Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-eight, close to the people

“And you learn a lot from being around him, too.”

Aigron seemed a bit careless when he spoke, but the young Count Morny was secretly happy when he heard the words.

Although he was young and energetic, he did not think that the earl would be much more powerful than himself, but being able to serve as a subordinate next to the earl was an excellent choice for him.

As we all know, the Earl is one of His Majesty's most favored confidants, and his future prospects are limitless. If I keep following him, then when the Earl rises to great heights, I will also be able to rise with the tide, and maybe even at a young age. Able to reach a high position.

He also knew that there were rumors in the market that the earl's aristocratic status could not withstand scrutiny, but he was completely indifferent to this. As an illegitimate son, he had long been "desensitized" to the so-called blood and status. As long as there was someone To help his own future, he doesn't mind flattering anyone.

However, even though he was secretly happy in his heart, the young and mature man did not show this secret joy. He deliberately kept a calm face, and then bowed to salute Aiglon. "Your Majesty, I will comply with your arrangement. In addition, I have admired the Count of Monte Cristo for a long time. I am happy to serve him. Thank you for giving me such an opportunity! I will do my best to live up to your expectations."

Aiglon nodded slightly, and then glanced at Queen Hortense next to him, as if asking, 'Are you satisfied now, Auntie?' ’

Queen Ortense smiled and nodded to express her gratitude to her nephew.

There was only so much she could do for her illegitimate child.

Although doing this could not save her from her dereliction of duty as a "mother", as a member of the royal family of Xianyun Yehe and having her own son as the heir, there was really not much she could do to help. Now she has sold her It was all she could do to save face and ask her nephew for a career opportunity.

Now, since the biggest knot in my heart has been resolved, I should return to the roots of this concert, enjoy my hard-won wealthy life, and have fun with my nephew, niece and daughter-in-law.

So, she happily walked to the railing of the box and waved gently to the audience.

Her Majesty the Queen's order immediately activated the musicians on the stage who were ready to go. The uniformed conductor and the musicians bowed to several members of the royal family, and then began their performance.

The melodious and soft music suddenly sounded in the wide space.

As a woman,

Queen Ortense's arrangement style is soft and soothing, and at the same time, because she was forced to live in seclusion in a Swiss mountain village for many years, it is a bit sadder and sadder. This style of music has her own unique personal characteristics.

However, in the eyes of Agron and Teresa, the quality of this kind of music is mediocre.

After all, they all come from Austria, which has a prosperous music culture. They have been accustomed to listening to the masterpieces of famous artists in the court since they were young. They even asked the late master Beethoven to compose music for themselves, so they are well-informed.

Once you are used to eating top-notch delicacies, you will naturally have a feeling of "just that" when eating other dishes.

Of course, to the couple, Queen Ortense's arrangement level is not important. What is important is that today, as a family, they are here to support their aunt and to show royal majesty to the public, so they don't care about these.

They had been listening to the musicians' performance quietly, and gradually became immersed in it and felt the charm. Teresa couldn't help but miss her carefree girlhood in Austria, when she could enjoy playing in various places. What a joy it is to listen to the music in this kind of concert!

Although she is now honored as a queen and has unlimited glory, after all, she has too many worries and lacks a lot of freedom. After all, those days in the past are still worth recalling.

Soon, a piece of music was played. Following the orchestra conductor's gesture, the musicians stopped playing, and the audience immediately applauded.

Agron and Teresa also applauded their aunt.

"Your Majesty the Queen, your music is so beautiful." Aigron said half-complimentally and half-seriously, "I have heard about your talent a long time ago, and when I saw it today, it turned out to be really great."

"Oh, don't try to beat me up. I know how much I weigh. I'm just a beginner. It's okay to treat it as a hobby, but it would be too ridiculous to think that I am qualified to enter the palace... You grew up in Austria and have seen so many real things! How can I show off in front of you?" Queen Ortense covered her mouth and chuckled, "Just don't laugh at me!"

Her self-effacement made both the Agrons laugh.

"Anyway, as long as we are happy to listen, why should we care if he is a famous artist?" Teresa replied with a smile. "Your Majesty, your ability to entertain us all in this way also enhances the reputation of the royal family."


At this time, Prince Charlie, who had been silent next to him, suddenly interrupted.

This sudden interruption caused everyone's attention to immediately focus on him.

And he did not panic at all and spoke calmly, "As Her Majesty the Queen said, although we are here today to kill our leisure time, we are also here to show off the royal style in front of the public. I heard that Her Majesty the Queen is very talented. , since we have a rare opportunity today, why not show it to the public? Today’s grand event will be composed and performed by the queen, so it will definitely create a good story. "

"Huh?" Because this proposal was unplanned, Theresa was a little surprised.

Because of some conflicts in the past, Teresa has always disliked this cousin with whom she often had conflicts, so even if the two of them met, she almost never took the initiative to talk to him, and she never made false remarks. But today , but the cousin's proposal moved her.

She really likes to play. When she was a widower, she would play the piano next to her every time it was time for dinner at home. This hobby has never given up until now.

Unfortunately, because everything was complicated, although she occasionally went to the music room in the palace to play with instruments, she had not enjoyed it for a long time.

Now, listening to the musicians playing in this spacious and bright theater, she really felt a little "itchy".

It would be okay if the prince didn't mention it, but when he mentioned it, Theresa became interested.

However, she was still a little hesitant.

"Isn't this... not good? This is not an arrangement made in advance, it will cause chaos. And if I don't play well, it will ruin everyone's enjoyment, which will be counterproductive..."

"It's okay, Theresa." Aigron spoke immediately. "Believe me, not only will there be no chaos, on the contrary, people will definitely cheer when they see you perform on stage in person. After all, this is a rare thing for them to see! As for the other worry... Don't worry, whoever dares to If you don’t applaud you and say you don’t play well, then I’ll chop off whose head you have!”

"Stop talking nonsense!" Teresa glared at her husband, but quickly laughed again, "Well, since you said so, then I will reluctantly give it a try."

Although Queen Ortense was a little surprised by this unexpected episode, she was of course 100% supportive, so she waved to the theater manager and orchestra conductor to inform them of her sudden decision.

Although these people were also very surprised, they were also excited about such a "good thing".

Mediocre works are like crucian carp crossing the river, they will be forgotten after today, but Her Majesty the Queen personally performed on the stage. This is an unforgettable moment. Who doesn't want to watch the excitement?

So, after getting the order, the manager paused the performance, then walked to the stage and announced to everyone in the audience that "Her Majesty the Queen plans to perform on the stage herself."

After a while, the audience's shock turned into huge shock. Yells immediately sounded from everywhere, and some people threw their hats into the air to show their excitement.

Of course, the audience didn't know that this was an impromptu decision, and thought it was a "surprise program" that had been prepared long ago.

But whether it was a spur-of-the-moment act or prepared in advance, who wouldn’t be excited to see Her Majesty the Queen perform on stage?

So, under the guidance of the attendant, Teresa walked down the aisle and then walked to the center of the stage. She immediately became the center of attention.

Today she was dressed up as usual, wearing a fluffy and luxurious off-shoulder evening dress decorated with gold ribbons and silk flowers. Coupled with the necklace and earrings she wore, the whole person looked radiant. Overflowing with color and elegance, without losing the charm of a young woman.

Both the audience and the band members on the stage felt "flattered" to be able to see Her Majesty the Queen in full dress up close, and then they looked at the most noble woman in the country with awe and admiration.

Being watched by thousands of people at the same time, Theresa, who was unprepared, was naturally a little embarrassed, but she quickly gathered her courage and regained her composure.

She comes from a royal family and has grown up in the spotlight since she was a child, so of course she will not be afraid or shy when facing the attention of others, because this is her life.

What's more, she is now the Queen of this country, how can she be afraid of her own people?

Then, she calmly and generously bowed slightly to the people off the stage as a courtesy.

No one gave an order, but soon someone stood up from their seats, and then spread like ripples around. Soon everyone stood up in unison and saluted the young and beautiful Her Majesty the Queen.

"Ah, Teresa is really charming." Queen Hortense, who had been watching the stage from the box, couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration. "None of you have seen the queen who came from the same family, but I dare say that she is cuter than the one before... and she is much more talented!"

"That's natural. I'm much better than Louis XVI." Aiglon replied without humility.

"Well, yes, that's natural." Queen Ortense laughed, "However, today we ask Her Majesty the Queen to perform for the common people. I am afraid that people from other countries will find it difficult to imagine."

"We are a royal family that is close to the people. After all, we are originally from the common people, right?" Aigron replied matter-of-factly, "Art should be shared by all the people. As long as it can make everyone happy, it doesn't matter if the Queen performs it. ?”

"We may indeed come from the folk, but Teresa is not. She is a Habsburg princess." Queen Ortense reminded her nephew with a smile.

"But her surname is Bonaparte now, and she will act as a French. This is what she has always wanted." Aigron replied decisively, "She has always wanted to get rid of the impression of a foreigner in the hearts of the people and get closer to the people. distance, so today is probably an opportunity she would like to see..."

As Aigron said, Teresa did think so at this time.

In order to avoid the tragic experience of the last Habsburg Queen, she had long made up her mind to become Her Majesty the Queen loved by the people. In order to achieve this goal, she could not live on airs and interact with the people like that Queen. Instead of living in isolation, we should try our best to participate in public affairs so that the people can feel the warmth from the mother of the country.

Being able to use her "talent" to get closer to the people is indeed something she dreams of.

So, poor Teresa, this is a rare opportunity, don’t screw up... she said to herself.

She first took a deep breath and sat down in front of the piano. Then she gently pressed the keys of the piano a few times and listened to the slight sound to identify the tone and adjust her nervousness at the moment.

Then she looked at the other members of the band.

"Everyone, I know you must be nervous, but it doesn't matter. Please treat me as your ordinary colleague tonight. I feel sincerely honored to have the opportunity to appear on stage with you. In addition, regardless of the effect of the performance, How about it, none of you will be punished for this. After the performance is over, I have a small gift for everyone. Now, let us enjoy the time of art..."

Teresa's tone was soft and solemn, quickly dispelling the hesitations of those around her.

Then, everyone got into their positions, and a small team was "ready to go."

Theresa also concentrated her attention, and then stared at the music score on the piano.

Queen Ortense's arrangement level is average, and the difficulty of playing is naturally not high. For her, playing this kind of music is a very basic skill. The important thing is not to have stage fright and to have a good attitude.

And she, who was used to the wind and waves following Aigron, was indeed able to do this.

Then, as the music sounded, her slender fingers began to dance on the keys, and soft music poured out.

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