Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-two, it’s your own fault

"Just tell me, can you help me with this?"

Faced with his daughter's questioning, Duke Nordlyen fell into a dilemma.

As far as his own heart is concerned, he does not want to initiate a political case to punish his son-in-law (especially if it may involve his own family); however, when facing his daughter's eyes at this moment, he I didn't dare to express my refusal.

At this time, Alice's resentment accumulated in her heart over the past few years has been completely aroused. After being trampled and deceived many times, the original love in her heart has been replaced by deep-seated hatred. This hatred made her eyes look... It was cold and murderous, which made the Duke feel frightened.

Okay, I did raise a Medea! He sighed with fear in his heart.

Facing the murderous Alice, he did not dare to speak out and refused to speak out, and there was a lot of cold sweat behind his back.

After all, although he took the initiative to reveal all the truth to his daughter, Alice's performance at this time has exceeded his original psychological expectations. Now he is a little at a loss and doesn't know what to do.

Alice saw her father's hesitation and confusion completely.

She also knew that the matter was so important that her father did not dare to make a decision easily.

"What are you hesitating about? As far as I'm concerned, this is just a piece of cake for you. You can do it properly without involving yourself. You definitely have this skill." So. , she urged her father with a slight sneer, "The rest of the things have nothing to do with you. No matter what the outcome is, you can stay out of it. Dad, I have never asked you for anything, but today is a special situation. I ask you Seeing that we are only father and daughter, please do a favor for your daughter——"

"Alice, this is not a fun thing. Don't you know the consequences?" The Duke still tried to dissuade his daughter, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not interceding for that kid. I don't care what happens to Edgar, but Don’t forget, you and Xia Lu also have the surname Treville now. If he is really regarded as a political prisoner, you will definitely be affected. You have always been a smart woman and you will not be able to understand this. Now I understand how you feel, but I still hope you will be more sensible."

Her father's advice originally made sense, but to Alice's ears at this moment, it was just adding fuel to the fire and igniting her raging rage.

"Reason...reason...because I have always been too rational, I compromised, I turned a blind eye, I silently endured their deception and insults to me...I endured them all, but what was the result? No one endured for me. It's just more despicable and shameless bullying. You have seen it all. Why don't you persuade them to be sensible?

Do you want me to be rational instead? No... I am very rational now, even more rational than I have ever been before. I just want revenge, and I want to do my best to retaliate. Only in this way can I compensate for my accumulated humiliation! "

After shouting this declaration sternly, Alice looked at her father with a frighteningly sharp gaze, "Dad, I know that you are afraid of implicating yourself, and you don't want to do things so badly, but I want to tell you, You have no way out now - because you leaked the secret to me in private and revealed His Majesty's words to me. You have committed an act of disloyalty to His Majesty. If His Majesty knew about it, he would definitely not be happy, right? What else do you want to do? Do you gain his trust?"

"you you!!"

Faced with his daughter's threat, the Duke suddenly became furious.

He raised his hand and pointed at his daughter tremblingly, "I came here to remind you with good intentions, but you threatened me? Are you...are you so honest?"

Faced with her father's accusation, Alice felt like a breeze blowing on her face, showing no shame at all.

"This is what you taught me, isn't it? Duplicity, duplicity, and profit-seeking... These are all what you taught me in front of me lesson by lesson. Since I am now following your example, you shouldn't feel proud. Besides, I don’t believe that you only told me this out of the kindness of father and daughter. Before you ignored me, did you ever care about the father-daughter relationship? If I hadn’t worked hard on my own I am afraid that you are not even willing to look at me now that you have flattered your two majesties. Since we both know this clearly, why bother pretending anymore? You just want to use me, right? It doesn't matter, I can be used You use it. As long as you help me, I will try my best to help you in the future. We are still a family that loves each other. But if you refuse to help, then I have to treat you as an enemy. I have already treated my enemy. I won’t talk about favors anymore. Now that I can threaten you, I won’t be merciful. If you refuse to help me, then I will have to do my best to make you suffer! Why, Do you want to try it?!”

"You..." The Duke was still angry, but in the face of Alice's aggressive gaze, he could not say anything in the end.

Because he knew that Alice's words were actually correct, and he was indeed such a person.

Originally, with the revival of the Treville family, the relationship between the two families had improved, but when Alice revealed everything in a rage, the veil between father and daughter was torn off again, which made him extremely frustrated. Embarrassed, then speechless.

Faced with the threat from his daughter, the Duke thought to himself that he was indeed powerless to resist, because all his glory and wealth now depended on His Majesty's thoughts. If this incident aroused His Majesty's disgust, then he would never be able to afford the price.

Now he deeply regretted why he was so troublesome, but regretting was useless. He could only face reality and make compromises.

"Well, since you said so, what else can I do? You have caught me, Alice, I listen to you." After struggling for a while, the Duke sighed and said to him dejectedly. Alice gave up in anger, "I will help you and get what you need, but I advise you to be cautious and never make things impossible to end... Also, don't get involved in any case." When you go to your parents' house, you should know that although our family looks prominent now, it is still walking on thin ice. Our safety, honor and disgrace all depend on His Majesty's thoughts. Even if you don't care about me, at least for Agnes's sake, you don't care. Don't mess around..."

"I know, please rest assured about this! So far, have I ever let anyone else bear the punishment for my crime?" Alice immediately agreed, "No matter what happens, I will bear all the responsibilities myself. I won’t overwork anyone else, I promise you.”

Now that this has been said, there is nothing more to say between father and daughter for the time being.

The Duke was full of panic at the moment and was too lazy to be polite to his daughter. He stood up and left angrily. Next, he had to rack his brains to try to get what Alice needed without involving himself as much as possible. .

He didn't want to interfere any more with his daughter's plot to murder his son-in-law. He just wanted to fulfill his promise and then hide away, leaving the couple to fight to the death.

When her father left the room and the door was closed again, Alice's fierce and almost crazy aura finally gradually weakened.

Now that she was alone, she could finally put aside her disguise and reveal the weakness and pain in her heart.

She took out the handkerchief she had on her body and carefully wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. However, because her hands were shaking and she could hardly control them, it took a lot of effort to wipe the marks on her face clean.

Then she covered her mouth with a handkerchief stained with blood, sobbing silently.

This was not the first time she had experienced betrayal by her husband, but it was one of despair.

She once married the husband of her choice with full of longing, but the happy life after marriage was just a fantasy. What greeted her was the betrayal and humiliation that followed one after another. She had to swallow it because she had no choice. She suffered. After enduring it for so long, she finally ushered in the dawn of life. Just when she thought she could finally usher in happiness, the cruel reality told her that she was still living in even more deception.

It was not just deception, but also self-deception. She could no longer deceive herself, nor could she comfort herself.

She had to face the reality that she had made the wrong choice, and the mistakes were getting bigger and bigger. Contempt and humiliation were already weighing on her and her daughter's heads, and she could no longer tolerate any shame or pity.

Her revenge was not only for the benefit of herself and her daughter, but also to release the humiliation she had endured in one breath.

After sobbing for a while, Alice finally regained her composure. She wiped away the tears again, then tried to return herself to her usual state as much as possible, and then carefully left the room.

She continued to deal with the affairs at hand as usual, and then in the evening, she went to Edgar's temporary studio to visit her husband as usual.

Although painting was not Edgar's main goal in entering the palace, in order to deceive others, of course he had to pretend to be obsessed with creation. During this period, he racked his brains to create, and there was also a lot of excitement in the studio. There are many drafts and test works hanging.

Originally, every time she came here, Alice would feel lucky and comforted that Edgar finally started to do errands seriously, but at this time, her heart was as cold as ice, and she could no longer be attracted by the light of art. Moved.

After she knocked on the door, Edgar quickly opened the door and greeted Alice with his usual smile.

Alice, on the other hand, tried her best to behave as tenderly as usual.

After entering the studio, she looked at the traces around her again.

"Edgar, did you invite people to play here again today?" she then asked.

"Yes, I invited a few friends to come here for a small gathering and drink some coffee by the way." Edgar replied with a smile, "After all, the palace is heavily guarded and it is usually too boring. In order to pass the time, I had to find someone. Let’s chat together…”

Alice now has a clear mind about her husband's true purpose, but she still pretends to be ignorant and just tries to persuade him as a wife.

"Of course it's good to find some entertainment, but don't forget that you're not here to make friends. Don't let such chores affect your mission."

"Do you think I'm delaying something important, my dear?" As if to show off, Edgar raised his hand and drew a half circle in the air, pointing at the canvases. "I have worked very hard, you can see it, but you have to balance work with rest..."

"You're right, Edgar. I'm really happy to see you working so hard." Alice smiled and nodded.

Then, she slowly approached Edgar, and then gently hugged her husband.

"What's wrong, Alice?" Edgar was caught off guard, but still hugged his wife affectionately.

"It's nothing...it's just that I've been too busy recently, so I'm a little tired." Alice replied softly, "Isn't it the happiness a woman dreams of to rely on her husband's chest?"

Edgar's body stiffened slightly.

Facing his wife's tenderness, Edgar, who knew what he was doing, suddenly felt ashamed of himself.

"Uh...ah..." He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only hug Alice quietly.

"You seem a little nervous. What happened, Edgar?" Alice asked, leaning on Edgar's chest.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired." Edgar replied quickly.

"If not, that's fine." Alice withdrew from her husband's arms and looked at Edgar, "We are husband and wife, and we should be on the same side and work together for the sake of our family and our children. Edgar, before You have always been so careless, and to be honest, I am a little disappointed. But now, I finally see the efforts to change from you. You have finally become a man, and I am very happy. From now on, we will work together for the Treville family. Let’s work hard, we will never deceive each other, and together we can build a family fortune for our daughter that everyone can envy, do you think that’s okay?”

Edgar stiffened again.

He knew what a cruel fact lay behind this beautiful vision.

However, he couldn't say it.

"Well, of course, that's fine!" he replied softly.

After a warm embrace between the couple, Alice took leave of Edgar and went to sort out her affairs.

Before leaving, she seemed to feel something strange about Edgar.

"Do you have anything else to say to me? Edgar." So she asked Edgar again.

But Edgar just shook his head and waved his wife off.

So, Alice bowed her knees and said goodbye to her husband, and then left the temporary studio without looking back.

Not a word. This was the answer to her last effort.

She hugged and hinted tenderly, but in the end it was all in vain and she got nothing.

Whether it was the real purpose of his coming to the palace, the illegitimate child, or the plan to inherit the family business, he didn't say a word, not even a guilty apology.

This result did not surprise Alice.

She knew the result, but she still couldn't help but want to give it a try, trying to find even the slightest reason to stop out of pity.

However, there was nothing but lies and deceit, just like her life before.

And the fire of anger and desire for revenge in her heart naturally became more intense.

It's your choice, Edgar.

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