Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 25: trade

   Hao Zhi heard clearly, the middle-aged man said, there is still some help!

   He almost ecstatically asked quickly, you mean, can you really revive her?

The middle-aged man straightened up, took a cigarette from his pocket, took a deep breath, and sprayed strong smoke in the bright light. He half leaned on the car body, smiling and smoking without talking, making Hao Zhi anxious. Step forward, begging, can you help her?

   He lowered his head and flicked the soot, his eyes suddenly turned upwards: "It's not difficult to resurrect her, but the question is, why should I help you?"

   Hao Zhi was taken aback, choked by the other party’s question, yeah, why would he help someone he didn’t know at all?

   "Let's talk about it, I can do whatever you want, as long as you can save her!" Hao Zhi remembered the words always said by the threatened people on TV.

   "I know that you actually want to use your ability to modify history to save her, but is your ability invalidated?"

   Hao Zhi nodded silently. The other party seemed to know everything. Since he can mobilize the army, this intelligence source shouldn't be a problem for him.

"According to my speculation, there will be a period of recovery after each use of your ability. Within this period of time, you cannot use it. It may be three days and five days, or ten days and a half month. Determined according to your personal physical strength, the ghost guy is very strong, unless it is like the situation on the subway that day, he can use it continuously without adjustment."

   "Then I can wait for the ability to recover, and then go back to save her?"

   "No, you can't save her..." the man said quietly.

Ah? Hao Zhi suddenly remembered that this was what the ghost called to him before being taken away by the police!

   The man saw Hao Zhi's doubts, he took a cigarette, and slowly explained to him: history, you know? History is what has happened in the past. As far as our scientific theories are concerned, history cannot be modified.

   Why can't it be modified? Hao Zhi suddenly remembered the time he went back to the past and used Lele to block the bullet for Wang Yanke. Obviously, everyone present now didn't know that.

   The man took a heavy puff and explained patiently:

   Let’s make a simple assumption. This girl was killed at 12 noon. For you at 1 o’clock, her death is a history at 12 o’clock. Isn’t this easy to understand?

And if you can go back to 11 o'clock in the morning to save her through time, then the 12 o'clock when she died is no longer the past of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and becomes the future of 11 o'clock where you are again, although 12 o'clock is still Not there, but you clearly remember in your consciousness that she died at 12 o'clock. The future was unpredictable, but because of your crossing, it became the future doomed to happen.

So, even if you disturb the time flow of history and make it change, this death event that has already occurred in the future, or what we call doomed destiny, will not change again. She will still die, but it may be It will be superimposed on the hour of your return, postponed to 1 o'clock, or you may die for other reasons, so no matter how many times you go back in the past...

   You can only change the way she died at the time, but you can't change the result. "

Hao Zhi was silly on the spot. He quickly recalled everything that happened before. Wang Yanke was killed. He went back to the past and did change the way she was killed, but did not change the result of her doomed killing. It was only in ten minutes. Later, she died again under the hands of the ghost...

   "You mean, I revised the past, but I presupposed a future. Her death is inevitable..."

"Well, you can think about it, you may not be the last person who can travel through time. In the future, human technology will definitely surpass that hurdle and be free to travel to any stage of history. If that is the case, we should still be around us now. Dinosaurs, isn't it?" The middle-aged man laughed heartily, "We don't have dinosaurs everywhere in our lives now, it is evidence that future humans have not changed the past!"

   Lele pulled Hao Zhi's sleeves behind his back, and whispered: "I think this man seems to be very treacherous, could it be fooling you?"

Hao Zhi nodded. From the current point of view, what he said is reasonable, and there is no other way. He lifted his chin and looked at the man coldly: "Then you want me to do it for you. What can you do to save her? Since you are here waiting for me, naturally you are not trying to give me a science class..."

"Ha, clever, you guys..." The man drew a circle at the four young people opposite with his hand holding a cigarette, "including the one in the car, your special ability is for me, or for This world has great value. You know, I have been focusing on researching bioengineering for so many years. What I want to explore is the limit of the human body, but I have never encountered a specimen as special as yours. Therefore, I want you to do it for you. I will do an experiment to test your abilities!"

  Experiment? Zhang Diandian stuck out his tongue and muttered, "I really have become a guinea pig!"

"Of course, the danger is not without it. Frankly speaking, in this experiment, you may only have a 1% chance of surviving... You can choose to turn around and leave now. I will not stop you, but I can accompany you. Some gifts, if you participate, I will tell you the truth behind all of this, including why all of you have special abilities, and the relationship between me and the ghost...Of course, there are many things that you can’t even think of. thing."

   Hao Zhi turned his head, looked at Song Xiaojia, Lele and Zhang behind him, and then resolutely twisted back: "I promise, let them go!"

Song Xiaojia was anxious when she heard that she had no hope of resurrecting Wang Yanke. She just wanted Hao Zhi to try this trip. When she died, her heart fell down. She didn't expect to make the fake come true. This time, even he Xiaoming also got in, she pulled Hao Zhi's arm: "You dare to agree without asking any experiment? What if you turn around and roast you?"

  Hahahaha, I don’t eat people! The man was obviously amused by Song Xiaojia's words, and his smile fell to the ground. After a while, his expression became serious again: "However, I want all of you, one less, it doesn't count!"

   Wang Lele groaned, and stood up from behind Hao Zhi: "Count me! I don't want to give up a chance to save Wang Yanke!"

Zhang Diandian blinked those big Shui Lingling eyes: "I have no interest in resurrecting anyone, but I really want to know that secret. I want to know why I am different, and the other secrets you said. It must be fun too!"

   Song Xiaojia saw that Lele and Diandian were the first to agree, so she had to smile wryly: "When I came here, four people, can't I drive an empty car back, right?"

  Haha, then it's a deal!

The middle-aged man said and straightened up: "Get to know, my name is Lin Tao! I will take the girl's body first and put it in a refrigerator. It will be destroyed if I put it here." Lin Tao arranged, and the two soldiers pulled away the sports car. The door lifted Wang Yanke's body out and transferred it to another black pickup sedan.

   He introduced himself politely, then turned his head and walked towards the end of the tunnel, leaving a few people behind, and soon he reached the end of the road made up of car lights, and his back was about to disappear into the darkness.

Hey? Where is the experiment you are talking about? Hao Zhi shouted at him.

   "It has already started, the first test, as long as one of you can walk in front of me alive, even if the first level has been passed! The opponent is my mercenary subordinate!"

   A word from Lin Tao in the wind. At the same time, the soldiers standing on both sides of the pickup truck quickly pulled the bolts of the guns, and they clicked into one piece...

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