Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-nine, open-minded

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 59, Open-minded In the evening breeze under the setting sun, Aiglon kissed Agnes as if no one else was around, enjoying his hard-won victory.

Agnes was a little panicked at first and wanted to struggle instinctively, but maybe she was unable to resist, maybe she didn't dare to resist, or maybe she gradually became addicted to this kind of confused and infatuated happiness, and finally she She gave up the symbolic struggle and chose to let the young man invade her lips and tongue.

After giving in again and again, she finally set a new bottom line for herself again.

What will happen next? Will there be anything more outrageous? The girl had no time to think about it, or in other words, she didn't dare to think about it at all, because she couldn't face the reality that might be doomed.

In this way, without being disturbed, Aigron kissed Agnes painfully for a long time. It was not until an unknown amount of time passed that Aigron let go of his arm with unfulfilled interest.

But at this time, the girl, who had always been as fast as a rabbit, her eyes were blurred, and Xiafei's cheeks seemed to be unable to stand firmly.

Seeing Agnes react like this, Aigron felt proud again.

It stands to reason that a girl of her background has gradually learned the tricks of coquettishness in the Parisian social scene. However, Agnes still maintains her nobility and purity, and when tasting this nobility and purity, she always feels... It’s so addictive.

What makes people even more proud is that only Aigron can taste these.

Other people of the same age are either afraid of Agnes's reputation, or they don't like Agnes at all. How can they have the chance to see the beauty in it?

"Agnes, you are so cute!" Agron couldn't help but sigh, "Thank God, I am the only one in the world who can peel off that layer of barriers and see the cutest you hidden under the swordsman's skin..."

Under Agron's gaze, Agnes, who had been in a daze, gradually came back to her senses. However, the mental impact of the kiss just now was something she would never forget.

It is difficult to describe Agnes's mood at this moment in words.

There is shyness, helplessness, and the grievance of having to obey the young man's will, but apart from these negative emotions, deep in the girl's heart, there is also a little bit of pride and joy.

After all, no matter how unusual Agnes is, she is still a girl, and she inevitably still has a female-competitive psychology in her subconscious.

And Agron is the most outstanding and powerful man among her contemporaries in every aspect. In her subconscious, she inevitably regards Agron's "favor" as recognition of her own charm. proof.

Even if this young man is already a married man, even if he has done many things that make Agnes furious, how could she not feel a little bit when such a dazzling young man showed his affection to her without any scruples? Where is your pride?

Of course, she herself would never admit these thoughts deep in her heart.

The two contradictory emotions of grievance and elation were intertwined in her heart, making it difficult for her to adapt - she had never had a similar experience, so she didn't know how to deal with it.

And Aigron's compliment made her emotions reach a critical point.

"You...you have caused me a lot of trouble!" She blushed and replied loudly to Aigron, "If someone sees it and tells Her Majesty Theresa, how should I handle myself?"

She never thought that she was actually being coquettish and "complaining", but it was too difficult for her to cope with all this.

"You don't need to be responsible for my willfulness, Agnes." Aiglon stroked her cheek again, and then whispered to comfort her, "I did all this, what can you do? You are just out of fear You are loyal to me and have to obey me. Even if Teresa knew about it, she could only go to me, so why would she blame you?"

Agron's comfort made Agnes feel a lot better - after all, this young man finally dared to face his responsibilities, instead of just wanting to have fun but not wanting to bear the consequences of his willful actions.

Of course, she also knew in her heart that even if Aiglon said so, women are usually unreasonable on such issues. How could Teresa not resent herself after learning about this?

However, deep down in her heart, she had never been afraid of Theresa, so she didn't care.

The important thing is that he dared to face Theresa for his own sake, which satisfied the little vanity in Agnes's heart. That's enough.

Just because she was satisfied with this, she also decided to make the young man happy a little bit.

"Actually...Actually, I wasn't completely forced...I was a little happy just now."

After finishing speaking, as if she could no longer endure the shyness in her heart, she suddenly exerted her strength, broke away from Aigron's hand, and then ran back along the way she came.

"I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

She ran so fast that not even her skirt could restrict her movements, and she suddenly rushed out of Aigron's sight. Only these words, accompanied by a faint fragrance, blew to Aigron's side with the breeze. .

Looking at her deer-like back, Aigron couldn't help but laugh again.

There is no doubt that running around like this in the palace is a bit unseemly, but who cares about this?

Cute girls always have privileges.

He licked his lips gently, as if he was reminiscing about the kiss just now, and as if he was looking forward to a further sweet taste in the future.

Facing the increasingly dimmer sunshine, Agnes ran back to her residence as if no one else was around and full of shyness, but her master Bianca had already returned early.

"You are finally back." After seeing her apprentice, Bianca looked at her apprentice.

The clothes were still intact, but the blush on the girl's face and the love in her eyes were enough to hint at what happened when the two people were alone.

Agnes heard a hint of hidden blame in her master's calm tone, so she felt even more embarrassed and ashamed - but she did not feel guilty.

"Yes...I'm back." So she decided to play dumb. "I just said a lot of good things for you in front of His Majesty, and he has decided to give me a little more time."

"What's the point of giving him more time?" Bianca asked with a sneer, "I mean I will never betray my benefactor."

Agnes also knew that this knot was difficult to untie, because she tried to persuade the master many times to no avail, so she gave up and continued to persuade.

She just turned to Bianca and conveyed Aiglon's arrangement, "His Majesty will find a prosecutor from Paris to interrogate you. He guarantees that all interrogation procedures will be legal and that medieval methods will not be carried out on you." During the torture, you just need to try your best to cooperate with the prosecutor’s questioning.”

"Interrogation?" Bianca frowned slightly. Like most Italians, she didn't pay attention to the law and judges at all. Naturally, she couldn't explain everything in front of the judge. "Even if he found a judge, It’s impossible for me to tell the truth and testify against others, this is all I can say!”

After finishing speaking, she took a few pages of paper from the table and handed them to Agnes.

Just now, Agron used coercion and inducement to force Bianca to agree to write a self-confession. However, Bianca, out of guilt for her apprentice, finally agreed with regret after struggling for a while.

Although she was withdrawn and arrogant, she always kept her word, so even though she was unwilling to do so, she finally wrote a self-confession. Although she avoided all the content about Gaudan and the entire assassination incident, she still listed her origin and simple life experience.

The reason why she cooperated like this was to give Agnes, who was being offended by both sides, some explanation, so that she wouldn't have no confidence in front of Agron.

After getting the master's confession, Agnes was quite happy, so she took the pages and browsed them hastily.

The content on the paper was consistent with the truth as far as she knew. It was also signed with Bianca's own name. It was obvious that the proud master did not bother to lie and told the truth in everything he was willing to write.

"Thank you for your cooperation." She smiled with satisfaction, "He has already told me that he will allow me to participate in your interrogation throughout the entire process and sign his approval of the results of the interrogation... Next, when the prosecutor comes to interrogate you, I will also sit in on you while you are there, and I will supervise them not to torture you, so that you can get through this crisis safely."

"He is really tolerant of you." Bianca commented coldly.

Although this is the truth, it always seemed to be a bit sarcastic when it came out of her mouth, and Agnes decided to continue to turn a blind eye, just smiled and nodded, "Yes, I have exhausted my kindness and righteousness, I don't even know it anymore." I don’t dare to make any more demands. The debt I owe him now is too much, and I can only pay it back slowly in the future~"

"Then how do you plan to pay it back?" Bianca asked.

"Since you want to repay a favor, of course you have to do your best to repay it, right?" Agnes was a little confused, "Isn't that how you are?"

Seeing her apprentice's cute appearance, Bianca, who was originally sullen, could no longer continue her sarcasm. She finally could only sigh, "Agnes, don't act stupid...don't you see?" Come out? For such a profligate prince, the reason why he tolerates you every step of the way and agrees to all your excessive demands is just to have fun? No, how is it possible... Isn't it obvious what he wants? If he wants It’s your words, are you willing to sacrifice yourself in order to repay the favor?”

Bianca's questioning that went straight to the core made Agnes unable to play dumb anymore, and her face turned red again from embarrassment and shame. "I know that he has molested me several times before. Although he hasn't said it explicitly now, I'm afraid he still has this intention."

"Since you know it, didn't you realize the dangerous situation you are facing?" Bianca continued to question, with a bit of pity in her tone. It was obvious that she was not angry at her apprentice's ignorance of self-love, but was worried.

Bianca originally thought that the two people had an affair, but after seeing the scene just now, she became even more convinced that the relationship between the boy and girl was unusual.

But Bianca was not happy about this.

Of course, this is not because of the personal enmity between the two people - although she has enmity with the young man, no matter how she looks at it, she admits that Aigron is a rare young hero who will achieve great things even if he does not become the emperor.

However, he is a married man after all, and Agnes will always be in an awkward and dangerous position in this relationship.

Facing the master's question, Agnes remained silent for a moment, as if she didn't know how to answer.

Bianca sighed, and then her tone softened a lot, "Agnes, you are all still young now, and you may not care about the future at all, but even if you turn a blind eye, can you avoid the mercy of fate? ? There is a huge gap in status between you and him. Even if he likes you for a while, he may not necessarily fall in love with you for a long time. Besides, there are countless women in this country who want to flatter and favor you from the king! Can you always hold your position?

If you can't, then what's the point of wasting your youth with him? You can't become his wife. The best result is to become a recognized lover. Maybe your family will become prosperous because of this, but will this make you feel honored? The worst outcome would be even more miserable. You and your children will never see the light of day... Is this the future you want?

So, Agnes, I advise you to think carefully and don't be carried away by sweet words for a moment. You are still very young and still have time to make choices in life. "

Agnes listened quietly, knowing in her heart that the master was not being habitually sarcastic this time, but was persuading her out of the love between master and disciple.

However, this persuasion seemed to come... too late.

It's too late.

"Now that things have happened, do you think I still have many choices in life?" After a long silence, she asked the master with a wry smile, "No... I have long been abandoned by society because I offended the Wang family. No one No one would acknowledge me, let alone propose to me, so I had already mentally prepared myself to be alone for the rest of my life, so how could it be worse?

The only ones worth remembering are my relatives and you. For you, I can endure humiliation and bear the biggest blow. But if I lose you, I will no longer have a foothold in the world! So I am very grateful to him. He helped me preserve my family and spared your life. No one in the world has been so kind to me... In addition, he appreciates me and recognizes me from the bottom of his heart, and his recognition, In my opinion, it is a thousand times more valuable than ordinary people! So, even if I really have to go that far to repay my kindness, I...what can I not dare to do? "

Then, she laughed again, "As for what you said about flattering and begging for favor? That has never been my specialty, and I don't think I can do it. So I think this is good. When he still likes me, we will When we get along with each other, if you don’t like me, just let me go. What have I lost? As for the status and future you mentioned, how have I ever cared about it? What does it mean to me? As long as I complete my life If I have done what I should do, even if I die with nothing, I will still be able to smile in heaven..."

Agnes's words made Bianca speechless for a moment.

"What a silly girl." In the end, she could only curse angrily.

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