Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 214: Final calculation

Aliens are never a question of whether they will come again, but when they will come

Xu Zhe stared at Hao Zhi's eyes and said: "The Universe of Nuo Da, there are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy alone. Even if there are only one ten thousandth of an environment similar to the solar system, there may be 20 million civilizations. It is developing, even if the possibility of reaching advanced civilizations is one in ten thousand, there are two thousand civilizations that have reached or surpassed the earth, and the local galaxy group to which the Milky Way belongs is composed of 100 such galaxies, in other words, There are 20,000 super civilizations near us"

Twenty thousand threats Hao Zhi repeated it subconsciously. "Ωωω.qiiLα Dedication"

"Moreover, it is the most conservative estimate," Xu Zhe added. "If we follow an optimistic estimate, there are 2 million advanced civilizations in the local galaxy group alone."

Two million Hao Zhi can’t piece together this huge digital foundation in his mind. If every civilization has 6 billion humans like the Earth, then how many people should be such a crowded universe.

"However, with such a high probability event, before the arrival of the blood moon civilization, humans have never found any traces of civilization. You should know that the observation capabilities currently possessed by humans on Earth have seen almost 12 billion light-years away. In terms of distance, this is almost close to the observable edge of the universe. It has only been more than 13 billion years since the birth of the universe. However, we have not discovered anything, even a strange electromagnetic signal. There is no light that flashes regularly. This is what modern astronomers call a strange phenomenon, the universe exists silently, but it is not discovered."

"Like hide and seek"

"Yes, just like hide-and-seek, everyone who hides is not not found, but they do not want to be found."

"What happens if you are found"

"Didn't the earth be found by the blood moon people"

"Oh" Hao Zhi seems to understand, "In other words, while we are looking for aliens, aliens are also trying their best to find us."

"Finding or being found, theoretically, it is only a matter of time." Xu Zhe singled his finger to the sky. "Our luck is good. The technological level of the blood moon civilization is only a small part ahead of us. We fight to the death. In the end, I defended the possibility of the continuation of my own civilization, but I ask you, if it is tomorrow, another advanced civilization arrives and wants to invade the earth, and their weapons and technology are far higher than the blood moon, so high that we can't imagine. ,what should we do"

"Only waiting for death," Song Xiaojia replied helplessly. "Ωωω.qiiLα Dedication"

"Yes, so we must recover as soon as possible, grab time, race against time to revive the earth's civilization, and make all preparations to resist foreign enemies before the invasion," Xu Zhe said categorically.

"However, what counts as a civilized rejuvenation?" Little by little asked a key question.

"The plan I envision is the first step to restore the earth's climate and environment, otherwise, mankind will be completely dead in less than 50 years."

"Why is it because zombies can eat people"

"No, it is not important. People who have been infected with living corpse bacteria can always be cured as long as they continue to develop drugs. Now, the more important survival problem lies before us and that is the destruction of the moon, which will inevitably lead to the earth. The large-scale extinction of living things, including the human species"

Isn't it just that the moon is gone, after a big deal, only August 15th, Hao Zhi curled his lips.

Haha, do you think the moon is just a dollar-sized bright spot that hangs in the sky every night. It's just a pictogram. The importance of the moon is far from as simple as you think.

The serious consequences brought about by the disappearance of the moon are emerging step by step. First of all, it is precisely because of the gravitational pull of the moon that, as we know now, the earth is lying halfway on the plane of its orbit, tilting and rotating, the moon Disappearing, the earth now is like a top that is about to fall. The axis of rotation has begun to wobble, deflection, and even in the future, it will lie on the ecliptic. At that time, the two poles will become the equator, and the equator will become two poles. The huge geological and climatic changes that will go through are enough to destroy 99 lives on the planet.

Moreover, from the perspective of the general environment, the Earth’s own climate disasters are nothing more than drizzle. After the moon disappears, the geomagnetism will gradually weaken due to the lack of tidal friction. Life on the earth will gradually be exposed to the high-speed particle stream of the solar wind and die. Or it mutates into something we don’t even know. Before, our geomagnetic shielding project only lasted for an hour and 200 million people died. If the geomagnetism disappears forever, can you imagine the consequences?

Moreover, the moon is like a shield in front of the earth. It acts as a physical shield to block a large part of the meteorite that may threaten the earth. Now, the earth has lost this natural barrier, any one. A meteorite with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers hits the earth and will bring devastating disasters. You should remember how dinosaurs became extinct.

Of course, the moon has more influence on the living creatures on the earth. Newborn turtles need to rely on moonlight to find the sea. Sharks need to use moon shadows to find fish above their heads. All creatures that rely on the moon’s magnetic field to discern their directions will get lost, even all the plants on the earth. The chain reaction brought about by the destruction of each species in the ecological chain of the growth of crops in the moonlight is unpredictable. Such a huge change will eventually lead to the only result that is the collapse of the biosphere and the extinction of all life on earth.

Therefore, the Blood Moons did not attack the earth at the beginning, not because they calculated the wrong shooting direction, but because their revenge plan was more secretive.

According to our later calculations, although their blood moon remains are composed of space cannons that are powerful, they are barely capable of destroying the moon. For the earth which is 49 times the size of the moon, it is nothing at all, and it is not even enough to penetrate the mantle. , It is even less likely to damage the core of the earth. Even if the explosion caused by that blow destroys 70% of the human beings on the earth, it is impossible to guarantee the extinction of all the people on the earth.

"I made a song." Hao Zhi curled his lips. "In other words, destroying the moon is the best way to ensure that there is no one left on Earth, rather than hitting it directly."

"Yes, this is the final calculation of the blood moon people. Their direct purpose has not changed. After the failure of the volcano project, destroying the moon can also cause dramatic changes in the Earth's climate, and can also achieve the goal of destroying mankind."

"It's too vicious, but the moon is gone. What does this have to do with building an empire, fish and meat people, and experimenting with living people"

Of course it has something to do with Xu Zhe’s long sigh, should we just accept the destiny of destruction? Obviously it is not that we have to fight for a chance to survive instead of just waiting to die. Therefore, the only way is to rebuild the moon.

"You don't have a fever to recreate a celestial body with manpower" Hao Zhi shook his head.

"Of course, with our remaining technology and strength, we can't even solve the problem of food and clothing. Of course it is impossible. Fortunately, a series of devastating consequences brought about by the destruction of the moon will not appear immediately. UU看书www expects that it will take about 50 years to intensify and become out of control, so we still have 50 years to resume production, revitalize civilization, and finally rebuild the moon and stabilize the earth’s environment. Then, Get back on track at the fastest speed, rapidly develop science and technology, colonize the solar system, spread our defensive tentacles across the nine planets of the solar system, as small as the nine planets within Pluto as bases, and establish interstellar artillery arrays to defend against foreign enemies; Then, with the radius of one light-year affected by the sun’s gravity as the radius, the interstellar cruise fleet will be established, and then the interstellar air-space team will be developed with ten million ships as the basic unit. At that time, it will basically have the ability to defend against foreign invasions."

Holding the grass, Hao Zhi was stupidly shocked on the spot as if he was listening to the heavenly book, and the words resounded again in his heart: "Perhaps, no one has ever really seen what Xu Zhe is thinking through."

"This will be a 200-year earth civilization revival plan. Maybe you and I will not live to see the day when it is realized, but that is the foundation we lay for future generations, and earth civilization will survive on this foundation. , Keep it up"

Xu Zhe's eyes beamed, looking forward to the magnificent future in his heart with full of expectation

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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