Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty, confrontation

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"Compared to me, you seem to be more worried about your youth? You seem to be much older than me, cousin."

Although Agnes spoke calmly, these words produced enough lethality to make Maria extremely angry.

As an "old leftover girl" in the royal family, Maria is most sensitive to her growing age, and Agnes's light words hit her most painful spot.

Of course, she was rightfully ignoring the fact that it was she who provoked it in the first place.

The blood vessels on Maria's forehead throbbed a few times, and an angry look flashed in her eyes. Although she barely maintained a cold smile on her face, the hostility was already overflowing.

As a swordsman who had fought others to the death several times, Agnes could certainly sense the hostility coming towards her face, but she didn't take it seriously at all.

After all, she is the owner of this place at the moment. Although she doesn't know who this Ms. Maria is, she is just an unexpected guest. What is there to be afraid of?

Even if she really has a great background, so what? Agnes has never been a cowardly person. She even beat up the blood prince of Austria before, so how could she be afraid of this lady of unknown origin.

The weird atmosphere brought about a deadlocked silence, neither of them spoke for a while.

Logically speaking, Agnes can just walk away now, leave this lady Maria alone here, and let her leave in disgrace after the banquet is over. This is how the upper class treats "unwelcome guests." "Common practice.

However, the competitive spirit in her bones made Agnes unwilling to walk away. It would seem that she was afraid of the other party, so she would rather stay where she was and see what other tricks this beautiful but unlovable lady has. .

Fortunately, the weird stalemate didn't last long. Maria picked up the wine glass, viciously downed herself a sip of the scarlet liquid, and then looked at Agnes with a smile on her face again.

"I really didn't expect that you look humble and generous, but you have such a mouth."

"I was also forced to learn it slowly. To face this world, it is absolutely impossible not to learn how to fight an eye with an eye." Agnes replied, "Looking at your style, you should have seen a lot of worlds, and you must be better than me. That's right."

"Oh, you think highly of me... Although I am indeed older than you, my experience is not as rich as yours. I grew up in a remote place since I was a child, and what I have seen and heard since I was a child is only limited to that It’s just a small place, and I haven’t seen much of the world. How can I be as lucky as you, to be famous in Europe at a young age, to make everyone curious, and to flock here to meet you?”

If Agnes mentioned the age issue just now was a heavy blow to Maria, Maria is now insinuating that Agnes is "famous in Europe", which is also poking Agnes' most painful wound.

After all, the so-called "famous in Europe" is nothing more than her being known to the world as an open lover.

Some people will definitely feel complacent about it, but Agnes is different. After all, she is still young and has too much moral sense in her heart, so she has not yet learned to be comfortable with her immoral "exalted status".

Normally, no one would dare to bring it up in front of her, and she could still avoid touching the wound, but when Maria said it face to face, she suddenly felt ashamed.

However, she cannot escape.

She can be ashamed, but she can't admit defeat. She doesn't want to show weakness and pain in front of a person with obvious malicious intentions.

So, she gritted her teeth secretly, and calmly replied with suppressed anger.

"Being famous in Europe is not what I want,

And I don't cherish this kind of reputation, you can just treat me as a mediocre ordinary person. "

Seeing that Agnes was also poked into a sore spot, Maria felt that she had regained a point, and she immediately felt better.

"Even if you are really humble, I'm afraid this is something you can't do. Now everyone knows that you have a close relationship with the King of Rome, and those who follow the power are flocking to you and your family, intending to receive favor from you Take a share of the favor—isn’t this grand scene like this today? Isn’t the words I accidentally heard just now just someone trying to please you? Since you have already reached this point, why bother to do this A self-deceitful and doomed futile resistance?"

"What is a self-deceived and futile resistance?" Agnes became even angrier when she heard this, "Is there anything wrong with my unwillingness to join forces?"

"Of course you're right, you've done a great job, so good that you can take this opportunity to comfort yourself that you still have a conscience." Maria put down her wine glass, then clapped her hands lightly, as if she was applauding Agnes, " But, in reality? Now that you are close to power, don’t think about your hands being clean. Could it be that if you refuse the gift, those people who have gathered around your father will disperse? Those grandiose collusion and transactions will Disappear by itself? I'm afraid even you wouldn't be so naive?

Therefore, your little resistance is nothing more than finding a psychological comfort for yourself. While you are already in the quagmire, you are trying to prove that your hands are innocent. Isn't this a self-deception? "

Although she still hated Maria's sarcasm and tone, Agnes was a little speechless now.

Because this is indeed the truth, the truth that cannot be refuted.

Now I really look like a person who has been covered in mud, but I'm still putting on a show, trying to make myself appear innocent.

But this is indeed self-deception, only she knows what she has done best - she became someone else's public lover, and received countless expensive gifts, and allowed her father to form cliques everywhere to fight for power.

Although everything was not what she wanted, she still fell into this situation step by step and involuntarily.

What's the point of defending yourself now? She knew that she was her father's biggest reliance and signboard, so all of this had nothing to do with her. Refusing the gift was deceiving herself, and pretending not to know was just deceiving herself.

In fact, Agnes knows these things in her heart, but she has never dared to confront her before, and she can turn a blind eye; but now, when the lady in front of her points it out, she finally has nowhere to hide , can only face the reality.

In an instant, she felt ashamed, and even had a sore nose and wanted to cry.

Too many things in the world went against what she wanted, and she suspected that maybe she was wrong.

But in the face of Maria's gaze, the firmness in her bones still kept her from losing her composure in the end.

"I understand what you mean... I must also admit that you are right, I am really deceiving myself a little bit." She smiled bleakly, and then sighed self-deprecatingly, "What am I going to talk about now? Reputation is indeed a bit ridiculous, all Europe knows that I am just someone else's mistress, I climbed into the bed of the master, in exchange for the glory and grace of the family, no matter how many excuses I make for myself, the reality is what it is, and I don't want to refute it , nor allow me to escape."

After saying such self-deprecating words, Agnes pulled herself together, and then looked at Maria with a resolute attitude, "Maybe I am really a joke, but even in this situation, I still have what I can do." What I do, I still have something I can hold on to... Even if there is such a little thing left.

I can try my best to be a good person, try my best to help those around me, at least try not to harm others, whether it is self-deception or useless struggle, I will try my best to make this world a little better than before I had me... even if it is only With the smallest contribution to this world, when facing the judgment of heaven after death, I can proudly stand up and tell the judge that I have done everything I can, even if I go to hell, I have a clear conscience!

You may have laughed at me, and you may laugh at me in the future, this is your freedom, but this does not prevent me from continuing to deceive myself, because this is all I can do, and I will always do it. "

Agnes' enthusiastic reply completely surprised Maria.

At this time, the girl seemed to be shining with the light of the righteous way. Although it sounded a little naive and ridiculous, it was impossible to doubt her sincerity and conviction—she was sure of the way she was walking and was willing to go on firmly.

Good boy, you are really good at dragging such a girl into your quagmire... She suddenly felt emotional in her heart.

The emotion of "I see pity" is not unique to the East.

"Wonderful." After a moment of silence, Maria clapped her hands lightly again, but this time, she was sincere and without sarcasm. "No wonder you can get so obsessed with the king of Rome with eyes above the roof, you are not only beautiful..."

After she finished admiring her, Maria changed the subject again, "But, this is also your misfortune. In this world, people who have no principles are always at ease. They have nothing because they have no principles. Burdens, ready to do things at the expense of others; you're putting too much extra burden on yourself, and it's going to wear you down."

"I have already gained too much, shouldn't I be burdened by it?" Agnes replied briskly, "Since you said that I have already become famous in Europe, then in order to live up to my reputation, I should also manage it." Image?"

It seems that after Agnes's frank expression just now, the silt accumulated in her heart was temporarily cleared away, and now she can make fun of herself, which also means that she is almost invulnerable now.

Now Maria found that her cynicism was useless.

Since she was a child, although she was not the only one, she could only bow her head in front of her parents and brother Wang, but in the battle of words, she almost never lost to anyone, but now she has to admit that she has fallen behind. Into a complete downwind.

She secretly regretted that she shouldn't have started this verbal dispute without knowing anything about the other party and not being prepared, so that not only did she not make the other party angry, but she made herself appear guilty and short-tempered.

Now that she has reached this level, she will not hurt the other party if she continues to talk, and if she is more entangled, it will only make her look like a shrew-and of course Maria will not allow herself to become that kind of gaffe.

"You're right—at least it's better than letting yourself go. I believe you will do what you said." So she nodded slightly, trying to stop the initial confrontation. "You don't have to take what I said just now to your heart. I just expressed my feelings. I will forget it immediately, and it will never cause you any trouble."

She was not such a person with moral principles, and she didn't care about these things at all. Just accusing Agnes of deceiving herself and others was just to mobilize her sense of guilt and hit her. Now that this point can no longer be used as a place to attack her, Naturally, she will not continue to struggle.

As for filing a complaint with Aigron, she would definitely not, firstly, she didn't want to appear so disreputable, and secondly, it was meaningless to file a complaint about such a thing, that little guy must have known about it and acquiesced.

Miss Qianjin's redemption fee... is really expensive, she secretly smiled in her heart.

So what should be the price of Princess Sophie's redemption fee? She suddenly thought of this question again.

However, this is not the answer to be found here.

After she finished speaking, she leisurely bowed to Agnes and was about to turn around and leave, continuing to devote herself to the banquet.

"Can you stay for a while?" However, unexpectedly, Agnes suddenly called out to her.

"Do you have any other orders?" Maria was a little surprised, but stopped in her tracks.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Agnes stared at Maria, then asked softly. "I've been doubting you since just now, but now... I'm even more curious about you. Who are you and why did you come here? You said so much to me in a condescending manner. To be fair, I should also know Who are you?"

Facing Agnes' aggressive eyes, Maria shuddered.

This chilling aura was something she had never experienced before.

Time to run! Maria had to remind herself.

Although she has always been willful, she is not completely brainless, and she also knows how to weigh things. Now, although she came to France under a false identity with the help of her elder sister, Princess Augusta, this is "violation" after all. As Princess Augusta warned her several times before, once she makes trouble here and her true identity is exposed, she will immediately cause a big mess and affect the reputation of the family. Brother Wang is bound to be furious, and he can't bear to walk around.

"Cinderella will disappear on her own after midnight, why do you care?" She faced Agnes with a stiff smile, and then stepped back step by step, trying to get back into the crowd.

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