Hao Zhi walked into the hall, and slowly moved to the central open space. In the huge metal space tens of feet high, a dozen bright yellow lights were suddenly cast, and eleven faint faces emerged from the light. The huge and distorted human-like expressions are like eleven weird masks, floating around him gently.

Suddenly, Hao Zhi felt that gravity had disappeared. He and Wang Yanke beside him flew into the air together, exposed to the gaze surrounded by those eleven pairs of eyes.

This made him suddenly think of those huge eyes in the dream that suddenly stared up in the universe and looked at him. At present, he is not as big as a pupil of those eleven faces, and the eleven masks are like eleven towering mountains. , Behind is a wider and boundless space.

Nothingness, fear, and a strong sense of oppression made him feel a little breathless. He wanted to escape, but there was no focus on his feet, so he could only let himself float and spin slowly, not knowing how high his feet were from the ground.

"Time, just right..." Among the eleven faces, the huge mouth facing Hao Zhi suddenly activated. After saying a word, Hao Zhi seemed to see a huge gate opening towards him, as if As if to be sucked in.

"What time is just right?" In panic, Hao Zhi was almost speechless.

"Time!" He repeated it again, his voice was like echoes from all directions, Hong Zhong was as long and thick as he was.

"What time?"

"It's time, it's very difficult for us to learn to master-time, forgive us, we didn't consider this before." The giant face of the alien head has the texture of blue-gray stone, and the light shines vertically to make his eyebrows. The bones appear to be towering, and a pair of eyes are hidden under the shadows, and the intersection of eyes cannot be seen.

"What do you mean?" Hao Zhi was confused.

"Oh, it is difficult for me to express clearly. We are still relatively unfamiliar with the expression of the concept of time. You must know that the concept of time in our blood moon civilization is very vague."

Hao Zhi felt strange in his heart that such a highly rigorous civilization did not have the concept of time?

"Unlike you human beings on earth, in the long-term evolution of the earth environment, you are used to the sun rising and the moon setting, day and night alternate. When you rise, you will inhibit the secretion of melatonin, wake up, and enter the active phase. During these tens of millions of years of evolution, you have been trapped in the cage of the infinite cycle of the biological clock, feeling day after day, year after year. , A cycle of centuries after centuries, time is very important to you, but to us, it doesn’t matter."

Hao Zhi remembered that since the blood moon invaded the earth, although the battle was brave, it always seemed to be slow and procrastinated, including their warning that the attack would begin in half an hour, but after several and a half hours, finally The offense hasn't started yet, it seems that they really don't have any strict concept of time.

"Maybe it's because your life is too long!" Hao Zhi replied sarcastically, "We people on earth have a short lifespan. Only by stepping up our efforts can we do something."

The head of state glanced at him from the corner of his eye and replied triumphantly: "That's true. The life span of thousands of years prevents us from checking the watch every one or two hours to calculate how much our poor life was wasted. "

whispering sound! What's so awesome? Hao Zhi gave him a scornful look.

"However, the people on earth don’t have to think about this anymore. Your time is running out..." The head of the blood moon announced with a blank face, "When civilizations belonging to a higher class come, it’s time for the people on earth to withdraw. The stage of history."

"Why are you coming to Earth? Don't you have your own planet?" Hao Zhi asked.

"Everyone has their own home. If it is a last resort, we will not embark on a long journey. The resources of our planet have been exhausted. The only opportunity left is to go to the vast universe and find new living space. In fact, If the blood moon civilization does not appear, you people on earth will take this step sooner or later. When your civilization reaches the capability of interstellar navigation, when the earth’s resources are depleted, when... you can get far When it's far from satisfying my ambition..."

"But why do you expand at the cost of destroying a civilization?" Hao Zhi asked angrily, "We are also life. Since the universe has chosen to create us, we have the right to survive!"

"Right to survive? Ho Ho Ho..." The guy laughed dullly, with a slow and steady voice, full of contempt, "What does a bug want to survive?"

"But we are not bugs! We are wise, conscious, well-developed civilization and glorious history! We have put in hard work and millions of years of growth and evolution, and we deserve respect!"

"When you want to clean the room, take the broom to sweep the cobwebs in the corner, have you ever thought that the wonderful and beautiful geometric figures are its civilization? In its concept of time, it is a lifelong effort and wisdom The crystallization? It is also the instinct and knowledge that has evolved over hundreds of millions of years... Have you ever respected it?"

"...In other words, there is no universal morality in the universe, and there is no common bottom line of civilization!" Hao Zhi suddenly remembered the words of the wise man of Sequoia.

"Yes... there is an unbreakable truth in the universe, that is-the weak will eat the strong, and the fittest will survive!"

"..." Hao Zhi didn't know what to say. In a war, only the strong have the right to speak. It really doesn't make much sense to argue. He touched the nuclear battery through his jacket, and said that even if he couldn't blow up the whole Blood Moon, blasting the eleven of you leading the charge to death is a big profit!

"Don't make useless calculations!" The head of state exclaimed, "The nuclear energy battery was destroyed by us when the division commander wanted to detonate. Don't take unnecessary risks. The only thing in front of us is our image, you will only be killed by yourself!"

Ah? Hao Zhi was frustrated, his plan was actually seen through by the other party, he let go of his hand helplessly, the battery slipped silently and fell into the boundless darkness under his feet, and slammed it on the metal floor.

"According to the agreement, we will grant you five hundred years of longevity, and invite you to appreciate the last scene before the destruction of the earth!" The head of the blood moon said, and in an instant, the floor of the entire room became transparent! A huge blue light shone from the floor, and the entire floor became a screen, which truly played the image of the earth, which made Hao Zhi feel like standing in space with the beautiful blue earth under his feet.

"How is the Huangshi area now?" Hao Zhi asked unwillingly.

"Oh, congratulations, due to your hard resistance and our negligence, we did have a deviation in the time of our attack on Huangshi, resulting in the remaining energy and time not being enough to heat it to a complete explosion, and the final effect was greatly reduced! This is also true. Your reward!"

Hao Zhi was happy for a while, so good, how much it played a role!

The camera at my feet quickly zoomed in, the earth turned into a map, the map turned into a topography, and mountains and rivers were clearly presented in front of my eyes.

Hao Zhi saw that the mouth of the turbulent Huangshi giant volcano had been rushed open, and it was erupting thick black smoke. The plume of smoke went straight into the sky, rising hundreds of meters high. The black smoke was accompanied by burning stones, like a meteor. Scattered around.

Bright red magma flowed out along the crater. The heating mission was completed. The war bugs had disappeared, leaving only claw marks everywhere. The flaming magma spread along the claw marks and woven into a big red net.

"The energy of the volcanic eruption seems to be very different from what we expected!" Wang Yanke estimated the energy of the Huangshi volcanic eruption and said, "Such a tiny volcanic eruption is happening hundreds of times on the earth every day. This plan to eliminate mankind failed! A little bit of sonic interference still worked. As I said, what you want to see is the boiling of geothermal heat, but you can lift the lid and see only half a pot of warm soup. , Earth, won't be so obedient!"

"Haha, this clever and wise lady, you miscalculated our plan!" The head of state laughed triumphantly. "Please allow me to explain to you the whole plan of the blood moon civilization. As a human representative, you will On behalf of all mankind to watch their destruction, after all, according to your human words, it is clear that death must die!"

"Well, I have some questions that I didn't want to understand, I just wanted to ask you!" Wang Yanke was disgusted with the other party's unconcealed arrogance, and felt disrespectful.

"First of all, you guessed it right. We destroy human beings on the earth, but we are not willing to destroy the earth's environment. After all, who wants to mess up our new home?"

"So your weapon system does not seem to have an overwhelming advantage?"

"This is not the case. It is not difficult for us to wipe out all life on the earth in one day with our ability, but the damage to the environment caused by this is something we don't want to see. God, we have already laid down this volcano blasting method to destroy mankind."

first day! Hao Zhi gasped, these guys have such a long-term plan? Could it be that they had planned each step in advance along the way?

Wang Yanke rolled his eyes and asked strangely, "Oh? But how do you know that the temperature inside the earth is enough to trigger a volcanic eruption, and how do you predict the energy and scale of its eruption? After all, you are so far away. In space..."

"You are very clever. We want to launch such an attack. First, we must understand the geological structure of the earth itself, the characteristics of the volcano and the approximate stored energy, whether it is worth using as a weapon.

At this point, we can say without embarrassment that we are very familiar with the earth's environment, including not only geography, national boundaries, and even humanistic information.

I don’t know if you still remember that after the Blood Moon arrived on Earth, it tentatively attacked a place on Earth. step.

The head of state pointed a finger, and on the huge picture under his feet, the earth began to rotate, and it turned around, and a coordinate point in the center of the Pacific stopped in front of everyone.

"It's Hawaii!" Hao Zhi said, "I know this. Lin Tao told me at that time that the entire island was blown up and many people died..."

"Yes, it's a pity that you humans naively think that our action is just for demonstration. In fact, what kind of demonstration do we need? The arrival of the blood moon itself has already explained all the problems!"

"Well, Lin Tao actually saw it through at that time. Your goal is to kill the chickens to show the monkeys, to force the heads of mankind to gather for a meeting so that they can be wiped out." Hao Zhi replied triumphantly.

"Hahaha, that is just a cover-up task that we gave to the Dawn Organization to complete, so that you humans feel that we scare you to get your leaders to gather for a meeting and eliminate the leader, but you are sitting on so many Powerful nuclear weapons are completely capable of preventing us from landing on Earth. As long as you hold nuclear deterrence in your hands, we will have nothing to do with you.

Therefore, the second step of this plan is to slowly force you to centralize the launch rights of nuclear weapons and put them in the hands of a few people. This way, it is convenient for unified control. Fortunately, Xu Zhe stood out at this meeting and helped us. Having accomplished this goal, you trust him and put the right of ultimate destruction in the hands of him, the presidents of Russia and the United States, and the threat to us is even smaller.

After all, personal behavior patterns are predictable.

At the same time, the third step of the plan has also been completed. "

"What is the third step plan?"

"Get information on geothermal resources and measure the feasibility of volcanic attacks! You have to know-Hawaii itself is also a volcanic island!

It is almost the most densely volcanic area on the planet. Kilauea volcano has never stopped erupting over the years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it is precisely because its eruption only flows out of lava very gently, which did not shock the world. The big scene, so you almost forget its identity as a volcano, but only remember that it is a small island for sightseeing.

By blasting a gap in a volcanic area, we can clearly understand a large amount of data such as the energy reserves under the crust, the geothermal temperature, the possibility of eruption, and the expected effect of the eruption.

However, if it is for temptation, after reaching the earth, the first goal is to blow up any volcano in other parts of the earth. If you collect evidence in this way, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of you humans. Once we take precautions in advance, we will not be able to act. .

Therefore, this is also the most important strategic value of the Hawaiian volcanoes-it is far away from the main continent and located in the very center of the Pacific Ocean!

The violent eruption of the volcano caused by the explosion was not noticed by you, because they were soon covered by tons of sea water due to the collapse of the islands and reefs, and the sea covered up all the evidence of our crime.

And we, already quietly, have already figured out the energy reserves below the earth's crust, and are ready for the third step of the future volcano plan! "


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