Eagle’s Glory

Twenty, old friend

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After Aiglon and Marshal Soult reached a tacit understanding in private, the personnel changes of Marquis Treville became extremely smooth. Just a few days later, this well-known general received a transfer order to take up a new position in Algiers. Moreover, his military ranks and entourage of lieutenants were also arranged.

After he celebrates the New Year at home, he will go all the way south to the Toulon military port, then take a navy warship across the not-wide Mediterranean Sea, and then come to his new adventure place, where he will seize his further capital in the future. .

General Treville was naturally quite happy about this, but apart from the information, in the secret corner of his heart, he was still a little worried.

The person he couldn't worry about was naturally his only son Edgar.

Ever since the father and son broke up on bad terms that day, Edgar seemed to have gained some energy, and then quietly sneaked into the palace with the help of his wife.

If it were in the past, he would of course be delighted by his son's sudden burst of "motivation", but now he only feels terrified, because his son's purpose is obviously not to work for His Majesty to win rewards, but to think about it. He tried his best to find out about his old lover, Princess Kadiyang.

Although Edgar repeatedly promised that even if something happened, he would never be dragged down, but who could guarantee such a thing? Is there really a way for father and son to completely separate themselves?

However, even if he felt disgusted, he could not stop his son's actions.

Although he has always been strong and a strict father at home, when his son really didn't listen to his advice and orders and instead stubbornly went his own way, he found that he didn't seem to have much choice.

This embarrassment of being unable to do anything made him regret once again that he had doted on Edgar when he was a child, and that he was busy with his career and neglected to educate him.

In the midst of sighs and sighs, he became more determined in his idea of ​​"training a new account", and he also eagerly hoped that when he still had energy and could use his remaining energy, he could cultivate a qualified heir and shoulder the burden of the family.

At present, his brother is in exile and the family business is on the verge of collapse. It can be said that he is the only one left to take the lead in the Treville family. This great family must not fall into his hands. He must maintain the family name no matter what. Not falling.

Since Alice has no hope here, he can only find another way out.

Therefore, he privately corresponded with his brother, the Duke of Treville, who was exiled in Belgium, asking him to pay attention to the upbringing of his illegitimate grandson, and to establish the family's belief in him from the beginning - until he returned from North Africa and was promoted to After he reaches a high position, he will ask his brother to send the child back privately, and he will raise and educate it himself.

This time, he won't make Edgar's mistake again.

Of course, these plans are for the future. What he is most concerned about now is to seize the time to prepare festive items and meals for Christmas and New Year at home. By then, his son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughters will all return home from the palace. This is also The family's last chance to reunite for a short period of time.

While the Marquis of Treville was still directing his servants to arrange festive items everywhere, he was suddenly notified that his old friend the Marquis of Noirtier was visiting.

Although he was a little surprised that the Marquis of Noirtier came to visit him at this time, he naturally did not dare to neglect this important man, so he left everything to the servant, and then went to the study to receive the Marquis.

"My old friend, why are you interested in coming to me on such a cold day?" He first shook hands with his old friend in a friendly way, and then asked.

While asking, he also observed the Marquis of Noirtier.

He found that the usually unsmiling Marquis looked particularly serious today, and there seemed to be lingering worry hidden in his eyes, and his gray hair and wrinkles on his face made his face look even more... Gloomy and sharp.

What is he upset about? thought the marquis.

"Victor, we have been friends for many years, so I won't hide it from you. I am very upset right now." The Marquis of Noirtier sighed softly, "You know, if nothing else happens, my My son is about to die.”

General Treville was startled for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

Because of his previous close cooperation with the Count of Monte Cristo, he had some knowledge of the Count's past. When the Count of Monte Cristo made the "three-year agreement," he was also one of the witnesses.

Therefore, even if the Marquis of Noirtier was confused, he still knew what he meant.

Now, more than a year has passed since the contract was made, which means that in more than a year, the Count will take up his sword to avenge Prosecutor Villefort, and then his old friend will suffer the loss. Zi Zhi is in pain - so no wonder he is so sad.

But to be honest, he didn't feel much sympathy in his heart.

The Marquis of Treville has been on the move in his life. He lost his father and his mother when he was young. He lost his wife in middle age. He has seen too many tragedies of life, separation and death, and he has already developed a heart of stone. Besides, he himself is unable to complain to anyone. How can you have time to sympathize with others when you have troubles?

But on the surface, he still pretended to be concerned, and then comforted his old friend. "Sigh... I feel sorry for you too, my friend. But what can we do if our fate is like this? Sometimes we have to face reality."

The Marquis of Noirtier did not speak anymore, but looked deeply at General Treville.

"Victor, we have known each other for many years. I have helped you and you have helped me. I believe we were friends who shared weal and woe, don't you think?" After a long time, he asked quietly.

Faced with this question, General Treville felt a little embarrassed, but he couldn't deny it face to face, so he had no choice but to nod, "Of course."

"Okay, as a friend, can you please tell me something?" the Marquis of Noirtier asked again.

General Treville's heart immediately sounded alarm. As a sophisticated man, he could clearly feel that he was being led into a prepared rhythm by the other party.

This guy definitely has an ulterior motive.

However, because he was caught off guard and asked, he didn't have much room to dodge now, so he could only reluctantly respond, "Okay, you ask, if I know I will tell you."

"So, please tell me, where is the banker Mr. Danglars being imprisoned now?" As soon as he finished speaking, the Marquis immediately asked, obviously already prepared.

"Are you planning to break the contract?" General Treville did not answer immediately. Instead, he sensed an unusual meaning in the Marquis's question and asked him instead.

In fact, he would not be surprised that the Marquis of Noirtier wanted to break the contract.

He is also a father with an only son. Of course he knows how deep the fetters of family ties between father and son are. Even if Edgar has been unable to hold himself up, he can't ignore his son. Even if he is like this, the Marquis can't let go of his son. What's weird?

Moreover, for people like him, it is common for him to go back on his words and break promises, and he will never laugh at or spurn his old friends from a moral perspective.

However, morality is one thing, and strength is another.

Everyone knows that the Count of Monte Cristo is one of His Majesty’s most trusted ministers. He is now in a high position and his future is even more promising. Perhaps it is not surprising that he will become a minister or prime minister one day. Although the Marquis of Noirtier He also occupies a high position in the parliament, but his age has destined him to be difficult to achieve in the future.

If the Marquis does this, he will completely break with the Earl and become an enemy. So one is a rising star, and the other is an old nobleman who is aging. Whose side do they stand on? How to choose?

This is hardly a question to consider.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Marquis of Treville to side with him and help him break the contract, and the so-called years of friendship are not as important as the favor of the Count of Monte Cristo.

Besides, the Tanglar incident was not a scar that could be easily opened.

Previously, when the Count of Monte Cristo came to Paris, he was the first person he met, and then received a lot of help from him; the count took revenge on Danglars, and he was also one of the helpers, and in the end it was he who led the people Along with the count, he kidnapped Danglars who was trying to escape with the money, and then robbed him of the money he had on him. He made a huge profit, amounting to hundreds of thousands.

So, can these things be revealed?

Once revealed, things such as creating financial trends, embezzling stolen money, etc. will be exposed to the sun. Not only will the count bear the infamy for this, but he himself will not be able to escape.

Therefore, his first reaction was to refuse, absolutely.

He understood the Marquis of Noirtier's desire to keep his son, but he had no interest in losing a penny for a guy like Villefort.

"Unfortunately, my friend, I can't help you do this..." He shook his head slightly.

In an instant, he was ready. Once the Marquis continued to beg him, or continued to stalk him, he would send the guest off regardless of dignity, even if he had a falling out - after all, it was the other party who broke the rules first. , and no one will blame themselves for this.

What he didn't expect was that the Marquis seemed to have expected his move, and was not surprised at all, nor was he angry at all.

He just moved the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a wry smile.

"Don't be so excited, my friend, things are not as bad as you think. I am not here to bring you bad news, nor am I here to threaten you with our past friendships. On the contrary, I am here to make you happy. Benefit from it. Even if you don’t believe in my morality, you should believe in my intelligence. I won’t do anything stupid—”

The Marquis' words calmed General Treville down a bit.

Indeed, based on his understanding of the Marquis, the other party would definitely not be stupid enough to believe that he would side with him to deal with the Earl for some old friendship. He must have another deep meaning in coming in like this.

"Then what do you mean?" So, he didn't say anything to chase people away, but asked in a soft voice. "I'll tell you in advance that when you made the promise, I was a witness. If you want to break the promise, I will never support it - this is an insult to our family name."

The Marquis of Noirtier paid no attention to the high-sounding words of the Marquis of Treville, and continued speaking on his own.

"At first, I did plan to threaten you with Tanglar... After all, this guy is a living proof, and with his presence, you can be a deterrent; but I quickly rejected this idea, because you are all Smart people, once you feel something is abnormal, you will take precautions, and even kill him directly and disfigure him and throw him into the sea. Then I have no way, so I decided to take a more reasonable method-"

He paused deliberately, and then suddenly increased his voice, "Victor, if the count becomes my grandson-in-law, do you think it is possible to settle this matter?"

Like Aigron, the Marquis de Treville was dumbfounded when he first heard the idea.

"Valentina is not only talented and beautiful, but also has a huge inheritance inherited from her mother and grandparents, plus me... In a few years, she will be one of the best ladies to be married in our country. First, if she is used as a bargaining chip, no matter how much resentment there is, it should be able to be healed, right?" the Marquis asked confidently.

The Marquis of Treville also woke up from the initial shock. When he thought about it carefully, it seemed that it was indeed the case.

If it were really "atonement" in this way, it would indeed be possible to appease the count's anger and hatred.

But what does this have to do with myself?

"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this...but will Your Majesty agree?" So he asked.

"Your Majesty already knows, and he has no objection. He just said that it is up to the count to decide." The Marquis of Noirtier replied.

General Treville was surprised again. He did not expect that the Marquis' plan was not a temporary idea, but that it had been implemented for so long. "Then... what about his own opinion? Have you talked to him?"

"Of course I have looked for him, but he didn't agree to me." The Marquis sighed with regret, but immediately cheered up, "But I am sure that he was indeed shaken...otherwise I wouldn't No more wasted effort."

I am afraid that he is not wavering because of your granddaughter but because he feels pity for you... The Marquis of Treville said in his heart that he really knows Edmund very well and knows that Edmund has a compassionate heart. When a father begs in front of him, He would not be moved at all, but he would feel compassion.

But he did not say these words, but continued to ask the Marquis.

"So, you thought of pushing him?"

"Yes!" The Marquis Noirtier's voice became high-pitched, and he was obviously emotionally excited. "I am indeed begging him, but I can't place my hope on him being temporarily soft-hearted. Haven't we all been the same for so many years? Is this how you work? You need both soft and hard skills. Valentine is my gift, and Danglars is my trump card..."

Having said this, the Marquis looked at General Treville again, his eyes full of determination and the aura of risking everything.

"Victor, I don't expect you to sympathize with me, and of course you can refuse me. I understand you... But you might as well weigh it again. If you don't help me, what do you get? Nothing, it's business as usual. You help me , you will get double gratitude, you have reconciled two popular families in the empire, and they will thank you."

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