Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty-five, procedures

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After Andre and Alice visited Notre Dame on the spot, they reached a consensus on the specific arrangements and station rankings for the enthronement celebration, and this list was subsequently sent to Agron.

As they expected, Aigron just glanced at it hastily, and after confirming the rough order, he happily signed his name, thus making the list official.

It is conceivable that this list will determine how an important historical moment will be framed. It may even be a part of history itself and will be treasured in the archives of the empire for future generations of historians to appreciate and review. .

However, Aigron had no time to savor the historical significance at this moment. He needed to complete the final and most important formalities for his coronation ceremony first.

That was the plebiscite confirming his crown as emperor.

In 1804, the twelfth year of the Republic, Napoleon, who had been the first in power for five years after the Brumaire Coup, swept away almost all domestic opposition forces and temporarily signed truces with foreign countries, leaving France in perennial chaos. Finally found the dawn of stability and prosperity.

At this time, the Senate, which had been reduced to a rubber stamp, officially took out the "Constitution of the Twelve Years of the Republic" and prepared to hand it over to the people for a referendum.

Although it is a republican constitution in name, the first three articles of this constitution speak for themselves:

1. The government of the Republic is entrusted to an Emperor, whose title is Emperor of the French. Justice was dispensed in the name of the emperor and by the officers appointed by him.

2. Napoleon Bonaparte, the current First Consul of the Republic, became the Emperor of France.

3. The throne of the Empire will be inherited by the direct, natural and legal descendants of Napoleon Bonaparte; inheritance will be in the order of eldest son and limited to men, and will forever exclude the inheritance rights of female members and their descendants.

Obviously, this is the final procedure for Napoleon to completely turn the republic into his own private property.

If it were in 1794, the National Assembly and the French people, who had just beheaded the king and queen, would never have believed that in just ten years this country would usher in a new monarch and a new royal family; but ten years later Years later, all this is no longer a joke, but something that is bound to happen.

Those staunch republicans and revolutionaries were either destroyed by the horrific fratricide in the previous years, or they were disheartened after the turmoil and no longer wanted to join politics, or they were brought to power by Napoleon. Afterwards, they were suppressed by force. In short, they had disappeared from the political stage and could no longer stop Napoleon, who had already taken control of the situation;

For the vast majority of French people, for too many people, they have lost too much in these more than ten years, and turning the republic into a monarchy will not make them lose anything more. ——They have had enough of the previous horrific massacres, horrific wars and horrific inflation. They don’t care about the republican system or the monarchy. They just want the peace of themselves and their families. Since Napoleon gave them all this, They were happy and ready to give Napoleon what he wanted.

After all, there are not that many staunch idealists in France or any other country. Most people are just living people and can only drift with the tide of the times.

In order to emphasize that he was "ordered by the people" rather than "ordered by God", Napoleon submitted the "Constitution of the 12th Year of the Republic" to the nation for a referendum. The referendum was completed in November 1804. However, due to various conditions at the time, many people did not have time. In the vote, 3.5 million of the nearly 10 million adult male voters voted in favor, while only 2,500 voted against it.

Although the number of voters did not exceed half, such an overwhelming vote gap was enough for the Senate to confirm that the first ruling Napoleon Bonaparte had indeed received overwhelming support, so the Senate officially announced that he recognized him as the Emperor of the French Empire.

In this way, the Republic ended its life in the most honorable way, and enthusiastically packaged the country to the Bonaparte family, adding another monarchy family to the land of France.

As the emperor's successor, Aigron also insisted on fulfilling the ritual "ordered by the people".

On the one hand, this shows that he is completely following in the footsteps of the emperor, transferring the people's memory of Emperor Napoleon to himself; on the other hand, he himself has driven away the orthodox royal family, and he needs to establish a ruling power for himself. The source of legitimacy is different from the previous Bourbon family.

In order to complete this absolutely necessary procedure, Aigron started preparations as soon as he arrived in Paris. He took Agnes and a huge parade team to tour around the country, using various methods to win over public opinion and make France The people know themselves well and support themselves.

These efforts were not in vain. After returning to Paris, he was convinced from various news channels that the vast majority of the people now really hope that France can bid farewell to the provisional government period and have a stable and healthy political system - and His Majesty the King of Rome is the leader. The perfect candidate for this government.

Now that "public opinion" has been gathered, Egeron will naturally not miss the opportunity. He immediately began to make preparations for both the referendum and the coronation ceremony.

Anyway, everyone knows that now the referees, organizers, and witnesses are all the same people. No matter how you vote, the referendum will only have one result - the French people enthusiastically support the King of Rome and become the Emperor of the French Empire.

Of course, even if it is a formal referendum that is "destined to win", there are differences between whether it is done well or poorly. Of course, Aigron hopes that his most important procedure can be completed perfectly, so as to comfort his ancestors and set an example for his descendants. .

Therefore, he has been paying close attention to the news about referendums from various places and will never allow any interference factors to exist.

On this issue, the Chairman of the Election Committee, the Marquis Noirtier, was his most important adviser and counselor.

In the referendum on proclaiming emperor in 1804, the Marquis of Noirtier was not only a witness, but was even directly one of the operators. Of course, he was "familiar with it".

Aiglon has always trusted professionals, and since Noirtier has experience and is so loyal to the Bonaparte family, he will naturally rely on him.

Today, he also summoned the Marquis of Noirtier as usual.

This old aristocrat was deeply influenced by the Enlightenment and betrayed his class to join the Great Revolution. Later, he disliked the radicalism of the Montagnards and took a step back to join the army of General Napoleon. He watched helplessly as the Empire Founded and collapsed, he led a Parisian conspiracy that helped Emperor Napoleon return from Elba in 1815, and now oversaw the re-establishment of the Empire, deeply involved in the history of the previous fifty years.

At this time, he was full of passion again. Politics and power gave him a vitality that he had not seen in many years. He was as energetic as when he was young. He traveled around the country, strategizing in Paris... He had to take over the country with his own hands. It cannot be handed over to the Bonaparte family again.

"Marquis Noirtier, the order of seats for the coronation ceremony has been determined. You can take a look at it and put forward your own opinions." After meeting the Marquis, in order to show his trust in the other party, Aigron first drafted the order. The list was handed to the old man.

The Marquis took the list and looked at it carefully, and soon saw his name in the front row, and then a trace of pride flashed in his eyes.

Soon, he confirmed that the list was indeed comprehensive. Even if there were slight flaws in some places, it would not be harmful. The only thing that slightly bothered him was the order of Duke Nordlyon, but of course he knew in his heart that this was a gift from His Majesty to his beloved. She has the honor of being a mistress, so naturally he will not be stupid enough to question her.

"Your Majesty, this arrangement is very good. I have no objection." After reading it, the Marquis quickly handed the list back to Aigron. "I participated in the coronation ceremony with the late emperor back then. I still can't forget his grace... I am very happy that you have overcome the obstacles of fate and got the same opportunity as him. History will always remember you, Your Majesty. .”

"You will also be remembered, Marquis." Aigron said to the Marquis with a smile. "So, how are the arrangements for the plebiscite? The plebiscite must be passed and confirmed before the coronation."

"I can assure you that everything is in place and there will never be any omissions, Your Majesty!" The Marquis of Noirtier made a serious face, and then loudly assured Aiglon, "Police and police officers have been deployed at polling stations everywhere. Plain clothes, the people responsible for counting votes are also designated by the government, and there are dedicated people in charge of all places. I will personally supervise them, so you can rest assured."

Then, lowering his voice again, he turned to Agron and said, "How many negative votes do you want there to be?"

There is no doubt that there will be opposition votes in any referendum, but this time, with the careful preparation of Egeron and his assistants, how many opposition votes there will be is entirely up to him.

In the referendum on the Constitution of the 12th year of the Republic, although Emperor Napoleon received an overwhelming support of 3.5 million to 2,500, such a jaw-dropping number naturally had to be fishy.

At that time, his third brother, Lucien Bonaparte, had not yet fallen out with him. Instead, he served as Minister of the Interior and specifically managed this referendum for Emperor Napoleon. Later, he privately admitted that he had done at least dozens of Ten thousand votes, maybe more.

There is no doubt that even if he did not cheat, with Napoleon's prestige at the time, he would still be able to get the support of the overwhelming majority and be recognized as the emperor; but as a middle- and lower-class soldier who has risen all the way in the Republic (and who has just become a Frenchman) (Corsican), after all, he still has a bit of a guilty conscience. He needs this exaggerated number of votes to support himself and show how much he is supported.

In the original historical line, in November 1852, Louis Bonaparte, who had become the president of the Second French Republic, also held a referendum across France to decide whether to restore the monarchy. The results showed that 7.824 million of the 10 million adult male voters voted in favor and 253,000 voted against. He received 97% of the votes in favor, and then he naturally became Emperor Napoleon III.

With his uncle's successful experience, Napoleon III's "road confidence" was naturally more abundant, and the French people's nostalgia for Emperor Napoleon also gave him sufficient confidence, so his referendum vote seemed more "reasonable".

Others didn't know all this, but Aigron knew it all.

So, half jokingly and half seriously, he told the Marquis of Noirtier his plan.

"Marquis, now that this referendum has attracted worldwide attention, if we do it too hastily, we will definitely attract criticism from the outside world. I fully understand the pressure you are facing, so I allow 150,000 negative votes to exist. It is up to you and your assistants to decide how these objections are distributed.

Besides, I have announced an amnesty for political prisoners because of Funina's birth, so you don't have to arrest all the well-known opponents, just let them vote freely. This can actually show the empire's generosity. "

"150,000..." Aiglon's statement surprised the Marquis of Noirtier, but was followed by relief.

No matter how it is done, it is still very difficult to reduce the opposition votes to less than 10,000, and it is impossible not to cause some trouble, but if it is relaxed to 150,000, the situation will be much easier to handle.

Of course, these 150,000 opposition votes will not be concentrated in a certain region, but will be allocated to various provinces as "indicators". Densely populated areas will have more indicators, and sparsely populated areas will have fewer indicators. The specific arrangement of these is not the case. Long has nothing to worry about.

"Thank you for your magnanimity, Your Majesty! In that case, I will make corresponding preparations with the people around me." He nodded, indicating that he understood Aiglon's intentions.

"Attention, including you, all managers must understand that we are indeed going through the motions and completing a 'ceremony', but we must also be responsible for history. You must not do anything ridiculous. Deal with it. Those spoiled votes must be kept secret, and no place is allowed to announce the votes in advance before the counting is completed!" Aigron warned the Marquis for the last time.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. All objections that exceed the limit you allow will be gathered to me and destroyed by me personally. There will never be any leaks." The Marquis of Noirtier once again assured Aigron, "I I guarantee you with my life’s honor and dignity that you can face history with a clean conscience.”

"I have always been very confident about you." After receiving the satisfactory assurance, Aigron smiled and nodded. "I'm waiting for your good news."

At the moment, almost everything is ready. Not only is the old Marquis radiant, but Aigron himself is also in high spirits.

No matter what difficulties he may face in the future, at least at this moment, the situation is under the control of him and his cronies. Just like 30 years ago, the exhausted people are tired of the turmoil and are willing to surrender the country to a protector. in hand.

Seeing Aigron's happy mood, the Marquis of Noirtier, who was supposed to resign, bowed slightly.

"Your Majesty, can I tell you something private?"

"What's the matter?" Aigron was a little surprised, but still nodded. "Just say it."

"It's about the Count of Monte Cristo."

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