Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and twenty-seven, admonishment

Chapter 938 227, admonishment

After the Marquis of Noirtier left, Aiglon still had not recovered from the shock just now.

The Marquis is truly worthy of being someone who has experienced the bloody storms of those years. He is resolute and determined, and even has a bit of ruthlessness to "achieve the goal at all costs."

Such a person is scary as an enemy and trustworthy as an ally, but he is very respectable whether he is an enemy or an ally.

If he is willing to pay such a huge price, can he really get what he wants? Aiglon doesn't know, but at least he won't stop it. Everything is decided by Edmond Dantès himself.

With some emotion, Aigron ended today's affairs for the time being and returned to his bedroom to accompany Theresa, who was still recovering from the postpartum period.

At this time, Teresa, like Agron just now, was sitting next to her desk, reading the report carefully, while her daughter Fonina, who was just born, was resting quietly in the cradle, and next to her Chanel is taking good care of her.

For the princes and nobles, no matter how many children they give birth to, they will hardly feel the hardship of childcare. When their children are just born, wet nurses and special caregivers have been arranged. You can bring the children over to tease them, and when they are tired, you can leave them to these people to take care of them. The fatigue of ordinary parents is almost non-existent for them - of course, as a price, the family affection between members of the royal family will become relatively indifferent. , after all, for children, the people who spend the most time with them since childhood are often not their biological parents.

Teresa was well aware of these situations, so after she gave birth to her children, no matter how busy she was, she would try her best to spend time with them and witness their growth bit by bit. However, even so, she had to spend most of her parenting time Leave the work to the people around her. After all, she is the queen, and there are too many things that will affect her energy.

The previous turmoil surrounding Agnes made her feel painful that she had not established her own authority among the people and the court, and had an indifferent relationship with the people around her. Therefore, after Funina was born, she took a short period of postpartum rest and temporarily got rid of it. After recovering from the pain of pregnancy, Teresa regained her energy and began to take over the affairs of the palace herself.

Agron was well aware of Theresa's intentions. Since he did owe the other party, he took the initiative to give in and acquiesced in her establishing her own authority within the palace. Anyway, Theresa also proved it along the way. Using his own mind and ability will not cause him any big trouble, but will also allow him to save energy. Why not?

Aigron walked to Funina's cradle, gently touched his daughter's cheek, and then looked at Theresa, "Theresa, they have already drawn up the list for the ceremony."

Teresa took the list and glanced over it.

When her eyes fell on the name "Duke Nordlyon", she paused for a moment, but quickly slid over - after all, although the Duke's position did not match his contribution, it was not particularly out of place after all. .

Although this means that during their coronation ceremony, Miss Agnes will stand a few meters away from them to witness it all, but after all, she must kneel down in front of her respectfully with her father. She will never He will no longer take away his due glory as he did in the past.

After Agnes apologized honestly and wrote a handwritten letter of apology to her father, admitting her mistake to the Grand Duke and his wife, the anger that had accumulated in Theresa's heart also disappeared a lot, although it was indeed very painful for her to take away part of her husband's love. It's disgusting, but after all, she still knows some sense of proportion and knows where she should be, so it's still within the "barely tolerable" range.

Teresa quickly brushed away these unpleasant thoughts and continued looking at the list.

Soon, she had read all the names in the front row, and like Aigron, she had no objections.

"They are thoughtful and have done a pretty good job. Let's do it this way." So she nodded in approval.

However, after looking at the core members of power who were eligible to attend the ceremony in the front row, Teresa, with her usual careful attitude, looked at the list of citizen representatives expected to attend the ceremony.

She is not looking for trouble, but to make herself more familiar with the elite citizens of Paris. After all, she will continue to deal with these people in the future.

During the period when Aiglon left Paris to tour the country, Theresa, who was pregnant and about to give birth, participated in many banquets and receptions held in the palace, and met many celebrities and dignitaries - not surprisingly, many of them Their names appeared on this list, and they were ready to witness the coronation ceremony of two people.

Teresa recited the names on the list silently, and then matched them one by one with the faces in her memory. However, when her eyes fell on a name, her thoughts paused.

"Maria Dutier?" She read out the name and looked at Aigron in confusion. "Who is this person? Why do I have no memory?"

Someone who can be on such a list is definitely not an unknown person, let alone a woman, but Theresa couldn't remember that she had ever met or heard of this person.

"Probably someone's daughter. I'll ask Andre later." Aigron replied without changing his expression, while he was cursing secretly in his heart.

Maria had previously privately requested Egeron through Andre, hoping that she could attend the coronation.

Aiglon must have refused at first. After all, this is different from "traveling incognito". The risk is too great - the people present are either rich or noble, and there are definitely not a few people who have met Sophie. Theresa and Augustus Not to mention Princess Tower.

But Maria only used a short sentence to make Aigron shaken.

"Do you want Sophie to witness your coronation ceremony?"

More than just thinking? He just wanted it too much!

In front of her, he was once completely a young boy instead of a prince or emperor. She allowed him to taste what love and attachment are for the first time. Now that his long-cherished wish has been fulfilled and he has reached the pinnacle of his life, how could he not want to give him a gift like a treasure? Sophie take a look? How could he not want her to share his joy?

But the reality is cruel after all. She lives in seclusion in the court of Vienna and cannot share her joy.

So, since Sophie can't be allowed to witness her peak moment, then it's okay to let 0.5 Sophie witness it...

Aiglon knew that he was being manipulated by Maria, but even if it was self-deception, he was willing to deceive himself. After all, he still had a bit of youthful spirit.

He was so excited that he couldn't help himself when he thought that Sophie's body could witness the moment when he put on the crown not far away.

Therefore, even though he knew there might be risks, he finally agreed to Maria's request.

Of course, this is not without conditions: Maria must keep an absolute low profile and wear appropriate makeup. She only looks somewhat similar to Sophie and must not reveal her identity.

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