Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 200: Battlefield

Five hundred war cats, spaced 8 kilometers apart, from the North Pole to the South Pole, traverse the 75-degree west longitude line, pass through Novosibirsk, Kazakhstan, western China, Kashmir, India, and finally cross the vast Indian Ocean into the Antarctic Circle. On the other hand, based on the 75-degree east longitude line, it exits the Antarctic Peninsula, runs through the whole country of Argentina, northward along the borders of Bolivia and Peru, crosses the Caribbean Sea into North America across the sea, crosses Washington, Canada, and finally, passes through Pakistan. Fern Island returns to the North Pole

This is the longest front in human history. It takes the circumference of the earth as a path and a super-strong electromagnetic coil with a voltage of 600 million volts is laid. When the war cats along the way lead thunder into the ground, a powerful electric current is transmitted through the earth's surface into the earth's crust. , The magnetic field effect induced by the huge current caused all nearby electronic devices to fail. ,

With the sequential action of the entire huge coil current, an invisible reverse magnetic field is gradually being completed. Eight minutes later, the earth's magnetic field gradually weakened under the offset of the strong reverse magnetic force, and finally disappeared.

People on the earth did not notice much discomfort, just a little dizziness, but a large number of disoriented birds began to appear in the sky, flocking in groups, flying in all directions, no direction and no target, and some even collided. Upon reaching the building, the ground was hit to death. On the ground, mice and cockroaches were rampant, and those ants that used geomagnetism to identify their directions swarmed out of their nests and looked up hurriedly at the sky.

This is the first time that there have been more than one hundred magnetic reversal events in the history of the earth's development, but it is man-made.

Like migratory birds, there are hundreds of tons of huge flying saucers that have lost their magnetic field to support them. Those flying lightly did not expect such a bizarre transformation. The anti-gravity propulsion system was originally suspended in mid-air on the basis of geomagnetism. , The sudden disappearance left them with no more power to rely on. They fell from a height of several hundred meters and bombed.

In the same way, the countless Blood Moon spacecraft that have reached the earth and are still entering the atmosphere, and even the mechanical dragonflies, all lost power and fell. Fortunately, the mechanical dragonflies have mimic wings, which can glide for a certain distance with the help of aerodynamics. However, Because the materials are too heavy, they are also hundreds of tons of steel insects under the influence of the strong gravity of the earth. Their weak wings are simply not enough to support their huge self-weight. More than half of the aircraft crashed and exploded into fragments.

"Successful." Xu Zhe waved his powerful hand, and the crowd in the laboratory boiled like a pot. Someone threw the materials, clothes and hats in his hand into the air, like fireworks bursting into the sky.

This is the first and only time humans have truly grasped the initiative on the battlefield since the battle with the Blood Moon Man, and the targeted attack on the enemy has received unexpected results.

"Lin Tao immediately started biochemical operations," Xu Zhe ordered.

Lin Tao nodded, and Hui reported: "The improvement of myoactivin has been completed and the formula has been published on the Internet. Countries all over the world are stepping up production. At present, we have transported all available raw materials to the Second Artillery Heavy Mechanized Troops. Placed inside the intercontinental cruise missile Dongfeng d5, it takes advantage of the long range of this sub-munition and the ability to launch sub-warheads in flight. It only needs to detonate the sub-bombs over the cities passing by, which can spread myoactive elements into the clouds. Spreading, as well as condensing agent, will form nationwide rainfall in a short period of time"

"How many sub-bombs can a Dongfeng d5 carry" the ghost couldn't help interjecting curiously.

"The data released to the outside world are all fake data, let me give you a real number," a military expert standing next to him whispered, "A mother bomb can carry 5 sub-bombs of 30,000 tons equivalent. It is much easier to use than traditional bombers in the past. Basically, if one is dropped every 5 kilometers, a Dongfeng D5 can blow half a circle along the equator. A country like Japan can fly back and forth eight times."

"Then, if myoactivin is to be spread, it will cover the whole country" Hao Zhi stretched his neck and interjected.

"Probably, 12 pieces are enough, but the cost of this thing is scary." The military expert stuck his tongue out. "The Chinese have always liked to treat guests with courtesy since ancient times. There is no other way."

"Then, people who won't blow up on the ground," Lele asked worriedly.

"No, this is an explosion in the air. The time is set. It explodes above the clouds to form an atomized area of ​​myoactivin, which is evenly sprayed into the clouds with the condensation agent, and then merges with water vapor to become rain and fall to the ground."

"Report to General, Dongfeng d5 intercontinental ballistic missile is ready," the local military commander reported through the video system.

"Execute" Xu Zhe gave an order, 15 intercontinental missiles roared out of different silos one after another, with fierce flames sprayed from the bottom, straight into the clouds, snow-white projectile body, circular pattern, printed with bright five stars. The red flag rushed into the distance with a powerful force of thunder. Not long after flying out, a small window above the projectile opened and planted the first sub-guided bullet. The bullet fell and detonated exactly 2 meters above the clouds. An aerosol with a radius of about 5 kilometers is formed, and the aerosol mixed with myoactive potion and condensing agent quickly condenses when cold, and spreads on the clouds like farmland.

Then, the condensing agent took effect, the clouds quickly shrank and rolled, and after lightning and thunder, rain fell on the ground.

On the other hand, countless corpses of soldiers and people on the streets were exposed to the heavy rain. With the strange smell of medicine in the air, the first corpse got up.

Afterwards, more corpses stood up in the bleak city morning light. They seemed to have regained a new life, shaking their wounded or even incomplete bodies, and began to wander in the city, containing the Lele gene recovery potion. They are also quickly repairing their bodies, and Song Xiaojia’s power elements also make them irritable and angry. The people who have just died have only resentment and anger towards the blood moon people in their hearts. After this inexplicable resurrection, simple The only thing left in his consciousness is revenge

The blood moon people who survived the crash just climbed out of the aircraft and were surrounded by dense zombies. They smelled the unique blood smell on the blood moon people, so they pounced on like a group of hungry wolves, not caring about laser weapons. Shot, and soon, the resistance subsided, and the corpses dispersed again, looking for the next target

"It's great, it really works." Zhang Diandian jumped and cheered. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

Only Lele frowned: "It works, it works, it's a bit cruel. Those earthlings look so pitiful. They have already died for this war, but we still have to rely on their strength and let them Suffered an inhuman pain"

"You, you are sentimental, you can make another contribution to the earth's civilization, it's better than lying down silently and turning into mud," Song Xiaojia grabbed Lele's shoulders and said to her grinningly.

Perhaps Lele curled his lips and answered unhappily.

Suddenly, "Earth Fanatic", a loud drink echoed above the head like a thunderstorm. Everyone was taken aback. With that huge roar, the surveillance screen of the base showed that a huge aircraft suddenly appeared in mid-air, like It is a mechanical war bug, but it is many times larger in size, like a huge centipede biting its own tail in a circle, with long thorns like steel knives exploded on the inside and outside, hovering and floating. Over the base.

"You dare to use such despicable tactics to fight back against Blood Moon Civilization. Come out, and I will send you to **** with my own hands." The voice was filled with extreme anger, and the emotions that seemed to explode sounded like spring thunder in the air.

"It's the head of state" Stardust shrank his neck and said timidly.

"Oh, it's time for us to play." The ghost brushed his black trench coat, turned around gracefully, and smiled mischievously at Song Xiaojia, "Little goddess, please first."

Song Xiaojia had a good meal, took the lead and raised his head, and walked into the underground tunnel. Behind him, Hao Zhi Wang Yanke, Lele Diandian and Shuguang organized the various hall masters, filed out.

Outside the blue-gray Ming Tombs Square, the sky was dark clouds rolling, strong wind swept across the yellow hillside, and only a few grasses shivered on the ground in early winter.

In midair, the head of the blood moon lightly stretched his arms, and the orange-red cloak hula la flying behind him, he jumped down from the door of the flying saucer, and everyone was shocked. It was a height of one or two hundred meters.

The bluestone slab at the feet of the head of state "pa" shattered into powder at the sound, he straightened up, his height was over two meters, his shoulders were wide and his back was thick, and even the slender neck was covered with vertical and horizontal muscles and dim skylight reflections. Below, a face with a distorted expression due to anger, with rough skin and furrows, and eyebrowless eyes sunken in with a fierce light.

Behind him, the ten elders drifted down slowly, they seemed to be totally unaffected by the gravity of the earth, and they could float in the air at will.

The ten elders have white beards and hair, and they are in a semicircular shape behind the head of state, with their hands crossed in their sleeves, and their expressions are indifferent.

On this side, the ghost stood opposite the head of state with a smirk. Behind him were Hao Zhi, Song Xiaojia, Diandian, and Lele. In addition to the six people who can participate in the battle in the Dawning Branch, they also happened to be ten.

The head of state had a cold face, looking contemptuously at the people on earth standing opposite, among them there were actually two blood moon people, which made him suddenly angry again.

"You all have to pay for the plan to destroy the blood moon civilization" the head of state pointed out, "Today is your doomsday and the end of the earth."

"It seems that they are evenly matched." The ghost didn't care about his threat, always smiling hippiely.

"Hahaha, I never knew you had such a sense of humor." The head of state couldn't hold back and laughed, killing you mice, it would be enough for the ten elders to shoot me alone.

"Then don't blame us for deceiving too much." The ghost hadn't spoken yet, and a voice behind him answered. Then, the branch hall masters of the Dawn Organization took the lead in attacking. They scattered into a fan and rushed towards the blood at a rapid speed. The head of the month.

"A bunch of incompetent people in contact" the head of state raised his mouth slightly and sneered.

The first person who rushed to the head of state was the foodie who was directly in front of the head of state. The guy shook a huge body about the height of the head of state and slapped him with a giant palm. Hao Zhi knew that eating food was based on consuming the energy stored in the opponent's body. Ability, as long as it is touched by him, whether it is bones or muscles, it will instantly be charred and atrophy.

The head of the "Insect Insect Skill" raised his two fingers, pierced upwards like an awl, and pierced the palm of the foodie with a pop, "See how you can absorb my energy"

The first move to eat the food was severely injured, but the palm of his hand was pierced by the opponent, and he didn’t dare to pull his hand. The head of state didn’t care about this. He quickly changed his fingers into a grip, grabbed half of the food’s palm, and jerked it down. He even tore off the whole right hand of the foodie from the wrist part.

"Ah ah ah" The food was so painful that he fell under the foot of the head of state, the head of state lifted his big foot and slammed it one by one. The scream stopped abruptly, and the head of the food turned into blood.

The lightning attack and defense in this round directly shocked the remaining five people. It was just a flash of lightning and flint that the foodie died under the opponent's hands, which made everyone gasp, even though they rushed forward, But his momentum weakened in an instant, but he had already rushed to the front, the arrow was on the string, it was difficult to ride a tiger, and he had to continue to besiege.

The rattletail and the chef slapped their horses, bitterly trying to grab both arms of the head of state, the head of the blood moon just stomped to death, and saw someone flying from both sides, he didn't panic about the half of his hand. Throw it away, withdraw half a step, and then slam forward with two fists. The rattletail and the chef are like tofu pierced by chopsticks. Seeing a bowl of fist on the chest rush in and directly cross each other. The body died silently.

"Occupy your hands, see how you can defend in the middle." The doctor raised his finger knife, and a white light struck his head, cutting straight from the top of the head to the lower abdomen. The head of the blood moon had a corpse stuck in his hand, and he did not raise his hand for precaution at all, on his forehead. , A small blood mouth was cut, like a small hole in a shaved beard, a dark green blood shed.

"What?" The doctor opened his mouth wide in surprise, "What is your body made of, can't move?"

"The body of the blood moon person is not much different from that of your earth people. They are all carbon-based flesh and blood. However, thanks to my fast speed, your hand knife did not touch my body, but the impact of cutting through the air hurt a little bit. Look. Your hand knife is really sharp," said the head of the **** moon. Before the doctor could react, he suddenly raised his knee and kicked it. The doctor flew out like a cannonball and hit a stone horse. Head blossoms

In the blink of an eye, four of the Lords of the Nine Halls have died in the hands of the head of state. Those powerful generals who claim to be one-to-one and one-hundred, are as fragile as paper in front of him.

"The ability of the contact system, as long as it is not touched by you, your abilities are in vain." The head of state threw the corpse in his hand to the ground with contempt, looking at the stopwatch and the molecules stupidly in front of him.

"Why is he so familiar with the situation of the supernatural person" Hao Zhi blurted out in surprise.

"You stupid Dawn organization has been in the Blood Moon for so long. They were their minions before they reached the earth. Of course, they knew everything well," Song Xiaojia replied disdainfully.

While speaking, the head of the **** moon had already initiated an offensive, and saw that he concentrated on his right fist and blasted towards the stopwatch that had been trembling with fright. The stopwatch's legs were stupefied, and he was scared to avoid the thoughts of the opponent's momentum. It was all gone. At the moment when the punch was about to hit the eyes, the molecules on the side rushed over and hugged the stopwatch. The two of them instantly transformed into a cloud of energy, and the head of the **** moon was smashed. The strength seemed to hit the air, and the whole person passed through the body of the stopwatch and molecules

"Humbling mouse", the head of state slobbed contemptuously, turned around and said to the ghost in front of him, "Next, is it your turn?"

The ghost rolled his eyes and looked at him, gently tossed the windbreaker jacket off, and suddenly stepped on the ground, holding his breath, and rushing towards the head of the blood moon like a bullet out of the chamber. The head of state naturally knew that the ghost and those little girls are not the same weight. At the same time, the ghost shot at the opponent like a ghost, but suddenly jumped at the moment of contact. The afterimage in front of him has not disappeared. Behind the head of the **** moon, another ghost has already When it came out, the Wanjun heavy fist that opened up the mountains and rocks has hit the Führer's back.

The head of state had expected this move earlier, as if he was ready, without even turning his head back, a dragon wobbled his tail, raised his leg and kicked behind him, punching and kicking, I'm afraid it was the ghost's punch that hadn't reached it yet. The opponent's lower abdomen has been kicked, but the situation has changed within one thousandth of a second, and the head of state's foot is still empty.

"Second afterimage" Song Xiaojia exclaimed, "This guy can actually use the jump to be so proficient."

Before he finished speaking, the ghost had appeared above the head of the Führer. He held his fists firmly, and a Taishan fell from above. The head of the blood moon squatted slightly, and suddenly his fists were gathered together, and he stood up straight, like launching. The rocket that went up, fist-to-face to face the ghost's fist, rushed up, and there was a fire that burned the sky. Everyone heard only a thunder explosion in their ears. The huge impact energy detonated the air pressure, as if it exploded a heavy weight out of thin air. Like a pound bomb, the powerful airflow instantly lifted thousands of kilograms of bluestone on the ground, and it turned out to be like the sea, rippling in circles, and the huge fist power was transmitted to the feet through the body of the head of state, and the entire Tianshou Mountain was covered by it. There was a shock, and the dust in the sky rose.

And the fist of the head of state pierced through the air, and also made a skyrocketing pride. The powerful shock wave was transmitted up like a hurricane. The air pressure actually broke through a hole in the dark cloud. Above the sky, a beam of sunlight was on the torn dark cloud patio. It shone straight down, like a golden chasing light between heaven and earth, shrouding the ghost and Yuan capital in the center.

Everyone was shocked by this spectacle, especially the moment when the brilliant beam of light descended from the sky, everyone seemed to see a duel between the ancient gods, and the two people fighting together between the electric light and the flint. The energy wave that shakes the mountain blasts out a shock wave every time the muscles and bones collide, and the moves have completely lost their effect. The strong and the strong fight pure energy, and the disturbed air around them gradually forms a huge vortex. The violent wind swept the broken leaves and sand and was sucked into the circle of war, and the people watching the battle couldn't open their eyes.

Suddenly, a clicking sound was heard in the dark whirlpool, followed by a heavy bludgeoning sound. After the bombardment, the wind settled in the dust, and the dark clouds in the sky were blown away by the strong air currents that were rolled up by two people. A huge hole reveals a clear blue sky, in the middle of the circular cloud hole, half of the blood moon spacecraft that is still disintegrating is clearly visible.

On the ground, there is one standing and one lying

The ghost standing, with one arm hanging down, seems to have been interrupted, and his other hand is half held in front of his chest, holding a beating heart in his hand.

On the ground, the head of the **** moon spread out his limbs, and a thick green liquid was sprayed from his mouth and nose. He braced his body with difficulty, showing a resentful smile.

"You are really strong"

The ghost did not answer, and fell to his knees exhausted, throwing the heart in his hand far away, resting on the ground with one hand, and coughing violently.

What a tragic victory

"However, don't be proud of the demise of the blood moon civilization. It is for the people of the earth to be the funeral. Haha." The head of the blood moon endured the pain and laughed. He suddenly fingered the sky and shouted hoarsely, "Elders, please quote Come on the curse of the end times, clean this dirty world"

"What do you mean?" Hao Zhi was startled, but saw that the ten elders on the opposite side had gathered in a circle and surrounded the head of state. They held hands and gathered the consciousness of the ten people together, and a strong light came from them. It burst out, shining brilliantly like a huge searchlight, rushing into the sky, and launching directly onto the remnant of the Blood Moon spacecraft.

"Quick, stop them." The ghost was already weak, and fell to the ground after only half a sentence. Song Xiaojia bounced from the ground, flew towards the ten elders, but was hit by a huge wall of energy and bounced back.

The strong light is still rising and gathering, leading straight to the wreckage of the blood moon. It was the wreckage of the blood moon that received this light signal and quickly gathered the wreckage. It was changing its appearance.

"Worse, I heard Stardust say that the blood moon can change its shape at will according to needs, what does it want to become" Hao Zhi didn't finish his words, the answer has already appeared, the remaining half of the blood moon remains like a piece Randomly fabricated plasticine is general, twisted and shaped, and finally becomes a giant cannon suspended in space

An energy cannon with a caliber of tens of kilometers

Its muzzle is pitch black, facing the earth in front of it, with a very clear purpose. It wants to gather all its remaining energy and blow up the earth.

"Woohahaha, the ultimate blood moon cannon is bombarded with 100 million tons equivalent of plasma, and the instantaneous energy concentration can reach the strength of the star, the earth,

Let’s go to **** together. The dregs of the earth. You have never understood a truth. Only with the survival of the blood moon can there be a gap for your earthlings. If the blood moon perishes, the earthlings will surely become burial objects of war. Hahahaha Earth, follow This magnificent funeral will turn into cosmic fragments."

The strong wind raged, the dark clouds stirred, the bodies of the ten elders and the blood moon heads gradually turned into flying sand in the strong wind, scattered without a trace, above the sky, inside the terrifying space cannon, a powerful current is gathering, even the naked eye can I can clearly see that the spider web-like electric lights converge into a huge light ball with a diameter of several kilometers, and it is still expanding and expanding.

"It's over" Hao Zhi raised his head, facing the shining light, whispered.

"It's too late, I didn't expect them to have this last hand" Song Xiaojia also sighed helplessly.

At that moment, everyone was frozen into a photo. Hao Zhi and Wang Yanke took their hands silently, Lele and little by little helped the ghost who fell on the ground, UU reading, he was lying halfway. With a weird and weary smile on his face, behind Song Xiaojia, there were molecules and a stopwatch. Their expressions were calm but helpless. The intense glare stretched everyone's shadows together with the magnificent palace in the distance. The entire earth, in this strong light, only left the contour of a crescent.

Human beings all over the world stopped and raised their heads, even the blood moon people who were still struggling, stopped and looked at the little sun above their heads. It became bigger and stronger a little bit, waiting for the final explosion in the expansion.

"Mouse, do you believe that people have an afterlife"

"Next Life"

Before the last moment came, these two conversations suddenly sounded in Hao Zhi's mind. It was a bright sunny afternoon. On a bench on the campus, Wang Yanke came towards him holding two popsicles. At two o'clock in the ascending afternoon, a conversation between him and her inadvertently suddenly emerged inexplicably.

If there is an afterlife, would we still hold hands to welcome the doomsday like this?

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan../34/34735/)--(Earth Destruction Plan)

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