Eagle’s Glory

Thirteen, station

Of course Aigron had no idea of ​​what Edgar was doing in private. In fact, if Aigron knew about his evil "conjectures", he would probably be surprised and amused.

As a flashy prodigal, Edgar naturally cannot help judging others by his own judgment. He feels that since Aigron has kidnapped the princess, he will naturally have such and such thoughts. However, for Aigron, using violence to force him is too much. "It is a disgrace to the scenery", and it is indeed disgraceful. He prefers to use various deception methods to experience the joy of succeeding step by step.

Agnes's surrender was naturally his most proud achievement.

At this time, he was holding Agnes's hand and walking together on the road outside Paris.

The guards held the cordon and stood far away to monitor the surrounding activities. A group of well-dressed people gathered around Agron and Agnes, shouting and cheering.

Agnes was obviously a little embarrassed to be so intimate in public. Wearing a small hat, she lowered her gaze and tried her best to cover her forehead with the brim of the hat. But even so, she still leaned against Agron's head obediently. By his side, we patrolled this wilderness with him.

Standing next to the two people was Agnes' father, Duke Nordlien. His originally thin and pale face was now flushed. It was obvious that he was extremely proud of his daughter's "lucky" and had no trace of the embarrassment and worry about his daughter being a mistress. Embarrassed, but full of joy.

For the Duke, with the crisis of changing dynasties, he would either have to go into exile again with the Bourbon royal family, or he would have to lose his power and live in seclusion, and the family would inevitably decline accordingly; who would have thought that under the twists and turns of fate, he actually managed to survive with the help of his family. The daughter turned around, not only getting rid of the crisis of bankruptcy, but also cleaning up the dark history of the royalist party, and became one of the dignitaries of the empire.

Now, for Agnes's sake, everyone is fawning over him, and he enjoys even greater power and influence than before. How can he not be complacent about this.

However, the Duke also knew in his heart that his talents were mediocre, and everything he got now was only because of His Majesty's grace, so he could be said to be submissive in front of Aiglon, using all kinds of exaggerated words to express his loyalty to His Majesty.

Under the leadership of the Duke,

Agron and Agnes walked together in the clearing for a while.

As Aigron looked around, there were yellow grass and soil everywhere, as well as withered vines, full of the desolation of winter. Although many self-built huts by residents could be seen around, there was no sign of any prosperity.

However, it won't be long before it becomes more lively and prosperous than ever before. Countless people will come in and out here every day, and their voices will never end.

Because this will become the first train station in Paris, in other words, it will also be the first train station in France, and because of its importance, it will definitely become one of the most iconic buildings in the empire.

After ascending to the throne and being crowned, Aigron, who could concentrate on completing his own plans, immediately turned the state-owned railway company he had previously envisioned into a reality. With the smooth launch of this company, the construction frenzy that has lasted for many years will also begin.

As in history, the most important railway line planned by the French is the Paris-Orléans line. This line is not long and not technically difficult, but its economic importance is unparalleled because it runs through the richest and most core part of France. land, when it is opened, the economic undertakings of the entire country will naturally enter a new era.

Now that such a line is planned, the next thing is naturally put on the agenda - the need to build a train station for Paris.

As the general manager of the state-owned railway company, the Duke is naturally responsible for this task. Although he did not understand technology or engineering, during the previous preparation period, he had entrusted his close advisors to recruit excellent engineers and designers for himself, so after putting it on the agenda at the station, he The site selection work for the station was quickly completed and then reported to Aiglon.

So, after receiving the report, Aigron brought Agnes over for inspection. On the one hand, he wanted to show that he attached great importance to this project and would not allow any mistakes. On the other hand, he also wanted to leave the palace temporarily to get some fresh air.

While observing the surroundings, Aigron turned to ask the Duke.

"Duke, when can you start construction?"

"Your Majesty, the relocation and compensation of the residents will take some time, but it won't take too long. If everything goes well, we can start construction next month." The Duke answered confidently.

Although he does not understand technology, the Duke's political sensitivity is not bad. He knows that His Majesty attaches great importance to this project, so he naturally uses all his strength to promote the progress of the project and will never delay a day. Under his strong pressure, all preparations were cooperated by the government and residents, and the construction was officially started after the residents were emptied.

Aigron was quite satisfied with the Duke's mobility.

He put the duke in this position, of course, to reward Agnes, but the secondary reason was also to use the duke's title and reputation to suppress the enemy. Now it seems that the effect is better than expected.

It seems that as long as people are placed in the right position, no matter how mediocre they are, they can shine.

While Aiglon was still thinking, a dazzling white appeared in front of him.

He took a closer look and saw that there was a huge drawing spread out on the ground, like a large carpet, spread out in front of Aigron.

"Your Majesty! This is the blueprint we have drawn for the station. Please take a look at it!" the Duke said to Aigron with a hint of showoff.

Aigron held his breath and carefully looked at the drawings in front of him. He found that it was a long building with a wide hall and a square shape. In the middle was a clock tower. The huge clock had a bit of Baroque flamboyance. and luxury.

While looking at the drawings, Aigron looked at the surrounding scene, and then constructed in his mind what it would look like after it became reality.

It is conceivable that when such a building stands on this land, no words are needed. It will show off the power of the industrial age and the power of the empire in the most intuitive way.

This is exactly what he wants.

"It seems to be well done..." Aigron nodded slightly, giving it approval, but he also had a little doubt, "But how practical is it? Will it affect actual operations?"

"Don't worry about this, Your Majesty!" The Duke quickly assured him, "When designing, we did not just imagine it out of thin air, but hired relevant British engineers as consultants, learned from their experience, and then made the design. Given the huge population of Paris, we will have to make adjustments, but please be assured that there will be no problems when it is put into actual operation.”

After receiving the Duke's assurance, Aigron finally felt relieved and turned his eyes back to the drawings.

It won't take long, maybe one or two years later, a magnificent building will overwhelm this land. Countless people gather from various places to Paris, and countless people rush from Paris to various places. The speed of the flow of people and things It will be unprecedentedly fast, and productivity will also accelerate accordingly, and his career will slowly unfold with unprecedented splendor.

Although building these things is very expensive, will deplete his treasury, and will cause his government to bear a huge financial burden, it is all worth it. He will use all the financial means of the country to fill this gold-swallowing behemoth— —Because it’s all worth it.

He didn't know how long his dynasty could last, but he believed that the immortal achievements he left behind would be remembered forever.

Thinking of this, Aigron couldn't help but smile proudly.

The feeling of holding a scepter and the destiny of the country, and being able to control the fate of thousands of people with every word and deed, is indeed so fascinating.

"Very good, then let's build it according to this blueprint! When it is completed and operates smoothly, bring those designers to me..." Aigron looked back at the Duke, and then said with a smile, " I will personally give them medals. Their contribution to the country is no less than killing the enemy on the battlefield. They should be rewarded and serve as an example for others."

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will convey your words to them immediately. I think they will be extremely honored by it." The Duke immediately agreed.

Then, he saw that His Majesty was in a good mood, so he asked Aiglon in a playful way.

"Your Majesty, since you agree with the design of the station, you might as well choose a name for the station..."

Aiglon paused, then looked around again, thinking in his heart.

After a moment, he responded. "Then let's call it Austerlitz Station, and we will always remember those glorious places."

"Okay, Your Majesty!" Of course, the Duke would not question Aiglon's decision, and he accepted it without thinking. “When it’s finished, it will be Austerlitz Station!”

After completing his inspection and naming the station himself, Aigron ditched the Duke and took Agnes for a walk alone.

The cold wind of winter did not extinguish the enthusiasm that was permeating Aigron's body at this time. In Agnes's view, His Majesty's eyes seemed to be burning with two flames at this time, just like a big toy that had obtained her long-cherished love. The same as the children.

Agnes didn't quite understand why His Majesty was so excited, but she was quite happy to see Aigron so happy.

"Agnes! Do you remember?" At this moment, Agron suddenly called her.

"Well, remember what?" Agnes was a little confused.

"Do you remember what I told you?" Aigron said, pointing to the construction site not far away where major construction projects will be carried out in the future. "I said, I want to give you a special train, a train that belongs only to you. , and we will take it together to Strasbourg, to Limoges, to Lille... to those places we have been, to feel the cheers we once received, to relive the memories we stayed there... "

"I remember," Agnes replied quietly.

At that time, Aiglon took her on a tour around the country, and then said this to her in Lille.

Sometimes, this young man would have childish fantasies, even as if they were joking, but he never expected that everything he said would come true in the end.

At that time, Agnes didn't realize it yet, but after looking at the grand blueprint with Agron just now, the future scene slowly emerged in her mind.

In the busy station, the train dedicated to her lay on the platform like a dark monster. Then under the gaze of the guards and passengers, she boarded the train with His Majesty, and then amid the roar, The train swayed tremblingly, and then moved towards the next destination with unparalleled momentum...

This scene, to her in the past, must have been bizarre and unimaginable, but as time eroded little by little, and after the influence of what she had seen and heard, all these unimaginable things seemed to have become so real. So within reach.

"How's it going? It's really interesting, isn't it?" Aigron asked with a smile. "The emperors of Rome left the Pantheon and the Arena to the Roman people. These things traveled through time and made the name of Rome immortal; and I , I will also leave my treasure to the people. Even if it is noisy and dirty, it will still be the most precious wealth I bring to the people! The empire will make the people live a better life, and this is what it must survive. reason!"

She looked at Aigron. At this time, this young man's face was full of passion, and his eyes were filled with dazzling ambition. As the person closest to him, she was inevitably attracted by this "arrogance" from time to time. Infect.

It's more of admiration than fear. This is indeed the person she loves, and he is indeed the person worthy of her love.

"You are always convincing, Your Majesty." So she said with emotion. "Being able to witness all this with you is also my greatest luck..."

"So, why don't we celebrate this good fortune?" Agron suddenly leaned over and kissed Agnes on the cheek.

Although this was two people walking, there must be someone around who could see it, and Agnes instinctively felt a little ashamed.

But she also knew that now everyone was accustomed to the intimate behavior between the two of them, and even took it for granted, so she gradually became comfortable with it and got used to her identity as a lover.

Since this is not within the palace, let him do as he pleases... She thought to herself.

The two kissed obliviously until they separated again after a long time.

"Your Majesty, we should go back." Then, Agnes reminded Agron.

"Don't you invite me to your home as a guest?" Aigron asked. "I just made your father so famous. Isn't it worth your while to treat me as a favor?"

Agnes was a little surprised.

"Your Majesty, if you want to go to my house, just say so. Do you still need my invitation..." So she replied.

"That's different." Aigron shook his head, "I want you to entertain me as a host...there is no such thing as a majesty."

Agnes instantly understood that His Majesty was in a mood and was no longer satisfied with kissing.

Alas, then just obey him, anyway...that's already the case.

"If... if you wish... to be warmly entertained by us..."

She answered hesitantly, "I will."

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