Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and five, sisters

The turn of spring and summer is the most vibrant time of the year, and at this time in Schönbrunn Palace, although the gardens are still lush and green, and the water in the fountains is as clear as ever, in the huge palace, There were not many fresh breaths of life to be seen, and even the attendants and maids who passed by in a hurry could not see many smiles on their faces. There was a depressing atmosphere, as dull as the old emperor himself.

This is not surprising. During the era of Queen Theresa, the palace was prosperous. While the queen was in charge of power, she also gave birth to more than a dozen children at one go. The laughter and laughter of these children made the surrounding area noisy. ——However, more than half a century has passed, and the situation has become very different.

Emperor Franz has been on the throne for more than 30 years and has been married four times. Although these queens together gave him many children, most of them unfortunately died young, and few survived, and the daughters grew up. He also got married when he became an adult, and only two sons survived.

Of these two sons, the eldest son suffers from severe mental illness and has almost no ability to take care of himself. Naturally, he cannot talk about getting married; while the younger son, although still normal, has mediocre intellectual development and even has epileptic seizures from time to time, so even if Married to Princess Sophie, the relationship between the couple is also quite cold.

When they were young, they were not outstanding and had no vitality; when they grew up, they had no personal charm at all, and they could only bring any improvement to the boring atmosphere of the palace.

To put it harshly, the Duke of Lechstadt, who once lived here in seclusion, can almost be said to be the only source of energy output for this palace. The talents he displayed during his growth finally made this palace have An ideal royal grandson.

Perhaps it was for this reason that his grandfather secretly hoped to find him a marriage partner and let him stay here.

However, things went against expectations. Before the finger-marriage became a reality, an accident happened.

The flight of Duke Lechstadt not only greatly angered His Majesty the Emperor, but also further reduced the population of the palace. More seriously, it seemed to have drained away its remaining vitality. Since a year ago, , this place has become so dull that even the most traditional attendants find it boring. It is as silent as a pool of stagnant water, and there will not even be much change in the foreseeable future.

Although the palace will still hold celebrations and dances as usual, and His Majesty the Emperor can also show due majesty, such routine activities have no other meaning besides further revealing the dullness of the old emperor. Even those The guests just mechanically followed social etiquette and just wanted to end this boring suffering as soon as possible.

This country seems to be as sleepy and old as the emperor. People of all walks of life consume their remaining vitality in lazy dances and chats in cafes, while bureaucrats are indulged in the inertia of routine.

The entire country is also sliding step by step into the abyss of weakness amid dullness. All the accumulated problems have only been made more serious by perfunctory delay, and there seems to be no hope of change.

Today, the palace calmly welcomed a guest from afar. Due to her distinguished status, the palace received her with a corresponding standard according to the customary rules, but there was absolutely no unnecessary enthusiasm. Everything was just a routine. .

This guest is naturally Princess Maria who came from Bavaria to visit Schonbrunn Palace.

In the previous meeting with Aiglon, she took the initiative to say that she would help her sister, and now it was time for her to fulfill her promise.

The energetic Princess Maria came to Schonbrunn Palace for the first time in her life. Like most first-time visitors, she was dazzled by the exquisite architecture and scenery; but she also immediately felt the atmosphere. An oppressive dull feeling - those rigid faces with almost no laughter or laughter. Although their appearances were different, she only felt that their souls seemed to have been assimilated and marked with a boring mark.

"We have everything here, but there is a lack of human kindness. No wonder she is so desperate to fall in love with that guy." Maria thought to herself. "If I didn't do this, I would have gone crazy long ago - ah, of course, if I did this, I would be crazy, and the consequences would seem to be worse, but at least I would be happy, which is better than my soul slowly drying up while waiting in boredom..."

Soon after, she was taken to His Majesty the Emperor's drawing room.

Although she had never seen His Majesty the Emperor in person before, after seeing the old man sitting behind the desk, even if she didn't pay attention to the dress he was wearing, Maria knew that she was absolutely the best person based on his dull and gloomy temperament. You won't get the wrong person.

After taking a look at the old emperor, Maria immediately felt a sense of disgust in her heart, but she hid this disgust well in her heart, and then saluted him with a respectful attitude.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to meet you. Your kindness and achievements are familiar even to me in a foreign country, and I am full of admiration for you."

"Oh, really?" His Majesty the Emperor did not show any joy, but just nodded calmly.

Like Maria, the old emperor didn't have a good impression of Maria at first sight - after all, Princess Maria looked exactly like her sister and the emperor's daughter-in-law, so he naturally generously transplanted that disgust to her .

Compared to Maria, the emperor didn't need to be hypocritical and polite to people he hated, so he acted quite coldly, "I thought you wouldn't like me too much -"

Although His Majesty the Emperor did not say it clearly, Maria naturally understood what the other party was referring to - after Emperor Napoleon began to rise, Bavaria turned to the French Empire for its own benefit, and eventually became its ally, following France and Austria against each other many times. , as one of Napoleon's mortal enemies, Emperor Franz naturally did not forgive these "German traitors" in his heart.

"Your country and our country are friendly allies. Our two great families have been intermarrying with each other for many generations. Through the inheritance of the maternal line, the blood of the Habsburg family also flows in our bodies, and you are part of this great family. Patriarch, how could we not admire you?" Maria replied with a smile, "In fact, we are all very lucky that Germany has such a kind, generous and outstanding leader like you. It was you who restored and protected us all. We are forever grateful for the peace."

Although she has always been harsh in her words and even dared to sneer at her own brother, she still has sense and knows how to be measured. She naturally knows in her heart that it is no joke to offend His Majesty the Emperor at this time - especially for the time being. I have something to ask for from this old guy.

Of course, there was still a hidden thorn in her words - the thirty years of rule by the old emperor could not be called benevolent and generous, with outstanding achievements, quite the opposite.

Then, she continued respectfully, "This time I came here and brought a letter written by my mother and brother Wang to express my respect for you."

Emperor Franz still had a cold attitude and just nodded slightly, indicating that Maria would present the letter to him - of course he knew that they were not writing to express "respect" for him.

After receiving permission, Maria entrusted the two letters. His Majesty the Emperor opened the letters, browsed them briefly out of courtesy, and then quickly put them aside.

In order not to offend the emperor, the wording of both letters was carefully considered. The first part was full of clichés and nonsense. Only at the end did he slightly mention his worries about Sophie, saying that he had not received any letters from Sophie for a long time. , as the family is very worried and hopes to get the exact news.

The content of the letter certainly did not exceed the old emperor's expectations. Those flattering clichés did not make him happy, but the anger in his heart rose again.

The reason why this woman dares to be so lawless is not because she feels that her mother's family has a noble status, so she has nothing to fear!

Emperor Franz was not afraid of Bavaria, nor did he think that the King of Bavaria would really make trouble with him over a married princess, but as a member of the royal family, he had to respond.

"Sophie is slightly unwell now. Although there is no danger to her life, the doctor thinks it is best to rest and rest, so she has temporarily stopped communicating with the outside world. I'm sorry to make you so worried."

"Then can you let me go see her?" Maria immediately asked, "Since she is sick, as a sister, I should visit her - besides, I still have to blame her for not communicating with the outside world. , she didn’t even say a few greetings to our mother. It’s simply too much. Even if she is ill in bed, she doesn’t even have the time to verbally say a few words to those around her! She makes us so worried for no reason. Do you think she is so decent? ?”

His Majesty the Emperor was in a bad mood when he saw this woman who looked the same as his daughter-in-law. Now after hearing this sarcastic question, he was even more angry.

Sure enough, they were born from the same mother, and they are all so arrogant and mean...

But on the surface, there seemed to be no problem with Maria's words. Even if he wanted to get angry, there was nowhere to vent his anger. As an emperor, he couldn't lower himself to quarrel with a woman, so he could only wave his hand impatiently.

"Of course, we are not a prison here. How can we not let my sister visit my sister? Someone will take you there later -"

He was not afraid that Maria would learn Sophie's true situation now - so what if she knew? I can't even take revenge on myself.

"Thank you for your magnanimity!" Maria immediately saluted the old emperor again.

Just as she was about to leave with the palace attendants, the old emperor suddenly asked again, "Duke Lechstadt has been in your country for a while. How do you get along with him?"

Maria had already guessed that the emperor might ask similar questions, so she was not surprised and just answered him calmly,

"It's a pity that I rarely see him. After all, he came to our country for some important events, not to visit relatives and friends. However, judging from the limited interactions, I think His Highness is not only outstanding in appearance, but also elegant in manners and wealthy. In terms of personal appeal, I think he is indeed worthy of being the best of his generation - this is also the result of your careful upbringing of him. Without you, God knows where he would have fallen!"

"Huh, if he knew this, why would he do this?" the emperor said angrily.

"I think he understands this truth." Maria replied with a smile, "During our conversation, the Duke was very grateful to you, and he also felt very sorry for what he had done before. Judging from the facts, you are not only You have educated him and carefully selected such a wife for him, which can be described as a mountain of kindness. So I think if his ambition for fame was a little weaker, he might really be willing to stay with you and be your filial grandson. …”

Normally when she seems to be praising, she is actually being slanderous, but at this moment she seems to be slandering, but in fact she is praising - after all, Duke Lechstadt did refuse her "sending her grandfather to serve God in advance" "Proposal, no matter what the motivation is, this is an act of filial piety.

Of course, the emperor couldn't tell the difference between insults and facts. He just felt like he was being stabbed secretly by the other party again - of course the facts were almost the same.

He only felt that his blood pressure had soared, but it was difficult to have an attack, and he felt even more disgusted with this Princess Maria.

Just treat her a little and let her go quickly.

"Okay, I still have a lot of things to deal with, so please go ahead." He waved his hand impatiently and motioned for the attendant to take Maria away. "I wish you a pleasant chat."

"Thank you." Maria smiled and curtsied, bidding farewell to the emperor.

Soon, under the guidance of the attendant, Maria quickly arrived at Sophie's suite.

And Sophie, who had already been notified, was also waiting here.

The two of them are twin sisters, and their faces are naturally very similar, but it's easy to tell who is who now - because compared to Maria, who was in her prime and radiant, Sophie now looks much more haggard.

As soon as the two sisters met, they had thousands of things to say to each other, but none of them were said out loud. Only tears appeared in the corners of their eyes. Although the two sisters had often quarreled since they were young, they had been living together day and night for more than ten years. How can the feelings of getting along be easily erased?

"She is still my sister after all." Sophie said with a sigh of relief, "God knows how happy I am to see you now!"

"That's right, who can feel better after seeing that old man's face every day." Maria said angrily, "Staying here for a long time makes people crazy. No wonder you always say that you are about to wither."

"Alas..." Sophie sighed. "The person who can bring me joy is gone, what else can I do?"

"Speaking of which..." Maria laughed, "I did bring you a good gift."

Then, she took out a letter from her sleeve, and then shook it with her sister in a ostentatious manner, "You really have to thank me. He cried and begged me to send this to you. He said he hadn't written to you for a long time. If you believe it, you will be driven crazy."

Sophie's reaction was far beyond Maria's expectations - she was not so happy that she almost fainted, but was stunned for a moment.

Then, she laughed uncontrollably. In this gorgeous smile, she seemed to have regained her past charm and vitality. "He really makes things fun for me."

"What?" Maria was confused.

"He has already sent me a letter, through his mother." Sophie explained while laughing, "So the words he said in front of you are just teasing you - congratulations, I have always been conceited. My sister, you are being played around by a boy who is six years younger than you!"

Then, Sophie walked to her bed, then carefully took out an inconspicuous letter from under the pillow beside the bed, and shook it to her sister.

The letter was full of creases. Obviously, she had read this letter countless times in recent times - naturally, she also got too much comfort and courage from this letter.

However, Maria's mood couldn't possibly get better. Her eyes widened, first in surprise and then in anger.

She originally thought that she would bring great comfort to her sister and become a "benefactor" to both of them, but she did not expect that she would actually be tricked by that hateful young man a long time ago, and she felt so proud of herself.

When that guy begged me with a sad face, what kind of evil smile was he holding in his heart?

When she thought of this, she, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, became so angry.

Sophie saw what her sister was thinking, so she stopped teasing her, "My sister, even if it's not the only letter, you gave me a very good gift...it's better than any jewelry to me." They are all more valuable, okay, don’t be angry, just give it to me, this little guy is just like that, full of bad habits, just get used to it."

Maria gritted her teeth and handed the letter to her sister, but she was still furious.

"How shameless!" He couldn't help but cursed.

"It's so shameless." Sophie nodded, but the smile on her face showed that she didn't have any anger. "But it's also cute and shameless. Think about it, if he wasn't such a person, how could he have brought me this kind of happiness in the first place?" So much fun?”

Then, she couldn't wait to open the second letter, preparing to draw new strength from it.

Seeing her sister's look of happiness and remembrance, Maria felt even more unhappy.

So she also sneered. "His shamelessness is not just because he played a trick on me once. When we first met, he couldn't wait to make an extremely rude offense to me... If I hadn't been soft-hearted, he might have already made a fuss. A huge scandal.”

After finishing speaking, in order to let her sister understand, she raised her hand, then flexed her fingers, making a vulgar gesture without any manners, and added a vulgar explanation, "It's like a wild cat in heat."

Now it was Sophie's turn to be horrified.

She glared angrily, threw the letter on the table, and slammed the table.

"How shameless!"

"How shameless." Maria sneered and nodded. ​13203/10040615

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