Eagle’s Glory

Forty-four, Marquise

"I hope you can assist Theresa so that our family business can last forever...I beg you."

Facing Aigron's instructions, Chanel was excited and nervous at the same time.

Being entrusted with such an important task by His Majesty is enough to show that His Majesty trusts her, but on the other hand, she is also facing great pressure.

After all, she really knew nothing about the so-called "royal investment". Even if she wanted to figure out those account transactions, she would have to spend a lot of effort.

But now that His Majesty has made a decision, how can she disappoint His Majesty? She could only grit her teeth and endure the pressure, do her best, and live up to her trust.

From His Majesty's explanation just now, she also realized that His Majesty meant for the Queen to have an overview of the overall situation, and she was there to assist him and act as His Majesty's own eyes and ears.

In this case, all she has to do is follow Her Majesty the Queen step by step and keep records of everything so that Her Majesty can inquire at any time.

After explaining the official business, Aigron made another gesture to Chanel, and Chanel understood it. When the couple were busy with their own affairs and Aigron was alone, Chanel quietly walked to Aigron's house. in front of.

"Your Majesty, do you have anything else to tell me?" she asked respectfully.

"Chanel, I said before that I will make you a Marquise, so that you will have the status of being on an equal footing with the ladies in the palace - do you remember it?" Aigron said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, I don't value these." Chanel replied nonchalantly, "I am extremely satisfied to be able to be by your side all the time. Those titles are just extraneous things..."

"You may not care, but I have to give it." Aigron interrupted her, "Since I am responsible for you, then I have to make plans for your future... Although I am still very young, this There are always too many accidents in the world. Who can tell how long my rule, or even my life, will last? Therefore, while I am in control now, I should give you what I promised you. , I can’t tolerate you, who is so loyal and diligent, to suffer because of my negligence.”

Chanel was moved to tears after hearing Aiglon's words.

Although the two of them are master and servant in name, since the two got acquainted, Chanel has been following him without fear of danger. The mutual trust and friendship are naturally beyond the description of master and servant.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, you have God's protection and nothing will happen to you.

Even if something happens, I will definitely fall before you! "

As they talked, both the master and the servant became emotional and hugged each other.

For Aigron, it is actually not difficult to confer a title on his valet and lover as a Marquise.

The Sun King Louis XIV bought the Maintenon Manor near Paris for one of his mistresses in 1674, and then gave her the title of Marquise de Maintenon the following year.

After France realized the centralized system of monarchy, the titles of the palace were nothing more than playthings in the hands of the kings, and they could be thrown to whomever they wanted.

Of course, Aigron also faces another problem - as the actual second-generation monarch of the empire, he must face the "historical issues" left over from the first generation of the empire.

After Emperor Napoleon established the empire, he immediately established his entire aristocratic system and granted a large number of nobles, including his marshals, generals, and civil servants.

For example, Talleyrand became the Prince of Benevento, Marshal Soult became the Duke of Dalmatia, and so on.

It was by relying on such a new aristocratic group that Emperor Napoleon was able to establish a ruling system covering the entire France so quickly, and completely drained the country's potential for his own foreign wars.

If Aiglon succeeded to the throne normally, he could successfully follow this system, and the new nobles would naturally be loyal to him. However, due to historical twists and turns, this normal process was interrupted.

He was forced to leave France in 1814, and did not have the opportunity to return until 1830. During these nearly fifteen years, he had no contact with the aristocrats of the imperial era, and these people either left the country or became idle. , or took the initiative to join the Bourbon family. In short, it has nothing to do with him.

Recognize them, it seems that they have not done any favors and contributions to him, and many of them are even suspected of rebellion; but do not recognize them, he cannot completely ignore the nobility that his father has personally appointed.

Besides, as he had just ascended the throne, he also needed others to support him and build momentum. He also needed to make the palace the center of politics.

Therefore, in the end, Aigron could only adopt a compromise approach. On the one hand, he recognized their titles and noble status, and on the other hand, he tried to prevent them from affecting the real power of his government and cabinet, or he threw them into the House of Nobles (Senate) of Parliament. To provide for old age, or to serve as a decoration in the palace.

Time will naturally solve the problem - as time goes by, these people will grow old and die, and their descendants will be Aigron's subjects when they are born. Then the problem of "black history" will naturally be solved, and Aigron will not have to deal with the events of that year. Wouldn’t it be nice to put things in order and let us all hold our heads high together to welcome the new era?

Since they have to do this, they must be given sufficient courtesy on the surface. In the palace of Fontainebleau, they will have a front position, have the honor of being the emperor and queen in front of the ceremony, and there will also be dedicated people in charge. receive them.

As for Aigron, he wanted to let Chanel take charge of this matter.

On the one hand, Chanel has a soft and gentle personality and is very good at dealing with all kinds of people; on the other hand, her parents were killed as supporters of the Bonaparte family, so she can definitely be called a "martyr orphan". Compared with those For the old nobles, she was more qualified to face the nobles granted by Emperor Napoleon.

The only problem is that Chanel is not a noble, but Aigron will solve this problem with a stroke of his pen.

Aiglon explained his idea to Chanel, and Chanel immediately agreed.

"Anyway, you just want me to entertain these gentlemen on behalf of the Queen, right?" she asked, blinking.

"That's right, and no one can do it better than you." Agron replied with a smile, "Nominally, these things are taken care of by the chief female officer next to Teresa, the Duchess Abrontes, but in fact , the person in charge is you, Chanel, and now a corner of the palace belongs to you!"

The "Duchess of Abrontes" whom Aiglon refers to is the widow of General Juno.

Juno was a well-known general during the empire, but his talents were quite mediocre. He was promoted step by step mainly because he was a former aide-de-camp of Emperor Napoleon. Emperor Napoleon promoted him after he became prosperous, and finally made him the leader of the empire. Duke.

However, because of his poor performance in the war, he angered the emperor. Emperor Napoleon announced that he would never be promoted to marshal, but he still gave him the position of governor of the province of Illyria for his retirement.

Suffering such a blow, coupled with multiple injuries during his military career, Juno's mental state became increasingly unstable, and he eventually died of a psychotic episode in 1813.

But precisely because he died relatively "in time," he did not have time to see the two abdication of Emperor Napoleon, and there were no dark historical issues that were difficult to uncover.

With the passing of time, those "mistakes" of the year have been forgotten. When the empire was restored again, the Juno family, which had been buried in history, actually returned to the empire's sight.

Because Juno fell out of favor and died early, he had no influence within the army, and no one hated him, making him a suitable "vase".

When Aiglon and Theresa began to rebuild the palace, they took a fancy to her. At Theresa's warm invitation, General Juno's widow, Duchess Abrontes, became the chief female officer of the palace—— Of course, this is just a ceremonial position, just to show that Aigron will never forget his old minister.

The Duchess, who has become the chief wife, is also very knowledgeable. She is already in her fifties and has no idea of ​​competing for beauty. After getting this unexpected "good job", she willingly acts as a courtesy in the palace. As a facade, you can enjoy the unexpected luck brought by the changing situation with peace of mind.

Chanel was young and inexperienced, and it was difficult for her to face the "old-timers" of the previous era, but in the name of the Duchess, she was naturally qualified to receive - or "manage" - them.

For such a role, Chanel feels much more relaxed. She has grown up in the courts of Bavaria and Austria. Although she has a humble status, she is already familiar with these things. Now that she has His Majesty's support, of course she also Can face anyone calmly.

So now, there is only one last question left.

"Chanel, what would you like to use as a title? Just like the Marquise de Maintenon, you can also have your own title." Aiglon asked her smoothly. "Just choose!"

Because she had never thought about this matter before, Chanel fell into confusion for a while. She thought about it, but she couldn't come up with any idea.

"Your Majesty, give me a choice. Anyway, this is what you gave me. I can call you whatever you want..."

"Now you are making things difficult for me..." Aigron couldn't help but sneered.

However, he was once a poet and playwright, so this little thing didn't bother him. He thought about it for a while, and then he came up with the answer.

"Then, let's call her the Marquise de Giverny... I've been there before when I went on tour with Agnes. It's a very beautiful place with vast wilderness, fresh air, and healing springs. .”

Although Chanel has not actually been to that place, since Aiglon said so, she naturally has no objection. "That's great, Your Majesty! I have no objection, so be it!"

So, in an instant, the once unknown Mademoiselle Chanel Noel will become Marquise Chanel Noel de Giverny, although this has not yet gone through formal procedures. But it's just a matter of time, and it won't take long.

That little maid who was once unknown, suddenly one day transformed into a butterfly under the twists and turns of fate, and actually became the Marquise of the Empire, and the wife of the royal court who could chat and laugh with the nobles of the Empire. Isn't this a fantastic experience of fate? ?

Of course, in the current social environment, men are still supreme after all. Although France has opened up universal suffrage, this universal suffrage only limits men, and men, as the head of the family, have the right to dispose of family property, and women are more Most of them are in the position of accessories.

Therefore, Chanel, the so-called "marquise", is the same as the Marquise Maintenon. After all, no one will really regard her as a marquis, but only as a temporary entertainment for the king.

But in the end, Aigron fulfilled his promise.

Faced with the great kindness bestowed by Aigron, Chanel became more and more moved the more she thought about it, and she couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Your Majesty, you are so kind to me. I am really frightened because I feel that everything I have done is not worthy of such a generous gift from you."

"Believe me, what you have done for me is already better than many people. There is no need to feel uneasy about it." Aigron shook his head, "If you feel that you owe me, then you will work harder in the future." Attitude, work for me, I need your help, Chanel."

"Yeah, sure!" Chanel agreed without hesitation.

But soon, she blinked again, and then looked at Aigron expectantly. "Then, Your Majesty, you also promised me other things, how about we do it together?"

"Little guy, I said I was satisfied just now, but now I'm going even further!" Aigron laughed, "But I'm in a good mood now, so I count you lucky. Tell me, what else do you want?"

"Didn't you...didn't you say that?" Chanel replied hesitantly, "A child. This is a thousand times more important to me than any title."


Aiglon froze immediately.

But in an instant, he burst out laughing again.

"You really have grown up! You have learned to observe words and emotions."

While laughing, he hugged Shanel and said, "Okay... I'll do my best."

"It's not enough to just do your best..." Shanel shook his head.

Her voice became soft and charming, "Your Majesty, don't you always do what you say? If it doesn't work once, just do it twice, and if it doesn't work twice, do it ten times... As long as we work hard enough, we can definitely accomplish it, right?"

At this time, Aigron gradually stopped laughing.

However, now that the atmosphere has been heightened to this point, what else does he have to worry about?

So, he hugged Chanel directly and pushed her down on the couch next to her. "Then let's start for the first time, my dear Marquise!"

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