Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-two, atonement

"Can we keep dad alive? Grandpa? Even if he did these bad things, but...don't we have any other way?"

Valentine looked at her grandfather with tears in her eyes, already bursting into tears.

The Marquis of Noirtier saw his granddaughter's sorrow and pain, so how could he himself be the same?

However, just being sad is useless. If you want to solve the problem, you must rely on practical actions, and he is taking action now.

"I have thought about this issue for a long time, Valentine." So, he tried to keep himself calm and explained softly to his granddaughter, "The count is responsible for this matter. After all, he was in the country because your father was wronged. The prison family was destroyed, and now he has occupied such a high position. If he insists on revenge, then none of us can stop him, and there is no reason to stop him. The only way is to compensate him and let him let go of the past. everything."

"Then why don't you do this? We can compensate him!" Valentine became even more anxious. "We can give him money. Give him all father's money. I...I also have the property my mother left me. I can give it all to him! As long as it can redeem dad’s life, we can give him any amount of money!”

"It would be great if it could satisfy the anger of an Avenger so easily." The Marquis of Noirtier smiled miserably. "This is not a matter of money. Let me ask you, if someone killed me or your father for no reason, and then paid you to forgive him, would you do it?"

Valentine was at a loss for words.

She really doesn't.

"Then how should we satisfy him? What does he want?" After a moment, she asked with a choked voice. "We can give him anything we can. What's more important than dad's life?"

The Marquis of Noirtier is so sophisticated that he can certainly see that Valentine's filial piety and love for her family are all due to sincerity.

Although his son has bad conduct and can even be said to be a wolf-hearted person, he has a good daughter who deserves a happy and bright life.

If there was another way, why would he be willing to choose this way? However, there is really no way out now. No matter how hard it is to let go, he can only harden his heart.

"As for the injustice and hatred suffered by the count, I have thought about it, and there is only one way to balance and make up for it." The Marquis of Noirtier said slowly, "——Since we ruined his family and ruined the first half of his life, , then we will give him a family and let him have a better second half of his life than others... Only in this way can we have reason to let him settle this hatred.


He said this long paragraph, but Valentine was confused. She looked at her grandfather blankly, as if waiting for his further explanation. Obviously, even if she is smart and precocious, Valentine will eventually As a child, she didn't quite understand other people's subtext.

The Marquis of Noirtier bent his knees and lovingly held his granddaughter's white face with his hands.

"My child, are you willing to be the most virtuous wife and mother?"

Now Valentine finally understood.

It turns out that grandpa hopes to marry himself to the earl in exchange for him being at peace and not taking revenge on his father...

For a moment, she immediately blushed.

Like every little girl of the same age, she also played pretend games when she was alone, treating the dolls as her own children and playing the mother role, but after all, this was just a child's game.

Being a wife and a mother... was too far away for her.

She also knew that at her age, her father would discuss marriage for her in a few years, then choose a fiancé of his choice and marry her on a date - just like her female ancestors for generations. They are like that

But that was a few years later, and to her now, it seemed as far away as the next life.

She did not expect that fate, like a howling wind, would sweep the major choices of life right in front of her in an instant, leaving her with no way to escape.

Seeing his granddaughter's panic, the Marquis suddenly felt even more distressed, but now he could only harden his heart and continue, "My child, I don't intend to deceive you. I can tell you clearly that this is taking away your happiness. Go and exchange your father's life. I know it's unfair to you, but this is my choice after I have no other choice. If this marriage is really settled, then I can let your father live. He He can continue his life... Are you willing to see this result? Or are you willing to simply watch him die under the sword of revenge?"

Grandpa's question dispelled the shame in Valentine's heart, forcing her to face reality again.

In the world of aristocrats, there are already many arranged marriages. Both families only consider the factor of "being a good match" before considering other things. That's why so many couples seem to be together but have different interests after getting married.

Under this cultural background, Valentine, who has already heard and heard of it, is not so resistant to her grandfather's desire to marry her to the earl - after all, isn't it the elders who choose one when they reach age?

Although the age gap between the two sides is relatively large, there seem to be many such examples.

Besides, as long as she could resolve the original grudge and save her father's life, she was willing to pay the price.

"I...I accept your arrangement. As long as it can save dad's life, I will do anything!" So, after a brief hesitation, she nodded heavily, "I am willing to marry the earl and then be the best. Wife and mother, although... although I don’t know how to do it, I can learn it, I can learn anything well!”

Due to her current age, she still doesn't understand the true meaning of being a wife and running a family. She just vaguely feels that when she is interacting with the Earl, she feels that he is not a bad person, but on the contrary, he is stable and handsome. Even a big man like his father respects him.

From Grandpa's description, there was not a single bad word mentioned about him - even though he wanted his father's life, there was a reason for it.

Although a key part of his plan had been realized, the Marquis was not happy at all, only feeling extremely sore.

The more sensible and cooperative Valentine was, the more painful it made him feel.

Unknowingly, the old man, who had always been a tough-hearted man, quietly shed tears in his eyes.

Although his son has committed a sin, is it not a sin for him to drive his granddaughter for his own selfish interests? Is it really necessary for this Noirtier family to continue?

"Grandpa, don't be sad. Isn't this good..." Valentine carefully wiped Grandpa's tears with her sleeves, then she squeezed out a smile and comforted Grandpa softly, "Dad did it." Bad things. As my father's child, isn't it natural for me to atone for his sins? Although my father may...may be a bad person, he has given me the kindness to raise me. If I can do my best to repay this kindness, then It is not good?"

The grandson's sensible comfort made the old man even more heartbroken, but he calmed down again and wiped away his tears.

"Good boy, you will definitely become the best wife and mother. That guy is lucky. He will be happy for generations!" He made a decisive judgment.

"Speaking of this, I'm a little worried..." Valentine suddenly bit her lip.

"What are you worried about?" asked the Marquis.

"I...when my father and I stayed at the Earl's house, Lady Emily received us as the hostess. She and the Earl seemed to be very close. Moreover, Eugenie was deeply loved by the Earl. The Earl would really know how to do it. Abandon their mother and son to marry me? I... don't have confidence, Grandpa..." Valentine replied awkwardly.

She had witnessed with her own eyes Emily's charm as a noble lady, who was charming, chatty and laughing. At her current age, of course she would be greatly admired by Emily, and she was even less confident that she could replace her as the Earl's companion.

"You don't have to worry about this. I have my own arrangements. In short, their mother and daughter will not be an obstacle to you." The Marquis of Noirtier shook his head, indicating that his granddaughter did not need to worry about this issue.

At this point, he spat disdainfully, "Bah, what does she mean? A slut and an abandoned woman, just pretending. When will she really be able to enter the hall of elegance? Countess...she deserves it." Is that so? She has never even been qualified to touch the floor under Her Majesty’s feet. But you are the granddaughter of the Marquis of Noirti and the Countess of Monte Cristo. You will always have a place in Her Majesty’s dressing room. You can enter the palace if you want. Gong, how can she compare with you? She can't even touch the hem of your skirt!"

Valentine didn't know anything about Emily's old past, so she naturally didn't understand why her grandfather was so harsh in his evaluation of Lady Emily, but she felt a little relieved when she saw that her grandfather was so confident.

"As for the mother and daughter, you are still young, so please tolerate them for a while and let them stay with the count. When you become the countess in the future, you can send them away from a distance and let them fend for themselves. Anyway, No one cares about them." The Marquis finally concluded.

"That's too pitiful. Their families are already bankrupt. If they are driven away again, where else can they go? I...I shouldn't do this." Valentine had a different opinion. "Anyway, if I really become a countess, then they can continue to live with us if they want! Anyway... the count's house is so big, and there is no shortage of places for guests to live, wouldn't it be nice to be lively? Normally Eugenie and I can play together to pass the time."

The granddaughter's childish words made the Marquis dumbfounded.

No matter how sensible Valentine is, children are still children after all, and she has no idea what real family life and married life are like.

Forget it, there is no need to explain such a profound issue to her now, she will understand it naturally in the future.

The point is that she is willing to become a countess and is willing to use herself in exchange for the earl to eliminate old grudges.

This is enough.

"Good child, Grandpa is sorry for you." The Marquis of Noirtier sighed again, and then gently stroked her little head, "After I die, I will leave my inheritance to you, and you will pass it on to you. Children...Although the Count of Monte Cristo is a fake family, you can turn it into a famous family that is truly respected and worshiped. We have done so much, no matter what, he should be satisfied..."

"Grandpa, don't think about compensating me, you are the one who has worked hard." Valentine looked at her grandfather distressedly, "You should have enjoyed the most carefree old age, but because of your father, you still have to talk down to others. Who can erase the grievances and pain? As for me...don't worry, I will fulfill my obligations, whether it is the obligations of Valentine de Villefort or the Countess of Monte Cristo "

Facing her grandfather, the still young Valentine smiled like a flower, looking so delicate and bright.

As for whether this was a forced smile, that's a matter of opinion, but all in all, the Marquis Noirtier's mood, which had sunk to the bottom, was brought back a lot by his granddaughter's smile.

He didn't say anything more, but gently kissed his granddaughter's forehead, and then hugged her tightly. The grandfather and grandson hugged her for a long time and never separated for a long time.

"The count... does the count know these things?" After a long time, Valentine asked her grandfather again.

"He knows that I negotiated with him, but he refused at first." The Marquis sighed.

"It seems that I am not as attractive as you think..." Valentine smiled bitterly.

"It's not your fault. You are too young now. He has never thought about this. He was naturally shocked by me in his haste." The Marquis also smiled bitterly, "Besides, hatred is not so easy to eliminate. , I’m afraid it will be difficult for him to turn around and let go of this hatred in a short time.”

"Then what should we do?" Valentine asked again, "I...can I go directly to the Earl's Palace? I can tell him face to face that I am happy to be his wife, and ask him to be noble...anything can be said .”

"No, that's not necessary. In fact, he will soon be a guest in our house." The Marquis replied softly, "Your father invited him to his wedding, and because the two of them have a good relationship, he can't refuse. He will be at the wedding."

"Dad is usually so conceited about his own mind, but in the end he can't even notice that his most dangerous enemy is close at hand. It's really disappointing..." Valentine half smiled bitterly and half sighed.

Then, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

After all, she now (thinks she) has shouldered the important task of resolving hatred as solid as ice. She can't believe that she has the talent to rival her father.

However, in order to save her father's life, no matter how difficult the task is, she must muster up the courage to carry it on her young shoulders - and she is happy to do so.

She wanted to find him, and then tell him her decision in person, that she was willing to make any sacrifice to eliminate the hatred between the two families, and that she was willing to use her identity as his wife to give him back his lost years and family.

It is conceivable that he will not take a child like himself lightly, and he will not easily give up hatred for himself.

However, it doesn't matter. Edmond Dantès is a stubborn person, but so is Valentine de Villefort. She will use her sincere heart to melt the ice of hatred. If it doesn't work once, then twice. , if it doesn’t work twice, then there will be countless times... one day she will do it all.

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