Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 239: The real dragon descends

After breakfast, the sun had already climbed Lao Gao, and he was still in a coma, and a layer of fine sweat appeared on his forehead, but his heartbeat was quite steady, helpless, Jia Jia had to contribute his long wooden stalk. The two halves were broken, and countless spider and crab silks were wrapped in the middle to make a simple stretcher. One end was carried by Hao Zhi and Lele, Jia Jia held the back with one hand, and the other hand was picking his teeth with a small branch. , Hiccups continue along the way.

"This guy's meat is much better than beef" Jia Jia discussed with Hao Zhi all the way, "When we come back, we will have another one to eat."

"Let's pull it down, you almost let it eat it yesterday. If it weren't for the final rush, I'm afraid it would be the one sitting there to pick the teeth now." Hao Zhi laughed.

"That's also this girl who is amazing. The so-called beauty and wisdom are both important. The incarnation of hero and chivalry praises me."

"Yeah, you look really good compared to giant jackals"

"Die Hao Zhi, you won't eat the prey again, don't you" Jia Jia's face sank.

"Damn the little one, **** the little one, what the little lord said is extremely true," Hao Zhidui said with a smile, "I'm afraid that there will be some rare birds and animals in this dangerous place in the future, and the little ones can only rely on the little ones. The main force is to cast magic power, save me from the sea of ​​suffering early."

"Well, this is quite useful for the family." Jia Jia grinned while picking his teeth. The little crooked braid trembled in the morning light, with a sense of rhythm.

While chatting and laughing, a few people have been in the woods for more than ten minutes. As they walked, they suddenly opened up in front of them, and the jungle spread to both sides. In the middle of the woods, there was a rippling lake reflecting off.

The water of the lake must have flowed down from the melting snow on the mountain, so it was crystal clear. A few fishes lay quietly on the bottom of the lake. When they heard the sound of people talking, they were suddenly startled and aroused a splash of water. Disappeared in an instant

"It's so clear water." Hao Zhi put down the stretcher excitedly and took the water to drink. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

"Don't worry, I don't know if the water in the woods is poisoned or not," Lele reminded hurriedly.

Ke Ke also walked over, took a sip of water and tasted it: "It's still sweet, it's okay, there are fish in this water, it shouldn't be harmful to people"

Lele fumbled around in a circle, looked at Hao Zhi, and then walked far away around the lake alone.

"Hey, Lele, where are you going" Hao Zhi asked strangely.

Lele didn't look back, and walked all the way, Ke Ke only drank water and ignored him.

"Why did Lele go?" Hao Zhi turned to ask Jiajia when he saw that Ke Ke ignored him.

"She has something to do," Jia Jia replied vaguely.

"Haha, what else can she do here, can she meet an acquaintance" Hao Zhi put his hands together and shouted at Lele, "Lele, why are you going there, be careful and blindly biting people."

Lele had already walked a long way, turned back and gave Hao Zhibi a "go to death" gesture, then continued to walk forward, turned around, and disappeared behind the woods.

"What's the matter with Lele? Why don't we just leave us suddenly? I have to find her, don't let her have anything to do." Hao Zhi mentioned the machete to catch up, Jia Jia grabbed him: "I said you Is it pretending to be confused or has a problem with the brain, the girl goes to pee, do you take a knife over and prepare to do?"

"Ah" Hao Zhi's expression froze for a moment. The bloody-green skin of the Blood Moon Man would not turn red, but he was so embarrassed that he almost smoked.

Jia Jia laughed loudly, **** Hao Zhi's monkey-butt-like face and sneered: "You are ashamed, haha, you are also ashamed, so lenient, cough, throat so dry."

She had just eaten a belly of meat, just when she was too thirsty, she simply left Hao Zhi alone, ran over, drank a big drink by the water, and was drinking. The light from the corner of her eye suddenly flashed her vigilantly. He curled up and said to everyone: "Quickly, stay away from the shore. I seem to see something in the lake."

A slender black shadow glided across the clear lake and disappeared

"What?" Hao Zhi took two steps back quickly, guarding the little stretcher, preparing to escape.

Ke Ke also quickly stepped back a few steps and looked nervously at the calm water surface. Except for the splash that she had just stirred up, there was nothing else. Everyone was wondering. Suddenly, there was a trace on the water smooth, like A blade cut vertically upwards pierced the flat surface of the water. The dorsal fin was s-shaped and cruised around the water gracefully, and soon it sank again. The moment it turned over and dived, several people saw it. The silver-white body seems to be covered with scales

"It's a big fish," Keke judged, "The dorsal fin is so long, like a king octopus, but that thing is a saltwater creature, how could it run into this freshwater lake"

"I'm not sure, it seems that there are claws" Hao Zhibi said gesticulatingly, "It's so long, it looks a bit like"

"Like what?" Jia Jia asked.

"Like" Hao Zhi's words were not finished. Suddenly, a wave in the water turned up, and a slender neck protruded straight from the bottom of the water. The monster was more than ten feet long, covered with snow-white scales, and had a long and narrow fish on its back. The fins are like spikes with a length of several meters on the back. There is a membrane connection between each thorn. The bull's head has a square mouth and two sika deer-like horns grow on the top of the head. The long body looked stubby and powerful. It waved its snake-like body, rose in the air, then dived gracefully, and went back into the water.

Everyone in "Dragon" was dumbfounded and exclaimed in unison.

"Oh my god, it turned out to be a real dragon" Hao Zhi ran towards the lake with excitement, "Is it true that someone has gathered seven dragon balls, I have to make a wish."

"Wish it doesn't hurt too much when it eats you" Ke Ke reminded him. Hao Zhi ran back after a 180-degree turn when he heard it.

Xu Zhe, who was at the computer, was also quite surprised. He asked Lin Tao very unexpectedly: "You made a dragon out of it."

"It can't be called a dragon. We named it Qilongsen Anaconda. It is the experimental product after we have successfully studied the cross-class hybridization of organisms. On the one hand, it is mainly to test the extent of genetic hybridization of various organisms. On the other hand, it can be regarded as an ideal of Lu Fang. He is very interested in the dragon in Chinese mythology. He used the body of a giant python, plus the antlers of the bull's head, the tail of the king fish and the claws of the crocodile. It looks like a dragon. It is not a cost-effective project to synthesize such a complex creature. The cost is very It also takes a lot of time and it has no practical value at all. The body is too long. The tortoise is still slow. God doesn't let us overdo it because of his consideration." Lin Tao shook his head helplessly. For this reason, the two of us had a big fight.

"Then what are you doing with it? It is absolutely impossible for a one-time experiment to succeed. It must have been genetically propagated through several generations of samples. Is it useful to spend so much effort to create a waste product?" Xu Zhe asked.

"This is the thinking of your soldiers. Everything must have practical value. But as a businessman, Lu Fang sees its commercial value. Our Chinese civilization claims to be a descendant of the dragon. If it is not an alien invasion, it will be left before. , Can you imagine how much such a live mascot can sell? Lin Tao glanced at Xu Zhe triumphantly.

"When the enemy is right now, do you ride it to kill others" Xu Zhe sneered.

"Hmm, watch it, there will be a good show." Lin Tao Shou stayed up all night in front of the computer screen. At the moment, feeling a little tired, he fell on the sofa of the helicopter, rubbing his eyebrows with **** to refresh his mind. Come

...(Earth Destruction Plan../34/34735/)--(Earth Destruction Plan

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