Eagle’s Glory

1. Return to homeland

It’s another winter morning.

The continuous rain and snow weather for many days has made the climate in this area quite cold, and the rolling mountains behind the town have already been covered in silver-white clothes. The Alps are in this most suitable season. , proudly declares its existence to the world with its indifferent and magnificent scenery.

On this seemingly ordinary day, as the sky gradually brightened, the dense clouds quietly dispersed, opening a gap in the dark sky they woven, and the golden sunshine took the opportunity to pour down from these gaps. The winter sky The Swiss town finally welcomed the long-lost sunshine.

It seemed like a good day for a long trip.

In the cold wind, everything was so quiet, and there were only a few pedestrians on the roads everywhere. Only the sound of the wind whistling through the valleys and woods echoed everywhere.

But at the foot of the mountain, in a seemingly inconspicuous farm, there was an unusual noise.

People who have been living here leisurely for a long time have packed their bags and are leaving here soon.

The leader is naturally Aiglon. He is currently wearing casual clothes, a thin tie, and a black coat. He looks like a young master who has just taken over the family business;

His wife, Teresa, was currently wearing a white winter dress that was convenient for traveling far away. She only wore milky white pearl earrings as jewelry, but this little bit of jewelry made her neck slender and fair.

Her dress is simple but luxurious, her temperament is graceful and luxurious, and she does not lack the femininity of a girl. Under the lace of the skirt, the increasingly tall peaks on her chest quietly reveal the "growth" of this girl after marriage. ".

After dressing up carefully, the couple, who had been married for more than a year, looked like a young couple with both talent and wealth, who were preparing to go on a trip.

Next to the two of them was Chanel, who was dressed in a maid outfit. In Chanel's arms, there was a baby over one year old lying. At this time, the baby was wrapped so tightly that his face could hardly be seen clearly. As if he was afraid that he would suffer a little bit of snow and wind during the next long journey.

Except for the four people, everyone else has already prepared. Except for the necessary left-behind personnel, they will sneak into France quietly with Aigron - and the next step is a big gamble, or win everything. , or lose everything.

Although Aigron's face was as dark as water and there was no sign of panic, it was impossible not to feel uneasy in his heart. After all, he was about to engage in a struggle with an unknown outcome.

In addition to himself, the stakes are also his wife and children. It is impossible for him to not care about the safety of himself and his wife and children.

But besides being nervous and apprehensive, his heart was more filled with desire and excitement.

The time has finally come... The day that the prince, who has been imprisoned in the deep palace for many years, has been longing for day and night, has finally arrived.

The bigger the bet, the more you win, the more you lose? He has never been afraid. After all, he has already tasted the feeling of losing everything. It is better to make a big gamble than to be a timid prisoner for the rest of his life.

Moreover, after more than two years of experience, he has enough confidence in himself that he can rely on his own capital to travel in this era until all his wishes are realized.

Aigron looked around, and finally landed on his wife, children, and maids who were closest to him. From their faces, Aigron could feel their strong confidence and love for him. It was precisely because of this confidence and love that he Only then will they follow themselves without regrets, and never think of backing down, no matter how dangerous they face.

So, how could I, who had been entrusted with this trust, fail?

Victory will and must be won. Aiglon thought.

As time goes by, it will soon be time for them to set off, and at this time, the farm welcomes its last guest-Her Majesty the former Queen Otis of the Netherlands.

After she arrived at the farm, she was brought to Aiglon.

Looking at her carefully dressed cousin, Her Majesty the Queen felt quite emotional.

There are both worries about his future future and huge expectations. Only a limited number of people, including her, can have the deepest understanding of what this young man wants and what he is burdened with.

She has been living in seclusion for many years, and has long since lost all influence, and can no longer provide any help to her cousin's career. All she can do is to pray to God with the most pious heart, asking her to bless Aiglon's heart. All your wishes come true.

Looking at the handsome and heroic young man in front of her, Her Majesty the Queen had thousands of words in her heart but could not say anything. Finally, she stretched out her arms and hugged the young man tightly, and then cried to him. "My son... I wish you a safe journey."

After she finished speaking, she stood up on tiptoes and kissed the young man's cheek to express her blessing to him.

"Thank you, Auntie." Aiglon also kissed her cheek affectionately, "I will definitely succeed. You should also take care of yourself and wait until I take you back to Paris!"

Her Majesty the Queen smiled and nodded. It would be a lie to say she didn't expect this, but she was more concerned about the young man's safety.

"If you really fail, don't do anything stupid." In order to avoid damaging the morale of Aigron and his group, she deliberately lowered her voice and warned in Aigron's ear, "As long as you are alive, there is hope. If you are because of a temporary If you give up your life in anger, you are certainly a hero, but what about the people left behind? Who will take care of your wife and children?"

It would definitely be unlucky to say such words before a long journey, but Aigron knew that it was precisely because Her Majesty the Queen had good intentions towards him that he warned him despite the so-called "bad omen".

But this warning sounded to Aigron in various ways.

Because in history, her youngest son did this. He tried to launch a mutiny twice and was easily crushed. He was later arrested and imprisoned, then escaped from prison, and finally lived in exile for many years... Each time, no matter how desperate the situation was, he did not do it without permission. He gave up his life but persisted until the last moment, finally seizing the opportunity given by history.

Indeed, for a politician, living is more important than anything else. Death is just a symbol of being at the mercy of others. Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity, he should seize every opportunity to survive. Only by living can there be hope. .

"I understand, don't worry." Aigron also whispered to Her Majesty the Queen. "I know what is best for me, and I will not abandon all the people who support me just for the sake of temporary satisfaction. This has always been the case."

"That's good, that's good..." Her Majesty the Queen nodded happily, and then shed tears unconsciously. "Bon voyage, Aegron."

"Goodbye, aunt!" Aiglon then kissed her cheek again, then let go of his embrace, bent down and saluted to say goodbye to his aunt.

Now, it's time to leave.

The cold fog in the early morning mixed with the heavy moisture into the air, and then penetrated into Aigron's lungs along the respiratory tract. This refreshing tingling sensation not only did not cool down his heart, on the contrary, his blood It is still heating up and seems to be boiling.

"Let's go!" He waved his hand.

No one cheered or saluted him, but as if some button was pressed, everyone took action after this order.

Aigron took his family into the carriage, and then waved to Her Majesty the Queen from the window.

Her Majesty the Queen shed tears and waved goodbye to him as she stood there. The carriage slowly and leisurely drove out of the farm amid the rumble, and then disappeared into the mist of the wilderness.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------

In the middle of the night, the vast Lake Geneva is as quiet and peaceful as usual.

Due to the recent improvement in the weather, a large number of stars can be seen in the sky, and the moon with half of its face illuminates this large lake covering an area of ​​several hundred square kilometers, cool and bright.

Unlike the rough ocean, the tranquil lake is as smooth as a mirror. Only the occasional howling winter wind can make some ripples, and then disappear.

Lake Geneva is surrounded by mountains. The peaks are covered with snow all year round. The snow water provides the lake with abundant water sources. In addition, the Rhône River flows into the lake from the east. Because of the injection of living water and the shelter of the mountains, the lake can remain ice-free all year round despite its high altitude. Every winter, the clear lake water reflects the white The snow-capped mountains make it a world-famous scenic spot.

It is more than 70 kilometers long but only about 10 kilometers wide. It is like a beauty lying in the Alps. This large lake is the natural boundary between the Kingdom of France and the Swiss Republic. The north bank of the long and narrow lake is the Swiss border. As long as you cross the lake to the south, people can set foot on the land of France. Because it is only less than 10 kilometers wide, residents of the two countries can almost face each other across the shore.

Since it is a border, it will naturally be patrolled and guarded. However, with the end of the long war period, Switzerland and France have ushered in a long-term peace, and Switzerland became a permanent neutral country free from disputes during the Vienna Peace Conference. , Long-term peace will naturally bring about natural slack, and who would believe that a conspiracy that endangers peace will arise between the two countries?

The residential areas around the lake and the city of Geneva in the distance are still plunged into endless darkness. No one among the people sleeping peacefully on both sides of the lake would have thought that what is happening in this peaceful land at this moment is destined to make them miserable in the future. A shocking incident.

With the help of starlight, several small cruise ships were rowing quietly from the north bank to the south bank.

Because the person operating the boat deliberately controlled the intensity, they only made a very slight sound, which was not enough to alarm the unwary people on the shore. In this silent night, neither the bottom of the boat nor the bottom of the boat could be seen. Remove any traces of water splash.

The long and narrow Lake Geneva, now more like the Rubicon River, is ushering in a critical moment in history.

Under this quiet night sky, these small boats slowly approached the south shore, getting closer and closer... getting closer. Although the people inside could not be seen through the cabin, the light from the acceleration of the hull Amidst the shaking and shaking, you can feel the anxiety and impatience of those in the boat.

Maybe a century has passed, maybe only one or two hours have passed. On this cold winter night, time may not mean much. However, for some people, every minute and every second is precious and cannot be tolerated. A slight oversight.

Under the dim starlight, several ships slowly approached the opposite shore.

The trestles that had been vacant for a long time were now waiting for their long-awaited guests.

Then, a group of people quietly walked out of the cabin.

Their faces were dim and unclear in the dim light, but their excitement at the moment was enough to be felt just from the movements of their bodies.

Yes, they returned to the land they longed for.

And all this seemed so normal that the land just greeted them with silence.

Finally back...Aigron took a deep breath.

Even though theoretically there would be no difference between the air and soil between the north and south shores of Lake Geneva, at this moment he felt that the air in his nostrils was so sweet.

This is not the first time he has set foot on French soil - only last year, he deliberately ran around Strasbourg and delivered an inspiring speech to the villagers.

But this time, the meaning is completely different, because as long as there is a glimmer of hope and opportunity, he will never leave here again.

This would be His Promised Land, just as it was destined to be His.

I am coming!

Aigron felt hot all over his body, but he didn't want to embarrass himself by shouting or laughing, so he gently hammered his chest to remind himself what it meant now.

Then, after coming back to his senses, he looked at the quiet land by the lake.

It was already dawn, the sky was starting to get brighter, and the outline of the earth could already be seen.

However, the surroundings were still so quiet, as if nothing had changed.

Where is the person who responds? Aiglon had doubts in his heart.

According to the predetermined plan, he came to the land of France at this time, and the soldiers waiting for him here would greet him in time and then become his guards.

Have plans changed? Or something went wrong?

Aiglon inevitably had such doubts. He recalled that the decapitated King Louis XVI who failed to escape had missed a group of dragoons when he was approaching the border and was eventually captured back to Paris. , ushered in a tragic ending.

Will I become a joke like him? An idea flashed across the young man's mind.

No! no way! This weak thought was quickly swept away by him. He never believed that he would lose.

So he just looked at the land to the south quietly, waiting for fate to judge him.

Fortunately, this torture did not last long. After a while, a group of soldiers lined up neatly appeared in his field of vision. As the sky turned brighter, he saw clearly the person leading them. It was clear that they were running for him. Major Mippe.

It seems that the plan was implemented smoothly.


At least the first step was successful.

The worries and fears generated during the torturous waiting were now transformed into incomparable joy and excitement, as well as indescribable gratitude.

Yes, he is from Sirte, but just based on today's contribution, he will always be his benefactor, and he will get everything he deserves.

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