Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 216: Public and private

Hao Zhi was silent for a long time, and finally figured out a question, why did Lu Fang kill Xu Zhe himself

The so-called tyranny is nothing more than an excuse. Xu Zhe’s tyranny against all human beings is just like parents beating and scolding their children. The strictness on you now is for your future prospects. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

Because Xu Zhe's plan contained content to save 2 billion living corpses, he kidnapped Lele for experimentation, also to study drugs, which can save those who have been infected with the living corpse virus and can only eat meat and drink blood.

Thinking of this, Hao Zhi suddenly thought of the villains in the old castle. The zombies who were tortured by the terrorist virus they represented were asking for quick death. However, even this was impossible. Lu Fang relied on the medicine in his hand. Controlling them is like drugs, helping them to escape from pain and mental torture in the short term, but the price paid is to become a puppet and tool in his hands, allowing Lu Fang to enjoy being an emperor over 2 billion people.

Therefore, he can sit on countless beauties and enjoy inexhaustible food in the apocalyptic crowd.

Compared with Xu Zhe’s sacrifice of ego, Lu Fang’s narrowness is obvious, how can he be an accomplice of such a person?

But, don't kill Xu Zhe

Hao Zhi's hand touched the phone in his pocket and Ke Ke was still in his hand. If he failed his assassination, how could he let Ke Ke go?

Going back again, it’s one thing to save Keke by his own strength. I don’t even know where they are now. Hao Zhi suddenly regretted going to Lu Fang blindly. Isn’t this a cocoon?

Hao Zhizheng thought about these things in a daze, and suddenly listened to Song Xiaojia's words: "I know you have enough reasons to do what you want to do, Xu Zhe, I admire you as a general, a great man with a heart in the world, but, I, Song Xiaojia, is just a little girl. I can’t think about what will happen to mankind in the future and what the world will be like. At present, I only have my friend and my girlfriend in my eyes. What is she **** here for? Ghost experiment, so I can’t survive, I can’t die, I can’t sacrifice her life alone to save 2 billion guys I don’t know, I don’t recognize it.”

"But I just said that this devil's contract has been signed and cannot be broken." Xu Zhe seemed to have expected Song Xiaojia to react in this way, and replied coldly. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

"Do not destroy, I'm afraid you won't count it" Song Xiaojia sneered.

"Since I dared to bring you to this laboratory, even if I said it," Xu Zhe's attitude became slightly tough, and he smiled confidently when facing Song Xiaojia who was only a few meters away from him.

"At this distance, you can't see how I made the move when I killed you, but for the sake of fighting side by side, you put Lele on, I don't care who else you want to test with. "Song Xiaojia backed down.

"Lele is the center of this experiment. Only her ability can eliminate the harm caused by myoactive sequelae, and only her blood can find a way to fight against the living corpse virus."

"Lele's blood is solidified now, how can you take her blood?" Song Xiaojia shouted almost angrily.

"No, she hasn't lost the ability to repair, but the speed of repair is barely offset by the damage caused by the toxins of the rattletail ability. Otherwise, someone else would have died on the spot. I am trying to clear the rattletail left in her body. Her toxin, as long as it succeeds, her blood will return to liquid."

"That means you don't want to let anyone go." Song Xiaojia snapped the first knuckle fiercely.

"Don't let go"

"Can you say that again"

Xu Zhe didn't care about her threat at all, threw the leftover cigarette butts in his hand on the white floor of the laboratory, stepped on it, and replied with a firm voice: don't let go

Song Xiaojia almost rushed out the moment he uttered the first word. Hao Zhi hesitated. He didn't know who to help for a while. He just let out a surprised cry. In his heart, Lele wanted to save him. Ke Ke also wants to save, Xu Zhe, it seems that he shouldn't die, this is really a difficult choice.

However, in Song Xiaojia's view, these choices no longer exist. She is simpler and rude than Hao Zhi, and willfully only loves the person she should love.

With a loud bang of muscles, Hao Zhi almost closed his eyes with fright, but saw a familiar figure appear in front of him.

Song Xiaojia reacted swiftly. When her hand was about to touch Xu Zhe, she suddenly felt the air fluctuating on the left side and the wind was not good. Then she quickly stretched out a ghost-like hand and pinched her neck. Fortunately, she was fast enough. At that time, she retracted her right hand and raised her left elbow to defend. Then she lifted her left leg and kicked sideways in a thunderous manner. She was blocked by the mysterious guy, and then hit her ears with a punch, Song Xiao Jia took a half step back, and used his arm to make the punch, but he was smashed and forced to stand still.

Immediately afterwards, the opponent made three punches and two kicks, constantly attacking her. Song Xiaojia was anxious and broke three blocks and two breaks. Although he was not injured, he was forced to retreat by the opponent, dazzled and a little overwhelmed.

If Song Xiaojia can be pushed to this point, there is probably only one person in the world.

Hao Zhi looked intently. Sure enough, his black hair covered his face, his face was cold and handsome, he wore a black windbreaker and a slender figure, it was a ghost.

He jumped out of thin air and stood in front of Xu Zhe. His brown eyes stared at Song Xiaojia in front of him, but he didn't have the words to make jokes when meeting in the past, and he didn't call her little goddess or anything, just his eyes were straight. Staring straight ahead in a daze, like a thoughtless robot.

"You ghost, how come you have become Xu Zhe's puppet." Song Xiaojia didn't get angry. This guy, every time it matters, things are bad.

The ghost seemed to have not heard it, but slowly said: "Xu Zhe can't die, Lele can't save you."

"It's easy to walk, unless I bring Lele, I won't leave here in death," Song Xiaojia said angrily.

"Then you may only have to die here." The ghost didn't say and immediately took Song Xiaojia to get started, and Hao Zhi clearly felt that the ghost was still merciful. , With his strength, it should be more than just better than Song Xiaojia.

But because of this hesitation to keep his hands, Song Xiaojia’s pungent vigor came up, and suddenly her apricot eyes widened, one dodged sideways, avoiding the fist of the ghost, and at the same time a fan turned, and raised her right fist and fist. , Slammed towards the back of the ghost, the ghost seemed to be a little unreasonable. She didn't expect her speed to suddenly soar so much. She couldn't hide her, so she barely turned half of her body back, and just used her shoulders to get rid of it. The attack of this punch.

As a result, the one hundred and seventy catties ghost was like a cloth pillow, smashed out by Song Xiaojia's powerful inertia.

When Song Xiaojia saw that he had defeated the ghost, he didn't stop hesitating. He bent again and bounced back. The body was already flying sideways towards Xu Zhe, his thumb and forefinger stuck like an eagle's claw, he was about to lock Xu Zhe's throat, but suddenly he saw the floor. The air rippled, and the ghost came back again in an instant leap. He lay down on the spot, folded his knees and hugged his legs, kicked upwards, making a rabbit kick and kicking the eagle. He kicked Song Xiaojia’s shoulders and kicked her. Kicked out

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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