Eagle’s Glory

Sixty-one, whirlpool

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 61, Whirlpool "If you can do it, Your Majesty will of course be happy to accompany you. He will never worry about losing to anyone in popularity."

Although Prince Talleyrand's proposal was a bit surprising, the Marquis of Noirtier agreed because in his opinion, the proposal was beneficial to Aiglon, so he had the right to make decisions on behalf of Aiglon.

However, even though he agreed, he still had some doubts in his heart and didn't understand why Talleyrand did this.

As far as Talleyrand's personal interests are concerned, if he can gain power in this parliament, he should continue to maintain the existence of the parliament instead of letting it dissolve itself, let alone let go of the popular election - because of the situation that follows I am afraid that it will be beyond his own control, and it is even possible to elect a parliament that is hostile to him, which will also make all his plans come to nothing.

How could a man like Talleyrand do something that would harm himself? Is there any conspiracy? In an instant, the Marquis immediately became suspicious.

After becoming suspicious, he went straight to the point and asked Talleyrand.

"Then why did you do this? Prince Talleyrand, I am not asking you this question now as a representative of His Majesty, but as a person - we have known each other for decades, and I can honestly say that your This idea is not in line with my usual understanding of you."

After he finished speaking, he stared at the other party without giving in, as if he could see through all lies.

Prince Talleyrand did not answer him immediately, but looked forward thoughtfully.

"I have experienced too many changes in government, Mr. Marquis." After a moment, he replied with a hint of sadness, "Although it brought me excitement and stimulation at the beginning, and gave me the opportunity to control the situation, but By now, I am tired, and I believe the entire nation is tired. We are all tired of changing rulers like a revolving door over the past few years or more, and want a more stable political system. Do you think this is not in line with mine? Benefit? I don’t think so, now I would rather die in a peaceful era than letting the whole country be in trouble."

After finishing this monologue, he sighed again, "Every government I have participated in is my work. There are bad works and there are masterpieces. Now God has only a few years left. I only have time to leave a few years in the world." For the last work, I hope it will have the value to be passed down from generation to generation, so I should cultivate it carefully and apply the most sacred oil on it, so that it can be passed down from generation to generation."

After hearing Prince Talleyrand's metaphor, the Marquis of Noirtier finally understood what he meant.

Talleyrand seemed to want to prepare for his "final conclusion."

The reason why he took the initiative to propose universal elections was to give the new government higher "legitimacy" and allow it to rebuild the French order with universal approval. Although this is not in his current interests, it can make this The polity he helped establish will endure as long as possible.

Should this be regarded as saying something good even when a person is about to die?

Or is this old monster finally tired of tormenting and ready to find a quiet tomb for himself?

Whatever Talleyrand's motives were, in the end it didn't matter. Importantly, his motives were harmless to His Majesty.

Based on the Marquis of Noirtier's understanding of Talleyrand, he believed that what Talleyrand just said was the truth.

So, the Marquis glanced at Count Walewski who was silent next to him. The young Count Walewski was also a smart man. He nodded gently, and then, as a secretary, told Tallie What Prince Lang just said has been recorded - these words recorded by him will be delivered to Aigron's study as soon as possible, and then sealed in the empire's secret archives.

Perhaps these records will never see the light of day, but every key moment in history will be solidified on paper.

Prince Talleyrand also noticed the Marquis' look, but he didn't care. After all, his words were not only addressed to the people present, but also to the young man hiding behind the scenes.

He knew that his "historical record" was full of stains and it was impossible to gain the complete trust of the young man. However, after making this proposal, he believed that the gap between the two people would become much less - and this gap It would be extremely detrimental to their future cooperation, so the less the better.

"I understand what you mean, Your Highness, and I would like to thank you for your help and cooperation on behalf of Your Majesty." The Marquis of Noirtier nodded slightly to show his slight respect for this former ally and former enemy, "And As a person who has known you for decades and has been entangled with you, and as an old man who has very little time left like you, I feel lucky for our reconciliation in the last stage of life. Destiny will always bring mysterious things to me. A gift from the test, I hope that this time we will reach the finish line as allies!"

It's no wonder that the Marquis was so emotional. According to the fate of the two people, this is the third time that they have "gone hand in hand."

The first time was in 1789. As liberal aristocrats, both of them chose to join the Third Estate and indirectly joined the Great Revolution. From then on, they became the trendsetters of the times; but later, Talleyrand betrayed the revolution when he fled England in 1792. And end.

The second time was after 1799, when Napoleon launched the Brumaire Coup to seize power. At that time, the Marquis of Noirtier, who opposed the radical forces, believed that General Bonaparte was the best protector of France, so he took the initiative to join Napoleon. , and Talleyrand had already taken a fancy to the promising future of this young general, and took the initiative to move closer to him. So both of them served under Napoleon, and each became the "hero" of the empire; and this time, they They parted ways because of Talleyrand's betrayal of Emperor Napoleon in 1809 and his subsequent dismissal from all posts by Emperor Napoleon.

The long life paths of the two people sometimes intertwined and sometimes diverged, and they unintentionally wrote decades of history together.

They both lived longer than most of the people they knew, so they still had time to join hands a third time.

This time, both of them hope it is the last time.

In the midst of so many changes, even the most troubled person is tired of it all.

"As long as we work hard enough, this will be the last time." Prince Talleyrand replied with a smile, but his expression was full of exhaustion and boredom, "However, I can only care about what I am alive. When I die, what will happen to me?" Everything is uncertain! God knows what he can do..."

"I have enough confidence in this. Your Majesty is wise enough to create his own era." The Marquis of Noirtier replied without hesitation, "Your Highness, when will you be free to meet with Your Majesty? Your Majesty has always been Everyone is looking forward to it.”

"I am very happy to see him, but at this moment, if I take the initiative to visit him, I am afraid it will arouse people's suspicion." Talleyrand avoided it skillfully. "Of course, if he is willing, I would not mind standing in front of him personally." Welcome him into Paris at the city gates!"

The Marquis of Noirtier couldn't help but laugh. It seemed that Prince Talleyrand still had a double-dealing idea until the last moment and refused to bow his head before establishing his position as king.

But this was the Talleyrand he knew. Although family and country were important, the first priority was always himself. Only after all his selfish desires were satisfied, he would not mind thinking about the future for this country.

"Since you insist on this opinion, I won't make it difficult for you, but I think that since you need His Majesty to confirm your status, you'd better show due respect. Don't do it just because he is half a century younger than you. And be scornful, otherwise it will only be detrimental to you..."

After saying these harsh words, he discussed with Talleyrand the details of the subsequent cooperation between the two parties. It was not until nearly noon that the two ended their secret meeting.

After declining Talleyrand's invitation to stay for lunch, several people hurriedly said goodbye and left, and then quietly returned to the Count of Monte Cristo's residence. Although they were all slightly exhausted mentally, the mood of these people was quite agitated, especially the young Count Walewski.

After all, he was still too young. He had not had the opportunity to witness such a major event before, nor had he had the opportunity to meet the big figures who could influence the direction of history. Today's experience was a valuable experience for him.

The demeanor of Prince Talleyrand and the Marquis of Noirtier was what he secretly admired and hoped to imitate.

I can become someone like them in the future... he thought to himself.

For the Marquis of Noirtier and the Count of Monte Cristo, they had even more things to consider.

Although with the help of Prince Talleyrand, they can display themselves more freely in the future, but how to act still needs to be coordinated. A method is always better than no method.

By this time, Edmund decided to tell the old Marquis another instruction from Aigron.

"Marquis Noirtier, Your Majesty has another instruction that I would like to convey to you——"

"What instructions?" The Marquis immediately became energetic.

"His Majesty needs a prosecutor with a good reputation to cooperate with his accusation against the Duke of Orleans." Edmund replied.

Although these words sounded very brief, the amount of information was so huge that the Marquis was a little surprised for a moment.

"A charge against the Duke of Orleans? What charge against him?"

"Accusing him of being the mastermind of the assassination plot against His Majesty," Edmund replied softly. "His Majesty suffered a despicable attack last year. Now the assassin has been arrested by us and imprisoned in the Palace of Fontainebleau. There is evidence that the Duke of Orleans and his cronies were obviously involved in this assassination conspiracy. among……"

Of course the last sentence was made up, but seeing Edmund's words so conclusively, the Marquis naturally believed it immediately, "Really? That's great!"

After all, the Marquis has been immersed in the political arena for so many years, so he naturally has a corresponding sense of smell.

In his opinion, if the Duke of Orleans can really be accused of attempted assassination and established, although the Duke of Orleans cannot be arrested or interrogated now, it can at least affect public opinion.

And if this kind of public opinion is combined with the popular elections that Prince Talleyrand is planning to hold, wouldn't it be enough to be a political blow? So on the one hand, he felt lucky that His Majesty escaped from the assassination, and on the other hand, he was overjoyed by the news.

However, after a moment of joy, the Marquis's wise brain immediately thought of other problems.

Why did Your Majesty give me special instructions? Who is the “distinguished prosecutor”?

The answer is not hard to guess.

"Your Majesty hopes that Prosecutor Gerard de Villefort will come to assist in the investigation?" the Marquis asked Edmund.

Edmund nodded slightly.

The Marquis of Noirtier's expression suddenly froze.

Originally, this was not a big deal, but precisely because of the impact of this accusation on public opinion, he knew that such an accusation had weight beyond itself, and if his son, Prosecutor Villefort, was involved, it would mean that he would be punished for the rest of his life. His reputation is all staked on this case, and his reputation may be ruined if he is not careful.

Moreover, in such a political case, the truth is not the most important thing. What is important is the position. If Villefort is involved, it is equivalent to being an enemy of the Duke of Orleans. Then the Duke of Orleans and his group will definitely find ways to retaliate, and Villefort will naturally also will become their target.

Based on the experience of the Marquis, once you are involved in such a vortex, it may be extremely difficult to escape intact. The best result is that you have to choose to be protected by His Majesty and lose your original reputation.

For a moment, the Marquis Noirtier hesitated.

Although he did not have a good relationship with his son, and the father and son had been close to severing contact with each other for many years, but after all, he was his son... his only son. And His Majesty is asking him to drag his son into the whirlpool himself.

Loyalty to the empire and nostalgia for his son were entangled in his mind for a while. This was indeed a difficult choice.

Seeing the Marquis's troubled expression, a flash of sympathy flashed through Edmund's heart.

He had no pity for his enemies, but it was impossible for him not to feel some pity for this poor father.

"If you feel it's inconvenient for you to come forward, then I'll invite him... What do you think?" So he asked.

And his question just reminded the Marquis again.

Yes, I have already promised the count that I will let the two of them duel from now on. If I say "drag my son into the whirlpool", haven't I already done so? Now, who do you have to hesitate?

Now, he should pay for what he did.

The Marquis's heart was throbbing, but with great perseverance, he shook his head gently and said, "No, Earl, your Majesty's idea is right. I am the only one who can best convince him to let me do it."

Edmund didn't know what to say for a moment, so he silently chose to respect the Marquis's choice.

After a long time, he added, "After this matter is completed, His Majesty will arrange a marriage for Attorney General Villefort. He will select a suitable candidate from the widows of the nobles who were martyred in the palace this time, and let them get married as soon as possible." Married."

"Your Majesty is really interested." The corner of the Marquis's mouth twitched and he smiled bitterly, "That's fine..."

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