Eagle’s Glory

9. Reappearance of the past

At the insistence of Empress Dowager Letizia, Agron had no choice but to approve her request to return to Rome, and then reluctantly bid farewell to his grandmother.

As the emperor's grandmother, of course she couldn't go quietly, so the palace held a ceremony to see her off.

After bidding farewell to his grandmother, another elder from Aiglon found him.

This elder is the most senior and oldest member of the royal family in the entire palace, that is, the former Queen of the Netherlands, Ms. Ortense de Beauharnais.

The life of Queen Ortense was also quite ups and downs. During the Revolution, her father was beheaded and she lived a precarious life with her mother Josephine and her brother Eugène; but she did not expect that in the end her stepfather became a member of the empire. Emperor, she also became the princess and future queen of the empire.

However, all this glory and wealth came to naught in 1815. With the collapse of the empire, she had to pack up the gold and silver she had accumulated over the years and run away, seclusion in a villa in Switzerland and lived a life free from the world.

She originally thought that her life would end quietly in this forgotten corner of the world, but she did not expect that fate would stage another drama for her - her adopted brother and nephew took the risk and ran away from Austria and asked her for help. .

After a brief hesitation, she took in Aigron out of family affection and tried her best to help him. She even lent a large amount of her own money to him when Aigron borrowed money from her. A young man with an uncertain future.

Agron, who knew how to repay his kindness, would naturally not forget the help his aunt had provided him, so after he returned to France to seize power, he immediately sent people to Switzerland to welcome Queen Ortense back to France.

Compared with Letizia, who was nostalgic for the quiet life in Rome, Queen Ortense was completely different. She was overjoyed with her nephew's success, and then rushed back excitedly, and naturally participated in Aigron's party as an elder. Coronation ceremony.

In the heyday of the past, she was obsessed with the prosperity of Paris. Using the name of the imperial princess, she lived a luxurious and almost dissolute life.

As the adopted daughter of Emperor Napoleon,

She was accused by the emperor of marrying her fourth brother Louis, and then became a famous "hatred couple" among the imperial royal family. The relationship between the couple was extremely bad, and they only got together to "give birth to children and continue the family."

Later, Prince Louis was appointed King of the Netherlands by Emperor Napoleon, and she reluctantly followed him to the Netherlands to perform her duties as queen. However, she still missed her life in Paris and tried her best to return to Paris because Louis While busy with state affairs, she was happy to live her life alone, with her lover always by her side. It could be said that she enjoyed all the wealth and prosperity in the world.

However, everything that happened back then is now in the past. Queen Ortense is now over 40 years old. Time has diluted her once fierce playfulness. Her many years of seclusion in Switzerland have gradually made her accustomed to a low-key life. , she no longer wants to live a high-profile and willful life. She just wants to guard the wealthy life that she finally got back, guard her children and grandchildren, and spend the rest of her time quietly.

In Aigron's view, his biological mother Louisa was excluded from him for various reasons. Therefore, in his court, Queen Hortense, who had served as his godmother and helped him a lot, could replace Louisa. Shah plays the role of the "gentle elder" in the court, so he usually respects Queen Otangsi very much. And under his example, others naturally respect Queen Otangsi more and more, and vaguely let her have a transcendent status.

Because the two have a good relationship, after meeting his aunt, Aigron's demeanor and tone were much more intimate than usual.

"My dear aunt, what do you want from me?"

"My dear Aigron, I am here to invite you with enthusiasm." Queen Ortense replied with a smile.

As she spoke, she hugged Aigron affectionately.

"Invite me? What do you want to do?" Aigron asked quickly.

"In a few days, I plan to hold a concert of my own. I hope you can attend as a family - it would be good enough if you could applaud and cheer for me." Queen Ortense smiled and said her own Purpose, "I wonder if Your Majesty is willing to grant me such an honor?"

Agron knew that Queen Ortense received a very complete classical education when she was young, and had good musical talent. She composed many songs, which she also used as a way to entertain herself and pass her time.

Although the music she composed cannot be called a classic masterpiece, it is at least not bad. Due to her special status, she naturally had no shortage of people to support her, so in the past, she would hold concerts and entertain guests from time to time. Come and admire your own or other people’s work.

Time has passed quietly for 20 years, but Queen Ortense is still her past self after all, so after returning to Paris, she, who had been suppressed for too long, couldn't wait to pick up the "good memories" of the past again and held a large number of banquets It's natural to entertain old friends from the past and hold a private concert.

"During the more than ten years of seclusion, I was bored and could only compose a lot of music to entertain myself, but I never thought that they would one day be played in Paris." Queen Ortense further explained to Aigron, " Now that I have the opportunity, I want to fulfill this wish, and it would be even better if I could have you as a witness! Aiglon, can you fulfill this little wish of mine?"

"Of course, I'm happy to." Aigron agreed without hesitation.

Regardless of his aunt's creative level, since she invited him so kindly, he naturally did not want to disappoint her, "I will attend with Teresa to listen to your superb creations."

"Hahaha... you are going too far." Queen Otangsi was amused by him, "I am just a mediocre creator, how can I be called superb? Besides, you and Trey Shakespeare grew up in Vienna. What kind of masterpieces have you not heard? I am definitely not in your eyes at my level. Just think of it as a matter of family affection and support me——"

In this way, in a harmonious atmosphere, the two people chatted happily, just like they used to get along with each other in Switzerland.

But everything is different after all.

Queen Hortense is so kind to Aiglon. On the one hand, it is indeed out of family affection, but on the other hand, she also has her own interests in mind.

Although she is indeed obsessed with wealth and prosperity, she is not stupid. Years of palace life have also allowed her to develop the most basic political common sense. She knows that if she gets carried away with being favored and arrogant, she will be rude to this distinguished nephew. , then everything you own now will be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, although she is older, her sons are still young now, and in the future they will still have to bear the title of "empire royal family members" and make a living under the shadow of Aiglon.

No matter from any angle, she must have a good relationship with her proud nephew, and cannot judge him like an elder.

Therefore, she effectively and wisely grasped the delicate relationship between the two people. On the one hand, she was a respected elder in the palace, half mother of Aigron, and she also naturally enjoyed the power and voice of the palace; But on the other hand, she never interfered in Aigron's personal life, let alone made any comments on all his administrative measures. She limited herself to various social interactions and celebrations, and provided spiritual comfort to Aigron.

For her, this was enough.

After more than ten years of lonely and secluded life, she cherished the good times now and only hoped that her current life could continue until the day she died of old age. She didn't want to pay much attention to anything else.

And Aiglon will grant her wish.

After the two chatted harmoniously for a while, Queen Ortense suddenly brought the topic to Count Alexander Valewski.

"I heard recently that Count Walewski was honored by you?"

"Yes." Although Aiglon was a little confused about the queen's sudden mention of him, he still nodded, "He did something for me and made great contributions, so I rewarded him."

It is not yet time to make public the specific contribution that this illegitimate brother has made for him, so Aigron did not explain it to the queen, and the queen did not ask further questions. Obviously she did not care about it.

"In this way, he must have a bright future..."

"You can ignore his illegitimate son's status, use him generously, and give him a chance to succeed...I think he will be very grateful to you in his heart, and will redouble his efforts to repay you..." the queen issued. With a sigh, "That's good. Although he is not a member of the royal family, he still has the blood of the emperor after all. Since you have taken power, it is good to take appropriate care of him."

"I have always only cared about talent and not about origin. I will reward anyone who can do good things for me." Aigron answered unhurriedly, while in his mind he was guessing the purpose of his aunt's constant mention of Alexander. "Since he can show his due talent, then I will give him a chance. As for how far and high he can go, it depends on his own ability."

After receiving Aigron's affirmative answer, Queen Ortense's originally hearty smile suddenly showed some trepidation.

"That is to say, you don't mind raising an illegitimate child, right..."

Seeing Queen Hortense's squirming expression, Aigron suddenly understood something.

"You...do you also want to recommend someone to me? My dear aunt?" So he asked calmly.

"Oh, Your Majesty, you are so smart, I can't hide anything from you..." Queen Ortense smiled bitterly, and then became serious again, "If you allow me, I would like to participate in this concert." Let me introduce you to a young man."

Sure enough...

Aigron suddenly understood.

When Queen Hortense usually talks to him, she always expresses her thoughts directly, but now she talks in such a roundabout way, it is indeed a bit difficult to say.

"Do you want me to get to know Count de Morny?" In order to avoid the embarrassment of his aunt speaking out, Aigron asked proactively.

"You actually know his name!" Queen Ortense was a little surprised, but also a little relieved, "Yes... it's him. What a coincidence, you are the same age."

At that time, Queen Ortense and King Louis of the Netherlands were living in two different places. Without any shackles around her, she happily lived a bohemian and wealthy life. Such a life would naturally require her lover.

She became a lover with Colonel Charles Joseph, Count of Flaot (it is said that this lover was Talleyrand's illegitimate son...), and gave birth to an illegitimate child in 1811, and then got a de... The legal status of the Count of Morny.

This matter was well concealed at the beginning, but soon became a secret known to almost everyone in the palace. However, as long as you are not embarrassed, no one will be embarrassed, and people in the palace soon understood it tacitly. He simply forgot about the matter.

Later, in just a few years, the empire collapsed, the imperial court was scattered, and Queen Ortense was forced to go into exile in Switzerland. Naturally, she had no time to interfere with this illegitimate child.

In the original historical line, Queen Ortense had little contact with this illegitimate son until the day she died. It was not until her son Louis Bonaparte restored the empire and became Emperor Napoleon III that the illegitimate son re-entered the palace and was captured by Napoleon. He was reused for three generations, once became an important minister of the empire, and was finally named "Duke of Morny".

However, in this changed timeline, the queen was lucky enough to return to Paris after 15 years of exile. While she was enjoying her new wealthy life, she did not completely forget her illegitimate child left in Paris, so she I got to know my illegitimate son privately, and then I thought about paving the way for this illegitimate son's future.

Precisely because she was worried about Aigron's opinion, she deliberately made her words in a roundabout way, starting with Aigron's illegitimate brother, and then finally spreading the word after getting Aigron's confirmation.

Aigron was not very disgusted with his aunt's thoughts.

Anyway, he has already reused his illegitimate son and doesn't care about supporting another one.

And history has proven that this illegitimate son is indeed very talented.

But even so, he still has his own principles and does not want Queen Ortense to interfere too much in political affairs.

"Since you are the host, you can introduce me to anyone you want, my aunt." So, after a moment of silence, Aigron gave his answer, "However, I can't promise you anything. What kind of future a child can have depends entirely on him."

"Of course I know this, Aigron...it's just that as a mother, I can't completely abandon him. I'm very satisfied that you can take a look." Queen Otangs hugged him gently , "If he is worthy of your attention, you give him a chance. If not, then you can completely ignore him! I am never blackmailing you. No matter what you do, the pure family affection between us will never It will be tainted, I will not interfere in your affairs, I promise you, my child.”

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