Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 237: Jackal Terminator

The rain was rushing down, covering all the sounds in the world, and it was even more silent. The grass in front of the forest was washed and shiny by the rain, and a lightning flashed across, illuminating the four lonely curled up in the grass. Personally, Ke Ke and Hao Zhi Lele held a camouflage uniform together, and blocked the unconscious dots into a small tent to cover the pouring rain.

And Jia Jia in the woods is standing up from the riding tree branch, ready to make the last resistance

As soon as the rain began to fall, the sky turned into a reddish color, and the strong wind thinned the dark clouds, reflecting a little sky light, and it was already approaching dawn, although it was cloudy, the eastern horizon began to show a little light. Come, Jia Jia can see the outline of the blind giant jackal, knowing that it is still digging the roots of the tree underneath, and it is estimated that this big tree will be planed down soon. If it is planted so high, it will be seriously injured if it is not fallen to death.

I have to stop this guy first

Jiajia looked around, and the branches on hand were long and straight, and at least four meters of trunk could be used for it.

She grabbed a long branch with one hand, and Kaba broke it off with a squeeze, and then quickly swept away the excess branches and leaves. There was only a straight stick of more than three meters left. She held it in her hand, thought about it, and then The thinner end is turned upside down, and you open your mouth and bite like a sugarcane. The other end is gnawed out with a sharp point in two bites.

This is a red tasseled gun. Haha Jia Jia proudly held it in his hand, ready to go down the tree to fight the giant jackal again, and was about to act. Suddenly, the corner of his eye swept to the outermost edge of the forest, seven miles away from him. On the edge of the eight-meter grass, a coconut tree grows diagonally

The general coconut tree grows straight up, but this tree is not known why it grows crooked. It is inclined to maintain an angle of 45 degrees with the ground, forming an angle of about 45 degrees with the ground. The trunk has a thick bowl. , Like a person washing his hair with his head down, long coconut leaves hanging down to the ground. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

The good thing Jiajia’s fighting IQ is running fast, and a plan is quickly formed in her mind.

She stepped on the self-made spear under her feet, brushed off the camouflage cover on her upper body, and broke some branches and pieces of wood from the leaves on hand, all of which were heavy in the pockets of her clothes. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

Then she grabbed the wooden gun in one hand and banged the tree trunk hard, the other hand grabbed the collar of the dress, rounded it up, and suddenly let go after three or five laps. The dress was like a human figure, swiftly facing Flying deep in the dense forest

The giant jackal was digging the ground, and suddenly stopped above the sound of knocking on the tree. He hurriedly raised his head to listen. At the same time, he quickly lifted his cheeks. As soon as he was full of breath, he felt a humanoid thing flying towards the forest. Seeing Jiajia’s body temperature, he was confused by that beast. Why is this person a clone?

But there is no time to think about it. One is still and the other is moving. The nature of an animal is naturally to hunt down those who want to escape. With a low growl, it turned around and swiftly flew out, and pounced on where the clothes fell.

Jiajia saw that the time had come, turned around and jumped from this tree to the shorter one on the side. With a single hand, he can easily hang the wooden gun on the branch with only one hand. He swings and faces forward again. Once he slid, he jumped out of the woods and landed steadily on the ground, and then ran towards the coconut tree with bare feet without shoes.

The giant jackal chased for a few steps, and rushed to see that the heat on his clothes was quickly weakened, and then sniffed, the smell was wrong, knowing that he was fooled, so he turned around wildly and rushed back, fast as lightning.

Jiajia did not dare to neglect, she slammed the wooden gun on the ground, then jumped up to the top of the crooked coconut tree, and with the other hand, she took out something from her trouser pocket that belonged to the spider crab she had cherished. Silk

She grabbed one end of the ball of thread, twitched it violently, and flicked it to the side. The ball of thread flew and unfolded into a silver-white silk rope. Jia Jia quickly tied a knot on the head of the coconut tree, and then stroked it. Jumped down with the silk rope, pulled the other end and ran to the root of the coconut tree, hooked the root of the tree with both feet, and then with a "Hi" in the mouth, he pulled the long spider crab silk, and it took more than five meters. The long coconut tree was bent over

The giant jackal looked for Jia Jia’s heat and followed closely. Due to the time difference between one and the other, it was huge, and the speed was unimaginable. It only took three steps to rush out of the woods and sniff left and right. , I found Jia Jia ten meters away.

Jiajia knew that the time was urgent, and hurriedly tied the pulled silk thread to the root of the tree and tied another knot. In this way, a coconut tree and a silk rope were tied into a huge bow by her.

"Your kid is unlucky today" Jia Jia murmured, drew a wooden gun from the ground as an arrow, double-pumped and grabbed the middle of the silk rope, kicked his legs in the middle of the trunk, and when he tried hard, he pulled the narrow bow. Pulled apart, the huge tension swelled and the coconut tree trunk rattled. Fortunately, the coconut tree is the most resilient and resilient tree in the world, and it won’t break.

And the extremely tough silk rope is the best material for bowstrings

Jiajia pointed the tip of the wooden gun at the huge jackal that came up on his face, and closed his eyes. I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you because you forced me.

"Boom" a huge echo bounced from between the hands, the silk rope instantly recovered its position, trembling violently, the straight wooden gun was hit by the huge thrust, and a cold light flew out, cutting through the air, whistling, Like meteor lightning

With thunder and roar, the wooden gun was inserted obliquely into the soil from a hundred meters away, and thick blood was dripping on the gun body.

The giant jackal almost still maintained its forward-throwing posture. The wooden gun was shot in from the mouth, directly penetrated the back spine, and flew out several tens of meters.

It instantly softened its front paws, and its huge body fell horizontally. After Jia Jia shot the wooden gun, he sat on the ground. Just about to stand up to see how it turned out, he saw an elephant-like body smashed over and piled on the ground. The mud, tumbling and throwing over the mud, she covered her eyes with both hands, and took two steps back.

The giant jackal's body was finally blocked by the "big bow" made by Jia Jia, and its long tongue tilted out of its mouth and died. The huge figure resembled a giant truck that was crashed in a car accident.

Jia Jia breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the gurgling blood from the giant jackal’s mouth, knowing that the threat was finally lifted, and the stone in her heart finally let go, she wiped her face under the rain, as if she couldn’t believe her success. Hehe smiled.

"Hehe, hehe, hahahaha" Jia Jia smiled and laughed, she burst into tears, and gradually wept bitterly. She sat down on the ground languidly, "I'm sorry, I don't want to kill you either."

On the one hand, it is really too scary. People are like this. The more dangerous they are, the less they are afraid. What they are afraid of is retrospect.

Just like what an old soldier said, when the war started, he was scared after the beginning, only the sound of the guns made him scared of nothing.

On the other hand, psychologically speaking, she is a girl after all. Although she has been baptized by battle, she has never actually killed anyone. Now she has shot and killed a giant beast with her own hands. This powerful psychological stimulation made her extremely sad.

After crying for a while, the sky lighted It was about 5 o'clock, and the rain was much lighter. Jia Jia limped back and stood listlessly in front of Keke and the others.

"I finally killed it"

Ke Ke jumped up with mixed feelings, went up and hugged Jia Jia's neck: "That's great, you're so amazing."

Jiajia's legs weakened, and she lay down: "Don't do it, my bones are almost falling apart, I'm really out of strength, I'm so hungry, all my energy is digested, and I have to eat."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, there was a commotion among the distant woods, and then two roars came from the depths of the dense forest: "Woooooooo"

Shadowingly, from the west where the giant jackals appeared, three identical giant jackals, one large and two small, sprang out one after another. The larger one was about the same as the previous one, and the smaller one was the size of a calf.

Ke Ke suddenly thought of something and slapped his head: "It's over, I forgot to tell you, jackals are social animals"

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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