Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-four, compromise and grievance

Perhaps because she had been "left out" for too long, Chanel cherished this rare opportunity to serve. Although she would not really achieve the "ten times" goal she said, Aigron did have a good experience. crazy.

The soundproofing of the study was not very good, and the attendants passing by outside could hear the unpleasant sounds, but fortunately, no one dared to disturb His Majesty's "elegance", and it was not until the early morning that everything calmed down.

By the time Aiglon Mimi Lake woke up, it was already broad daylight.

His body was a little sore, and his eyelids seemed much heavier than usual, but he still managed to cheer himself up and pay attention to his surroundings.

There was still warmth in the quilt, but Chanel was gone.

Before he could shout out, the door was opened, and Chanel was in front of him again.

"Your Majesty, you are awake."

At this time, Chanel was already dressed up, and there was no trace of last night's joy on her brand-new maid clothes. However, it was not difficult to see her still blushing face and the lingering glances. The love of spring rippling through her body. The black and white clothes looked serious and abstinent, but the smile on the blonde girl's face became even more touching.

However, Aigron had been temporarily "desensitized" at this time, so he didn't pay too much attention. He just nodded slightly to express that he wanted to get up.

As usual, Chanel changed Egron's clothes considerately.

According to past habits, Chanel had prepared breakfast for Aigron after washing, but at this time, Aiglon had another thing on his mind.

"What's going on there Teresa?"

"Her Majesty the Queen has had a night's rest and is in good condition. She is waiting for you to have breakfast." Chanel answered him honestly, "I have already told her about the conditions you agreed to her, so she accepted your decision. "

"Thank you for her reasonableness." Aigron secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the trouble he caused has finally come to an end.

Admittedly, this cannot be a permanent result, and there may be more similar troubles between the couple in the future, but at least now, everything seems to have calmed down, and there is no need to worry about it anymore.

"But you can't always expect others to be reasonable to you." Chanel replied softly,

"You should also be reasonable to her. Otherwise, resentment will continue to accumulate. Even if Her Majesty the Queen loves you deeply, there is no guarantee that some unexpected situation will not happen..."

Aigron knew that Chanel was trying to persuade him, but how could he possibly change his nature? So I could only deal with it casually, and decided in my heart to be more restrained in doing things in the future, so as not to let Teresa see it.

In order to avoid this topic, Agron decided to solve another problem before meeting Theresa.

"By the way, Chanel, do you still have the skills to make uniforms?" Aigron asked.

When he designed the uniforms of the Knights of Fontainebleau, Aiglon was the one who did it himself, but he didn't know how to cut, so after purchasing the fabric, he left it to Chanel.

"Huh?" Chanel was obviously caught off guard by this question, but he nodded quickly, "I didn't fall behind...but my skills can't be said to be very good. I just had to do it because there was no one else. Now we can find many excellent tailors, so we don’t need me..."???

"It's better for you to do this." Aiglon replied.

Chanel didn't understand what Aiglon meant for a moment, but soon she figured it out. "You mean, let me make a uniform for Miss Agnes?"

"How can one set be enough? To meet daily needs, you have to have a few sets." Aigron shook his head, "Besides, there are also formal dresses for ceremonies, daily clothes, summer clothes and autumn clothes, all of which are indispensable. Although we already have a uniform, you also know that she is a girl after all, so we still have to make some changes for her."

In this era, it was really a "rebellious" idea for ladies to wear pants. Even when riding a horse, one would sit sideways in a skirt. Women's breeches were far from being part of daily life, so although most of Eggron's suggestions came from him Bad taste, but not completely unreasonable.

Chanel felt dumbfounded by Aigron's words, but since this was His Majesty's will, she could only carry it out.

"Okay then, what kind of uniform are you going to have her wear?"

Aigron casually stated what he had in mind.

After all, Agnes is responsible for the important task of "protecting His Majesty", and her uniform style must be serious and dignified. Therefore, Agnes conceived a one-piece coat style. The upper body is a double-breasted blue woolen style, and the lower body is It is a pleated skirt that reaches the ankle, and a white embroidered shirt inside.

According to the above basic design, and then based on the grandness of the occasion, embroidered wide ties, diamond buttons, ribbons, lapel badges and other accessories are designed, and a complete set of uniforms is roughly designed.

Of course, this is just a general idea. The specific tailoring needs to be tailored to Agnes and further refined. This is why Agron is only willing to let Chanel do this.

While Aigron was dictating, Chanel kept silently remembering it. After Aigron finished speaking, she nodded slightly.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I understand, I will complete it as soon as possible. But, having said that, you have really planned it for a long time..."

Aigron pretended not to hear Chanel's slight ridicule. He just smiled and said nothing.

To him, Agnes was a hard-earned trophy, and of course she had to be carefully prepared.

After assigning the task to Chanel, Aigron returned to the restaurant, and Teresa was already here.

Aigron observed carefully and found that Teresa's expression was not very good, but she no longer looked as angry and confused as she did last night.

"Teresa, good morning." He greeted tentatively.

"Good morning, Your Highness." Teresa responded to him softly without hesitation, then nodded and motioned for her husband to sit next to her as usual.

It seemed that it had indeed passed...Aiglon breathed a sigh of relief.

So far, every conflict and quarrel between the couple has been reconciled without lasting too long, and this time is no exception.

So Aigron sat next to her, and the couple ate as usual.

"Sorry, Teresa... I did something wrong." While eating breakfast, Agron apologized to his wife, "I should be more considerate of your thoughts, and I promise you, I will never do anything like this again. ”

The meaning of Aigron's promise was, 'I will never embarrass you in front of you if I do something like this in the future.' He also knew that saying something like this would immediately destroy the current atmosphere, so he deliberately made it vague.

"I also did something wrong. I shouldn't have said those embarrassing words. It would be terrible if others knew about it..." Teresa didn't seem to understand, and just nodded lightly. "So, let's just forget about this whole incident and just do what we said we would do."

Seeing Theresa being so reasonable, Aigron was secretly relieved. "Thank you, Teresa...you were so kind to me, and I...I'm so glad we met again that day."

"You don't have to be happy about this, because our reunion is destined. Even if we don't meet in Rome that day, I will find you and be with you. No one can stop me from finding you." Teresa said seriously She answered, while opening her eyes wide and staring at her husband, "We will be together forever, until the day our lives end."

Although these words were said with deep affection, Theresa's demeanor and tone always made Aigron feel a strange feeling. He couldn't explain why. In the end, he could only attribute it to the sequelae of last night's incident.

So, he avoided the topic and talked with Teresa about some normal interesting things. The relationship between the couple returned to the way it was before the storm, as if nothing had happened.


While the Agrons were getting back together, Agnes was in embarrassment because Chanel found her and conveyed Agron's order to her.

"Uniform? Do you need such a thing?" Agnes felt a little conflicted.

On the one hand, she was used to being free and loose, and instinctively disliked the rules represented by uniforms; on the other hand, as a girl who already knew a little about human affairs, she seemed to feel the bad taste of young people from this seemingly normal decision. .

However, since this was an order, there was certainly no room for her to evade it. Chanel answered her with a smile on her face. "Of course you do, Miss Agnes. After all, you will shoulder the important task of protecting His Majesty in the future, and you will inevitably have to meet various important people. If you don't dress formally enough, how will it be appropriate? Not only will you personally suffer If people criticize me, I’m afraid it will cause His Majesty to lose face.”

Agnes was not convinced by this reason, but she had no way to refute it, so she had to give in habitually - this was not a condition that she could not agree to.

"Okay... that's fine, but what does the so-called uniform look like? Does it meet the decorum you mentioned?"

Chanel quickly dispelled Agnes' worries and relayed the design Agron had just proposed.

"It looks good...at least it's not unacceptably bad." Agnes commented, "I didn't expect His Majesty to be capable of this."

"Does this need to be said? What a talent His Majesty is! He has many other abilities, which you can learn from in the future." Chanel replied casually.

But she soon discovered that Miss Agnes' face was slightly red and her expression was twisted.

Apparently, she understood the strange aspect.

This little girl seems to have been moved... Chanel thought to herself.

When she was in Greece, she saw with her own eyes that Miss Agnes was not polite to His Majesty, and even almost took action, but now she looks like this... It seems that time does change a lot of things.

However, in Chanel's view, it is a natural thing for a girl to fall in love with His Majesty, and it is not surprising in the first place.

She did not use this to tease Agnes, but turned a blind eye to it, and then carefully measured Agnes's measurements.

Agnes was very cooperative, and soon Chanel had almost completed the preliminary work.

"By the way, Miss Chanel, I heard that the two majesties had a quarrel last night?" Near the end, Agnes suddenly asked Chanel in a low voice.

Chanel was not surprised that Agnes heard about this matter - there were already rumors everywhere in the palace, and the two majesties were already the focus of everyone's attention. If such a big thing happened, it would definitely spread instantly.

"There are only two of us here, so let me tell you the truth - it is true." Chanel also whispered to Agnes, "And, maybe as you heard, the reason why they quarreled was precisely because of you... …”

After the news was confirmed, Agnes's expression was a little strange, including innocence and helplessness, but also doubtful fear, but at the deepest level, there was still a trace of pride. "I'm very sorry to Her Majesty the Queen. I don't want to make her unhappy. I didn't cause all this. If Your Majesty is willing to take back her life, I will be as happy as she is."

"I know, Miss Agnes, you are just forced to obey." Chanel knew the inside story very well, so she did not think that Agnes was deliberately lying to get an advantage. "You don't need to worry about what has happened. You are responsible for everything, and no one can blame you for anything."

At this point, she changed the topic again and reminded Agnes, "However, you'd better be careful. Although Her Majesty the Queen has now reconciled with His Majesty, she must still have some lingering anger in her heart, so You'd better not offend her, lest you be punished by her..."

"The initiator of all this, she didn't dare to lose her temper and chose to reconcile, but she came to blame me. Is this reasonable?" Agnes frowned, obviously a little unconvinced, "Can't she be considerate for me? Now? From my family's standpoint, do I have any room to refute His Majesty's wishes?

Don't worry, she is Her Majesty the Queen. Of course I will respect her as I would my mistress and protect her with my own life to fulfill my duties; however, this does not mean that I am obligated to bear all her blame. And angry, because I didn't mean to hurt her, in my opinion I didn't do anything wrong... In the final analysis, I am also a victim! "

Agnes became more and more aggrieved as she spoke, and finally almost yelled.

Indeed, she has endured too much mental trauma during this period. It seems that the whole world is against her. Her family is on the verge of bankruptcy, her sister has betrayed her, and now she has to fight for her master's life. She is burdened with many troubles. It was too much for her to bear on her young shoulders.

In the face of these pains, she gave up too much and became increasingly unwilling to be blamed.

Is everything my fault? She refused to be convinced.

Chanel understood her mood very well at the moment, so she hugged her gently and whispered comfort in her ear.

"Of course it's not your fault! You have done a good enough job... Don't worry, His Majesty will take good care of you."

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