Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and ninety-six, contribution

With Aigron's efforts, the unfamiliar atmosphere in the hall gradually eased. He shook hands with everyone cordially and talked and laughed. If he met a noble whose family background he had heard of, he would also chat a few words about their ancestors. Close and emotional distance from each other - for this group of provincial nobles, their ancestors may be their most proud thing.

For Aigron, these nobles not only have a certain degree of civil influence, but also have other uses - most of them have a tradition of serving in the military for generations and have relatively rich military experience. As long as they can be Winning over can enhance his control over the army.

He is not afraid of being backlashed by the nobles, because today's France is no longer the era when feudal lords and landowners can rebel against the central government at any time. Louis XIV completed the centralization of power and moved the great nobles to Versailles one after another. The embellishments of the dynasty and his personal obedient servants, and used a luxurious life to empty out the family properties of these nobles, so that they had to please the king at any time in order to receive rewards from the king to maintain their families. After the efforts of several generations of kings, in Before the outbreak of the Revolution, some people were already lamenting the decline of the French aristocracy; and the storm of the Revolution intensified all this.

The government of the Republic showed no mercy to the nobles who raised the flag of rebellion, severely executed them and confiscated their property. Even if the entire family was not killed, the survivors often faced the terrible dilemma of having their families broken up and all their property lost.

Although Emperor Napoleon and the Restoration Dynasty worked hard in the next thirty years to help the nobles restore their family fortunes in various ways, it was difficult to return to the past.

Any observer will admit that although France's population is two or three times larger than that of England across the Channel, its aristocracy is much "poorer" than the gentlemen in the British House of Lords.

Under such circumstances, the French aristocrats were naturally more eager to accumulate wealth. They would either put down their status and marry into the newly rising bourgeoisie, or they would try their best to serve in the government in exchange for high salaries and the opportunity to enrich themselves from public funds. .

And this invisibly deepened their dependence on the monarch.

Noble families that can gain favor from the king have the hope of reviving their family business and even creating greater glory, while nobles who are forgotten and rejected by the court can only gradually decline.

But no matter whether they can keep their status and family business, they are destined to gradually become unknown in the tide of the times and become relics of the past era.

Because he understands this, Aigron is not afraid of this declining and dying class making trouble with him. Instead, he can use their dependence on him to extract the final "dividend of the times."

After chatting with everyone for a while, Aigron walked to the center of the crowd and announced loudly to everyone present. "Everyone, I realize very deeply that you all come from prestigious families. For centuries, you have served as the essence of the local area. You have shouldered the responsibility of maintaining law and order, and you have indeed proved it with your fearless fighting. Your love for your hometown.

Next, no matter whether we like each other or not, we should abandon all past prejudices and work hard for the future of Vendée - in the future, I hope you will participate in politics more as social sages and convey to me the local people's sentiments and Public opinion, France is made up of every piece of land, and every piece cannot be ignored. From now on, let us work together to protect future generations from disaster. This is the people's wish and an obligation that we must fulfill! "

Aiglon said these clichés,

On the surface, it sounds grand, but in fact it encourages local nobles to actively participate in the political life of the empire and act as local representatives.

Of course, this can also be called "recruitment".

He believed that most of these stubborn nobles who were orthodox in political stance would not mind accepting Aiglon's tacit recruitment under the guise of "benefiting the country" and receiving favor and favor from him. reward.

Using them, Aegron can quell the seeds of rebellion lurking in the Vendée region and prevent the region from becoming a problem for him.

Of course, this plan will not produce immediate results, but given time, he can gradually melt this rebellious area into the empire.

After the grand meeting, General Pierre Poitou held a grand lunch for Aiglon and the invited guests. The food on the table was so rich that people forgot that they were in a country that advocated simplicity. among the monasteries.

Aiglon was originally going to have a pleasant meal with the guests, but just after he finished his toast, something unexpected happened to him.

The door was slowly opened, and then Agnes appeared at the door of the restaurant. Originally, this would not have surprised Agron, but he soon discovered that a group of young nuns were actually following her.

"Agnes, what's going on?" he couldn't help but blurt out.

Agnes looked a little embarrassed, she smiled sheepishly facing Agron.

But she didn't speak, but took a flower crown from the nun next to her, and then walked in front of Aigron in full view of everyone. Then she knelt down on one knee, then held the flower crown above her head with both hands, posing The gesture of offering treasures to Aiglon.

"Your Majesty, the nuns here were very excited when they heard that you were here. For this reason, they went to pick flowers, weaved a corolla, and entrusted me to donate it to you. Although it is a small gift, I I think it contains the people's blessings and expectations for you, which is a priceless treasure...so I implore you to accept this gift."

Aiglon looked at the corolla in Agnes's hand. It was indeed newly woven, and it still exuded the fragrance of flowers.

He raised his head again and looked at the nuns behind Agnes. As if they couldn't bear his sight, they all lowered their heads. No one dared to say a word.

So, he smiled, then leaned slightly, took the flower crown from Agnes's hand, and then solemnly put it on his head.

However, despite his solemn expression, he whispered a question in Agnes's ear.

"What are you doing? Agnes."

"Sorry, Your Majesty, just act with me." Agnes smiled awkwardly, and then stood up from the ground. "They are all very curious about you and want to take a look at you, so they I came up with such an idea. But this is also a sincere intention, please don’t mind.”

"It's already happened, what's the point of me caring anymore?" Aigron could only smile helplessly.

Then, he asked Agnes, "How do you think it works when I wear it?"

Agnes looked carefully at the Roman king wearing a flower crown in front of her, and she found it difficult to look away.

"Great." Finally, with a little bit of reluctance, she said what was in her heart.

This was not what she said against her will. In fact, Aiglon, who was originally young and handsome, now looked majestic in his gorgeous clothes, and with a flower crown on his head, he was even more able to charm this inexperienced girl.

"Hahahaha..." Aiglon laughed out loud, "Your honesty made me forgive all these accidents. Please express my gratitude to them on my behalf!"

Agnes blushed slightly, then nodded and excused herself to the King of Rome, then turned around and walked into the ranks of the nuns.

The other guests were silently watching the scene in front of them. Although the two of them spoke very softly, even if they could not hear what they said, they could still see the interaction between the two of them. The relationship between them is extraordinary.

Of course they are not fools. With Aiglon's parade, Miss Agnes's name has spread throughout the country. Even if no one introduces Agnes, they can naturally see who this lady is.

Although some people were quite dissatisfied with the fact that a noble nobleman like Duke Nordelien offered his daughter to flatter the King of Rome, after all, it is a French tradition for kings to have mistresses. It was not their turn to interrupt, and no one would do so. And express dissatisfaction.

Then, Agnes and the nuns bowed to Agron and left the restaurant silently. This small unexpected incident disappeared without a trace at any time.

Aiglon, who was wearing a flower crown, looked even more radiant at this time.

He picked up the wine glass again and faced the guests with great interest.

"Everyone, I am very happy to receive such a gift. In this sacred place, the pure nuns who consecrated themselves to God expressed to me their expectations and recognition. For me this is a gift from God. Metaphor! Decades ago, we experienced an unfortunate era in which religion was trampled on and abandoned, but that cruel era has passed. Like the late emperor, I will protect our country’s sacred religion and church! We believe in God, who also believes in those moral principles that transcend the world, now, to God and to holy Christianity, we drink!”

Receiving the flower crown was an accident, but Aiglon had an idea and used the topic to express his intention to become the protector of religion.

Of course, this is just a verbal claim. After all, he has committed all seven deadly sins in his life, but this does not prevent him from packaging himself in the name of God.

For the Vendées, the name of religion is indeed quite effective. As long as Aiglon does not offend their beliefs, they can be willing to recognize his rule.

"Cheers!" Under Aigron's gaze, people raised their glasses and celebrated together for the Almighty Lord.


While Agron and the guests were enjoying their meal, Agnes took the nuns back to their previous residence.

After fulfilling their wish to meet the prince, most of the nuns were very excited, and some even blushed with excitement.

"Miss Agnes, you are indeed not lying." Someone confessed to Agnes, "His Majesty the King of Rome is so beautiful! When I saw him, I believed that he was destined to rule our monarch."

... Just now you were angrily scolding the usurper in front of me and turned around and said this. Are your orthodox principles so papery? Agnes complained in her mind.

In addition to complaining, she also had a feeling of pride that she could not admit. After all, His Majesty, whom everyone admired and looked up to, ultimately favored her. Because of this, even though she knew that her identity was immoral, The subconscious mind of "female competition" greatly satisfied her vanity.

But on the surface, she still acted calm and relaxed, "Actually, it's just the same thing after seeing it too much. Just get used to it."

The envious eyes instantly met on Agnes. The nuns all knew that His Majesty the King of Rome was destined to only stay in this monastery for a short time before returning to Paris, which was destined to belong to him. Only Miss Agnes was qualified to accompany her. Go back together.

Just like a short dream, it will end soon, but today's glimpse will probably remain in the hearts of many people for a long time.

"You are very popular with His Majesty." After a moment of silence, a nun whispered, "He seems to be very accommodating to you..."

"It's just an appearance. In fact, I have to accommodate him, because he is His Majesty, and I can only obey his every weird idea-" Agnes replied.

Then, she sighed sadly, "Besides, my whole family depends on His Majesty, how could I disobey His will?"

The nuns seemed to understand what Agnes said.

For them, who are destined to devote their lives to God, "princess" and "his majesty's mistress" are extremely strange lives that cannot even be imagined.

But no matter what, what happened today has been an eye-opener for them.

"I'm sorry, Miss Agnes, I want to solemnly apologize to you." A nun who had just quarreled with Agnes spoke to her, "I shouldn't be so disrespectful to His Majesty the King of Rome. After all, it is just as you said. , now that the orthodox king has left us, only he can lead our country, I believe others will think so."

The nun's words aroused a burst of agreement from her companions. Obviously, after the initial shock, they have accepted the reality of "change of dynasty". As long as the monarchy has not changed, it is also acceptable for them that the Bonaparte family ascends the throne. the result of.

Agnes also understands their thoughts quite well.

When she came, she had already seen the general's behavior as if facing a powerful enemy, and from what she saw and heard, she could also feel the Vendée's alienation from His Majesty, and even some rebelliousness.

But in the end, she discovered that what supported this place was not blind loyalty or superstition, but fear and confusion. They fear the past repeating themselves more than anyone else.

It only wants peace, not rebellion. As long as its humblest wishes are fulfilled, everything will be fine.

"Don't worry, children." Although she was no older than them, Agnes assured everyone gently, "There will be no more disasters, and everything will get better. I will defend it with the King of Rome. This country, protect everyone..."

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