Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 234: Hit the jackal again

Jia Jia felt a dark shadow shrouded from head to toe, and she had no time to react when she was negligent. The giant jackal did not know when to put away her claws and only walked on the pads under her feet, so there was no sound at all. , It followed behind and suddenly raised its head, with a fierce look on its face

Jiajia talked and laughed all the way, causing it to judge its position very accurately. It only took a bite of the head and covered the face, and put Jiajia in his mouth, then lifted his neck and turned it up twice to put Jiajia in its entirety. Swallowed raw

"Jiajia" Lele got anxious when he saw it, and ran over to the ground. Hao Zhi looked anxious, went up with a stride, and hugged Lele. "Ωωω.qiiLα is more and more complete"

"You used to feed it too. If you can heal it, you can't hold it to chew it up for you," Hao Zhi shouted.

Ke Ke also slapped herself on the head with anger: "Ah, I should have known that this guy is neither a wolf nor a dog. The most terrifying of the family animals, jackals in nature will tease each other when hunting bisons. One jackal jumps and jumps in front of the bison to attract its attention, while the other jumps on the bison’s back. , Gently scratch the bison’s buttocks and scratch it. As long as the bison feels comfortable, it will raise its tail, and then it will use its sharp claws to attack the bison, pulling out the other’s intestines. When the bison is frightened and runs, the intestines will hang on the branches of the grass roots, until all the internal organs are torn out and die, the jackal will rush up and have a full meal."

"Hey, I can't think that Jia Jia's IQ is not as good as that of a bison, so I was fooled by it so easily" Hao Zhi also complained with a sigh.

"Who do you think IQ is not as good as a cow" a voice came from the giant jackal's mouth vaguely

Hao Zhi was so scared that he yelled, "That guy can still speak human words."

"Nonsense" Jia Jia grasped one of the fangs of the giant jackal with both hands, and slammed her feet, and even opened the giant jackal's mouth severely.

In nature, due to the sharpness and hardness of the teeth and the structure of the skull, the bite force of the jackal is also very strong, weighing up to 500 pounds, not to mention the giant jackal of this mutant species, its huge bite ability, it is not even Song Xiaojia, the goddess of strange power

"Small, I want to eat me and I broke your teeth." Jia Jia supported the sky with both hands and one foot on the ground. She even freed up one foot and kicked the huge jagged teeth under her feet fiercely. With a snap, one of the thick jackal teeth was kicked off, flew out of its mouth, and fell into the grass in circles.

The giant jackal was so painful that tears could fly out, but the mouth was held up, biting and biting, and vomiting and vomiting, so he had to shake his head desperately. With such a shake, the Jiajia was thrown out. Shaking dizzy, he fell from a height of three or four meters, and fell heavily to the ground with his shoulders down. Fortunately, his own resistance is strong. If ordinary people fell and fainted early.

But even if there were no injuries, the pain was inevitable. She got up with grinning teeth and rubbed her shoulders and looked up to look for the giant jackal. The anxious jackal had already swept over with a paw in search of movement. Jia stood up half of her body. Before she could see what was going on, she was taken down by the huge jackal claws. The huge momentum swept her whole body out, flying out three meters away, and there was a roundness in the grass. The stone was exposed on the ground, and the whole person fell heavily on it, and when he struggled to stand up, his left arm had fallen weakly.

"Yeah" Jia Jia gritted his teeth, clutching his injured left arm with one hand, and took a breath.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky in the east had gathered again, covering the dawn that was just about to rise, and the surroundings quickly became dark, and the shadows stroked and the wind blew again, whistling, and rang from Jia Jia's ears.

"Jia Jia, how are you doing Jia Jia" Lele was less than ten meters away from Jia Jia, it was too dark to see where she was, and she only asked anxiously.

"Fortunately, it may be a dislocation. It hurts." Jia Jia's voice came from the night, trembling a little, "Don't talk, it's easy to expose your position, don't be discovered by the animal, it's very dangerous."

"" Lele didn't dare to ask any more, squatting down on the spot, with Hao Zhi and the others, shrinking his neck, widening his eyes to see the situation in front of him at night, but it was pitch black and couldn't see anything.

Jia Jia felt hot in the joints and felt slightly hot. Although the paw did not actually greet him, it was rubbed a little. For Jia Jia’s size, it was already a great impact, although it was not enough. Broken bones and broken tendons, but a dislocated joint is equivalent to a waste of an arm

Moreover, this is not a big problem. The problem is that the visibility has dropped sharply now. For the guy who can judge the position only by sound, the environment is very familiar and he can move freely, but it is too unfavorable for himself.

What should I do? Sweep it again, not even the bones will be broken

But the surroundings are too dark, I can’t see where the opponent is, how can I fight?

An enemy Jia Jia who can catch your whereabouts but is not seen by you is quickly thinking about the countermeasures, but he can't think of a good way after thinking about it.

"Jia Jia, please don't move." Ke Ke's voice suddenly came into her mind, Jia Jia was taken aback, at least she had to avoid it if she couldn't move. Isn't she standing still and waiting for death?

"Anyway, if you listen to me, just try it." Ke Ke's voice was very anxious.

Okay, let me give it a letter. Once Jia Jia was clutching his injured arm, secretly trying to support the dislocated joint, but she felt painful after a little effort, and she didn't dare to move anymore, she just stood stupidly. , Trying to observe the thick black darkness in front of the tip of the nose with wide eyes, trying to quickly avoid it one second before the threat comes, although she herself knows that this possibility is very small, and when you see it, it will be too late. NS

Waited for a long time, but did not wait for the imaginary attack

"What's going on" Jia Jia thought curiously.

"I just deliberately found the prey by hearing and smell, so as long as you move, you will have a sound and be discovered by it, but when you are not moving, it can find you based on the smell of your body. Keep you moving, and then chase you"

"Yes, but I haven't moved now, it can't find me anymore"

" You just fell into its mouth, right"

Jia Jia realized that he was covered with giant jackal saliva, which was sticky and wet, and the smell of giant jackals was everywhere.

"Ha, then it can't smell itself, or can't tell it at all, it treats me as a part of its body"

"Yes, so you are fair now, no one can see who"

Well, since I can’t see Jia Jia, I closed my eyes. There was a gust of wind blowing in my ears, and he whizzed past. All kinds of subtle sounds in the dark world instantly filled the eardrums, she was listening attentively, listening to the beast's footsteps

And at this moment, the giant jackal also put away the tips of his claws, rolled up like a cat, and moved silently on the grass with thick soles of feet. Jia Jia took off his shoes lightly and stepped on barefoot. On the grass, I fumbled forward two steps as lightly as possible. The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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