Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and one, luck

Seeing the two majesties looking so amiable, Alice's originally worried heart gradually relaxed. It seemed that despite this vicious incident, her "holy family has not declined" after all, and she still enjoys the trust of the couple.稴

Of course, she also knew that one time could be negligence, and two more times would be incompetence, so there were not many opportunities left for her, and she had to make up for it.

As for how to make up for it, she had only one way - that was to use better work performance to erase her mistakes and try to dig out the informants hidden in the Palace of Fontainebleau.

However, although she is fully determined, she also knows that determination alone cannot achieve anything. She is currently suffering from a shortage of manpower. Moreover, she is responsible for many things, so how can she complete such a huge task alone? She needs someone to help her.

"Your Majesty, if you need to examine every suspicious person, it will definitely take a lot of energy. I beg you to allow me to expand my manpower and help me complete the work..." So, she applied directly to Aiglon.

Aiglon also knew that what Alice said was reasonable, so he immediately agreed, "Of course, who do you want to help?"

"If you don't mind, I think Lady Emily can assist me." Alice answered him after thinking for a moment.

Before Aigron could reply, Theresa was a little surprised. "Isn't she the wife of the banker who escaped? If her husband has such bad conduct, then might there be some problems with the wife's character..." Yan

In order to save the face of the Count of Monte Cristo, Teresa did not tell the story of Emily hanging out with the Count even though she was still a married woman, but in her heart, she really looked down on Emily, whose reputation had been ruined. After all, she was born in the royal family and paid great attention to her character and reputation (with the exception of her husband who was occasionally ignored by her).

Because of this, although Emily was brought into the palace by the Earl, Emily had no chance of being summoned by Teresa, and naturally she had no status at all.

"Although Lady Emily is not a person of perfect character, she is better than her wits. Moreover, she has such a good relationship with the earl now, and her future is naturally completely tied to our side. She is a trustworthy person." Alice. Answered quietly.

Teresa suddenly realized that at this time, "trustworthy" was more important than "good reputation".

Precisely because Emily has no other way out, she will cherish the life-saving straw even more. There is no doubt that she has also been secretly bribed.

In this case, Teresa no longer dwells on the details.

Reasons for recognizing Alice.

"Well, you can treat her as your personal consultant and let her help you..." Yan

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Alice saluted and thanked Teresa. "I am convinced that she will repay your kindness with a hundredfold enthusiasm, because right now she has no other way out but to seize every opportunity to please you. of joy..."

"I hope she can cherish this opportunity." Teresa replied calmly, "Bring her to see me tomorrow, and I will say a few words to her in a friendly manner - but she must also know how to use it, and don't let everyone It’s all embarrassing.”

And Teresa's words mean that Emily's unresolved status here has finally been settled, and the mistress of the palace has recognized her existence here - presumably for Emily, this is also the case. The result you have been striving for.

Seeing that her wish came true, Alice no longer wasted the two His Majesty's time, saluted and then left.

Doing this is not just for work needs, but also for the purpose of cultivating yourself and consolidating your own influence.

She was the one who brought the Earl and Emily together, and both of them would accept her favor no matter what. Now, it was she who pulled Emily out of the neglected situation and gave her a role in the palace. When given the opportunity to gain a foothold, the other party will naturally try their best to repay themselves - exchange of interests is also the only way to cultivate their own power.

Although Agron and Teresa are young, they are experienced in the world. How could they not see Alice's selfishness? But it doesn't matter to them, everyone has selfish motives, as long as the results satisfy them.稴

No matter how they act, the couple will still have the final say.

After Alice left, it was already midnight. Theresa was pregnant after all, and she felt extremely sleepy at the moment, so she looked at Aigron, "Your Highness, let's go rest? No matter how serious the matter is, But after all, it has happened, there is no point in us just sitting around like this..."

"I'm not sleepy now, you can go and rest." Aigron replied with a smile, "I am so excited now when I am stimulated by this kind of thing - maybe I will get a result at dawn."

"What's the result?" Teresa wondered.

"Agnes has already gone to hunt down the murderer. Regardless of whether she can succeed or not, there should be results by dawn." Agron replied.

When Teresa heard Agnes' name, she was instinctively sensitive, but when she thought that the victim was her master, Teresa couldn't bear to be harsh anymore. After all, she could also understand Agnes's mood at the moment.

"It must be a huge blow to her to have this happen. I hope she can succeed, so she will feel better." Teresa sighed with a little pity.稴

At this gloomy moment, she didn't want to ruin the scenery.

"Go to rest early." Then, she kissed her husband's cheek tenderly and went back to rest.

Aigron stayed in the study, and his maid Chanel was waiting by his side.

"Chanel, how is Bianca doing now?" Aigron asked.

"The situation is very bad, because she was discovered a little late and lost too much blood. Now her physical condition is extremely weak and she may die at any time." Chanel replied softly, "But at least for now, she can still support it, doctor We will also do our best to treat him."

Aiglon was silent for a moment.

By now, he has lost count of the number of people who have died directly or indirectly at his hands. Of course, he does not feel heartbroken or pity for Bianca. However, perhaps because he is a swordsman, he still feels this. Somewhat regretful.稴

She should not die by gunpoint, but by sword, as this would be in line with his sense of honor.

"You go and look after the doctors and their assistants, and prevent any conspirators from taking the opportunity to silence them." After a moment, Aigron gave the order, "If she is lucky enough to survive, then at least Agnes will not There is a risk of a mental breakdown..."

"Okay, Your Majesty." Chanel has always accepted Aigron's orders without asking any reason. Even if she is asked to take good care of someone who has seriously injured His Majesty, she will do it.

Aiglon waved his hand and signaled Chanel to hurry up and take care of him. Then he sat alone on a chair in the study, looking lonely at the night sky outside the window, waiting for the dawn to break.


While Aigron was dealing with the aftermath, Agnes and Andre were also busy carrying out the tasks assigned by Aigron.

Andre first called several gate guard officers over and asked them if they had seen any suspicious characters.稴

For the sake of safety, after Aigron entered Fontainebleau, the palace strictly enforced the curfew. No one or any means of transportation was allowed to enter or leave at night. Only those with special passes could make exceptions, and each trip required Register and record the pass number and holder.

As the captain of Aigron's personal guard, Andre is naturally familiar with this security system.

Moreover, the guard officers responsible for the various exits of the palace were all his majesty's confidants brought back from Greece. He believed that although the other party could bribe the "newcomers" in the palace, they would certainly not be able to bribe them.

Therefore, if Bianca's assassin wanted to escape, he would definitely leave traces in these records.

Andre believes that if the other party wants to escape, he must use the pass to escape, otherwise he will be discovered by the guards patrolling around the palace - the reason is simple, they cannot bribe everyone.

Soon these people were called to Andre, and then Andre briefly informed these people about the murder that occurred tonight - of course, he vaguely omitted Bianca's specific identity, and just said that His Majesty has An important guest was shot.

Hearing that such a murder had occurred in the palace, the officers were naturally shocked, but they quickly calmed down and presented their respective traffic records tonight to Andre.稴

Andre carefully reviewed the entry and exit records and pass holders during the time of the crime, while comparing them with the impressions in his own memory.

Because of the curfew, there were very few records of coming and going at night, and he quickly found a few of the most suspicious records.

"Why did this carriage go out?" He frowned and pointed to a record.

"The coachman said he was ordered to deliver charcoal for the kitchen. Because the storage was insufficient, the task was urgent and he had to go out at night." The officer in charge quickly replied, "Originally, we also thought it was suspicious, but the people in the car held special passes. And the attitude was anxious, so we let it go..."

"Be more careful in the future." Andre nodded slightly, without blaming the other party. After all, he was doing things according to the rules.

Because time was urgent, Andre and others quickly targeted several suspicious targets.

But it's a pity that these suspicious targets all left from different directions, and the reported destinations were also completely different. It was as if... it was intentional.稴

"It seems like they were really prepared." Andre sneered. "But that doesn't matter, we just need to get everyone back."

After making up his mind, he began to allocate manpower, preparing to let his men split up to hunt down these suspicious objects. Although some of them must have been wrongly accused, it was not important. They should be caught first.

When he assigned the task, Agnes had been waiting quietly, but she never heard Andre calling her name, so she couldn't help but speak out.

"Andre, what about me?"

"Miss Agnes, don't worry, I have not forgotten you." Andre smiled, "I prioritized these targets, and I left the two most suspicious ones to us... You can Pick one.”

"Choose one?" Agnes was stunned for a moment, "Is there any basis for it? Can you be sure that the murderer is inside?"

"Of course I'm not sure." Andre shook his head, "Maybe both of us will get nothing. It all depends on our luck. What do you think?"

Luck... As soon as she heard this word, Agnes felt dizzy.

Having been seriously injured twice with pistols, both times by familiar relatives and friends, the master's luck can be said to be extremely bad. Not only the master, but also his own bad luck. His family had suffered so many disasters, and he had tasted all the ups and downs.

And now, you actually have to bet on luck again?

She had been disappointed too many times, and she was afraid that this time she would achieve nothing in vain.

However, facing the bloody reality and imagining the master still lying on the hospital bed, Agnes suddenly felt a sense of dissatisfaction and resentment in her heart.

Why am I always the most unlucky? Why!

God...you, this bad old man, have made me miserable enough, but this time, even just this time, I beg you to give me good luck! She screamed in her heart.稴

Not only was it to avenge her master, but in her heart, she had suffered too much injustice during this period. She had been manipulated but could not resist at all, and the black mud accumulated in her heart was too deep.

She wanted to vent, and she wanted to vent right away.

Her heart was trembling violently, just waiting for that moment of reckoning.

So...she must find luck, even if she only finds it once.

"Let me choose?" she hissed.

"Of course, it's up to you to choose." Andre nodded, "And I suggest you don't put too much hope in it, because there is a real possibility of getting nothing."

"No! I will definitely find him!" Agnes suddenly gritted her teeth and interrupted Andre's words. "Okay, let's start choosing!"

So Andre told Agnes about the suspicious target in his mind, and Agnes listened carefully and kept it in mind.

"In such a dark night, the other party may also hide after leaving, so you must search carefully along the way and never miss any suspicious places." Andre warned again. "Moreover, the other party is definitely carrying weapons, so you must be careful..."

"I know!" Agnes nodded heavily.

Although Agnes specially put on the uniform given by Agron in order to make it easier for others to identify her, there were not many people present who knew about her existence. How could they know her appearance and detailed information? So everyone was surprised to see a young girl yelling at His Majesty's personal guard captain.

But they didn't dare to ask any more questions, and could only secretly stare at the girl who seemed to be burning at the moment.



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