Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-one, Thunder

"If the princess is still in the country, find her and detain her."

Aiglon's order was very brief, so the Duke was confused.

He knows Princess Kadiyan, so he knows that although she has a noble status, she is essentially an ordinary lady. She likes luxury and elegance, but she is definitely not keen on power, so she has no political influence. Even if she stands From the standpoint of the royalists, it is impossible to pose any threat to this young man.

It is conceivable that even if she stays in the country and loses her support and power, the princess will probably just live a low-key life in the future and enjoy the rest of her life with her remaining money.

According to common sense, since there is no threat, there is no need for your Majesty to embarrass this woman.

So why do this?

Could it be to vent her anger on Alice?

Thinking about it, it shouldn't be a problem. Although Alice is his daughter, the Duke has seen too many such romantic affairs in the upper class. It may even be said that they are part of their lives. If His Majesty wants to care about it, Gotta come?

Besides, His Majesty himself covets his little daughter now...

Precisely because he didn't understand Aiglon's intention, the Duke cautiously tested him again after hesitating for a moment. "Your Majesty, the whereabouts of the princess are easy to find, but... for what reason should we detain her? After all, she is just a woman and will not pose any threat to us. If the outside world knows that you have deliberately made things difficult for her, I am afraid it will cause unrest. Necessary misunderstanding.”

"Then we will adopt a method that does not lead to misunderstanding." Aigron replied decisively, "You try to keep it confidential and ask her to accept our protection."

Seeing that Aigron continued to insist on his own ideas, the Duke couldn't help but look bitter.

There is no airtight wall in the world, not to mention that the princess herself is not a small person. If he detains her, he will probably attract criticism by then.

However, at this point, he no longer has the ability to resist His Majesty. Since His Majesty has clearly given the order, he can only carry it out even if he is unwilling to do so.

But no matter what, he wanted to know something about His Majesty's true intentions, and he didn't want to become an "accomplice" out of nowhere.

"Your Majesty, all the news about Edgar and the princess are just rumors and cannot be considered as real evidence.

If we rashly take measures against such a well-known lady without any solid evidence, it will inevitably... inevitably lead to criticism. Furthermore, even if she really has an affair with Edgar, it is just a private matter between them. As a father-in-law, no matter how dissatisfied I am, I can only dissatisfy my daughter for entrusting someone to such a bad person. So I can intervene in this way..."

The Duke has been talking about himself, but in fact he is secretly persuading Aigron, and of course Aigron understands what the other party means.

No evidence? The evidence probably weighed several kilograms - of course, Aigron didn't want to reveal this information to the Duke.

"Don't misunderstand me. I don't want to embarrass the princess, nor do I have any objections to her because of her affair with Edgar. As you said, there are too many such things in the world we live in. Not to mention in France, I was already used to it when I was in Austria." Eggron explained to the Duke in a low voice, "The reason why I plan to do this is that I hope that this romantic affair can be put to rest and no more trouble will be caused. Especially. General Revell and Alice are both important subordinates of mine now. Edgar's romantic affair is likely to cause discord between the two of them, which is not what I want to see. As long as the two of them can cut off their affair, Of course I can just pretend that nothing happened in the past.”

What Aiglon said was untrue, and the Duke was doubtful about it - he didn't quite believe that Aigron would care so much about such a thing.

Could it be that Alice already knew about it and specifically used her current influence to ask His Majesty to humiliate her love rival to vent her anger? He suddenly flashed past such suspicion, because in his opinion, this was the most reasonable.

However, since His Majesty has already mentioned this, it is not easy for him to ask further questions.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I understand." Finally, the Duke bent down and accepted Aiglon's order, "I will find out where she is as soon as possible and then 'protect' her."

After he agreed, Aiglon waved his hand casually. The Duke understood, saluted again and left.

In fact, Aigron doesn't have a complete opinion on the conflict between the Marquis Treville and his family, and he doesn't know which side he should lean towards.

But there was only one thing he was very clear about - he had to take control of the incident.

Everything in the future of the Treville family was given by him, and he was happy to give it, but first, only he could decide how much to give and how to give it.

Therefore, although he still doesn't know how to handle it, no matter what, the arbitration power of the entire incident must be in his hands. Whether the Marquis of Treville gets what he wants or Alice wins, he is the only one who can make the decision.

The princess is both a party involved and an extremely important witness. No matter which side Aigron decides to lean towards in the future, the princess will be an important prop. Therefore, he decided to take advantage of the current chaotic situation to control the princess first - of course, saying To put it nicely, it means protecting her.

He is now energetic and ambitious, and just wants to put everything under his control. His early experiences have already mentally distorted him and made him greedy for power. Once he has autonomy over himself, he will Never willing to let any tiny thing escape his control - he just wants to experience possession and never wants to face 'loss' again.

This is true of Agnes, and so is the Treville family. He is willing to be generous with those things that belong to him, but he will ruthlessly eliminate any signs of getting out of his control.

After everything was arranged, Aigron finally returned to his and Theresa's bedroom.

Normally at this time, Teresa would be surrounded by the maids, taking a walk in the garden after a meal. However, when Aigron came back, she seemed to be waiting here, sitting on a chair with a gloomy expression. Something seems wrong.

There was no one around her at this time - obviously, they had been pushed away by her.

Aiglon knew in his heart what happened, but still pretended to be nonchalant on the surface.

"Teresa, why don't you rest?" He smiled kindly, came to his wife's side, and then asked her, "And it's too dangerous to sit here alone, right?"

After confirming her second pregnancy, Teresa began to live in seclusion again in order to raise her baby with peace of mind and give birth to a healthy and strong child. Most of the affairs that were originally handled by herself were transferred to her close followers.

She was indeed very happy originally, but some recent things had slowly destroyed her good mood - and the initiator of these things was standing in front of her with a smile on her face.

Although she was already angry, Teresa still found it difficult to lose her temper when faced with her husband's handsome smile.

Therefore, she first casually attacked her husband. "Your Highness, I heard that you plan to ask Miss Agnes to come to us and take charge of security work?"

"Yes." Aiglon thought as he expected, so he nodded without changing his expression, "I think this is very appropriate."

Seeing her husband admit it so happily, Theresa's anger became even stronger.

"Why didn't you consult with me when you made your decision?" She said with a slightly questioning tone.

"I don't need to report every decision to you." Aigron replied in a low voice. "Otherwise, I'm afraid some people will think you are too power-hungry, and this will have a bad influence on you."

Agron's words made it difficult for Teresa to refute for a moment, but she knew in her heart that her husband was avoiding her.

"Is there anything I haven't done well enough? Isn't it enough to satisfy you and the people around you?" she asked again.

"Where do you start with this? I'm very satisfied." Aigron quickly replied, "The appointment of Miss Agnes is just to make the best use of her talents. You have also seen how powerful she is. If she takes care of us, our safety will definitely be better." It’s a layer of protection, isn’t it?”

Although his words seemed reasonable, he himself knew that he was wrong, so he was a little less confident when he spoke.

"I have plenty of manpower here, but I never thought I would need her to protect you..." Teresa smiled bitterly, then stared at her husband, "I'm afraid you have other considerations, right? Where do you need her to protect you? In the palace Outside or in the royal couch?"

With Teresa's training, she would never have said such sharp, sarcastic and sarcastic words unless she was particularly angry. And precisely because of her words, the couple suddenly lost control over this matter. There is no room for change, and only one person must get what he wants.

But this time, Aigron didn't want to give in like he did in Switzerland before - he had gradually become accustomed to his insistence on speaking his mind. Even Theresa, who was his wife and shared authority with him, couldn't really make him give in.

"You shouldn't say that, Theresa." Aigron frowned. "Miss Agnes is loyal and passionate and does not deserve such ridicule."

"Then what should I do? Praise her for fulfilling her obligations well and cuddling with you to make the Lord happy? She doesn't want to please you with dignity, but she still wants me to swallow her anger and respect her in every possible way?" Trey Sha asked back, "I ask myself that I am already graceful and generous enough. I don't care about these things, because I think it doesn't matter if you are happy, but I didn't expect that she would ignore her dignity and come to us... Isn’t this how you are trying to push your limits and show off your power to me?”

Because she was really angry, Teresa stopped being so particular, and her words became more and more harsh, pointing the finger directly at the two of them - of course, in her eyes, her husband had done something wrong, but Agnie, who had been seducing her husband, Silk is even more excessive.

"Are you spying on me?" Aigron did not answer her question, but asked her instead.

"Spying on you? Do I need to spy on you? You all did it so blatantly, who here doesn't know about you?" Teresa retorted him unceremoniously, "Besides, I'm from here too. Master, shouldn’t I know everything that happens here? Or do you want me to turn a blind eye to everything and let you do whatever you want?”

Teresa's series of rebuttals and questions left Agron speechless for a moment.

He knew that no matter from any angle, the fault was on his own side, and Teresa was indeed decent enough. Although she was well aware of what Aigron had done before, she never showed it, but today because of It was only after he made this decision that he finally exploded.

When he decided to officially keep Agnes by his side, he had long known that quarrels between couples were inevitable, but he did not expect that Teresa would become so angry.

After all, it was her who was so eloquent, hundreds of times better than Agnes.

Moreover, Teresa also came from a royal family. She had seen everything and knew everything. Under the current situation, even if Aigron wanted to make up some lies, I am afraid it would only make people laugh.

"Teresa, don't lose your temper. I have already made a decision on this matter and informed the parties involved. I can't take it back, right? That would make people laugh." Aigron sighed, trying to avoid this question.

"Your Highness, what if I insist on asking you to take back your life? For me." Teresa did not give in this time and was still aggressive. "I don't need any reasonable reasons. I just don't like your decision. Then what can you do for me?" Do I overturn it?”

Aiglon didn't answer, he just turned his attention elsewhere, and this silence was tantamount to an answer.

Teresa looked at her husband steadily, her face turned red from suppressing her emotions. She was experiencing the most agitated moment in her life at this moment. Even she would not have imagined beforehand that she would be so disgraceful.

However, even now, she still couldn't bear to pour out all her anger on the young man in front of her.

This was the husband she chose and the person she loved most. After the two got married, she also enjoyed her most cherished happy time. She was proud of him and hoped to spend forever with him. This life - this was something she had never thought about changing.

She was born in the royal family and naturally knew what the princes and grandsons did on a daily basis. Therefore, rather than the so-called romantic affair, her husband was so obsessed with Agnes that made her angry. She would not mind her husband having fun, but she did not want to Let that heart beat for someone else - even just a small part of the time.

"Your Highness, I'm sorry, I lost my temper. I shouldn't have faced you like this." After she came to her senses, she first apologized to her husband, and then she asked him slightly pleadingly, "Isn't it okay for anyone but her? Is she so unforgettable to you?"

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