Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and fifteen, planning and deployment

"I just wish he rests in peace."

The Duke of Orleans, who was originally full of resentment, was suddenly speechless.

Although at the moment he hated Bianca for not doing things well and threatening her, he still felt a little reluctant to leave his old friend who had followed him for many years.

Although Bianca's words are unpleasant, they are not unreasonable. Now that her dream of ascending to the throne is about to be shattered, it is better to take advantage of the last room for maneuver and fight for as many things as possible.

Gao Dan died for him, and he felt guilty about Gao Dan. Now that he had made up his mind, he felt even more guilty - because a small part of this "respect" was obtained by Gao Dan for himself.

"Since you want him to rest in peace, then bury him as soon as possible. After his death, he will be displayed as an exhibit. This is not the end he deserves."

After letting out a long sigh, the Duke said no more and turned to leave.

"I will." Bianca replied to his back.

After the Duke left, the guards who escorted and monitored Bianca took her into the carriage and rushed back to the Palace of Fontainebleau without stopping, where Aigron was already waiting for them.

Agron asked bluntly after seeing Bianca. "What's his attitude?"

"He agreed to my proposal," Bianca replied in a low voice, "but he asked for a joint guarantee from you, Talleyrand, and Soult, because in his opinion no one alone is worthy of his trust. .”

"What? He still thinks he is very impressive, can he make arbitrary conditions?" Aigron laughed sarcastically.

However, he immediately changed the subject, "However, since he is so sensible, I can be magnanimous... let's just meet his last request."

For Aigron, the most important thing is to take over the entire country's power as completely as possible, and the less chaos, the better.

If the opponent admits defeat with dignity, it means that he will have less resistance in the future, and he can control the situation faster and realize his ambitions.

For this reason, what can you do if you agree to some requests from the other party? It's up to him to pack up as much property as he wants. Anyway, he doesn't lack those things.

After taking the most important step, Aigron felt completely refreshed. Even Bianca, who usually had old grudges, suddenly became more pleasing to the eye.

"Thank you for your help. Not only did you get what I wanted, but you also saved many people's lives. For this, I can forgive you for stabbing me, and I can also give you the reward you deserve -"

"I said, I didn't do this for rewards." Bianca was not moved by Aiglon's bribery, and her attitude was still cold. "I just want you to fulfill my one wish - to bury Gaudan as soon as possible. , so that he does not have to bear the shame of exposing his body to the public... This is not a fate he should bear."

"Okay, this is not a problem at all." Aigron agreed immediately, "As long as the Duke of Orleans leaves Paris, I will return Gaudin's body to you. You can bury him wherever you want. Even if he wants Kill me, but I have no hatred for this gentleman. His loyalty and persistence are indeed worth learning from my subordinates."

Now that the opponent has chosen to surrender, Aigron is of course willing to leave some dignity to his opponent. The sensational accusation will slowly be diluted and eventually fade out of people's sight. The Duke of Orleans does not have to bear any charges, and Gaudan will be useless accordingly. .

After negotiating with the Duke of Orleans, Aigron will order Prosecutor Villefort and the Count of Monte Cristo to handle the matter.

After solving the problem of the Duke of Orleans, what he had to face was the problem of "how to swallow the fruits of victory with minimal turmoil."

Egeron was not unprepared for this. He secretly communicated with Prince Talleyrand many times, and discussed everything that should be done next with this veteran who was skilled in both "subverting the regime" and "establishing the regime."

The first step is to let Talleyrand and Soult take over Paris when they are leaderless after Orleans leaves, and disband the National Guard that was previously recruited by the Duke of Orleans, eliminating the last threat at hand and clearing the way for their return to Paris. ;

The second step is to let these two elders come forward to form a provisional government, temporarily take over the power, and start building momentum for their ascension to the throne;

In the third step, the interim government complies with the "public opinion" and organizes a nationwide referendum to decide the future of the country. Aigron takes his entourage on a nationwide tour that lasts for several months while canvassing votes for himself. , while trying to win over the public sentiment - of course, the real "decision" has already been made behind the scenes, and Aigron only needs to pretend to perform the act of universal authorization.

The final step is, naturally, after the results of the referendum come out, for the provisional government to request that it ascend the throne and proclaim itself emperor on the grounds of "popular support", thereby lending legitimacy to the entire new regime.

If it were in the ancient Eastern country, while urging the people to move in, they would also have to play a trick of "three concessions and three concessions". But after all, Aigron did not intend to play such boring tricks. Faced with the requests of the people across the country, he had to reluctantly do so. The land shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting the country and the nation and bringing prosperity back to this land.

The plan is in place, all that's left is execution, and Aigron believes that no one can stop him from getting what he wants now.

Of course, it is impossible for Aigron to reveal a word of these secrets to Bianca - in fact, it is impossible for her to care about them.

The proud Aigron became even more magnanimous.

In other words, Bianca is no longer of use to him, and he has no interest in imprisoning her anymore.

"Ms. Bianca, congratulations. From now on, you are a free man. You can go wherever you want." Aigron looked at the other party with a rare and humble expression. "You no longer owe anyone anything." It’s a favor, so you don’t need to do anything else for me.”

"Freedom?" A trace of confusion flashed across Bianca's face.

It is true that she is free, but freedom itself will not give her a purpose in life.

She has no relatives in her hometown and no one worth caring about. If there is anyone, it seems that there is only one person left.

"If you allow me, I would like to stay with Agnes for a while." She thought for a while and then answered, "Maybe I can't provide her with any help, but maybe I can take care of her."

"Of course." Aiglon was more talkative than ever at this time and immediately agreed to her, "You can continue to stay with her, and this time you are no longer a prisoner, you are my guest, and you will be here With the appropriate respect and hospitality, no one will mention our original unpleasantness again."

"Even if no one mentions it, can I forget it myself?" Bianca smiled bitterly, "Don't worry, I will stay secluded and not show up in front of others, so as not to cause trouble to your reputation. Anyway, I can't do it now. Once you get used to it, it won’t be any more uncomfortable if you continue to live it.”

"Then I wish you a happy life in the future." Aigron nodded lightly.

Then, he called the attendants to take Bianca away, and he strode back to the palace.

At this time, Chanel was chatting with Teresa to relieve her boredom.

Teresa's pregnancy signs have become more and more obvious now, so she has become more and more difficult to move on weekdays. She is naturally more reclusive than usual, and Chanel is naturally duty-bound to help her mistress pass the boring time.

After seeing Aigron, both of them stopped talking. Then Aigron walked up to his wife and kissed Teresa's cheek very affectionately.

Different from Agnes' shyness, Theresa enjoyed her husband's tenderness as usual, and then asked Agron.

"Your Highness, did something good happen? You look very excited."

"Yes, Theresa, I win!" Aigron let out a small cheer, and then kissed Theresa again.

In front of others, in order to prevent others from looking down on him because of his young age, he has to create an image that is unpredictable and intangible. But in front of his wife, he certainly does not need to do this. The image project freely vents the joy in my heart at this moment.

Teresa looked at the excited young man in front of her, and was soon infected by him and became happy - for her, her husband's joy was her own joy, and was even more precious than her own joy.

"It seems that Ms. Bianca's negotiation was successful?" She quickly guessed the reason.

"Yes, she succeeded! The Duke of Orleans really chose to back down. Hum, if it were me, I would never do this." Aigron was happy, but at the same time he couldn't help but reveal a little disdain. "He abandoned his father and fled, and now he plans to abandon his country and flee. He has always been a coward and has never changed!"

"Your Highness is indeed heroic, but if everyone is like His Highness, then the world will never be peaceful..." Teresa caressed her husband's face affectionately, and then looked at him with a smile, "At least for now. I’m thankful he’s a coward.”

"Hahahaha..." Aigron laughed, "I will tell him your thanks. Of course, he cares more about his family property. I will let him take away every penny. Just let this Let the down-and-out coward guard his gold mountain and leave the world! This will be good for everyone."

The excited Aigron's hormone levels were rising crazily at this moment. Not only Theresa was fascinated by it, but Chanel next to him was also intoxicated - she, like Theresa, was extremely gratified by His Majesty's success. and happiness.

"Your Majesty, congratulations!" She congratulated Aiglon sincerely.

"Chanel, your duty is not just to congratulate." Aigron shook his head, "Go and prepare the luggage and ceremony for our couple. It won't be long before we can enter Paris and tell the world who is destined to be here. ”

"Okay, Your Majesty!" Chanel was so happy that she hurriedly agreed.

On the contrary, Theresa was happy at first, but then felt a little sad.

"Your Highness, my current appearance... I'm afraid it's not good-looking." She said while caressing her bulging belly, "I'm not afraid of embarrassing myself, but I'm afraid it will affect my respect for you, so You might as well attend the ceremony alone."

"Teresa, what nonsense are you talking about? Is there anyone in the world who is more holy and elegant than a pregnant mother? Yes, you can't interact with the people who greet you, and you can't walk, but Who can blame you? Just thinking that you are giving birth to the next generation of this country should make them feel grateful and relieved!

Isn't it great that this country has endured an aging monarch and queen for more than ten years, and they have seen too much death and now can see a vibrant future? Your coming here has injected endless vitality into our dynasty, and our descendants will take root here from now on..."

At this point, Aigron pretended to be frivolous and laughed again, "Besides, they are lucky to have a healthy, beautiful, dignified and elegant queen like you. Only these capricious people are not worthy of being your subjects. How could you not be worthy of them?"

What Aigron said next made Teresa laugh, and her worries were swept away.

The support and affirmation from her husband made her feel sweet and made her even more fearless. She firmly believes that she can become a queen worthy of the throne, rule the country well with her husband, and let their children and grandchildren continue to pass it down.

Yes, this is the path she chose for herself.

"Since His Highness said so, I'm relieved." She winked at Aigron gently. "Don't worry, I will try my best to do everything I should do..."

Of course, by “everything” Teresa refers to, it’s not just entering the city of Paris.

She was also deeply involved in Aiglon's career, so of course she knew all the secrets that Aiglon and Prince Talleyrand discussed in private.

When the provisional government is established and a referendum is held, and Aiglon leaves Paris to tour various places, she will stay in Paris to direct everything as her husband's replacement, becoming the de facto leader until Aiglon returns.

This is of course an arduous task. After all, even a long-time monarch will feel a little numb when dealing with people like Talleyrand and Soult, let alone a young woman like her.

However, the confidence and energy gained from her husband gave her extremely determined courage, allowing her to grit her teeth and persevere, eliminating any possibility of accidents, until she put both her husband and herself on the highest throne.

She will never allow anyone to ruin the couple's career, and anyone who dares to touch her will fight back with the strongest possible means - generally speaking, she is a kind and compassionate person, but for those who offend her As a person, she also has the same stubborn spirit of confrontation and will never back down.

"I believe you can do a good job, Teresa." Aigron nodded, "From the beginning, I believed you could do all this like me... Please."

"Well, leave it to me." Teresa closed her eyes slightly.

Then, as if she was talking in her sleep, she whispered, "Also, if there is anything you don't want me to know, just do it outside and don't bring it home..."




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