Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and eleven, discouraged and lost

"I believe that with your ability, you will be back soon."

Aiglon's brief words made General Treville's heart surge with excitement.

Because this is actually a promise that as long as he makes meritorious service in North Africa, His Majesty will never let himself be buried, but will immediately find a way to recall him to Paris to help him take charge of the army.

This is also very reasonable. After all, although His Majesty is currently "cooperating closely" with Marshal Soult, he is definitely unwilling to share it with others. He has a strong motive to promote cronies to replace the existing command.

So, as a true "direct lineage" general with qualifications and meritorious service, is there anyone more suitable than General Treville?

Never! The general answered confidently to himself.

After this period of lying dormant and watching indifferently, he has gained a clear understanding of the situation and has found the password to his future success. He believes that as long as he continues along this path, his meteoric rise will be just around the corner.

Of course, the basis of all this is that he was able to make great achievements in North Africa.

He knew very well that although the army was divided into factions, it was also a place where personal heroism was strongest. In addition to background and qualifications, military merit was also the last word. Only by making meritorious deeds could his rapid promotion be able to convince the public and achieve success. The confidence to command the entire army.

Therefore, even if Aiglon told him to cooperate with Marshal Moncey, he was still determined to fight. If necessary, he could even break away from the marshal's control and do his own thing. As His Majesty's most trusted general at present, he has this capital. , he must also make good use of this capital.

Of course, he would never say these words in front of Aigron. He just put on an excited look, repeatedly expressed his loyalty to Aigron, and swore that the Treville family would be loyal to the empire for generations.

After getting everything he wanted, General Treville returned from the palace with satisfaction and returned to his home.

According to his original daily habits, he would deal with his letters and documents at this time, or simply exercise, but today the Marquis's unshakable routine was interrupted - because his precious son Edgar came to see him.

Although they usually live under the same roof, father and son have very little communication. Edgar, who is afraid of his father, does not dare to disturb his father and will not contact him if possible. Therefore, he took the initiative to find him, but let Trey General Weir was a little confused.

He observed his son carefully and found that his son was very different from his usual well-dressed appearance.

There was obvious stubble on the corners of his mouth, and there were thick circles around his eyes. It seemed that he had been sleeping very poorly recently.

The general, who has always been serious and self-disciplined, has very strict requirements for himself, and has strictly prohibited his son from acting inappropriately since he was a child. As a playboy, Edgar naturally attaches great importance to cleaning up his appearance. He has never been in such a mess as now.

"Why have you been so decadent recently?" The Marquis frowned slightly, and then asked his son impatiently.

"Dad...I'm sorry, I'm just worried about something." Edgar also knew his current state, so he could only apologize to his father with a slumped face.

"Are you still worried?" After hearing this answer, Marquis Treville felt relieved. "It seems that you have finally made some progress."

Looking at the serious-looking Marquis, Edgar, who was afraid of his father's power, instinctively wanted to retreat, but he was a little unwilling to do so, so he seemed very hesitant and hesitated to speak.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly and don't act so coy!" the Marquis urged his son impatiently.

Under his father's urging, Edgar finally made up his mind.

"Dad, actually...actually there is a reason why I have been in a bad mood recently. I...after I returned to Paris, I wanted to find Princess Cadillan, and asked someone to ask her the address where she had taken refuge. However, I went there I looked for her address but found that she was not there at all. So, recently I have been looking for her, but I have made no progress. She seems to have disappeared from the world... Dad, I want to ask you, please help me find her, your relationship He is definitely a hundred times more capable than me. If you help me, I should be able to find her whereabouts..."

As Edgar spoke, he noticed that his father's face was becoming more and more livid. He instinctively knew that this was a sign of the coming storm, so he had to shut his mouth.

His hunch was indeed correct. The Marquis' original excellent mood was now gone because of his son's words.

"Bastard! Why are you looking for her?!" Then he asked through gritted teeth. "It was enough for you to hang out with her in the past. After all, she was powerful in the court, but what else does she have now? She is just a stupid woman with an empty title! She will be forgotten by Paris in less than three months. How can you still What are you doing with her? She is no good to you now, only bad. Don’t forget that her husband went into exile with the king. She is now a family member of the traitor. Do you want to bear the burden of having an affair with the Bourbon family? Suspect?!"

Facing his father's storm of questioning, Edgar was frightened. In fact, he also expected that his father would react like this - how could he take such a risk if he hadn't already tried all other methods? Are you looking for your father?

"Dad...I know, you are right." He replied tremblingly, "Logically speaking, I should forget her, but...I received too many favors from her back then, and we had too many experiences when we got along. Wonderful memories, so now when she is in trouble, it is really difficult for me to convince myself to stand by and watch... Besides, she had a premonition of her loss of power at the time, so she even begged me not to abandon her if such a day comes. Regardless, I promised her."

"Why, it turns out that my son is actually a handsome gentleman who keeps his word?" Marquis Treville mocked Edgar with a sneer on his face, "Did I completely fail in your family education?"

It has completely failed... Edgar replied in his heart, but of course he would never dare to say it out loud.

"Dad, no matter what, I beg you to help me. Every time you ordered me to do something before, I always obeyed. Only this time I ask you to help me..." After finishing speaking, he Looking at his father with pleading, "If I knew that she was still living in seclusion, I might be able to ignore her, but now her life or death is uncertain, and she may be in danger. You told me not to take it seriously at all. I really do Not even there!”

Indeed, if it were in the past, Edgar would definitely not be so anxious. After all, Princess Kadiyan is one of the most famous and powerful ladies in the court, and no one will harm her no matter what; but now The situation was different. Her power had disappeared and her husband was forced to go into exile. She was trapped in an isolated and helpless situation. God knows what happened during the war.

It was precisely because he was afraid that something might happen to the princess that he was so worried. He tried his best to find his father for help - this was his last effort.

This piece of trash! Facing his son's pleading eyes, Marquis Treville cursed in his heart.

Edgar has always disappointed him very much. He is not good at learning literature and martial arts, and he has no perseverance and ambition. He only knows how to eat, drink, play and be happy. He obviously has the appearance and intelligence gifted by the Treville family, but he has squandered his talents. , there is absolutely no way to provoke the family's leadership after his death.

Every time he thought of this, the Marquis wanted to pick up a riding crop and beat his son half to death.

But what can be done? After all, this is his son, the son he has taken care of since childhood.

After the death of his wife, this only son was almost the only weakness in his life. Although he spoke harshly every time, how could he be willing to really abandon her?

So, even though he was going crazy with anger, Marquis Treville's eyes gradually softened in the face of his son's pleading eyes.

"Okay, don't look like this crying person, you really embarrass me! Okay, I understand, I will go find out her whereabouts, but you should also be careful, even if you find her, don't follow her What kind of dealings does she have - I have already said that, now she is useless, she is completely a negative asset, whoever gets it will be unlucky, do you understand!"

"Thank you, Dad!" Edgar almost cried with joy when he heard his father finally agreed.

As for what his father said later, of course he turned a deaf ear. If he could find the princess, he would of course find a way to renew their relationship - as for the princess's "political value", he had never cared about it in the first place, and now even if it becomes a negative equity What's the point.

Seeing his son's excited expression, Marquis Treville also knew that his warning would most likely be in vain.

However, he didn't say anything more - from his childhood to now, he had beaten and scolded his son countless times, and in the end he could only watch his son become like this. What was the point of saying more now?

He just felt extremely depressed now.

So what’s the point of my dormancy and my camping?

Will everything I have worked so hard to build in my life be defeated in his hands in the end?

For a moment, he also gave up on himself.

But soon, the pride and stubbornness coming from his family bloodline rekindled his fighting spirit. Although he is older now, he is not moldy yet. He still has time to continue to fight. And if his son dies, he can at least place his hope on the next generation.

But... the matter of the next generation gave him a huge headache again.

"You value friendship so much, why don't you think about who is your real wife?" Then, he asked coldly, "You have never cared so much about Alice. You should spend more time with her! Now you two How can I feel at ease if I only have one daughter?"

Hearing his father mention Alice, Edgar's face suddenly showed a little embarrassment and guilt.

"She... She has recently been entrusted with an important task by His Majesty. She is busy with her affairs and almost always stays in the palace. Even if I want to get close to her, I rarely have the chance..." He defended himself.

"Nonsense! It's obvious that you neglected her, but you put the responsibility on others. If it wasn't because you fell in love with you, how could she marry you despite her father's objection?" The Marquis was so angry that he shouted loudly. He scolded his son, "Even though she has many affairs in the palace now, if you really want to get close to her, will she refuse? Will anyone stop you?"

Facing his father's scolding, Edgar was speechless and could only look elsewhere.

The Marquis didn't even bother to get angry now, he just felt helpless.

Alice is not a fool, on the contrary, she is very smart. She clearly feels the neglect of her husband, and can naturally detect the favoritism of her father-in-law. Therefore, from a certain time before, she has been actively alienating her father and son. She spends her energy If you devote yourself to your career, why not be disappointed with your family?

Originally, with the resurgence of His Majesty who they followed, the situation of the Marquis Treville and his family is now very bright - the general himself is His Majesty's military confidant, and is bound to become one of the main leaders of the army in the future; Alice is in the palace She was highly used among them; even Agnes has now become His Majesty's most favored lover.

With so much insurance, you can be successful with your eyes closed, right?

It stands to reason that now my career is smooth, and my plan to send Agnes to His Majesty for favor has been executed smoothly and perfectly. There is even an unexpected surprise that Alice is reused by the two Majesties. Everything is as it should be. It's so perfect, it should be three times happy.

But why does it seem like I can’t be happy at all…

However, all of this has been changed beyond recognition because of Edgar's own laissez-faire.

The husband and wife seem to be inseparable and become increasingly estranged. The inevitable result is that it is difficult for family members to form synergy.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and his eyes became more severe and fierce as he glared at his son.

"Even if you don't have any effect, I can tolerate it, but in the end you have the opposite effect, dragging us all down... Edgar, I am really disappointed in you. What if Alice were my son?" How good! You deserve to be a dirty painter and spend your useless life in alcohol and syphilis!"

However, despite the scolding, he also knew that it was meaningless to say this.

After venting, he could only collect his emotions and rethink his current situation and countermeasures.

Since he promised his son, of course he will fulfill his son's wish.

As for Alice, it is obvious that the estrangement between the two parties has been difficult to bridge, but fortunately they cannot divorce. No matter what, Alice has to bear the title of Mrs. Treville, and she will marry her even if she is unwilling to do so. Bound together.

However, the matter of the next generation cannot be delayed any longer.

Since the couple is now deliberately alienating each other, it will be difficult for them to have another child in the foreseeable future, and they are pressed for time and cannot afford to delay.

Then you can only implement that alternative plan. Even if you pay the corresponding price, it is better than a lifetime of hard work disappearing into thin air.

It is true that this is very sorry for Alice, but he has sorry for too many people in his life, so what if there is one more? Outsiders are outsiders after all, and those who share the same blood are family members.

"Dad...Dad..." Seeing his father's gloomy face and silence, Edgar was a little nervous.

"Get out! Don't be an eyesore in front of me!" The Marquis was awakened, and then shouted at his confused son.

Like a wildcat that had been stabbed, Edgar trembled all over, and then hurriedly ran out.

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