Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirteen, show to the public

When Prosecutor Villefort bravely told the news that "Assassin Bianca has been seriously injured and unconscious," the already noisy assembly hall seemed to explode at the moment. Some people shouted loudly and booed to express their feelings. own dissatisfaction.

"Silence!" The chairman of the committee once again suppressed the noise everywhere, and then looked at Prosecutor Villefort again.

"Mr. de Villefort, you mean that your most important, even irreplaceable, witness is injured and unable to testify to us, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Chairman."

Villefort faced questioning looks from all parties, but still remained firm, "The silence began before the hearing was held. This despicable method further proves how despicable and cruel the mastermind behind the scenes is!"

He himself knew that it was hard for people to believe such words, but at this moment he had no way out at all, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to rush forward. As long as he persisted to the end, someone would always believe in him.

His Majesty's intention has been conveyed to him. Even if the Duke of Orleans is not confirmed as the "murderer", at least he must use an unswerving attitude to convince most people that he is indeed involved in this case - as long as it can be done On this point, at least it has won in public opinion, and that is enough.

"But if the assassin lady can't speak, how can we know the authenticity of her confessions and prove the mastermind behind it?" the chairman asked again.

"We also have a witness!" Villefort replied loudly. "This witness is the person who carried out the task of annihilation. Unfortunately, although he seriously injured the assassin, he himself failed to escape. He was caught by the guards of the King of Rome. He lived there and ended up committing suicide out of fear of crime..."

Villefort's words once again caused an uproar.

"How can a person who committed suicide out of fear of crime become a witness?" The chairman asked everyone's doubts.

"Because this person who committed suicide out of fear of crime is not an unknown person, but a quite famous person. Even among all of you here, there are people who have interacted with him... Therefore, as long as his identity is confirmed, then we Everyone will understand what’s going on!”

Villefort's determined look aroused people's curiosity even more. "So who is this guy?"

"Felix Gaudin!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Villefort said the name.

"Wow!" This name unsurprisingly exploded in the audience.

Such a sensation is not due to how many people Gao Dan has interacted with, but because he has become too "famous" recently.

As time went by, the details of the original turmoil in Paris were gradually revealed. People had heard that the militiamen assembled at that time were still wary of armed attacks on the palace. As a result, a group of people around the Duke of Orleans were A close aide was at the scene to incite, and eventually the militiamen were mobilized to launch an attack on the palace.

If the Duke of Orleans was the "first contributor" to driving away the king, then this confidant who dared to personally give the order and was responsible for opening fire on the king was the person directly responsible.

And this confidant is Mr. Felix Gaudin.

The members of the House of Lords present gnashed their teeth with hatred for the Duke of Orleans. Needless to say, they also had a deep-seated hatred for the Duke's counselor who fired the first shot. Many of them even thought about attacking this guy. Now that I heard that he actually committed suicide out of fear of guilt after killing the assassin, he was naturally overjoyed.

They didn't care at all whether the Duke of Orleans was innocent, they just wanted to see him and his cronies suffer God's retribution, and now they were waiting for such excellent news that they couldn't even believe it was true.

"Thank God!" Someone openly cheered for this regardless of the order of the venue, and cheers soon erupted in the hall. Those who supported the Duke of Orleans looked ashen and wondered if they should have thought of other solutions earlier. .

"Mr. Felix Gaudin, I know him..." After a moment of silence, the chairman finally recovered from the sudden news. "You said he was dead. Do you have any basis for that?"

"Mr. Chairman, please allow me to bring you a witness first." Villefort did not answer the question immediately, but made a new request.

"Okay." After a short discussion, the committee members agreed to Prosecutor Villefort's request. After all, their curiosity had been aroused.

Then, the door was opened again, and then, a thin figure appeared at the door.

The figure walked closer to the center of the hall step by step, and the shadow gradually dispersed. People present quickly discovered that this figure was a girl.

This girl was wearing a brand-new uniform with shiny metal buttons, which made her taller, sharper and more heroic. Although there were many pairs of eyes staring at her, she was fearless.

The beautiful and oppressive girl made many people feel a little distracted for a moment, and even forgot what happened at this moment.

Under everyone's gaze, she walked to the middle of the chamber and stood next to Prosecutor Villefort.

"Please allow me to introduce this witness to you - she is Princess Agnes de Nordlien. She also has another identity. She is the assassin Ms. Bianca di Florini Her apprentice, this time it was also her, who hunted down Felix Gaudin, and finally made him choose to commit suicide out of fear of crime..."


Amidst the exclamations, everyone's eyes were once again focused on Agnes.

Although the girl's temperament was indeed extraordinary compared to ordinary peers, they did not expect that she actually had such abilities.

The chairman of the committee also looked at Agnes, and then he suddenly thought of something.

"If I remember correctly, Prosecutor Villefort, this lady signed your report."

"That's right, Mr. Chairman." Villefort leaned forward slightly and expressed his admiration for the chairman's memory. "When I went to Fontainebleau to investigate this incident, Miss Agnes was also invited to participate. The King of Rome did not want anyone to He felt that he used torture to extract confessions or induce confessions in order to attack his political opponents, so he graciously allowed Miss Agnes to participate in and observe all my interrogations and investigations to ensure that he did not do anything that violated the law... …”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Agnes again, "Miss Agnes, can you swear that you will never lie on the most sacred platform in France and that you will be responsible for every word you say?"

"I swear on the honor of myself and my family that I will never lie." Agnes replied, speaking loudly enough for the people on the podium to hear.

The surnames of famous aristocrats naturally have different weights. The members of the House of Lords present naturally believed it because of their class stance. Coupled with Agnes's aura, they did not doubt that this girl would lie. .

"Okay, please tell me about your experience after coming into contact with this disease."

"After I was invited to the Palace of Fontainebleau, I accompanied Prosecutor Villefort to participate in the trial process. I can guarantee that my master has not received any threats of violence there, and she has a very good living standard. , the King of Rome just wants to find out the truth and uncover the instigator behind the scenes, he does not want to use violence." Under the gaze of everyone, Agnes slowly spoke her words, "Prosecutor Villefort Every time my master was interrogated, I was present and signed my name on the interrogation records. I can guarantee the authenticity of these documents with my reputation and even my life."

Although Agnes's words hide some facts, such as why she was "invited" to the palace, if you think about it carefully, every word of Agnes is true. She is worthy of her own conscience and speaks naturally. She is also confident and confident, making people believe in her sincerity even more.

"I understand." The chairman nodded slightly, and then he turned to ask about Gao Dan, "You said that Mr. Gao Dan silenced your master, and was finally caught up by you and committed suicide out of fear of crime. You said Can you tell us about your experience at that time?”

So, Agnes calmly began to describe her experience that night. "That day, because it was my birthday, so as a guest, His Majesty the King of Rome and my family celebrated my birthday together. After the birthday party, I returned to the home where my master and I lived, and then I found her lying in a pool of blood. among……"

Then, Agnes told everyone present exactly how she found out that her master was injured, how she went after the murderer ferociously, how she found the murderer in the village church, and how the murderer Gaudin committed suicide out of fear when he saw that he could not escape. .

This tortuous story once again added an extraordinary legendary quality to this case that had already caused a sensation across the country, so much so that people held their breath and did not start whispering again until the girl finished her story.

"I have to say, your story is very touching." After listening to it, the chairman of the committee looked at Agnes with approval, "However, Miss Agnes, I would like to ask, in addition to your story, what are your What evidence do you have to prove your statement?"

"I brought the evidence." Agnes nodded slightly, "Please allow me to present it."

"Please." The chairman also nodded and agreed to Agnes' request.

Then, the door was opened again, and soon after, several people slowly walked in pushing a cart. The cart contained a wooden box that looked like a coffin, and the wooden box was covered with a curtain.

Even if there is a curtain, everyone has already guessed what is inside.

Some people hide their faces because they can't bear it, while others are overjoyed and look at this "physical evidence" with eyes full of fun.

"If I guess correctly...is Mr. Gaudan's body inside?" the chairman asked.

"Yes, sir." Agnes confirmed the other party's guess, and then opened the covering curtain.

As expected, there was a glass cover under the curtain, and through the glass cover, one could clearly see a body soaked in preservative solution.

The pungent smell of alcohol began to permeate the meeting hall, but this did not put people off, but instead vaguely stimulated a strange sense of excitement.

Although the distance between the podium is still a bit far, people who have dealt with Gao Dan have already recognized this face.

"It is indeed him!" Some people exclaimed, "God finally made a ruthless verdict!"

Almost no one here feels sad about Gao Dan's death, because in the eyes of many people, Gao Dan took the initiative to cause rebellion and drove away their beloved King. He was an out-and-out rebellious minister and traitor, and his death was just what he deserved. It's just the end you deserve.

But even so, the death of a big man was presented to everyone as an exhibit, which really made people feel a little bit sad, so that no one spoke for a while.

"Poor man, may he rest in peace!" After a moment of silence, the chairman of the committee finally sighed, "Yes, he is Mr. Felix Gaudin, but now we can only confirm that he is dead, not confirm The cause of his death cannot be confirmed as being part of this crime, and we need further investigation."

"Yes, I know, and I will do my best to cooperate with the investigation, sir." Agnes replied in a respectful manner, "I believe that everyone here is a kind and fair member of the parliament, and is the most powerful member of our country. The essence of fame, you can seek justice for all victims...and I will do my best to protect everyone I cherish."

In this way, this bizarre and legendary hearing ended its first day of operation, and everything that happened on it will be recorded in detail by the reporters who were observing, and then passed on vividly. Traveling to every corner of the country, it has become an enduring topic of conversation in people's boring lives.

Some people will benefit from it, and some people are destined to become the clowns. Fate will determine everything exactly.


"They took Gaudan's body to the public hearing! How cruel..."

In the residence of the Duke of Orleans, the Duke let out a lament.

He has seen too many people die violently in his life. In the past, there were Louis XVI, Marat and Danton, and even his own father. Even if he had tears, they were all gone. Gaudin's death could not bring him any more memories. What a shock to the soul.

But even so, losing an irreplaceable think tank and close friend like Gao Dan still made him feel a little at a loss.

Of course, he does not lack other think tanks, but no one of them can replace Gao Dan's position in his heart, let alone win his trust.

What happened to Gao Dan after his death made him feel a chill to his bones.

This was not just sending "physical evidence", it was also a demonstration to himself - he clearly felt this.

The dire situation is no longer just something imagined, but is actually happening in front of one's eyes.

But he could only watch everything happen - Gao Dan had originally proposed a plan to defeat the enemy, but he did not adopt it at the time, and now it is even more unbearable.

what to do?

The only thing that comforted him was that Bianca had no way to testify against him after all, and he could still deny it all. At least he could put it all on the dead Gaudan, without having to bear the blame.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, and then a confidant walked up to him with a strange expression, and then whispered to him to report.

"What?" the Duke exclaimed in disbelief, "She woke up and she wants to find me?"

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