Eagle’s Glory

One, farewell

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

As Aigron put the crown on himself and the queen, the glitzy and noisy celebration reached its climax, and everyone present cheered for the young couple.

After that, the couple who put on the crown put on their formal clothes again, then took a special carriage and paraded through the streets of Paris, accepting the cheers of the people on the streets.

On this day, churches in all cities and villages in France will ring their bells to pay tribute to the country's new monarch.

In this way, the carnival lasted almost all day and did not subside until late at night. The couple dragged their exhausted bodies back to the Tuileries Palace.

After hastily finishing their dinner, they no longer even had the energy to congratulate each other anymore. They just washed up in a hurry and went to bed together, ending this originally meaningful day.


When the early morning sunlight fell on the luxurious suite in the palace, Aiglon finally woke up.

After a night's rest, the young and strong body has regained abundant energy.

At this moment, his beautiful wife was sleeping soundly in his arms, and the surrounding furnishings were exactly the same as in his memory. Everything was as usual, unchanged.

This was his first day as the "Emperor", and it seemed to be no different from the previous days.

But life is made up of such small quantitative changes day by day. No matter by any standard, yesterday was a milestone in his life. When he put on the crown, he had officially taken over the country. From now on, In the end, his life and death are closely related to the fate of this country. He has to bear all honors, but at the same time he also has to bear all responsibilities. He may go to the hall of honor, but he may go to the guillotine. There are historical precedents to prove this. Lessons can also be provided.

Although he is not yet 20 years old, he is already mentally prepared accordingly.

When Aiglon woke up and was about to get up and get dressed, Teresa also woke up. She blinked drowsily, and then focused her eyes on her husband beside her.

"Your Highness..." Although the couple has now reached the pinnacle of power, she still calls her husband "Your Highness" as usual, "Are we... going to become the emperor and queen now?"

It seemed that she had the same doubts in this morning as usual.

"Haha..." Aigron couldn't help laughing, and then kissed his wife hard on the cheek, "It's absolutely true, the face I have the honor to kiss now belongs to a queen! How I feel about this What an honor.”

Teresa was amused by his joke and couldn't help smiling. Then she kissed her husband hard on the face, and then joked, "I am lucky enough to sleep with an emperor. My parents must have been unexpected when I was young! At that time, they thought it would be great luck to give me to a king when I grew up..."

The couple joked with each other while getting up and washing up before starting the formal activities of the day.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Their breakfast was the same as usual, prepared by Chanel himself, and it was no different from before - if anything, in order to celebrate the first day of their official arrival in France, Chanel specially prepared a few extra pieces Macarons dipped in jam.

Aigron ate these meaningful macarons, praised Chanel's craftsmanship as usual, and then, having been replenished with energy, he began to formally devote himself to his work.

Theresa, Chanel and others also had no chance to take a break.

At this time, the two of them were busy moving the entire palace staff to the Palace of Fontainebleau.

——Before he ascended the throne, Aigron had already made a decision. After he put on the crown, the family would live in the Palace of Fontainebleau during normal times, and would only return to Tuiler during major celebrations or ceremonial events. In the inner palace.

On the one hand, Paris is a crowded big city after all, and the air and sanitation conditions are definitely not as good as Fontainebleau, which is dozens of kilometers away; but more importantly, this can avoid being suddenly hijacked by the "rioters" in Paris in unexpected situations. .

Anyone familiar with French history knows that since the Great Revolution, Paris has often fallen into barricades and uprisings. Once the uprising masses successfully occupy the capital, the monarch in the Paris Palace will face the situation of being "beheaded" or being cut off from outside information. Among them, the national center will also fall into a sudden death situation.

When the palace is cut off from the outside world, those foreign officials and garrisons who have lost their backbone often choose to hesitate and wait and see out of self-protection considerations. In the end, it turns into a change of dynasty, even at a speed that is unimaginable. Even with their local support, it was too late to save King Qin, so they could only lament that they had nothing to do.

After the Restoration, the Bourbons also chose to use the Tuileries Palace as the main palace seat, and the lesson of 1830 is a profound example.

In the original history, in February 1848, within a few days, the Orleans family lost their throne.

Because of these historical lessons, Aigron certainly did not want to repeat the same mistakes. He made the same choice as Louis XIV (it happened that this man also faced the Paris rioters during the Fronde rebellion when he was a child. Threatened, he fled Paris with his mother...) and moved the court to the outer suburbs of Paris.

The only difference is that Louis XIV moved the palace to the Palace of Versailles that he built himself, and Aigron did not want to be so extravagant and wasteful. He chose to live in the already existing Palace of Fontainebleau.

However, although Aiglon was the one who made the decision, he certainly did not need to handle the specific details of the "move". These matters fell on Theresa and Chanel.

Although these things are not major, they are quite complicated and trivial and cannot be completed in a day or two, especially compared with before they "entered Beijing", the number of palace personnel serving them has expanded a lot. It is already a huge organization and requires considerable energy to manage.

Teresa is not the kind of person who likes to be a hands-off shopkeeper, and the previous lessons also taught her the importance of holding authority, so she took over these matters personally, and Aigron was happy to ignore it.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

While Theresa was listening to the reports from various female attendants, she was counting all the necessary accounting documents or bringing valuables with her. With her efforts, the entire palace was moving quickly, preparing for the official "move" in the near future. Palace" preparations.

However, before moving to Fontainebleau, Theresa had one more important thing to do - to say goodbye to her brother, Prince Albrecht.

As a member of Austria's informal delegation, the young prince visited Paris in his personal capacity as Aiglon's brother-in-law. Naturally, he also participated in the coronation ceremony of his brother-in-law and sister as a representative of the Austrian royal family. His attendance itself was also in In an implicit way, he told the outside world that the Austrian royal family and officials acquiesced to the restoration of the French Empire.

Now, now that the coronation ceremony has been completed, he also bid farewell to his sister.

Teresa was now in Paris, thousands of miles away from home, and she was very homesick and homesick. Naturally, she couldn't bear to let her brother go home, so when she faced him, she sincerely offered to stay.

"Abbott, why don't you stay here for a while? We will go to Fontainebleau in a while, and you can come with us and experience the scenery there..."

"No, sister." The prince declined his sister's kind invitation. "I have been in Paris for too long. My parents must miss me a lot. I have to go back to see them early. Besides, I have not done any of my tasks. It’s already done, so there’s no reason for me to stay here anymore.”

Teresa also felt a little helpless. She knew that her brother was right. After all, as a member of the royal family, his every move was not only his own business, but also subject to the political arrangements of his country. Obviously, his brother was not suitable either. Always stay here.

For the royal family, family affection is still too luxurious after all.

Now that her brother had said so, she no longer hesitated, so she nodded and allowed her brother to leave.

"Okay... Abbott, since you also have your concerns, I won't force you to stay. I wish you a safe journey and convey my regards to your parents when you return."

After getting Theresa's permission, Prince Albrecht also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he had not been in Paris for a long time, it was an unforgettable experience for him, a young man who had been living in Vienna.

This experience was both good and bad. On the good side, he got to see this famous city that many people would never forget, and was officially received as a guest, and visited almost the entire city; but on the bad side, The public controversy that his sister had encountered before was far beyond his expectation.

Fortunately, this storm finally subsided.

Previously, in order to appease his father's anger, he asked Agnes to write a letter of apology and sent it to Austria; and later, he also received a reply from his father, in which Archduke Karl was relatively satisfied with Miss Agnes's attitude. , so his anger subsided a lot, he no longer blamed Albrecht, and his words became much gentler.

And this also means that the Grand Duke and his wife finally accepted the reality that their son-in-law had his own lover with the attitude of "out of sight, out of mind". As long as Miss Agnes keeps a low profile, doesn't steal her daughter's limelight, and doesn't arouse public opinion from the outside world, it falls within the "barely tolerated" range.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

After all, this was the tradition of princes and nobles for thousands of years. Even if he wanted to object, he couldn't.

Admittedly, this was not a happy ending, but the storm eventually subsided.

In the prince's view, his sister and brother-in-law are now wearing crowns and will continue to work together in the next few decades. Their descendants will also inherit their career; as for other people who intervene, after all, they are just the long stream of their lives. I'm just a passer-by, nothing can be changed.

In order to avoid touching the scars in his sister's heart, he no longer mentioned Miss Agnes in front of her, but instead talked about what he had seen and heard recently, as well as the inside information coming from Austria.

Due to the turmoil in Paris and the establishment of the provisional government, the original French ambassador to Vienna was relieved of his duties and returned to the country. In order to observe the situation, Austria has never restored normal diplomatic relations.

With the Aigron couple's accession to the throne, the situation has naturally been "decided", so the restoration of normal state relations between the two countries has naturally become a top priority.

For the Aigrons, they also urgently need their empire to be accepted into the international family of monarchies. As a member of the great powers, if Austria can have a good time with its own family, then the so-called "international isolation" will naturally be the same. If you don't attack, you will destroy yourself.

Therefore, Teresa proposed that after Albrecht returned to China, he asked his father to help him find Metternich and normalize relations between the two countries as soon as possible.

"Prince Metternich is still deeply trusted by His Majesty the Emperor, but such a big matter is impossible without His Majesty the Emperor's nod." Prince Albrecht replied. Obviously, he - or the Grand Duke himself behind the scenes - had already He guessed that Teresa would have this request and made a plan. "Logically speaking, this is a natural good thing for both our countries, but His Majesty the Emperor is old after all, and it is inevitable that he will be a little stubborn and stubborn. Before, my brother-in-law left without saying goodbye, which made him very angry. , so it’s best to let him go to the next level first..."

Although he didn't say it clearly, Teresa certainly understood it. This was hoping that Aigron could lower his profile and say a few soft words, so that the Grand Duke could be sure to persuade his royal brother.

Based on Teresa's understanding of Agron, although he is usually very proud, he is by no means lacking in flexibility. When it is time to lower his stature, he will definitely lower his stature - as evidenced by the fact that he tried his best to please the Pope.

Therefore, since it is beneficial to him now, of course he will not care about saying a few worthless soft words to his grandfather.

"I will ask His Highness to write a personal letter to explain and apologize to him for the unpleasantness that year. After all, His Majesty the Emperor is his grandfather, and he has given him due care and education since he was a child. Literally, it’s inappropriate to leave without saying goodbye... Abbott, when you go back, just take His Highness’s handwritten letter and give it to His Majesty.”

In an understatement, Aigron's "escape" back then was smeared as an unceremonious "farewell without saying goodbye", which was also the most acceptable position for both parties.

After receiving Teresa's assurance, the prince also breathed a sigh of relief. Now that all the things he had to do before leaving were completed, he could go home peacefully.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

At this time, he suddenly seemed to remember another interesting thing, so he shared it with his sister with a smile.

"By the way, sister, when I attended your coronation ceremony yesterday, I saw a woman among the guests in the church who looked like our Princess Sophie..."

"What?" Upon hearing this name, Teresa instinctively became sensitive.

But soon she relaxed again.

How can this be? Just like it. "There are a lot of people who look alike in the world."

"Yeah, I just find it interesting." The prince smiled and spread his hands, "It would be great if she was really there. I heard that she had a good relationship with His Highness and took good care of him. I think my brother-in-law should also be there. Do you hope she can see her glorious moment?"

"Yes." After a brief silence, Teresa smiled and nodded, "What a shame."


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