Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty, share the joy

"Of course, that's how it should be! If you are only loyal to your wife, the people will probably look down on you."

Talleyrand, almost without thinking, praised Aigron's libertinage.

This is not surprising, because Prince Talleyrand himself is a well-known libertine. He was born in a noble family and was already involved in the entertainment industry before the Great Revolution. His physical disability did not affect his "journey" at all, and he gave birth to several children. an illegitimate child.

Such a person is a living specimen of the bohemian Louis XV era. If Aigron was really only loyal to his wife like Louis XVI, he would probably look old-fashioned and ridiculous in his eyes.

"The national thoughts are secondary. The important thing is that Miss Agnes does not like to be noticed by the outside world. She likes to live a low-key life and not be disturbed by the outside world." Agron reminded the other party. "Maybe some people will think they can make a profit by currying favor with her, but I don't want her to be involved in the political whirlpool, which is also very detrimental to her."

"I understand..." Prince Talleyrand quickly understood, "Then I won't let anyone disturb her."

Having said this, he seemed to have noticed some subtle facts from Aigron's attitude. "Does Princess Teresa have a bad relationship with her?"

"It's not bad...they can respect each other. It's just that my wife doesn't like other people getting involved in our marriage, so she had a quarrel with me about it." In Talleyrand Under questioning, Agron reluctantly told the other party about his family affairs, "So, in order to avoid making Teresa angry again, I don't want Agnes to be too conspicuous."

"This shouldn't be the case..." Talleyrand shook his head in disapproval, "In your capacity, what if you have some fun? Although she is your wife, how can she deprive you of it? What about your happiness? Besides, you have never treated her badly. If she gets jealous and loses her temper with you, that would be too ignorant."

"In short, I will handle this matter myself, so you don't have to interfere." Aigron didn't want to get too entangled in this matter. "Next, please arrange the itinerary for me. I hope to set off as soon as possible. Cruising.”

Although Talleyrand was extremely interested in romantic affairs, since Aiglon said so, he had no choice but to stop interfering. After the two discussed for a while, Aigron walked out of Prince Talleyrand's office.

After all, Talleyrand was old. Although the secret conversation with Aigron did not last long, he already looked exhausted. He called his confidants and secretaries and hastily explained a few key points. They record and improve, and then they go off to rest.

Talleyrand and Theresa were each resting, and the staff were also busy.

As the most distinguished guest, Aigron was at leisure.

He called his secretary Leon Esposito to his side.

As today's attaché, Leon came to Paris with the couple. Although he had seen a lot of great things in Rome, and although he had been mentally prepared in advance, what he saw and heard today still impressed him. It brought great shock and excitement. Even though he had been in the palace for so long, he was still a little unbelievable.

As the illegitimate son of a cardinal, he received an extremely strict education since he was a child. His father (known to the outside world as his uncle) had great expectations for him, but the family's expectation for him was just to become another cardinal in the future. , who would have thought that, with the help of fate, he would stumble and follow this boy all the way to the capital of the most powerful country in the Catholic world?

It is conceivable that he will next serve as His Majesty's confidant, exerting all his talents in the center of this country, and bringing the family to an unprecedented height.

"Leon." While the young man was still thinking, Aigron interrupted his thoughts.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Leon quickly cheered up and responded.

Aigron dictated almost all the key points of his secret conversation with Talleyrand to his secretary, and Léon was also unambiguous. He quickly wrote down these points and Aigron's annotations with a pen. After two days, After years of running in together, the two of them have become very familiar with each other.

After the dictation was finished, Aiglon ordered to the other party, "I will go on a nationwide tour soon. You stay in Paris to assist Theresa, supervise Prince Talleyrand's every move, and help him implement our plan. If If he does anything that does not conform to the key points I just dictated, you must send someone to report it to me without hesitation."

Although he and Talleyrand had already talked happily and cooperated happily, it was impossible for Aiglon to place 100% trust in Prince Talleyrand, who had been in trouble for half a century. Even if he did not believe that the other party was going to play any tricks at this time, but He was also unwilling to let down his vigilance. Even if he left Paris, he would always keep surveillance on the capital and the government to avoid any eventuality.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Leon responded immediately.

Then, Aigron's original stern expression suddenly relaxed, "Leon, are you going to write a letter to the cardinal to announce the good news?"

Leon was caught off guard by this question, and then laughed sheepishly.

"Yes, I was already planning to write it, Your Majesty."

"Yes, it's time to announce the good news to your relatives..." Aigron also smiled and nodded, "I want to do the same, so let's send a letter to Rome together!"

After finishing speaking, he snatched the pen from Leon's hand, then picked up the letter paper and began to write a letter - as for the recipient, it was naturally his grandmother Letizia who was far away in Rome.

"Dear Grandma:

It is with great joy that I write this letter from the Tuileries Palace. You must be familiar with this palace because you lived here with your proudest son, and I want to tell you that it is still as beautiful as before.

Now, it will be our family's property again. You are always frightened and feel that God has given us too much. You must still feel frightened by your fate, but I promise you that this time we will never lose this great family business... Heke Compared with the small farm on Sijia Island, it is indeed more worthy of cherishment.

I still have so much joy and excitement that I want to share with you, but I can’t write it down on paper, so I hope that when I am crowned, you can come to Paris and witness your grandson reaching the culmination of his journey, It also allows me to hug you tightly, like a child showing off his toys, and show you what a career you have created!

I am forever grateful for your love and help to Theresa and I. This gift will be the eternal warmth and bond between our families. You will once again be the most dignified and respected woman in the country, and you deserve it.

——Always love your grandchildren. "

Eggron scrawled the letter to his grandmother.

He knew that his grandmother was old, and as a devout believer, she preferred the religious atmosphere in Rome. Even if her grandson ascended the throne again, Letizia would not be willing to move back to France from Rome, but at least she would attend her coronation ceremony. He will definitely come to participate, and he needs her presence - she is the eldest member of the Bonaparte family and the spiritual link of the entire family. Aiglon wants to rebuild the majesty of the royal family, and she is naturally an indispensable central figure.

After writing the letter, he handed it to Leon, and Leon carefully collected the envelope. Next, it will be sent to Rome together with Leon's letters home, and the city will once again be shocked by Aigron's success.

After doing this, Leon continued to stand with his head bowed, waiting for other orders from the young man.

"It's none of your business. You can go down." Aigron waved his hand, indicating that the other party could leave. "By the way, go and call Miss Agnes over."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Leon bowed and then left.

Then, he came to the resting place of Aigron's entourage in Beijing, and then informed Agnes.

As the bodyguard beside the Agrons, Agnes naturally followed them into Paris today.

She was much more familiar with this place than the Aiglon couple who had just arrived, but today's scene of thousands of people watching was still a bit shocking to her.

Like Leon just now, as a follower along the way, although she is not the protagonist, she can't help but feel a little "proud".

She could clearly sense that most of the cheering people were sincerely happy for the return of the King of Rome, and were also sincerely looking forward to living a stable and prosperous life in the future.

Isn't it an honor to have such great expectations from the public?

After receiving Aigron's call from Leon, she did not dare to neglect and immediately went to the room where Aigron was at this time.

Along the way, she also had other feelings.

Because of her father, she had been to the palace many times and had seen the behavior of the king and other royal members. How could she have imagined that the palace would change hands in a few years when she was frightened?

Destiny is indeed mysterious.

So...how long can the owner this time occupy this place? A strange and ominous thought suddenly flashed through her mind.

It’s no wonder she thinks so. After all, the palace has been a one-stop shop for so many years. It has had several owners in the decades since Louis XVI, and few of them ended well. The individual's head is in a different place.

Those kings and leaders were once so strange to Agnes, as if they were thousands of miles away from her, but it was different now. She was already in the middle of the situation, and the new owner of the palace had an entangled bond with her.

Do you want him to suffer that fate? she asked herself.

No, I don’t want to!

Agnes took a deep breath and answered herself honestly.

Whether it was for her family's future or for herself, she didn't want to see this young man fall off his stage. She stood by and looked indifferent when King Charles X fell, but she was willing to defend the young man's crown - because she liked him.

Maybe she is alone and weak and cannot play any role in the wheel of the times, but even so, she must try her best for this, because he is her benefactor and her lover.

With this inexplicable thought, Agnes walked up to Agron.

"Agnes, I'm so glad that you can share my happiness at this time." After seeing her, Agron laughed heartily.

Facing the young man's smile, Agnes couldn't help but laugh too.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the capital is welcoming you and the people are cheering for you. And I am happy for you."

Although she usually had some misunderstandings when facing Aigron, at this moment, she couldn't bear to throw cold water on him, so she answered according to his preferences.

"Then let me feel this joy, how about it?" Aigron approached her with a smile, and then hugged her tightly.

This time, the girl didn't put up any resistance, she just obediently let him enjoy the sense of accomplishment at this moment.

After the two kissed for a long time, Aigron gently let her go.

"If only you were like this every time!" Aigron sighed in a low voice.

"If you just want an obedient slave, you can find hundreds or thousands of them around you, why bother looking for me?" Agnes carefully arranged the wrinkled uniform and then asked him. "Your Majesty, I will have due respect for you, but this does not mean that I will only think about pleasing you and flattering you all the time. I can't do it... However, if it is limited to today, I can do it."

Agron burst out laughing at Agnes's words.

"Since today is limited to being obedient to me, can I do more today?" He couldn't help teasing her.

Agnes frowned slightly, but she still patiently advised Agron, "Your Majesty, you have just returned to Paris today. People cheered wherever you went, and they all placed countless expectations on you. At this moment, you What you should consider is how to meet people's expectations and how to fulfill your obligations, instead of having wild fantasies about a mere girl like me..."

Unfortunately, her persuasion had no effect. Aigron pulled her into his arms again, and his hands seemed to be even more irregular.

Agnes finally couldn't hold it any longer. She glared at Agron fiercely, then suddenly struggled up from his arms. Then she scolded Agron in a suppressed voice, "Even if you don't mention what you just said, you promised me You will never mess around with Her Majesty Theresa! Your wife is resting next to her at the moment, how could you do such a thing?"

And her reaction was exactly what Aigron wanted to see.

To be honest, teasing this kitten and admiring the way her fur looks is much more fun than the fun of sucking.

"Okay, I know, you don't need to remind me, Agnes." He nodded slightly and stopped his hand.

Then, he put his head to Agnes's ear, "I have decided that we will start a nationwide tour next, and we will have a pleasant journey..."

Agnes blushed, obviously thinking about what this meant.

But what can she do? She could only raise her hands to cover her ears, pretending she didn't hear anything.

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