Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-four, sincerely

The Glory of the Young Eagle text volume 34, heartfelt "Ms. Bianca, you should remember how enthusiastic your apprentice is in order to save your life..."

Aiglon's arrogant expression, coupled with the way he held Agnes in his arms, showed the demeanor of a villain.

However, this is his territory now and he can do whatever he wants, so he doesn't need to have any scruples.

Agnes felt very embarrassed and ashamed of Agron's actions, but she did not dare to make any resistance, so she could only look away and did not dare to look at her master again - now her parents, brothers, and master , are already in Aigron's hands, and she must consider the consequences of angering Aigron.

In addition, unknowingly, she seemed not to be so angry about this indecent behavior. After all, her bottom line had been quietly lowered a lot after taking the initiative to kiss this young man.

Bianca was not surprised by the intimacy between the King of Rome and his apprentice - after all, in her knowledge, the two people had already been together.

But even so, the fact that the married King of Rome and his apprentice did this in front of her was still an "eye-opener" for her.

She knew that Agnes was definitely not such a person. No matter how much she liked this young man, she was so thin-skinned that she would not do it in front of others, so...she just had to compromise for herself.

Hateful... For a moment, Bianca's heart was filled with anger and shame, but she was completely helpless. Now that she had no ability to resist, she could only watch this young man do whatever he wanted in front of her.

"You have no shame!" she cursed in a low voice.

Aiglon was not angry at Bianca's curse, and was even a little happy with it. After all, the more angry his enemy was, the happier he was.

Agnes's warm body was leaning against his body, and the slightly raised peak had to press against his chest through the gauze skirt. This wonderful touch made him feel even more relaxed and happy.

However, he did not forget about it. While continuing to hold Agnes in his arms, he continued to speak to Bianca with great interest.

"Ms. Bianca, you are lucky to have such a beautiful and amazing apprentice. From the first time I saw Miss Agnes, I couldn't help but feel attracted to her; so, in order to please her, I I am willing to make some concessions that I would not otherwise make, even if I have to bear some price for it. Of course, my tolerance is not unlimited, and I cannot tolerate others ignoring my tolerance.

You have made things difficult for me time and time again. My face is very valuable and no one can trample on it like this! Otherwise you have to pay the price. "

While he was secretly trying to please Agnes by talking to Bianca, he was also secretly threatening Agnes.

Sure enough, Agnes in his arms trembled slightly, and then gently raised her head in his arms. Regardless of shame, she continued to look at Agron with pleading eyes, as if she wanted to use this method to make him cool down.

Now that the effect has been achieved, Aigron also decided to stop his performance for the time being.

Taking advantage of Agnes's panic and confusion, he put his hand on Agnes's forehead and gently stroked her messy hair.

"Agnes, it's your turn to tell her now... I've done what I should do, and I advise her to know what's good and what's good."

Agnes was sad and helpless. She knew that Aigron had already given in to the limit, and it would be in vain to beg him to continue to be lenient. So she gently broke away from Aigron's arms and returned to her master again. .

In order not to let Aiglon hear, she leaned close to the master's ear, and then softly explained the current situation to him.

"Master, I kept silent about the things you told me before."

"I know this." Bianca nodded. "Thank you."

She had previously revealed her client behind the scenes out of trust in her apprentice - although she did not name the specific name, but based on past experiences, it was easy to guess that the instigator was the Duke of Orleans' subordinates. Felix Gaudin.

From what the King of Rome said just now, he did not know about this, so that meant that the apprentice kept his promise and did not betray her, which made her feel quite relieved.

"I have said before that I will do my best to protect you, and I am working hard to do so now." Agnes continued, "But now the situation is really difficult and your situation is very dangerous, so I I hope you can adopt a more cooperative attitude. Even if you are unwilling to confess, at least you will not offend His Majesty again... It is very rare for him to be so lenient to you, but not everyone can get this kind of tolerance."

"He doesn't care about my life. I'm afraid it's because of you." Bianca replied teasingly, "You didn't admit that you had an affair with him in front of me before... You have nothing to say now, right? "

The master's teasing made Agnes blush again. She wanted to refute, but the current situation made it impossible for her to refute - she had already done that just now, how could she refute?

Will everyone else think the same way in the future? An even more terrifying question came to Agnes's mind.

In the end, she was at a loss to deal with this terrible speculation and could only wisely choose to escape and not think about it further.

"Now you should pay more attention to your own safety, instead of paying attention to these boring things!" She interrupted the master slightly angrily, "You are already dying, and I am thinking of ways to save your life, so you should also pay attention That's right! Don't forget, if you really die because of my incompetence, then I...then I will also use my life to apologize."

Bianca sighed softly.

She was already used to her apprentice's stubbornness and didn't know how to persuade him, so she could only sigh.

"I know, don't worry, I won't ask for death on my own. I will let you work hard. I hope you can go well."

Seeing the master's answer, Agnes finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as you listen to me. Now, please leave everything to me... Even if you betray your friends, you won't die, I swear!"

After biting her ears and saying this, Agnes left her master, then returned to Aiglon, and then whispered her progress to Aiglon.

"I have persuaded the master. Although she has not agreed yet, her attitude has wavered. I ask you to give me some grace. I will definitely be able to convince her to agree to cooperate with you."

Agnes, you are really bad at lying... Agron smiled bitterly in his heart.

He could tell at a glance that Agnes had not convinced Bianca at all. She was just saying this now to delay time, but he didn't want to point it out.

Anyway, as Aigron said in front of Bianca before, it actually doesn't matter whether Bianca cooperates or not. As long as she falls into his hands, she has become Aigron's. Weapons, Aiglon can use her to accuse anyone of plotting to assassinate him - anyway, no one can judge him for spreading rumors.

In this case, there is no need for Agron to expose Agnes.

Let her continue to do what she wants. Anyway, as long as Bianca is here, she will ask for herself, and then she will find ways to please herself.

Of course, a promiser cannot agree easily, so Aigron frowned slightly, deliberately showing a slightly troubled look, and nodded slowly after a moment.

"Okay, I can extend it for a while, but Agnes, you should know that this is also a difficult decision for me. The situation I am facing is changing rapidly and there is no room for much delay. Even if I am willing to make concessions for you, but I can’t give in without any bottom line—”

As he expected, the simple Agnes was moved and ashamed at the same time.

"I will seize the time...Thank you for believing in me."

"Don't talk about you, just talk about you." Aigron corrected the other person with a smile, "It seems too unfamiliar to use your words. Aren't we already very close?"

"But you are His Majesty after all...how could I be so disrespectful?" Agnes shook her head repeatedly.

"Since I am Your Majesty, I can order you to be so disrespectful to me." Aigron grabbed Agnes's hand directly, and then looked at her with a smile, "There shouldn't be so many problems in our relationship. Etiquette is a barrier.”

Agnes heard the subtle meaning, and she wanted to refute, but now she didn't dare to refute Agron's interest due to her master's affairs, so she had no choice but to lower her head and try to change the subject, "Okay. It's too late now, you...you should take the master into custody again, it seems that this is the end of the day."

"Okay, I'll hand her over to you. You can take care of her." Aigron pointed.

"What?!" Agnes couldn't believe her ears. "You...what do you mean?"

"Didn't I make it clear enough? After Bianca came here, she was handed over to you to guard." Aigron replied with a smile, "You don't want her to die, then in this palace, only you can ensure her life by taking care of her personally." No worries. Besides, she is very weak now and is not suitable for being locked up in the dungeon anymore, so logically speaking, it is the best choice for you to come and take her into custody."

Agnes felt a warm feeling of joy in her heart. She did not expect that her majesty would be treated with such magnanimity despite her obviously unreasonable request, which made His Majesty very embarrassed.

In any case, he is indeed very, very good to himself.

Even if the motives are impure, it is not an honor that ordinary people can get.

It can even be said that to be remembered so much by His Majesty is an opportunity that no one can ask for...

All kinds of strange thoughts came to her, so Agnes forgot to answer for a while.

"Aren't you willing, Agnes?" Seeing her silence, Agron asked.

"Of course I'm very happy!" Agnes came back to her senses and nodded in agreement. Then she asked Agron in a subtle way, "But you...don't you really mind? Leave the master to me. .Besides, what if other people have opinions?”

mind? Of course Aiglon didn't mind.

He knew Agnes's character very well. By doing this, he had expressed his "heartfelt" trust, and Agnes was absolutely unwilling to live up to this trust. His concessions to Agnes can also arouse her sense of guilt and make her willing to keep her promise.

Besides, even if Agnes wanted to let Bianca go, Bianca would still be unable to fly in the Fontainebleau Palace where there were many sentries.

Taking a step back, Bianca is important to Agnes, but her father and sister are more important to Agnes. How could she be willing to see her father and sister's futures ruined because of her willfulness?

So what does he need to mind? He was even more able to predict Agnes's actions than she herself was.

"I don't mind, and it's just right to hand her over to you." Agron looked at Agnes with a smile, "Agnes, didn't you already ask your sister for a position? Give the person who attacked me a Logically speaking, the custody and interrogation of assassins is within the scope of your duties, right? Isn't this justifiable?"

Agnes suddenly felt a little embarrassed again.

Previously, after hearing the news that her sister was responsible for helping Her Majesty the Queen rebuild the palace, in order to help her sister, under the instigation of her father, she ran to "run an official job" with her sister. However, Alice, who was in need of someone, asked her sister Naturally, she was overjoyed by the offer of help, and immediately recruited her sister according to Agnes's wish, and gave Agnes the responsibility of guarding the palace. In this way, Agnes became an official member of the palace and received a salary from the Agrons. .

However, Agnes was not keen on power. After getting the position in the palace, she did not think about speculation and even almost forgot about it. However, after Agron reminded her, she suddenly became enlightened.

At this moment, she was extremely grateful that she had made a wise decision.

"I understand..." She laughed with relief, then bowed and raised her skirt to salute Aiglon, "Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will stick to my duty and protect the safety of your family. This person is with me at this moment. It’s hard to fly here, I will interrogate her properly!”

"I believe you." Aigron continued to smile. "Agnes, please continue to stay with me from now on."

Agnes no longer dared to look at Agron, she just continued to lower her head, "Then... can I take her away?"

"Yes, yes, but you have to do one thing first." Aigron continued to look at Agnes. Then he blinked.

Agnes suddenly turned red again.

However, once you break through the bottom line the first time, it will always be much easier the second time.

She kept silent and quietly approached Aiglon with very slow steps, then stood up on her tiptoes and lightly pressed his cheek.

Then she quietly took her master away.

Teasing his apprentice in front of his master, this dual psychological and physical joy made him almost happy, but it was a pity that in order to maintain the character of always giving in, he had to keep a straight face and look reluctant. , to further arouse Agnes' guilt.

After Agnes and Bianca finally disappeared, he finally smiled triumphantly.

"Why is it always so much fun to tease you? Agnes, stay with me forever."

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