Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 173: Keeping Huangshi alone

When a drop of water slips from the extremely smooth glass, the route it takes is unpredictable, and it will move in any possible direction without warning. "Www.qii is more and more complete",

In fact, it may be a fine dust on the glass that is invisible to the naked eye that changes its course. Human history is the same. Sometimes the wheel of history will change direction because of a very inconspicuous little person, no matter how insignificant he is.

The night fell quietly, the whole day of haze and gloom made the transition of day and night less obvious. It seemed that the evening part was omitted. The world was like a giant with closed eyes, the curtain was hanging down, and the mountains were dark. one slice.

Hao Zhi slowly awakened from the pain, the mixed bone head was about to fall apart, his shoulders and back were sore, and the sun was like a needle prick, he couldn't even remember when he passed out.

Probably he was too tired. After a day of fierce fighting and mental tension, he didn't talk about the grains of rice, and he didn't even drink his saliva. He was already exhausted at the moment, as if he was walking, and he fell unconscious.

Not far away, there was a small puddle, which reflected bright white light in the night. Hao Zhi crawled over instinctively and picked up the stream with his left hand. After drinking a few mouthfuls, his stomach gurgled. ,hungry.

He wiped the sweat on his forehead, turned over and sat up, and found that the electromagnetic cannon he was carrying was lying lonely in the distance. On the side, was the stump of Wang Yanke who was stained with yellow sand.

Hao Zhi felt a pain in his heart. He scrambled up and ran over, threw himself down, picked up Wang Yanke, clamped his legs, and wiped off the wet sand and dust from her face with his left hand, pitying the floor on his chest.

"It's almost here, Ke Ke," Hao Zhi groaned, looking up, only to discover the shockingly beautiful scenery in front of him.

This is a paradise away from the hustle and bustle of the world. It can be called endless mountains, pine trees and green forests, lush woods surround large and small hot spring pools, and the huge geothermal resources in the Yellowstone area are slowly heating the pool water. , On the smooth mirror-like surface of the water, there is a light mist of water vapor.

Due to the surrounding water vapor, the clouds rise and mist in the distant valleys, like a fairyland on earth, occasionally a breeze blows away the steaming water vapor on the lake surface, and the dark, large and small lakes that reflect the sky light brighten up, as if they are dotted with ink. In the eyes of the night, every pupil alluded to the sleeping Huangshi volcano.

Wrapped around, the Huangshi volcanoes with dragons and tigers standing on top of each other and towering rocks are majestic and magnificent, like a pile of sleeping giants, each mountain edge is like a giant's strong shoulders and backs, they Creeping quietly between the heavens and the earth, I have slept peacefully for 60,000 years, 60,000 years have passed, 60,000 years of vicissitudes have changed dramatically, but under the cosmic sky, it is only a moment when a white horse crosses the gap, from a human toddling. , From the first time when the forelimbs were raised under this mountain during the time of the apes, to the present civilization Shengda, fully armed here to fight with alien civilizations, for these giant mountains, it is just a dream, just turning over.

Hao Zhi suddenly remembered that he had read in a book before that there is a theory called the Gaia Hypothesis, which means that the earth itself is a complete life cycle system, which means that the earth itself is considered as a human being. It is alive, the mountains are its hard bones, the rivers are its rushing blood, the jungle is its warm hair, the atmospheric circulation, ocean currents and tides are his life’s pulsation, and the life characteristics can almost be found in the human body. The corresponding form can be found in the natural world of the earth for hundreds of millions of years. It has also been developing, growing, and even going to death one day, and we humans are just tiny bacteria living on its surface, so insignificant. "Www.qii is more and more complete"

If the earth is alive, will it care whether it is human or blood moon civilization living on its surface?

Hao Zhi sat blankly for a while, feeling that he had recovered some physical strength, then stood up again, took the rope and hung half of Wang Yanke's mechanical body behind his back, picked up his electromagnetic railgun, dragged it, and continued. Walking towards the giant volcano in Yellowstone, passing through a forest, he pushed aside a deep bush and stuck his head out and saw the volcano in front of him.

It’s just that, right now, half of the mountainside is visible, almost one by one, full of mechanical beetles, they are like lice parasitic on the mountain, densely connected together, occasionally a few guys are eager to fan the feathers under the hard shells. Like a wing membrane, silently like a group of believers waiting for a pilgrimage

Hao Zhi tightened the rope that bound him and Wang Yanke, and lifted the electromagnetic railgun in his hand, looking at the volcanic crater more than two thousand meters above sea level. , Eyes closed, jumped, take me to where I want to go

With a dark hum, in the air ripples, Hao Zhi disappeared in a blink of an eye and appeared inside the Huangshi volcano. It looked like the inside of a small stadium. The flat and smooth black volcanic glass stone sealed the crater, towering on both sides and sunken in the middle. , The war worms were all around the outside of the mountain, and none of them looked inside the crater, so they didn't find him either.

Hao Zhi put Wang Yanke down, put it aside, and said: "We are still there. If we don’t have enough physical strength, we will jump over directly. Fortunately, we can barely get here. Keke, wait for me, I’ll immediately Come to accompany you"

He stood up, like a frog at the bottom of a well, and finally glanced into the dark night sky from the circular crater. The dark clouds were rolling. He couldn't see the position of the blood moon or the sky of the universe. He had hoped, and this world. Road individual.

Hao Zhi squatted down, took out a small round thing from his arms, fiddled with it, and talked to himself, as if to Wang Yanke: "You must hate me very much, I chose Song Xiaojia gave up on you. In fact, it's not like that. It's not that she is more important to me, but if I would rather choose to accompany someone to die, I would rather accompany you."

"Koko, guess what this is, can't you guess"

"This was found in the parts of the war cat of Master Da Meng. It was the controllable nuclear reaction equipment of his war cat. General Gantt said that he installed a detonating device to prevent defeat in the war. Unfortunately, it was given by the hapless blood moon. Cut it off, I will connect it now, and then we are together"

Hao Zhi wiped the sweat from his chin with his shoulder. It was so hot here. The rocks under his feet were hot, like squatting on the lid of a boiling pot.

"Ha, the teacher knows that he will be very happy, he will definitely smile and praise me, kid, or you are your kid" Hao Zhi felt his eyes become astringent, and the kind smile of Master Da Meng and the picture of tragic death appeared in front of him. The tears instantly clouded his eyes.

He raised his elbow, wiped his tears with his military uniform, forced a smile on his face alone, and continued to talk to himself.

"Koke, you should say that I am stupid again, this line is not good, I am stupid, since I was a little stupid, no one taught me anything, I am an orphan, you know, since I was a child, I don’t know who my parents are. , Was thrown at the door of the orphanage. In the winter, a thin sheet was not found until five o’clock in the morning. It’s not easy not to freeze to death. I never blame destiny. Destiny treats me well and makes me grow up. , Eat well and dress warmly, and also know that you are at the same table with you. The three years of high school together are the happiest time in my life. I used to smoke, drink and fight. You changed me a little bit. , It’s strange to say that you don’t like me like that, you don’t like me being mixed up with the gangsters, I am willing to change, although I still do not study well, but you never dislike me, occasionally, you even bring me something from home to eat me There is no family, Koko, I used to really hope to have a home where someone cares, really, it’s nice to have you."

While muttering, Hao Zhi awkwardly repaired the broken small controllable nuclear reactor with one hand. The detonator bundled and installed on the outside was out of order, and he didn't know what went wrong.

"This, I will fix Koko right away, you are waiting for me, although we don't have any alliances, but I promised you, when this battle is over, I will become a male robot to accompany you, but unfortunately, there is no chance. But I say what I say, where are you going, where I will go with you, I know you are afraid of the dark, no one will accompany you on the night, you will be afraid of ghosts"

Finally, Hao Zhi pinched the last two wires together, slapped an electric spark, and pulled his hand away, and the small fluorescent screen on the detonator flashed to light.

"Fixed." Hao Zhi suddenly felt an inexplicable happiness. He took the micro-nuclear energy in his hand, stood up, and suddenly raised his head and screamed: "Blood Moon, Lao Zicao your ancestor, you want to be destroyed by a volcanic eruption. Earth, dream, brother is detonating this thing now, all the 100,000 war bugs here have to accompany Lao Tzu on the road, I see what you do to heat the volcano, brother will win the game"

Having said that, he suddenly raised the miniature nuclear bomb above his head, closed his eyes, and pressed the detonation button severely.

There was a rush of electronic sound of "Dididi". Hao Zhi squeezed one of his eyes in fright. After waiting for a long time, he realized that there seemed to be no earth-shattering explosion. The nuclear explosive device in his hand flashed a few times and popped out. A burst of green smoke, like a deflated balloon, the lights flickered a few times and then went out.

And almost at the same time, Wang Yanke’s eyes on the ground suddenly lit up. The string of beeps just came from her body and Xu Zhe activated her remotely.

"Hao Zhi, what are you kid doing?" Through Wang Yanke's eyes, Xu Zhe saw Hao Zhigao holding up an electronic device, standing like a Liberty Statue.

"I almost detonated this thing just now, so that it can blow up all the war bugs and blow up the Huangshi Volcano. The volcano is gone. Let's see how the blood moon can cause a volcanic eruption."

"You fool" Xu Zhe shook his head helplessly, "Then you are not committing suicide. You think the volcano is gone, aliens can't help it. What they want to trigger is the huge energy contained in the crust below the entire Huangshi volcanic belt in this area. The Huangshi giant volcano is just one of the slightly larger representatives, like a hedgehog, if you pull out the longest thorn, it can’t hurt you anymore.”

"Hold the grass, don't you say it earlier" Hao Zhi quickly threw the "bomb" in his hand aside. "Fortunately, I fell asleep when I was in physics class, so I don't know how to connect the circuit."

"Listen, the only way to save the world right now is a little bit. We can use her sound wave balance to counteract the microwave attack, so that the blood moon cannot heat the geothermal energy of the volcanic zone, but there is a problem with our signal transmission. The only electronic device that can receive signals that can receive and forward this sound wave is Wang Yanke's brain waves. Her brain domain is very powerful and can do this."

"Unfortunately, Ke Ke is dead" Hao Zhi said in a dim voice.

"Who said that when Xiaobing was designed, I considered that she did not feel pain, and her body was particularly easily damaged. Therefore, as far as possible, the life support system should be placed within her head. As long as her head is not injured, her brain It won’t die. Everything else is just a mechanical body. Even if you abandon her completely, she won’t die. Now it’s just that the system is shut down. I have restarted her. You are ready. Our last hope is the two of you."

"Ah" Hao Zhi's tears almost burst out. Ke Ke is not dead yet, and her brain is fortunate enough to carry her back.

Xu Zhe turned around and curled his lips at Lin Tao: "Fortunately, this kid didn't detonate the thing, otherwise everything would be lost. I used to say that I would study hard to save the world in the future. I didn't expect this kid to save the world because he didn't study hard. Once to the earth"

There was a loud bang, and Xu Zhe looked back. The third glass curtain wall had been smashed by heavy armor. The broken glass was splashing around like snowflakes. The guy fell out nonchalantly and stood up again, as if he was okay. As a human assassinist smiled.

"Very well, continue." The magician felt like he was on fire. He knew that he had already told Blood Moon about Xu Zhe's defense plan. The sound can indeed balance this microwave attack, so all the rounds laid by the blood moon over the past few months have fallen short, and I can’t explain it in front of the owner.

There was another boom, and after a while, another boom was broken, and another glass curtain wall was smashed. Soon, a group of people from the Shuguang organization had already attacked several floors inwards. In front of them, the last two glass curtain walls were still rotating at high speed. The portraits of Xu Zhe and others in the glass test tube ~ ~ helplessly waiting for the final result but can't do anything.

The guys of the Dawn Organization are beginning to get excited, a new massacre is about to unfold, as long as this task is completed, the master of the blood moon will grant him an extremely long life span of 500 years and become an honorary member of the blood moon civilization. Belongs to his own fief, everyone will become the king of one side

Thinking of this, everyone seemed very excited, as if seeing the glorious future in front of them, but coldly, a sweet voice came from behind.

"You guys, why are you planning to really think that there is no one on our side?"

The heavy armor was about to hit the last two glass walls again. Like everyone, he froze for a moment. Ten fierce generals slowly turned his head and found that the door of the Rubik’s cube was already wide open behind him, leaning against a little girl with long curly hair. They looked like a doll, white and fair, but with a crooked braid, pouting their mouths, and looking at them.

"Super Lolita" someone secretly cried out ~ Search for the blue color, you can read the full text of the following chapters

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