Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 209: Lu Fang's Faith

In the dark deep space of the universe, Hao Zhi was floating like a lonely ghost. There was no up, down, left, and right, it was an absolute space that was everywhere and could not escape.

In the muddle, Hao Zhi slowly regained consciousness. There was only a shining spot of light where he could see. He realized that he was dreaming again. In the past six months, he had repeated the same dream countless times, sometimes I know, sometimes it’s too real to know it, even if I understand that it’s a dream, I can’t wake up.

He suddenly remembered a sentence he saw in a book: "If you can see what is left after the ending, who can say that this life is more than just a dream"

The universe, the reality of the void, or the reality of the void Hao Zhi raised his head and saw the huge moon floating above his head, half cloudy, half sunny, half black and half white, like the giant eyeballs in previous dreams, staring with horror. Staring at the world.

Suddenly, a strong light pierced the huge planet like a sword in the heart, and the explosion caused by the powerful impact instantly lit up the entire universe, as if someone cut through the dimension and opened a skylight, attracting the space. Outside light.

The countless fragments of the moon burst towards him like bullets, but the flight trajectory was surprisingly neat and approached. As he approached, Hao Zhi suddenly discovered that those sesame-sized fragments were rapidly growing, becoming the size of a basketball, or the size of a car. Turned into a huge sky mothership

Those sky motherships, which are the size of several cities, are arranged in a neat lineup, like a dense forest that stretches across the space for tens of thousands of kilometers, jetting out fiery tail lights, aggressively, and straight to the earth.

"You're awake" Hao Zhi suddenly felt someone talking in his ear. He had a splitting headache, and the gouge on the back of his head was really not light.

"Where is this place?" Hao Zhi reluctantly opened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him. By his side, Wang Yanke and Xingdust were squatting, looking at him worriedly. "Ωωω.qiiLα is more and more complete"

"This is the center of Europe, the heart of the world" the voice was high, holding a scepter in a white robe, sitting on the throne under the high sign.

"What a ghost center, what a rotten heart" Hao Zhi sat up and saw that there was a thick carpet under him, soft and comfortable, surrounded by carved walls, huge roofs, embedded sculptures of various angels, and arched eaves. There are two windows open on the top, and a beam of light is shot obliquely. There is a tall candlestick on the altar directly in front. On the wall directly behind, a huge oil painting more than five meters high is painted with a group of foreign bearded men and women. A plump woman, half-naked, looking up at the light of **** coming from the sky

"This is the Vatican, the smallest country in the world, and also the largest in the world. The land is less than half a square kilometer. It is tied to the souls of half of the people in the world." The man lowered his head and looked down, like a high emperor watching a prisoner crawling under his feet. .

Hao Zhi looked at the other person carefully. He turned out to be an old Chinese man in his 50s and 60s, with a standard southern accent, white hair, and a ridiculous white round hat. The white robe on his body was elegant and clean, and it seemed a little fairy. The meaning of Fengdao bone.

However, his style is not so kind. Before and after Lu Fang’s **** seat, there are a dozen beauties in bikinis lying or lying, standing or sitting, all with big breasts, slender waists and long hair, just like It is a group of pets he keeps around him, and the holy grail and cross are not placed on the altar. Instead, they are all dried and fresh fruits, roasted chickens and gooses, and countless assortment of delicious foods.

"You are an old Chinese man in Lu Fang, who pretends to be a ghost here, are you sick?" Hao Zhi blurted out, with an expression of contempt.

"Faith, my child, you wander around and live in an uncertain place because you lack faith to feed your soul," Lu Fang said in a pitiful tone.

"You are numb, Lao Tzu is the successor of publicism" Hao Zhi looked up stubbornly, "Don't talk to me about these useless girls, where are you looking for girls who look so much like Wang Yanke and Song Xiaojia. If I’m not mistaken, is there still a Lele and Dian”

"I didn't find them, but they were there, and they didn't look alike. They were originally Wang Yanke and Song Xiaojia." Lu Fang stretched out his hand, and four girls came out from behind the throne. It is Wang Yanke, Song Xiaojia, Diandian and Lele, regardless of body shape, hairstyle and temperament, they are all the same, but unfortunately, their facial expressions are very dull, their eyes staring blankly forward, like a group of soulless zombies. .

"How can there be two same people in the fart world" Hao Zhi roared angrily.

"You, after experiencing so many things, I lost my body, and I also saw that Wang Yanke lost his body and became a robot and changed his body. Isn't it possible that you haven't penetrated the truth of life?"

What truth Hao Zhi was taken aback.

"In the 19th chapter of the Old Testament Job, Job said that I know that my Redeemer is alive and will stand on the ground at the end. After my flesh is extinct, I will see God outside."

"speak English"

"This tells us: it's just a piece of clothing for the soul. If you want to be detached, the **** you have to abandon is just the bottleneck of the past people's obsession with external force and technology. This coat can only be taken off after death, but now we rely on advanced You can change your clothes at any time. This appearance is not important. It’s as if I asked Ke Ke to stand in front of you and let you choose, but you chose her mentally, not physically. She shows that you have actually realized what the nature of humans is."

The nature of human Hao Zhi was a little dizzy by the opponent.

Lu Fang laughed: "This is a philosophical proposition that has been debated since ancient times. Who are you and who can represent you before? To you, Wang Yanke is an 18-year-old beautiful girl from China on the Milky Way Earth. It is you. She was at the same table, an earthling. Later, she was a robot girl produced by the underground palace base. Now, she is an outlier in the appearance of the blood moon. In your cognition, which part of her is the real her or that Which part of her is what you love"

"You mean, only she who has the memory, thoughts and consciousness of Koko on the spiritual level is really her."

"Not bad" Lu Fang praised loudly, "It's just an empty shell that will be thrown away sooner or later, and what I am doing now is to give everyone the right to change clothes. If you are dissatisfied with your looks, your body is unsatisfactory. , Or hanging down, facing death, you can change to a new body and live again. This is the true height of true faith."

"Madman" Hao Zhi whispered secretly.

Lu Fang got up from the throne and looked into the distance with his eyes beaming, as if he was also looking at the bright and splendid future. Each of his white hair was trembling slightly: "Before, this was impossible, since the blood moon After the arrival of humans, the earth’s civilization has entered a new stage. Humans no longer have to stick to the limitations of the physical body. Since then, they have stepped onto the steps of longevity and even immortality. Using the anti-repulsive elements in the blood of the blood moon people, we can change our own arbitrarily. Body, isn’t this a great breakthrough?"

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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