never ignore her sister and her family. safety. Now is an opportunity for "sister reconciliation". After all, under the crisis of impending disaster, the previous grievances will only give way to family affection.

"This is the best!" Edgar didn't know about the previous turmoil, but he fully supported this idea. "With Agnes escorting me all the way, I will feel more at ease!"

In this way, the couple agreed on the next plan, and then began to pack their bags to prepare for the next "long trip".

They spent the next few days packing their belongings and packing away their belongings.

Because they knew the seriousness of the situation, the couple did not pack too much luggage. They knew that when the situation was chaotic, bloated luggage would only drag them down. It was better to carry more cash and easily sold jewelry, so that no matter what We can deal with the situation no matter how it develops - as for the worst result, His Majesty's career will be frustrated and the family will temporarily go into exile.

While the family was making preparations, Duke Treville also sent Miss Charlotte over as promised.

Charlotte is the same age as Xia Lu, only a few months older. However, because the two families have no contact in public, they have not visited her until now.

So after Charlotte was sent over, she immediately became the focus of the Marquis Treville's family.

And Charlotte really deserves this attention - like Xia Lu, she is also blond and blue-eyed, and her snow-white skin makes her look very lovable.

Maybe it's because they share the same blood, or maybe it's because they lack playmates. In short, after Charlotte came to her uncle's house and met her cousin Xia Lu, the two little girls actually got along quite well and immediately got together. Together.

The two little girls were both only two years old. They had just learned to walk and were at their most naughty. They stayed together and played various games, while Alice watched over them carefully for fear of getting hurt.

According to the arrangement of Duke Treville, he will take away his son and grandson after his exile, but Charlotte will be taken care of here when she is too young - so Charlotte should stay here for several years, cousins The two may grow up together in the future.

Alice didn't mind this.

Although she has objections to the head of the Treville family, Alice can be regarded as a person who can distinguish right from wrong. She does not have any resentment towards Charlotte, and because she is a mother, when she sees such a lovely Charlotte , was also inspired to have a good impression, so she was happy to see the two of them become playmates. She was even willing to take care of Charlotte as her half daughter, so that this poor child who was destined to be separated from her parents for a long time could grow up healthily. , spend the most critical childhood.

The Marquis of Treville is naturally very caring for his brother's granddaughter. He likes to tease his granddaughter when he has free time. After Charlotte came, he even likes to watch his two beautiful grandchildren playing around. Play and have fun.

In this cordial and friendly atmosphere, Charlotte immediately integrated into her great-uncle's family, without any sense of discomfort as a newcomer.

One day, after the family had dinner together, Charlotte and Xialu were holding hands and playing on the carpet. Their short skirts were covered with dust.

Looking at the two cute little girls, Marquis Treville's eyes showed both affection and a little regret.

"They were such a suitable couple...but unfortunately they ended up being a girl by accident."

However, the two children turned a deaf ear to the old man's whispers. Because they were still young, they could only speak short words. But even so, their interest was not affected in any way. The purest joy made them Playing happily, sometimes hugging, sometimes pushing each other, all kinds of toys and dolls were thrown everywhere by them, and everything around them seemed to be unable to arouse their interest.

Under the gaze of all the elders, the cousins ​​hugged each other as if no one else was watching.

"Charlotte, Charlotte, we want to be together." Princess Charlotte de Treville expressed her simple wish with an angelic smile and a sweet voice.

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