Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and fifty-six, secret mission

"If you think I'm suitable, I'll gladly accept the offer."

Seeing that Edmund agreed to his proposal, Prince Talleyrand was also quite happy.

"Earl, what you have been doing makes me believe that you will do a good job in this position. Then you can do your best - but I want to remind you that you have been working alone before. Go alone and perform various secret missions. You only need to be responsible to His Majesty and yourself. But it is different now. What you are about to enter is a huge bureaucracy. Although the dynasty has changed, there are still old rules in it. And various intricate interest networks, some people have even served in it during the Republic era... You cannot compete with such a huge network alone, so you must learn to get along with your colleagues and bosses. If If you think you can have nothing to worry about with your two Majesties as your backers, then you will definitely accomplish nothing. Remember this."

"I will remember it," Edmund replied solemnly.

"Then just wait for my good news. I will handle it for you soon."

Then Talleyrand waved cheerfully and bade farewell to Theresa and Edmund.

Theresa and Edmund watched him leave, and it wasn't until the door closed again that Theresa spoke again.

"Prince Talleyrand has been very kind to you, Edmund. Although his motive is to secure his position, show favor to us and balance the forces of all parties, you must remember this kindness and remember not to do it. Something that would embarrass him and embarrass us.”

"I guarantee with my reputation and life that I will never disgrace the mission and His Majesty's expectations." Edmund straightened up and replied loudly.

After another moment of silence, Theresa suddenly lowered her voice, "Actually, when Talleyrand mentioned this proposal to me before, I also had an idea. Your Highness and I really need someone to open an unofficial channel for us. News channels.”

"What do you mean?" Edmund didn't quite understand what the princess meant.

"Now, I am in the Tuileries Palace. I do enjoy the highest level of courtesy. I am no different from the Queen. Prince Talleyrand treats me with respect. In fact, anyone would treat me with respect. But the actual situation is It’s not as simple as it seems. My news channel is controlled by Prince Talleyrand, and Talleyrand has also directly read my schedule. I can’t even read any newspapers that go against the official... Now I am just placed in They are just statues of gods in the palace. Although they can be worshiped by people, they cannot have much effect on the human world."

Princess Theresa's wonderful metaphor suddenly made Edmund understand the entire reality - she was now being ignored by Prince Talleyrand.

Doesn't actually control most things.

To be honest, Edmund was not surprised by this. No matter how amiable Talleyrand behaved, he was still Prince Talleyrand. It would be strange if he didn't do this.

"Perhaps this is also because he is currently the supreme head of the government... When His Majesty comes back and you and Your Majesty officially ascend the throne, he will not be able to do this again." In return for Prince Talleyrand's kindness just now , he defended Talleyrand in a low voice.

"Perhaps that's right. Prince Talleyrand has his own difficulties after all, and with his qualifications, he probably doesn't even bother asking for advice from a girl under twenty years old." Theresa suddenly sneered.

Now Edmund didn't dare to intervene. Theresa could complain about Talleyrand without any scruples, but he was not qualified to do so.

And Teresa also knew that she had gone too far, so she calmed down her emotions again and looked at Edmund again, "Edmund, we are new here. Although the future seems bright, it is also full of dangers. Now besides Aiglon and I cannot completely trust anyone except a limited number of people, and you are one of those limited people. So I can tell the truth in front of you——

Yes, I just don't like Talleyrand, but I won't deliberately target him because of this dislike. He has far more positive effects than negative effects on me and His Highness. We need him, so he is playing these tricks now. I can tolerate it, it's nothing, it's human nature for him to be contemptuous or uneasy about a little girl like me, I won't resent him. "

After hearing Theresa's heartfelt words, Edmund felt a lot more relaxed. After all, Talleyrand had just stabilized the situation when he came to power, and he didn't want another violent turmoil to happen now.

"We need him, but that doesn't mean we can tolerate this status quo continuing forever. We will never be someone else's mascot, nor can we entrust everything to a few old guys, so we must continue to learn and improve. Until one day I can take over all the power myself. Prince Talleyrand is our close ally and someone we must respect, but he is by no means our protector, and we do not need to live under his protection! "

Edmund didn't interrupt, and Teresa didn't let him speak. Instead, she continued on by herself, "If you don't govern the country yourself, you have no experience, and if you don't have experience, you don't dare to govern randomly. This is equivalent to falling into a trap." In an endless cycle, so in order to break this cycle, the first step is to master the information. Our information cannot be obscured by official channels, because the official will only whitewash us and then perfunctory, we will always be Talleyrand. A marionette with his successors..."

"You are absolutely right, Your Majesty." Edmund replied sincerely, "Then what do you need me to do?"

"After you go to the Ministry of Interior, no matter what position you have, you have to develop informants, establish an intelligence network covering Paris, and collect information for me that will not be mentioned in official channels, such as major public opinions and commodity prices. Fluctuations or various political jokes, or even various popular fashion trends, all new things that will not be included in the official notification, inform us of these." Teresa said what she was thinking, "Without a doubt, Such a network cannot be built overnight, so I have enough patience and you can complete it slowly. All funds do not need to go through the budget of the Ministry of Interior. You can open a secret account with Mr. Bowang , and then withdraw funds from me.”

Secret police?

This was Edmund's first reaction after hearing Theresa's words.

Monitoring public opinion, inquiring into political secrets, and maintaining operations through unofficial budgets... Isn't this the secret police?

Every French government in the past has had such an organization, and every time there is a change of government, a group of people will be replaced. This time it is finally my turn.

But even in this era, this kind of thing is not something shocking. Not to mention France, there are similar institutions in Russia or Austria. Even because of the old emperor's suspicion of his younger brother, even Teresa's family It is also a target of surveillance by the Austrian secret police. Maybe for Teresa, this is a lesson...

Edmund didn't have much objection to becoming a secret police leader. After all, he had been doing underground work for Aigron, and now it was not unreasonable to change his identity and become an "official underground work".

Besides, his work is of great help to both His Majesty, so why not do it?

"I understand, Your Majesty, I will use all my energy to complete this errand." He immediately assured Theresa.

Teresa nodded.

To be honest, although she was born into a royal family and was naturally close to the core power, it was not until now that she realized how easy it was for a ruler to be submerged in a cage of lies and become a loner. She also realized that for kings, "People who are capable and can be absolutely trusted" are such a precious asset. As long as a monarch has a few such people, he can accomplish great things, but often he can't find any!

The most basic reason for all difficulties is information isolation, so the first step now is to open up trustworthy information channels with the most trusted person, and this must be Edmund.

"Edmund, I'm glad you can understand what we mean, and I have absolute trust in you. Then you can go ahead and do it. We can't monitor everyone. In fact, there is no need to do so much. We only need to know those who are being monitored. It would be great if the red tape of official documents conceals things, and you have the vision and ability to discover them." Teresa looked at the Count of Monte Cristo in front of her with high hopes, "In the future, we will sit on the throne, and In the future, you will help us support this country. Sooner or later, the position of Home Secretary will be yours. Now you are just learning how to adapt to your future role like us. Let's work hard together..."

Even if he is not so keen on power, when Princess Teresa promises him a "carrot" in such a tone, anyone will inevitably feel a little excited.

Edmund knew that now his identity problem had been solved, and the obstacles in front of him had also been solved. With two majesties as his backers, it was almost certain that he would become the future imperial minister, and Theresa The princess simply made it clear.

In other words, as long as he has a few more years of experience, he will almost certainly jump to this position that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Imperial Minister... must be one of the people with the highest power in a country. Do I really deserve such honor? Even now, Edmund still found it hard to imagine.

But if the two majesties think he is worthy, he must be worthy.

He still has a long way to go, but he is already brilliant enough.


Everything that happens in the Tuileries Palace will soon be passed to Aiglon through the correspondence between the couple.

Eggron looked at Theresa's description of Edmund's new identity and mission with great interest.

Although Edmund himself has no nostalgia for the name Edmond Dantès, Agron still feels a little regretful when he thinks that after Edmund enters the house, he will abandon his original name of "protagonist".

However, this is also the best solution for everyone.

Unlike before, this time there was an attachment sent along with Theresa's letter - Sophie's congratulatory letter.

Teresa forwarded this letter to him as well.

She finally sent me a letter!

Aigron read the letter with trepidation, but found that the wording inside was extremely unfamiliar and polite, and lacked warmth.

Like Theresa, he could not believe that it was Sophie's handwriting, but no one in the world knew Sophie's handwriting better than him, so he quickly confirmed that it was true.

No...this is definitely not her true intention. She would never talk to me like this. Whether it is cursing or complaining, it is much more real than this letter. Eggron is sure that his understanding of Sophie will never be wrong. .

Therefore, Sophie must have had to cope with the official censorship in Austria and wrote such a tasteless letter.

So her true feelings must be in other letters - Aigron was so sure.

In Theresa's letter, she also mentioned another thing that caught his attention - his widowed sister-in-law, Princess Augusta of Bavaria, would come to Paris from Bavaria to visit the couple, and Congratulations to both couples on their victory.

Maybe there will be some news from the Bavarians... he thought to himself.

At this time, of course, he could not imagine that there would be so many changes and hidden secrets in the misfortunes. He just guessed what Sophie would say to him through her twin sister Maria, and what method Maria would use to come from such a distance. Among the Bavarians, he told them.

However, at the moment, he has no way to focus on these speculations. He has more important things to do.

After accepting the warm hospitality, Agron and his party stayed in Strasbourg for several days, taking in all the scenery. After Agnes recovered, the group set off again, this time to Strasbourg. Marching all the way north, the goal is Lille, an important central city in northeastern France.

In this era, Lille was one of the central cities of France's textile industry and an important part of the economic circle surrounding Flanders.

In the future, it will become an important heavy industrial city.

In fact, the first commercially operated railway line in French history was the Central Railway connecting Paris and Orleans in 1842. What is less known is that the second railway in French history connected Lille and Mousque, Belgium. Mouscron's Northeastern Railway.

Even until the 21st century, it still occupies an important position in the French railway industry and is the venue for the French International Railway Industry Exhibition.

For Aigron, this means at least three things:

First, Lille is indeed a very industrial center, and it will also be an important base for Aiglon’s future grand blueprint.

Second, due to geographical factors, Lille is also the outpost of the Industrial Revolution spreading from Britain to the European continent. He needs to have a good relationship with the British;

Third, Belgium and France are very closely connected economically, have a very high degree of industrial cooperation, and are closely related to each other. Therefore, as an important region that is about to rise, it must work closely with this country that is about to be "reborn" and must not Let it fall into the hands of those who are hostile to you.

He believes he can do it.

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