Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 246: The sea is the dragon world

The electric shock was too powerful. Fortunately, Jia Jia had a certain distance from the little dragon. If she got closer, she wouldn’t be able to withstand such a short-term shock. , More current was led to the bottom of the lake by the water, and the voltage produced a gradient difference that quickly dissipated, allowing Jia Jia to escape. "Ωωω.qiiLα is more and more complete"

Jia Jia shook his head and cursed vaguely: "It's numb, I almost made you urinate your pants. Let's see how this girl cleans you."

With that being said, she didn't dare to approach the little dragon anymore, so she had to dodge to one side. Although this little guy is not big, he is electrified and cannot be touched. It’s useless to cry.

Jiajia stretched out the big scissors as much as possible, and drove the little dragon out of her range, while trying to paddle the water upwards, five meters, three meters, and quickly approached the surface of the water. She also knew the little dragon. Small size, the electricity accumulated in the body must not be much, otherwise it would have been discharged again and knocked him down, but this guy is also accumulating and recovering electricity, and it can be felt from the fins on its back that are slowly shining.

Jia Jia was not eager to get out of the water. She slowly paddled the water back to avoid it. The little dragon gradually felt regained. It flew up and down around Jia Jia and swam anxiously, and Jia Jia watched nervously. With that guy’s dorsal fin, it’s getting brighter and brighter, as if it’s coming out anytime.

Here it comes, it swims over

Jia Jia looked at the timing, and suddenly pulled out big scissors from behind, swung it from bottom to top like noodles, and was hitting the swimming dragon. At that moment, the dragon’s dorsal fin suddenly gathered electricity, and was about to Play, but feel that the body is swept heavily, swipe it upwards, and be picked out of the water in an instant

"Papa" a burst of electric shock was heard, water splashed everywhere, and the little dragon fell into the water again, but it trembled twice and died.

"What's going on?" Xu Zhe is puzzled. His political wisdom is quite high, but he is still much weaker than Lin Tao when it comes to scientific theories. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

"This girl is really a born fighter, and she thought of solving the problem like this in an instant." Lin Tao did not explain first, but sighed, and then said slowly, "The principle is the same as the electric eel. The body resistance of this little dragon is very high. So when it discharges, the current will take a relatively easy path, that is, in the water, the resistance of water is less than that of its body, but once it is picked into the air, it discharges again, and the resistance of the air is very large. Yes, it hardly conducts electricity. Wouldn't it give itself all the electricity it discharged, and it electrocuted itself"

And while in the lake, Jia Jia looked at the little dragon that had died stiff, and pinched his waist triumphantly: "Haha, you little fellow, the scumbag in all disciplines is bad, but the physics is pretty good, you hate it. I hate why our physics teacher looks so handsome."

Not long after Xiaolong’s body sank, another Qilongsen anaconda swam over and swallowed these cruel things in one bite. His own brother didn’t blink.

The guy ate his little friend in one bite, but felt unsatisfied. He turned his head and rushed towards Jia Jia. At the same time, the two left and right directions, and the remaining two also swam quickly at the same time, forming a triangle shape. The encirclement of Jiajia encloses Jiajia in the middle

The Chironsen anaconda that eats the dragon in the middle does not have crocodile-like claws, but it has long, fine hairs under its body, like countless silk threads hanging under its belly, and it swims with the waves of water, like a jellyfish. The same, it's actually very beautiful

The other two, one with thorns all over the body, resemble a huge sea cucumber, except that the thorns are all sharp and hard, which makes it look like a swimming mace, and the other is flat and long, almost translucent, except In addition to being slender, there are two wings-like wing membranes growing on both sides of the body, flapping like waves, but they also swim very fast.

Jiajia was brewing, and wanted to wait for the three dragons to rush to the final moment, leaping violently out of the water and onto the shore. She quietly fumbled for the stone wall behind her, looking for a gap where her feet could walk, but she felt for a long time. It's still a smooth surface, with occasional sculptural protrusions, and it's also very subtle, and it doesn't take any strength at all.

With the enemy on three sides, Jia Jia’s back leaned against the stone wall, already unable to retreat, facing up to the surface of the water, she wanted to jump but did not exert her strength, she was worried, she suddenly felt her body sank, and looked down at the first injury that appeared. The dragon's female dragon has been approaching quietly. It has a bull's head and a square mouth, its mouth is not easy to use, and its teeth are not sharp enough. However, it has a pair of crocodile claws. , And then quickly put her body on her lap, struggling to move downwards, seeming to want to take her into the deep water.

It's over, it's impossible to jump out if you want to jump now. Jia Jia bent over and cut the tail of the Qilong with big scissors. He imagined that he would cut off the other party to escape as before, but the Qilongsen. The anaconda is covered in silver hard armor, and it is extremely smooth.

Ten meters, nine meters, three strange dragons are approaching quickly, each of them erected stings like hedgehogs on their bodies. If they were pierced, it would not be as simple as before, but they would only bleed.

Jia Jia was sweating profusely, but she couldn't see any sweat in the water. She tried hard to get rid of the female dragon on her like a tightly fastened one that cannot be taken off. I couldn’t get rid of my sneakers. At this moment, I suddenly felt a squeeze in my chest. Oh my god, probably my Lele’s ability is about to disappear.

After all, she only drank some blood water, which was also diluted by the lake water. It was not easy to be able to sustain it until now. In addition, Jia Jia's own metabolism level is very fast, she secretly touched the ribs, those growing gills. Has begun to close, and will disappear soon

What should I do? Jia Jia is panicked. If he loses his ability to breathe underwater, he will immediately be suffocated in the water even if he exerts great effort. If he wants to stretch his head to change his breath, he has already been caught by the hundreds of kilograms of Qilongsen Anaconda. It was dragged to a depth of more than two meters above the water, and it was still trying to hold on to itself, as if knowing that Jia Jia was almost unable to hold it.

There is only fighting strength. See if you have the energy or I have the energy. Jia Jia rolled over and leaned on the stone wall, turned his palms into his hands, and slammed into the stone wall. In an instant, he pierced two cracks in the stone, splitting upwards and extending straight out. On the surface of the water, she grabbed the cracks in the stone and climbed up with difficulty. The three Qilongsen anacondas behind her each waved their stinger and rushed over like three meteors, four meters, three meters, and two meters.

...(Earth Destruction Plan../34/34735/)--(Earth Destruction Plan

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