Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 163: Dilemma


Xueyue held the two girls in his palms, his deep on one side and his deep on the other. basket. color. Book. bar,

Hao Zhi never thought that one day, this choice would be presented in this form.

"I remind you, don’t get lucky. I will let one go, and the other will be crushed into powder. I know that you are waiting for a chance to save someone with the blood of that girl in your team in the future. But, that It's impossible"

"Yeah" Hao Zhi was stunned. Bloody Moon looked back at the sky screen projection in mid-air. The huge picture was slowly switching. From the height of the **** moon, the lens illuminated from the height of several kilometers, located a coordinate on the earth. , Hao Zhi recognized that it was China

The lens is zooming in quickly, like a person falling straight to the ground from mid-air. The satellite lens keeps zooming in on the picture until the headquarters compound appears.

There is already a mess, and mottled flames are burning everywhere. Crazy people are holding gasoline bottles and throwing them at the main building. There are two bombed tanks on the playground. There is also a tank in the distance. The gun base has been destroyed. It was lifted off, the track was broken, and he leaned on one side crookedly. Some guys in strange costumes held up their guns and rapped on it, jumping and shouting.

There are soldiers’ bodies everywhere, and it can be seen that the headquarters has been captured.

"Xu Zhe is happy and a little bit" Hao Zhi instantly widened his eyes.

"They have escaped. They are in the laboratory of the main building. However, our people have already attacked. It takes only a few minutes for them to be caught and killed. The people of the Dawn organization have this strength."

Hao Zhi gritted his teeth with hatred, but far away from half the earth, his abilities were gone. Right, abilities

It’s been useless for a long time. Hao Zhi almost forgot that he has special abilities. He gritted his teeth and tried to mobilize the mysterious power in his body, but it seemed to be suppressed by something, that strange power seemed to be locked in. The lion in the iron cage can only wander and struggle anxiously, but still cannot break through

"It's numb, I want me to jump, I just need to find my ability, I can fight back" Hao Zhi muttered secretly, his teeth were bloodshot, and he glared at the Blood Moon Robot.

"Choose. Don't be too greedy for left or right. Sometimes, you get one side and lose the other side. If you refuse to choose, then both will be killed by me at the same time."

"I" Hao Zhi feels cold all over. This choice is too cruel. He is not choosing who to live, but who to die.

Did Wang Yanke choose her own girl? I have tried to save her countless times in the past, and have lived and died with her several times. After experiencing the difficulty of losing and recovering, the two of them stumbled and came to this day.

That day, outside the dormitory of the headquarters, I once said that I would stay with her.

She is the goddess I should protect with my life, and it is my life's responsibility

Hao Zhi made up his mind, but he couldn't speak for a long time. He couldn't tell. As long as he opened his mouth, this was the farewell of this life.

"Choose, or surrender, you could have a way out, you are too stubborn"

"Vote you to Mabi" Hao Zhi yelled, "I have already reached this point. I would have surrendered before I surrendered, so why bother with the lives of the commander and the general."

"Very good, spine, then which way do you choose"

Hao Zhi didn't dare to speak, he raised his hand silently, shaking, his arm seemed to be heavy, as if he couldn't lift it at all, as if he was pressing on a large mountain, his fingers were lifted, and he was in front of the blood moon robot. middle.

The two girls, with all four eyes looking at the finger that decides life and death, slowly moved to one side, turned around, and pointed to the final choice made by Hao Zhi.

"Very well, you finally understand who is the best woman in your heart"

Xueyue shook his head and smiled, and suddenly used force, with a "click", Wang Yanke, who was holding in the heart of his left hand, was crushed to pieces. Her broken machine body was like a glass toy in the hands of Xueyue, which was pinched. Broken into parts, only half of the shoulder and head are left, falling to the ground

Hao Zhi did not dare to look at Wang Yanke’s faintly resentful expression. He closed his eyes when he heard the sound of her being crushed. Tears fell with the twitching facial expression, and his heart was also crumpled.

The blood moon laughed loudly, you should thank me, otherwise, you never know which is the most important to you

Hao Zhi wanted to walk over to see Wang Yanke, but he couldn't move. His body seemed to be rusted, and his legs seemed to be filled with lead. Once again, Wang Yanke was lost in his life. The difference is that the person who made the choice this time is himself

He moved slowly over, holding up the head of Wang Yanke, who was only half of his body, with one hand, sobbing, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I really can't make a choice

"It's okay, I know, it's too difficult and too difficult for you" Wang Yanke's electronic system is still struggling to flicker, and deep in her eyes, there is a dim light, which is slowly dimming.

"I, I just want to" Hao Zhi couldn't cry.

"Believe in yourself, everything you do is right. Believe in yourself. It's just a pity. I thought that one day in the future, I could put on a wedding dress for you. Hao Zhi, please remember that there is a girl who has been good for you. , Let me be closer to you" Wang Yanke slowly rolled out a tear from the corner of his eyes

she cried

As a robot, there was only one tear in her body beforehand. It was prepared by Xu Zhe for Xiaobing’s artificial intelligence system when she was able to experience human suffering. A red, **** tear.

Xu Zhe said that when she shed blood and tears, it was when her life as a robot came to an end.

Hao Zhi hugged Wang Yanke's head and pressed her face against her cold face. Wang Yanke talked to him dreamily, his voice getting lower and lower.

The light in her eyes finally disappeared, dimming into a rigid part.

A flash of lightning suddenly fell from the sky at this moment, like a winding snake, illuminating Hao Zhi’s arched back and twitching shoulders.

Song Xiaojia was not far away, and knelt on the ground weakly, crying silently.

"Blood Moon, I'm fighting with you." Hao Zhi stood up abruptly. He was angry. In his fury, Song Xiaojia suddenly discovered that there was a ripple in the air around Hao Zhi's body.

"What?" Song Xiaojia rubbed his eyes, God, could it?

That's right

Yes, another ripple, with Hao Zhi's body as the center, the air rises like water ripples

"You guys can still recover their abilities." The Blood Moon Robot was also taken aback. "It seems that I can't keep you. This is playing with fire."

As he said, he suddenly turned his five fingers into five spikes and pierced Hao Zhi's back.

The thorn passed through Hao Zhi's body like a shadow plunged into the lake water, and straight into the grass. Hao Zhi looked like a ghost shadow, lowering his head, feeling that the iron cage inside his body was gradually deformed and distorted by anger. Melted, with a thud, the violent lion jumped out, roaring **** moon from the sky to the earth.

Hao Zhi's body seemed to have become a thin picture, and like a shadow thrown into the water, he didn't care about the five thorns that passed through him, turning around gently on the spot, looking up coldly. Blood moon.

"Aren't you going to fight, don't you want me to surrender" Hao Zhi asked mockingly.

"Hey, play these demons crookedly." The Blood Moon robot brushed back his five fingers, his arm suddenly deformed, and raised a cannon. Song Xiaojia stepped forward when he saw that he didn't feel good, so he rushed to hide in the distance.

With a series of attacks, the dead light emitted by the blood moon robot caused a large-scale explosion. Even the rocks around the place where Hao Zhi stood melted into a gaseous state, and a large crater was exploded on the ground.

However, Hao Zhi was still standing on the spot, looking at him coldly. Whenever the shock wave of an explosion flashed by, he would rise with the ripples of the air, and then he would soon return to calm.

"You" Blood Moon looked at Hao Zhi who was unmoved in surprise, "You actually entered a four-dimensional state."

"Wrong" Hao Zhi coldly smiled, "You can freely switch between the three states of solid, liquid, and air. Have you forgotten that there is a fourth form of matter in this world."

"What can you turn your body into a plasma state"

"Humph" Hao Zhi sneered, "This time you should try to attack the enemy, what kind of attack does not work, what is it that General Gantt said before his death, what you did to humans, we will return it to you sooner or later. It seems that the retribution came really fast"

The Blood Moon took a step backwards in horror. It suddenly mobilized the skin of the mixed body, turned into a liquid, and flew out tens of thousands of silver needles, stabbing Hao Zhi like a torrential rain.

"Is it useful to pierce the flame with a needle?" Hao Zhi smiled sarcastically. He rushed forward, waved his right hand, and hit the blood moon with a punch.

The blood moon robot saw the fist coming, but was at a loss. He didn't know whether to hide or block. But he saw Hao Zhi's speed is amazing. He moved in front of him almost instantaneously. Hao Zhi’s body doesn’t have any shape at all.

Sure enough, that punch of Hao Zhi melted into the opponent's body, no, not just a punch, but the entire body of Hao Zhi melted into it.

Like a possessed ghost, Hao Zhi got into the body of the blood moon robot and disappeared.

"Hao Zhi" Song Xiaojia yelled anxiously when he saw that Hao Zhi was gone.

"Now, I'm in your body, may I ask, how would you attack me" Hao Zhi's voice suddenly sounded inside Blood Moon.

""Blood Moon didn't know how to answer.

"Then, let me give you a choice, whether you are willing to die in a solid state, a liquid state, or be evaporated into an acid rain"

"What do you mean?" The Blood Moon robot was shocked, and it also felt something was wrong.

"Oh, haha, I'm joking, I'm not as kind as you, why are you dead, you can't count it anymore." Hao Zhi's shadow wandered in the blood moon, like a real qi, blinking from his calf and thigh, wandering to Its torso floated away on top of his head, and finally, like a soul out of a shell, flew out from the top of the blood moon robot.

The moment he just left the body of the blood moon robot, the blood moon suddenly resembled a coat with the hanger removed, brushed it and collapsed, turning into a pool of liquid metal, like milk that has knocked over the ground.

Hao Zhi's hand, holding the "fire orange"

That is the central control core of the Blood Moon Robot. Without it, its liquid body is completely out of control, and it can only be scattered all over the floor wilfully.

"It's hell, you change one more, let me see" Hao Zhi cursed at the fire core in his heart

"Well, you have won. As a gift of victory, we give you the opportunity to be a part of us. We can help you become a member of the blood moon civilization, abandon your current body, and become a member of the great blood moon civilization. It’s a great honor to have a life span of thousands of years."

"Let your mother drip out and turn the dog's cocky fart" Hao Zhi suddenly took advantage of the strength of the body, and cruelly squeezed the soft orange-like central control core in his heart into pieces.

"Squeaky wailing" The poor little core of the blood moon robot made a weird struggling sound, and blinked to pieces.

In mid-air, on the huge projection screen, Hao Zhi smiled dismal at the **** moon. He knew that what he was saying now was watched by billions of people around the world: "Brothers and sisters of the earth, as long as you don’t give up, we humans will always have On the day of victory, please believe me, please join me and fight till the last second"

The blood moon brushed back the projection, and the sky dimmed again. Its psychological battle finally ended in failure. Hao Zhi returned to his normal posture and walked over to help Song Xiaojia up. No matter what, we still defeated the blood moon robot. So difficult

"Mouse" Empress Song Xiaojia rushed up in fear and hugged Hao Zhi's neck and cried, "I thought I was dead. Fortunately, you chose me. I know that the best thing in your heart is that I am not in vain. Like you for so long"

"Hey" Hao Zhi smiled awkwardly, then raised his wrist and pressed the button on the watch with his chin. A war cat flew out from behind the hill not far away, and flew straight to the two of them. fall.

"How do you know that there is a war cat?" Song Xiaojia looked at the only war cat that was left intact in surprise.

"How simple it is. This watch is a war cat calling device. Of course I know. General Gantt has a scheming plan. He must have hid one before the start of the war for a rainy day. It's a pity that he didn't use it himself. Let me give it to me. Hao Zhi sighed.

"Then, what to do next?" Song Xiaojia looked around.

"We have to hurry back and save a little bit, Ke Ke just told me that she has discovered a secret of the blood moon" Hao Zhi wiped the corner of his eyes and said dryly.

"Oh" Song Xiaojia's eyes widened.

"It was the last moment, when her head was close to my ear, she told me, she said, the reason why the blood moon has been spending time with us is to wait for the news that the headquarters was finally conquered. Just click to death, they will immediately start the plan to detonate the Yellowstone Volcano"

"Why does this have anything to do with Dian Dian" Song Xiaojia is strange ~ because Dian can control sound waves. To be precise, she can control all waves. Don't forget, Blood Moon wants to make Huangshi Volcano erupt. , To heat its interior, and to heat it, relying on the microwaves emitted by these mechanical war insects, Wang Yanke inferred that this heating process may not be instantaneous, and as long as it is a little bit, she may use her own control of the wavelength. Ability to collapse the plan of the blood moon"

"My God, it's no wonder Lin Tao said that Zhang Diandian is a key figure."

"Yes, click to die. The aliens have nothing to worry about and will attack immediately. We have no time. It takes about three and a half hours for this war cat to fly back to the motherland at three times the speed of sound. You have to move faster." Hao Zhi pointed at the war cat.

Ah, won't you go back with me?

Hao Zhi looked up at the Huangshi Volcano, which was wrapped tightly by the mechanical warworm in the distance, and shook his head: "I have to stay, there is still something to be done" ~ Search for the blue color, you can read the full text later chapter


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