Eagle’s Glory

Fourteen, betrayer

After agreeing on what to do next, the two marshals Marmont and Bourmont did not want to delay any longer, so they said goodbye to each other and started their own actions.

The two marshals, who originally had a bad relationship with each other, now felt a bit more "reluctant to say goodbye" because of their sad mentality.

They all know that not only the king and the dynasty, but also the two of them are facing an extremely serious crisis at this time. If they make a wrong step or are even slightly unlucky, they may be in catastrophe.

But even knowing this, they have no choice but to continue on because they have no other way to go.

Life is a accumulation of choices, and these choices will eventually usher in a day of reckoning at some point.

Now is the time of reckoning.

After bidding farewell to Marshal Bourmont, Marshal Marmont returned to his temporary residence, where a bunch of his cronies and attendant officers gathered at the moment.

These people usually rely on the backing of Marshal Marmont. It can be said that they have both wind and rain. Their influence in the army is expanding day by day. They also show off their power one by one, and they have the momentum to continue to form a party and take power after the death of the marshal. .

However, at this time, like the marshal, they were dimmed by tension and anxiety, and they didn't even have the heart to whisper to each other.

They all know that Marshal Marmont has a bad relationship with the Orleans family, and has an old feud with the Bonaparte family. If the dynasty changes, no matter which family comes to power, the marshal will definitely not be favored.

If the marshal collapses, the fate they will face next will be clear - even if they are not liquidated or forced to retire, their future will naturally be bleak.

Just because they had foreseen this fact, they were naturally panic-stricken and no longer had the spirit of the past.

The people present here are all wearing crisp uniforms, and many of them are wearing multiple medals. However, what permeates the place at this moment is not the solemn military atmosphere, but the anxiety and hesitation of not knowing where one's future lies.

While the marshal and marshal Bourmont were not talking, they were all waiting here. The room was so dull that it could almost freeze. But after seeing the marshal return, everyone finally came to their core and stood up to greet the marshal.

The marshal is now in his 50s, and his physical functions have begun to weaken, but because of his many years in the military, he is still much stronger than his peers.

So even though he had spent too much energy in the secret conversation just now, seeing these confidants and followers, he regained his composure.

At this critical moment, he must not show weakness or fear, otherwise, the hearts of the people below will definitely be scattered.

"I just discussed with Marshal Bourmont and decided how to act next." Under the eager gaze of everyone, he spoke slowly. "He will go to Paris with the men he has gathered to rescue the besieged palace; while we... go south to Lyon."

"Leon..." The marshal's words finally thawed the frozen atmosphere slightly, and the soldiers looked at each other in confusion.

Of course they understand what this means. There is only one person who needs to go to the south to deal with now...

"Yes, we are going to intercept Mr. Bonaparte." In the silence of everyone, the marshal made the final decision.

The marshal originally spoke very fluently, but at the end, when he mentioned that famous surname, he suddenly stuttered as if he had knocked his teeth.

Fortunately, no one cared about the marshal's slight mistake. They were already shocked by the news.

"Go and intercept the King of Rome..." someone exclaimed.

Invariably, everyone present recalled what happened 15 years ago.

15 years is enough for a child to grow up, but not enough to erase people’s most profound memories.

Can we really do what Marshal Nei Yin couldn't do at that time? This question rang in everyone's mind instantly.

There is no doubt that the King of Rome is not comparable to Emperor Napoleon, but Marshal Marmont's prestige in the army is naturally inferior to Marshal Neyin. The soldiers did not dare to shoot at the emperor back then, but now they will shoot at the emperor because of Marshal Marmont's order. Did the son shoot?

Even though these people are all close associates of the marshal, no one dares to confirm this.

What happens next if the soldiers defect again? No one dared to think about it anymore - they knew that Emperor Napoleon would forgive Marshal Neyin, but the King of Rome might not forgive Marshal Marmont.

Thinking of this, these people couldn't help but become more and more uneasy.

"Why, don't you dare to go?" Marshal Marmont noticed the panic and wavering of his subordinates at this moment, so he asked with a cold face.

"For so many years, Your Excellency the Marshal has been taking care of us and showing great kindness to us; and His Majesty the King is the one we swear allegiance to. At this moment, the kingdom is in crisis. Since we have been deeply kind to us, how can we do it?" Back down from the battle!" After a moment of silence, a tall officer stood up and encouraged his colleagues passionately, "This is the time for us to serve the country. I will follow the Marshal to the end, even through fire and water. Don’t hesitate!”

The person who said this was Count Fernand de Morcerf, a colonel and brigade commander - although he is a brigade commander, in fact he only has a few hundred people in his hands now, and even these few hundred people , and he was not sure whether they were all loyal to the dynasty.

But even so, he still behaved enthusiastically and with an air of willingness to die for the king and marshal.

Seeing the Earl's cheerful and enthusiastic look, Marshal Marmont also felt slightly relieved.

Morcerf has been following him since more than ten years ago, and it was Marshal Marmont who slowly promoted him. However, he is one of his most trusted people. Now he can take the initiative when people's hearts are fluctuating. Standing up and taking a stand truly proves that his hard work has not been in vain.

Under Morseff's instigation, facing the Marshal, other people also expressed their willingness to fight with the Marshal to the end.

Regardless of how true or false their statements are, at least at this moment, people's hearts have temporarily stabilized.

"Fernand." The marshal walked up to the count and looked at him kindly, "Are your wife and children still in Paris?"

"Yes, Your Excellency." Count Morcerf replied quickly, "After receiving your order to summon them, I left them in Paris and rushed here."

"You are really thoughtful..." The Marshal sighed, "At this moment, Paris is in chaos and danger. It does take some determination for you to leave them behind and run over. I remember your son is only three or four years old, right?"

"Yes, Your Excellency." The Earl nodded in agreement, and then his expression became a little dark, "I entrusted them to the care of my friends, and they are still safe for now. Of course, it is impossible to say that I am not worried about them. , but now the dynasty is in such unprecedented turmoil. How can I delay my mission and obligations for my own family's private affairs? I am deeply favored by the country. Without His Majesty the King, without you, I would not be where I am today. , so I must fight to the end to protect His Majesty the King and you, even if I am killed!"

The earl's words reflected Kang's decisiveness. Not only was the marshal moved, but others also secretly admired him.

"Very good... When the country is in crisis, we can still find loyal ministers after all." The marshal nodded repeatedly, then took off his Medal of Saint Louis from in front of him, and then hung it on the Count. "This is for you. , I hope that we, and your family, can all be safe."

Marshal Marmont knew that the origin of the title of earl of Morcerf was a bit shady, and the noble blood could not withstand scrutiny, but he did not mind this, because he himself was not from a noble family. Heroes never ask about their origins. Being able to earn a family fortune on your own is a matter of skill.

Then, he looked back at the others, "Have you seen what Fernan said just now? This is what I am thinking too. At this moment, the kingdom is in danger. As a marshal and as a trusted minister of His Majesty the King, I I will never abandon him. I will be loyal to His Majesty the King to the end! If you dare to follow me and continue, then as long as we can survive the crisis, the kingdom will reward your loyalty with ten times the reward, even if you are sealed It’s no big deal, Jue; if any of you are timid, you can leave now, I can come and go freely here and will never embarrass anyone."

After he finished speaking, he spread his hands and looked like you were just going to do whatever you wanted.

At this time, of course, no one would say that they would back down from the battle. Like Count Morcerf, they all expressed that they would "definitely follow the marshal and fight to the end."

Therefore, after unifying their thoughts, Marshal Marmont and his cronies no longer wasted time. After they hastily studied the next march deployment for a while, they immediately broke up the meeting and each began to prepare for the next trip.

Count Morcerf, who had just made a splash, walked out of the conference room with no trace of pride on his face. Even the secret disgust and jealousy of his colleagues nearby did not bother him. All the energy has been put into thinking about where to go next.

As he walked, the Grand Cross of Saint-Louis Medal he had just received on his chest was shaking slightly. This was originally the honor he had longed for, but now that he had received it, he did not feel much joy in his heart. Instead, he felt a pressure on his chest. He was carrying a heavy burden, like a boulder that made him unable to breathe.

This is the highest honor of the kingdom, but if the kingdom collapses, it may become a reminder for oneself.

Although he had acted enthusiastically in front of Marshal Marmont just now, as if he was ready to die for the king and the marshal at any time, in his heart, Count Fernand de Morcerf had never planned for a second. Dedicate your life to them.

What a joke, how could Fernand, a descendant of Catalan fishermen living in Marseille, have any loyalty to the Bourbon family?

Over the past decade or so, Fernand has relied on his own business and the changes in current affairs to get almost everything that others dream of, including military rank, title, wealth, and a lovely wife and son... He still enjoys these things. It’s too late, how can you be willing to lose?

Although Fernand has always been in the army, he is ambitious and has always deliberately made friends with people in the upper class. Therefore, compared to his colleagues, his ability to wait and see is stronger. He has also been watching the current situation. .

After arriving at this place, he also saw the performance of Marshals Marmont and Bourmont in the past few days. The marshals were anxious and hesitant, unable to summon the army to counter the rebellion. Paris fell into chaos, the palace was besieged, and the King of Rome also He took the opportunity to run back to France... All signs convinced him that the dynasty was already on the verge of collapse and was about to end.

The only question is, who can win? Is it the Orleans family or the Bonaparte family?

Fernand couldn't think of an answer to this question, but he knew that he had to jump off the ship as soon as possible. No matter which side he jumped to, it was better than sticking to a ship that was about to sink.

Marshal Marmont had no way to go, so he had to go all the way to the end, but Fernand had never thought about being buried with the king. He still had a way to go.

It can be said that Fernand has no psychological burden at all for betraying his benefactor - you, Marshal Marmont, were able to sell Emperor Napoleon in exchange for wealth. Why can't I, Fernand, sell you, Marshal Marmont, in exchange for wealth?

At the beginning, he relied on an informant letter to send his love rival to the dark prison of Yinfu Castle and never saw the light of day again; he also relied on betraying Ali Pasha in exchange for a huge bounty and made his fortune. The foundation; now he is naturally able to be cruel enough to betray someone who has been supporting and caring for him for more than ten years.

It was through betrayal step by step that he got everything he has now, so as long as he can get a better career in exchange for it, what does it mean to betray the marshal and the king?

In his current situation, how should he betray the marshal in order to get the best price? Fernan's face was as calm as water, but he had been thinking about this issue in his heart.

The marshal will now take them south to meet the King of Rome, and the King of Rome will obviously not back down. He is ready to march north until Paris - just as happened 15 years ago.

Back then, Marshal Neyin led an army to meet Emperor Napoleon, but the army turned against him after seeing the emperor. Since that happened 15 years ago, why can't it happen again now?

Marshal Marmont would definitely not surrender - he had a grudge against the Bonaparte family, and he knew that the King of Rome would not forgive him, and there would be no benefit in surrendering.

But what about yourself? The situation is completely different.

Compared with others, Fernand felt that he had a great advantage - when the King of Rome was staying at Schonbrunn Palace, he followed the marshal to visit the King of Rome, and with his deliberate flattery, the King of Rome He had a very good impression of himself, and the two of them had a great conversation. They even praised themselves personally and wished their son a smooth birth.

Now, he must still remember himself.

At this time, the King of Rome was employing people. If he performed such a great service for him... what kind of reward would he give?

Fernan's eyes slowly moved down, and then he saw the highest medal of honor on his chest, and then a disdainful chuckle appeared on his lips unconsciously.

At that time, what kind of thing will this be?

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