Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and forty-six, saint and passion

The archbishop was able to reach his current position, and his brain was definitely not bad. Although he was a little unprepared to face the unfamiliar Aigron, Aigron had already spoken so clearly, and he naturally understood the young man's intention.

Although Joan of Arc made great achievements in history, she did not receive the recognition she deserved after her death. After her arrest, many forces were involved. In addition to the British who desperately wanted to kill her to vent their anger, there were also people from the church who accused her of being a heretic and participated in her persecution.

In the trial promoted by the British, Cochon, the Archbishop of Rouen of the French Church, presided over the trial, and was assisted by the "heretic inquisitor" Jean-Mette. These two religious figures hated Joan extremely and accused her of "faking miracles" , relying on hypocrisy and lies to seduce people into corruption.”

Rather than saying that these religious people hate heretics, it is better to say that they hate that an unknown girl from a humble background dared to violate their right to religious interpretation and claimed to be the messenger of God.

During the trial, the archbishop made dozens of accusations against Joan, including using witchcraft, blasphemy, fighting on Sundays, and dressing up as men, etc. The trial process was one-sided and extremely sloppy, and her enemies They eagerly declared her a heretic and burned her to death on May 30, 1431.

King Charles VII once tried to rescue her. After all, Joan was both a benefactor and a powerful general to him. Of course he did not want to suffer such a loss - but at this time the young king was weak and the courtiers around him were also intrigues. , his efforts soon ended in failure.

However, although Joan of Arc died, her career was successful. With her help, King Charles VII passed through the most difficult moment in his life. He relied on his courage and political skills honed in crisis. , finally realized the "resurgence" of the Valois dynasty, reunited this country that had been divided and was once on the verge of destruction, and even reshaped a more powerful royal power.

As the king entered his later years, he did not forget the girl who had saved him. In 1450, Charles VII ordered his advisers to re-investigate the case of Joan of Arc. After investigation, it was discovered that the trial process was completely illegal and must have been a mistrial.

After much coordination, in 1456, the Heretic Tribunal officially overturned the verdict of 25 years ago and declared Joan of Arc innocent. But at this time, the girl had turned into ashes.

Although the church vindicated Joan of Arc, due to previous involvement, the church naturally kept the incident of Joan of Arc a secret. For the royal family, French politics remained chaotic after the death of Charles VII, including the war with the Habsburgs for Italy, The battle for royal succession, the decades-long religious war...the kings had too many things to worry about, and they had no energy or interest to talk about the girl who once saved the royal family.

Nearly 200 years later,

As a branch of the royal family, the Bourbon family ascended to the throne, and their historical memory of the Hundred Years' War became even more distant. There was almost no official mention of Joan of Arc. The long river of time flowed quietly, and everything seemed to be forgotten.

Only her exciting legends are still being circulated among the people, who regard her as a pious and patriotic saint. In her short and splendid life, both her meritorious service and martyrdom will be talked about. .

Neither the God nor the royal family for whom she fought remembered her, but the people did, and because of this, at the moment when the nation was in crisis, people thought of her again and again, and of the Orléans girl who came from a humble background. Dare to muster up the courage to sacrifice her life for the country, she was finally sanctified and became a veritable "saint".

However, in history, it was not until 1920, after the First World War, that the Pope canonized her as a saint. Eggron did not want to wait that far, and he hoped to get it done as soon as possible.

It's not that difficult to accomplish this. With his relationship with the Roman Church, as long as he sends more money, the Pope and his cardinals certainly don't mind canonizing an ancient man from 400 years ago. Anyway, it won't affect reality. Conflict of interests.

Of course, the archbishop could not understand his thoughts, but from Aigron's proposal, he keenly sensed some unusual opportunities.

His Majesty wants him to discover (fabricate) the sacred relics about Joan of Arc, and also wants the Holy See to canonize Joan of Arc, which means that his diocese can use Joan of Arc as its patron in the future, although Lan Si lost the right to crown the monarch, but at least it can be considered as compensation.

The church has been very good at excavating holy relics for many years, but this cannot be accomplished overnight. It requires close cooperation from many parties (the Roman Church itself will deny those holy relics that were poorly executed), but as long as you have patience,

"Your Majesty, since this is your wish, of course I will do it for you. I just hope that you can come to Reims more often in the future. After all, the people here love you, and the more you show your respect for Joan of Arc, Then she will become more famous, and she may one day become an idol worshiped by the whole people..." the archbishop said cautiously.

"Of course she will be," Aiglon replied decisively. "And she deserves it."

He thought again of the statue he had just seen in the Chapel of Our Lady.

The girl with her eyes closed, although she claimed to be a saint and a messenger of God, she probably never expected to be regarded as the object of worship by the Bonaparte family... However, what can she change? After all, the dead have to be at the mercy of the living.

However, on the one hand, maybe she is more worthy of her expectations than the descendants of Charles VII? What she is loyal to is this land and the people on it. As long as she does it, she should be satisfied.

When he thought of this, his mood improved a lot, so he nodded slightly and excused himself to the archbishop, then took Agnes's hand and walked out.

Agnes was confused by the exchange between Agron and the Archbishop just now, but she was happy to see Agron's admiration for Joan of Arc, so her mood became very happy.

In any case, now that she is the actor of Joan of Arc, she certainly has a feeling of "honor" for how many honors Joan of Arc has received.

With the arrival of dark night, the day's hustle and bustle in Reims City finally came to an end, but the impact brought by Aiglon and the "Saint Parade" will become a topic that people talk about for a long time.

This time, Aigron, who was staying at Tau Palace, no longer slept in a tent. He was placed in a room that had always been extremely ornately decorated. Of course, Agnes was still with him this time.

After the first "ice-breaking", Agnes's psychological bottom line was lowered a lot. At this time, she even dared to lean on the backrest and half lie on the bed before the lights went out. , leaning against Aigron.

She was wearing a thin petticoat, and her previous nervousness was no longer in her expression. Instead, she looked calm and comfortable. She had accepted her future destination.

After putting aside those useless struggles, she gradually became addicted to this not very decent relationship. At this time, she did not need to consider her family or her real wife, she only needed to be greedily satisfied. Just keep those passions and desires in your heart.

"Aiglon, can you tell me a bedtime story?" She whispered softly, even a bit coquettishly.

"What do you want to hear?" Aigron asked.

"Talk about whatever you want." Agnes replied nonchalantly. For her, just hearing her lover's voice was enough for her. "For example...your experience in the Austrian court? I don't understand this part at all. I just heard that you suffered a lot there."

What was your experience back then...? Aigron was suddenly stunned.

Although it has only been more than three years since I escaped from Austria, when I think back to those past events now, I feel like I am in another world.

Moreover, with the passage of time, a lot of the resentment and anger accumulated in his heart at that time have been washed away, and towards his grandfather, mother and even Metternich, he cannot be summed up by just "resentment".

In addition, there is another topic that cannot be touched.

If Agnes knew what she had done and that she had an illegitimate daughter with Her Highness Sophie, how would she react?

Of course Aiglon is not stupid, and he will not reveal all this to her.

So, after a brief thought, Agron briefly talked about some of his experiences growing up in Schönbrunn Palace.

When she heard that Aiglon and her mother had fallen out, Agnes felt heartbroken for no reason. Of course she also knew that Queen Louisa had started a new family after returning to China, and the relationship between mother and son was estranged.

She couldn't get in the middle of the family disputes between the royal family, but that didn't stop her from feeling sorry and sympathetic for Aiglon.

Maybe that's why his character became so bossy?

"I have always heard that the environment you faced when you were growing up was very difficult. Now after you said it yourself, I have an intuitive feeling...Aigron, you have worked hard." She stretched out her hand and touched it gently. He touched his lover's cheek to comfort him.

"It doesn't matter, you don't need to comfort me. I can see this, because I have seen the dangers in the world, and I know that what I have received is a hundred times more than ordinary people. If you don't tell others, I will tell you. When I was a child, I lived a homeless, hungry, and cold life. Are you forced?" Aigron replied with a smile, "People will always encounter some sad things in life, but if you keep chatting about those sad things every day, wouldn't it be too weak? Instead of blaming others, I prefer to change everything myself. ——”

Agnes was greatly heartbroken when she heard this. She was addicted to the pride and style of young people. In this regard, there was no difference between her and Teresa. In other words, any young girl wouldn't like to see such a lover. Woolen cloth?

"You're right, we can't change the past, but we can change the future...at least you did it." Agnes nodded.

"So... we can hug each other to keep warm now?" Aiglon suddenly laughed evilly, and then hugged Agnes without waiting for her answer.

Agnes was teased until she giggled, and she had no idea of ​​resisting at all. For her, this was already a kind of fun rather than a torture.

Faintly in her heart, she even hoped that this parade could last as long as possible, so that she would no longer have to worry about the things that bothered her.

But she also knew that this was impossible. The beloved person beside her would not belong to her alone, nor would it even belong to his family. He had gained too many things and had too many things to protect. , I am just a drop in the ocean.

But even so, she is willing to protect everything she has.


Aigron's visit to Reims was a great success. Both he and the people who received him were very satisfied with each other. Those people who had been immersed in the dull life for a long time finally found their way to the young and weak King of Rome. I found the long-lost vitality in this country.

The "Saint Parade" carefully planned by Aigron also achieved extremely good results. When the image of Joan of Arc spread among the people came to life in Aigron's parade, and used it to show his respect for Aigron. When people follow and be loyal, they will naturally get infinite spiritual stimulation from "advertising".

There is no doubt that this kind of mental stimulation will not last too long, but it will have enough influence on an upcoming election.

In this way, Aigron and his party walked and stopped along the way, following the planned route, from Reims through Nancy, and then came to the vicinity of Strasbourg.

By this time, his parade had become big news across the country. Newspapers everywhere were reporting on the King of Rome's parade, and the government machinery controlled by Prince Talleyrand was sparing no effort to promote him.

The superimposed effect of public opinion and the well-received propaganda effect along the way finally aroused an amazing effect in the important fortress cities on the eastern border.

When Aigron arrived near Strasbourg, the local area had been mobilized. Senior officials, the Archbishop of Strasbourg, and other dignitaries were waiting for the King of Rome and his party on the road in advance.

In order to let the Roman kings feel the local enthusiasm, the wealthy merchants also specially hired craftsmen and young people to form a warm welcome team. They wore brand-new and straight uniforms and accompanied by fifes and drums. They formed a team together with the garrison and were arranged in rows. On both sides of the road, just to see His Majesty’s true face.

The Bishop's Cathedral, the City Hall and other important public buildings have been decorated with lights, just waiting for their future owners to come and inspect them. Even on the Rhine River that runs through the city, there are flower boats on standby, ready to release fireworks. What a lively scene this is! The French, who love success and love to show off, always go to great lengths to please their king.

However, for Aigron and Agnes, the small end of this journey has a different meaning - this is destined to be a place they will never forget.

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