Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-two, give in

Under Chanel's comfort, Theresa, who was originally furious, finally calmed down.

The education she had received since she was a child strictly prohibited her from being "improper". The words she just said in front of her husband made her feel ashamed when she recalled them, and of course she could not repeat them in front of Chanel.

Of course, Chanel knew this very well, so she didn’t ask about what happened just now. She just kept urging Theresa to relax and get more rest - after all, for a pregnant woman, being angry can have harmful consequences to the body. Very scary indeed.

But even though Chanel tried to persuade her in every possible way, how could Teresa's depression be easily eliminated?

"I really didn't expect that His Highness would completely ignore my protest and insist on going his own way... Could it be that he can't understand my feelings at all?" Teresa was still angry and complained to Chanel in a low voice.

"How could His Majesty not be considerate of you?" Chanel quickly defended his master, "As far as I'm concerned, he cares about your thoughts, but... it's just that he has already made a decision on this matter, so he doesn't want to change it. "

"Why?" Teresa couldn't help but ask, "Even if I have begged so hard, why doesn't he want to change? Is Miss Agnes so charming that he is completely lost in it?"

She has never been able to answer this question. After all, although Agnes is indeed dazzling, she thinks that she is not inferior to her. How come His Highness is so obsessed with her?

Chanel, who had served the two majesties for a long time, was also keenly aware of Theresa's worries.

Teresa actually didn't care that much about her husband's "fun seeking". After all, she had seen too many such facts in the royal family since she was a child. When she was pregnant, she even took the initiative to let Aiglon and Shanai You can vent your anger secretly, as long as you don't act recklessly in front of her.

In the final analysis, what she cared about was not her body but her heart. She knew that Chanel could not tarnish the relationship between the couple no matter what, but when facing Agnes, she no longer had this confidence.

It is precisely because she is afraid that her husband will fall in love with someone else that she becomes so nervous and even quarrels with her husband regardless of her manners.

Chanel, who grasped the crux of the problem, also tried to find a countermeasure so that his master could get his long-cherished wish.

"Don't think too much. How can Miss Agnes compare to you? You are of royal blood, and what about her? Although she is also a noble, she is nothing more than your subordinate! Not to mention that her ancestors may not be able to trace her ancestors. How many generations of bloodline,

Just talking about her parents' generation, weren't they also wandering around and living a precarious life? What can they boast about to others? "Chanel comforted Teresa softly in a way that belittled Agnes, "Let's talk about the individual, although Miss Agnes is beautiful, she is still slightly inferior to you. You are not only beautiful, but also well-mannered and versatile. , how elegant her words and deeds are, how can she compare to them? No matter what she compares to you, she can't compare to you. "

Miss Agnes, I'm sorry... While Chanel was praising Teresa, she silently apologized to Agnes in her heart. ….Chanel also had a good relationship with Miss Agnes and admired her quite a lot. However, in order to appease Theresa at this time, she had to speak harshly.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Theresa couldn't help laughing and scolded Chanel.

But even though it was a scolding, her smile was enough to prove that she still felt comfortable with this comparison in her heart.

But the more Chanel flattered her like this, the more Theresa became confused - since I am so much better than Agnes, why is His Highness still so obsessed with her? So that even if you quarrel with me, you still have to keep her by your side?

Her doubts were also noticed by Chanel. "Don't you understand why His Majesty is so insistent on his opinion? In fact, this is simple. People like fresh food. After you are used to eating truffles, you will also want to eat some lettuce one day. It is not because lettuce is better than truffles... "

After making a crude analogy, she changed the subject again, "Besides, you also know His Majesty's temper. He is very proud and stubborn. He doesn't like to be coerced by others. The more forcefully you ask him to change his decision, the more likely he will be." It reminds me of the days when I was controlled by others, so I become more unwilling to give in... and finally it ended up like this."

After thinking about it carefully, Theresa felt that Chanel's words seemed to make sense.

Deep down, she was unwilling to admit that she would be inferior to Agnes in any way.

However, it was obvious that he just wanted to maintain the relationship between husband and wife, so why did it seem like it was still his fault?

"Then why does his appetite always have such a big appetite?" After thinking about it, Theresa was still a little aggrieved, "Isn't what we have now enough?"

Chanel could only smile bitterly at this. After all, only Her Majesty the Queen had the right to complain about His Majesty's libertine shortcomings, and she did not dare to say more.

After complaining for a few words, Teresa also stopped. After all, she knew the answer herself - no one knew her husband better than her, his endless greed, and his habit of flirting with women. , are all part of his character. Even if he doesn't like it, he can't change it.

In any case, with Chanel's comfort, Teresa finally came out of her anger and resentment and began to face real problems.

Just now, the couple had a fight. How should it end now? She had to face this problem.

She had deliberately withdrawn from the situation before, but she didn't expect that the "negotiation" with her husband would lead to this result. She had no mental preparation beforehand, and now she didn't know how it should end.

Breaking up with your husband? This is impossible. From a practical perspective, it is impossible for her to break up at this time, and her parents will never approve of it. From a personal perspective, she is extremely satisfied with this marriage and still loves her husband deeply. It is impossible. Be willing to choose a break.

But she was unwilling to bow her head and reconcile with her husband, because in her opinion, she had done nothing wrong, but was the victim. In any case, she was unwilling to admit her mistake before Aigron gave in.

So what should be done? Even though she had always been extremely smart, Teresa was still at a loss when faced with this problem. .... It was hateful to have Agnes appear beside her legitimately, but breaking up with her husband would be even more terrifying. No matter what situation she did not want to face, she did not want to face it.

The entanglement brought weakness, and the weak Theresa had to turn her eyes to Chanel for help, looking for an answer.

"Chanel, what do you think I should do?"

It’s coming… it’s finally coming… Chanel thought to herself.

This is when she comes into her own.

"Actually, we have just talked about it very clearly..." She answered Teresa carefully, "You are irreplaceable and better than anyone else. Your Majesty is just looking for fun out of a taste of new things. That's all, he will stay with you no matter what, so why do you have to worry about His Majesty falling in love with someone else? You might as well just sit back and watch, and when His Majesty's fresh energy wears off, he will naturally ignore her. You don't need to say anything at that time, Your Majesty will naturally do it. Leave her alone."

"Then what do you mean, I should just swallow my anger and turn a blind eye to these things?" Teresa asked calmly.

Although she seemed calm, Chanel could clearly sense the storm contained within.

"Of course that's not what I meant." She quickly shook her head in denial, "You are magnanimous, so His Majesty should also know how to stop it. He should respect your ideas and not go too far... I will go for you. To advise His Majesty."

Although both of them knew that she was Aiglon's confidant, Chanel did not want to appear too biased, so as not to arouse Theresa's resistance.

Besides, Chanel himself felt ashamed for persuading "generosity" in front of his wife, and was embarrassed to speak too confidently.

It was precisely because of her shame and guilt that Teresa was completely relieved.

She looked at the panicked Chanel and sighed softly.

"There is no need to make things difficult for you, Chanel. This is just a matter between the two of us. Getting involved will only do you harm but no good. Although we have known each other very late, I have become accustomed to treating you as family. , In this place where you have no friends, I don’t want to make you unlucky again..."

"Your Majesty..." Chanel wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Theresa making a gesture.

"There is no need to persuade me any more, I have recovered now."

After a pause, she continued, "You are right, Your Highness and I cannot break up over this kind of thing. It will only make us laugh and it will not do any good. He is His Majesty, and this is his To be honest, since he insists on not taking back his life, I can't change anything. But..."

After hearing the turn of events, Chanel quickly cheered up and listened to Teresa's next words - because she knew that Teresa was not speaking to herself, but was giving advice to His Majesty.

"However, it is really unnecessary and too much trouble for Miss Agnes to be with us all the time, so I think it is enough for her to be on duty during the day. At night, she can go back to rest or do something. Other things. Moreover, as an unmarried girl, she still has many obligations to fulfill. If she intends to resign in the future, His Majesty will not stop her..."... Chanel listened quietly and waited for Theresa to finish. , she nodded gently. "Okay, I get it."

Teresa proposed a compromise clause like this, but essentially she gave in. Faced with Agron's unyielding attitude, Teresa, who wanted to maintain the relationship between the two, finally chose to admit the reality.

This decision did not go beyond Chanel's expectations, and at this moment, she didn't feel much thankful that "the mission was accomplished" in her heart, but instead felt more sympathy for Theresa.

"Do you think I need to do anything else?" Teresa smiled slightly, but there was no joy in this smile, but a lot of sadness and helplessness.

"No, you have done enough." Chanel gently hugged Theresa to comfort her, "No one can accuse you of anything anymore. I think His Majesty owes you. "

"I didn't marry him to be an accountant and figure out who makes and who loses." Teresa shook her head gently, "Until now, I am still deeply happy about our marriage and proud of my husband. , I just... I just expect this kind of happiness to be more perfect, maybe I am asking too much?"

Teresa's self-deprecation still showed a bit of unwillingness.

There are always a lot of helplessness in life. Even if she is born in the royal family and can become a queen, it is impossible for her to have everything she wants.

Faced with her husband's tyranny, although she was unwilling to do anything, she still chose to turn a blind eye and could only use compromise terms to maintain her last dignity.

But will this be the last time?

Until now, for Teresa, this incident is just an ugly dark cloud floating in her happy life. Although it is distressing, it will not destroy her happiness, but she does not know it herself. If there is a next time, the next time, will she be able to bear it? In other words, how much more love can she give to her husband?

In the final analysis, I can't let him change for me, he can make any decision without fear of my objection... She suddenly understood this.

Although Aigron was often willing to take care of her thoughts, this was just his "willingness". When he was unwilling, Teresa found that she had no way to make her husband give in, and there was no equality between the two.

If I could find a way to make him worry, I'm afraid things wouldn't have ended up like this.

In order not to happen next time, the next time, or even countless times, Teresa found that she had to find a way to do something after all.

She had no interest in the so-called power, but she could not tolerate her husband putting her aside and only caring about her own pleasure.

Teresa does have a compassionate heart, but in the final analysis, she is also a royal like Agron.

For the sake of power, Aigron dared to do anything without any taboos. Similarly, in order to keep her husband's heart and protect her own happiness, she also dared to do anything.

At this time, Chanel didn't know the thoughts flashing in Theresa's heart, let alone the turmoil surging under Theresa's calm appearance.

She just breathed a sigh of relief because Teresa was finally willing to give in.

"Your Majesty, okay, your mood should not be too volatile. Let's take a rest first..." While persuading Teresa, she lifted Teresa's body and took her to the lounge chair to rest.

Theresa obeyed Chanel's influence until finally, she sighed softly.

"Tell him that I will always love him, no matter what he has done to me." .

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