Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and ninety-four, dedication

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"Monarchs come and go, but we will always live in this land..."

Agnes' words made the group of young nuns look at each other in shock.

In the monastery, these children will receive education, but these educations are all hard and obscure theological classics, which can prevent them from becoming illiterate, but have almost nothing to do with the real situation, and no one will teach them any advanced politics. Theory.

For them, God and the King are natural existences that cannot be questioned and cannot be blasphemed.

However, the reality was bloody before them. The king was driven away again, the sacred Capetian dynasty was once again overthrown by the Parisians, and the world fell into an upside-down and chaotic disaster.

Some people cried bitterly, while others stared blankly with confused faces, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

As the "initiator" of everything, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and try to lighten the atmosphere.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. Although the king has left France, the country will not fall into turmoil. It is safe here and you will not encounter any disasters. I have said that the King of Rome will protect us all equally! "

"Who is the King of Rome?" a nun asked curiously.

"Is he the son of Turtle Napa?" A slightly older nun knew a little more, so she answered her.

[During the imperial period, die-hard royalists in Normandy, Brittany and other places in northwest France often added a letter u to Bonaparte and deliberately pronounced it as Buonaparte to express their opposition to the usurpation of the throne. scorn. 】

This answer caused panic and shock among the nuns.

"...So now we are going to be ruled by a usurper again?" Another nun said with a sad face. "Oh, how unfortunate the world is! God will surely destroy this land."

"But even Turtle Napa is better than the Republic!" Someone immediately refuted her, "At least we are safe when he is in power..."

The nuns spoke to each other, expressing their own views on the current "dynasty changes", and their chattering words aroused Agnes's anger.

Although she does not care about politics, she cannot tolerate others showing contempt for her lover in front of her, even if it is just unintentional.

So, she changed her friendly attitude and slapped the table heavily with a cold face.


The loud noise interrupted the nuns' words, causing them to stop arguing and look at Agnes again.

And Agnes frowned slightly, her originally pretty face now seemed a little ferocious.

"Listen, I know I am a guest here, so I respect you. You can be loyal to whomever you want. This is your right. I will not interfere with you. But I also want to tell you that I will not allow it. You are so disrespectful to the King of Rome in front of me! I know you are unintentional. Maybe you just heard others shouting so, so you learned it, but enough is enough, I don’t want to hear it anymore! I can’t control what you say in private, but If I hear you shouting such scornful names again, then I will have many ways to make you regret it!"

Although Agnes was actually just an empty threat, she did have many ways to make these nuns suffer, but she was unwilling to use them. She did not like to use her power to bully others.

But even if it is a verbal threat, Agnes is still a person who has been stained with blood after all. When she is at full strength, this fierce posture is enough to scare these inexperienced nuns.

The disfigured nuns were so frightened that they stopped talking and no longer dared to say those words.

However, their eyes were still full of questions and doubts.

Who are you to him? Why do you defend him so much?

Agnes did not explain, because it really left her unable to explain. She was ashamed to reveal her current status; and she also knew that it would not be long before these nuns would know her true identity.

They will probably despise me too, right? A promiscuous woman who violates God's creed and hooks up with a married man...

When she thought of this, she suddenly realized that she had already broken with God and was destined not to be blessed.

But even so, it doesn't matter. I accept my fate and I will do what I should do until the day I go to hell.

If this is the case, then why don't you face it openly and why do you still dodge?

An inexplicable sense of pride suddenly surged into Agnes's heart. Facing these nuns, she raised her head slightly.

"I know that you must be very curious about me. Maybe you will ask others who I am later. In order to save you from the burden, I will tell you directly - I am his lover, and I am his lover. I came here with him, and this time he is also in this monastery..."


Such an explosive self-destruction made many nuns scream. The combination of the King of Rome, the princess, and the mistress was enough to "overload" their brains.

What the hell am I doing?

Seeing the shocked and frightened looks of the nuns, Agnes immediately regretted it. She didn't know what she was going crazy about now.

But now that she has come to this step, her character will not allow herself to back down, so she bites the bullet and continues, "Although you will definitely think that I am speaking good words for him based on my position, I admit it. It is indeed inevitable - but even so, I can still use my little remaining reputation to guarantee that he is the best leader our country can find now, and he will not use it because you do not support him. Even if he insults you, he will be put in jail or sent to the guillotine. He will not change his will just because of a few words of criticism from others... He wholeheartedly hopes to benefit the whole people, but His Majesty the King who you are thinking about has not done it at all. This! Even if his original intention is just to preserve his power, at least he is responding to the expectations of the people! So... I don't want to see you being so disrespectful to him, and I also have the right to do my duty to protect him. Reputation! You can laugh at me or criticize me, but don’t try to challenge my patience on this issue, I really don’t want to hurt anyone!”

Agnes's tone is sincere and persistent, and anyone who listens to it will feel the sincerity in it.

Whether this was a break-up or a love and obsession, she couldn't tell clearly, but in short, at the last moment, she did her best to protect the people she was loyal to and loved and practiced herself. promise.

Facing Agnes, who was radiating brilliance at this time, the nuns looked at each other, but of course they did not dare to continue "testing the law", so no one talked about the King of Rome anymore, and no one even asked her about Paris. thing.

Logically speaking, being a mistress is indeed not honorable, but her attitude at this time is secretly admirable, especially for these children who are not deeply involved in the world and have no understanding of men and women. They only learn from books. They learned what "disreputable" was from the teachings of adults, but they had no real sense of it. After seeing Agnes's appearance, they couldn't feel much contempt.

Maybe the world outside is already different? More than one person thought so.

At least they couldn't bear to continue scolding Miss Agnes at this time.

"Has the King of Rome also come?" After a long silence, another nun asked. "How old is he?"

"He's about the same age as me," Agnes answered.

"He must be very good-looking." A nun said confidently.

"The prince will definitely look good." Another nun nodded, confidently speaking out her illogical conclusion.

"He is indeed pretty good-looking." Agnes couldn't help laughing, but she still nodded. "But there are also many ugly princes..."

"Does he deserve to be called a prince if he is ugly?" someone asked doubtfully.

Seeing that the topic was about to get sidetracked, Agnes quickly forced the topic back.

"By the way, I have always wanted to ask. His Majesty the King of Rome and I are placed on opposite sides. When can I see him?"

At the request of the abbess, she and her lover were forced to "separate" on both sides of the monastery. For Agnes, it certainly didn't matter if she couldn't share a bed with him for a few days, but it would naturally be a bit difficult for her to accept it if she was kept in isolation and couldn't see him. .

"If you want, you can meet him at dinner... At that time we will all eat and pray in two restaurants next to each other." A nun replied in a low voice, "Of course we can't go and chat with the friars. , but if you do this, the dean will definitely not say anything... You are not here to be a nun."

Agnes thought she was right.

Anyway, for her, as long as she can meet her lover every day, it is enough.

"Thank you." She immediately thanked the nun who gave her the advice.

"I want to see him." At this time a nun suddenly said.

"What crazy talk are you talking about!" The nun next to her immediately scolded her, "How can we do this?"

"Why can't we do this, just for a look?" The nun immediately retorted, "Is this the first prince to stay in our monastery in hundreds of years? Should we miss this opportunity?"

Her words immediately triggered a response from most of the nuns.

After all, this kind of ascetic life that obliterates nature is too depressing to human nature. Even if they have accepted the destiny of serving God for life, the childlike nature in these little nuns has not been completely obliterated after all. When a prince really arrived, they instinctively wanted to get closer and have a look - even if it was just for a look.

Soon, the small room returned to the same chattering state as before, but this time Agnes did not feel upset, but felt a little funny.

Years of silent penance have also made the nuns mentally retarded (or inexperienced in worldly affairs). At this time, they seem to have forgotten that just a few minutes ago, they were still calling the prince "Turtle Nabal", and the child's Minds and emotions are always so fickle.

Political creed is just a vague concept to them. They have no real feelings and naturally no real hatred.

Moreover, as the king of Rome, as someone who wanted to be a monarch and seemed qualified to be a monarch, it was difficult for them to hate him.

The monarchy has lasted for more than ten centuries in France. Countless generations have lived in a society ruled by monarchs and did not think there was anything wrong with it. The outbreak of the Great Revolution changed everything, but only from 1792 to 1799. France had never really had a republic until 1799. After Napoleon launched the Brumaire Coup and came to power to establish a dictatorship, France quickly became a monarchy again.

Moreover, the Republic and the turmoil and bloody carnage associated with it have made many people "disillusioned" and stay away from it.

For most French people at this time, the Republic was more like a small change in a long history. It was neither sacred nor stable. It only meant turmoil and terror.

In the Vendée, people here naturally see it this way.

The king has run away, so France cannot live without a king for a day. In this case, there seems to be nothing wrong with the King of Rome.

The nuns had a noisy discussion and finally agreed that they wanted Agnes to help.

"Help? How can I help?" Agnes felt confused.

"The dean and the old nuns will definitely not let us do such an outrageous thing..." a nun replied sheepishly, "but if you force it, maybe the situation will be different."

Agnes was stunned for a moment. She originally wanted to refuse, but seeing the pitiful eyes of the nuns, she couldn't bear to say it, so she thought about it and asked again.

"But what reason do I have to force it?"

Now a group of people were in trouble and started chattering again.

"How about we make a garland for the King of Rome and give him a gift?" After discussing for a while, someone suggested. "Wouldn't it be reasonable to go over there and have a look?"

"Yes!" Her words triggered a burst of agreement, and then a group of people looked at Agnes eagerly.

Now that it was all said and done, Agnes naturally had no reason to refuse, so she nodded lightly. "Okay, let's do this...but I don't guarantee success."

"Okay!" Her words triggered a burst of cheers, and the haze just now was swept away.

The expressions of the nuns became obviously excited. After all, compared to the following decades of silent penance, being able to see a real prince may be their only chance in this life.

"Miss Agnes, shall we go get ready together?" A nun stood up and walked to Agnes, "Let's go pick grapes!"

Agnes was puzzled at first, but after others explained it, she realized that there were large vineyards around the monastery, which were the property of the monastery. The monks usually used grapes to make some wine for their own use, and naturally they also planted grapes in the vineyards. With lots of flowers.

What a bunch of kids... Agnes didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she still nodded in agreement.

Compared with the disasters and shadows of the past, perhaps this is a day worth cherishing more.

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