Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 259: Smelly

"Run" Hao Zhi felt that a disaster was imminent. He pulled Lele and pushed forward a little bit. He followed and turned around and ran. This is not a tight run, the few jade-faced flying apes that were following unhurriedly. He rushed up, moving like lightning. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

Hao Zhi pricked his ears to listen to the movement behind his back. The sounds of twitching the branches of grass blades got closer and closer. He didn't dare to turn his head back, but just running stupidly, how could the speed be faster than those flying apes?

One of the sturdy and fierce flying apes suddenly jumped up behind him, kicked on the tree trunk with four claws, and another force, hitting Hao Zhi's head, two sharp front claws cut to his shoulders like knives , The stubby hind paws suddenly wrapped around his waist, and he threw Hao Zhi down.

Hao Zhi was running, feeling that his back sank, and he didn't know what plant's cane had tripped under his feet. He staggered two steps and fell to the ground with a cry of ouch. He stood up on the spot, trying to put his back on his back. Flying Ape lifted it down, but the guy clenched tightly, holding the clothes on Hao Zhi's waist with the palms of his feet like hands, and couldn't shake it off.

The human-faced flying ape on his back roared wildly, grabbing Hao Zhi's neck with his hands, and opening his mouth to bite.

The focus of this human-faced flying ape’s attack is to bite only the arteries.

Hao Zhi felt a hot bad breath coming from the back of his head, and knew that he was going to be troublesome. He pulled his hands backwards and couldn't reach the flying ape. He turned twice and only pulled two red hairs off.

In desperation, he was also wise. Suddenly he pulled up green onions on a dry land and jumped up, then lay face up to the sky, lay down in the air and hit the flying ape heavily. After all, he was a boy, no matter how light he was. At about 1.5 meters, it’s only the size of a child, how can it withstand such a blow?

The flying ape lying underneath was squeaked by Hao Zhi, and he had to let go of his hands and feet.

Hao Zhi's waist was also bitten bitterly by the water bottle in the bag, grinning with pain, but fortunately, Diandian and Lele have turned back, each took him by one hand, and quickly pulled him up. Three people Supporting each other and fleeing a few steps forward, Lele accidentally tripped over again. The forest is too dark and can't see any roads. Just running like this will be a dead end sooner or later.

The smashed flying ape also got anxious eyes. It turned over and swooped up, no matter whether it was neck or not, it gnawed on Lele's leg like crazy, and Lele lay on the ground, yelling with pain in his feet. Kick

Hao Zhi picked up the machete and slashed down at the guy fiercely, but he took it upside down in a hurry, with the back of the knife facing down, and hitting the guy's head with the back of the knife, smashing it to the point of squeaking and jumping out of the circle.

Little bit quickly took the opportunity to pull Lele up. Lele was lame and wanted to continue running, but suddenly a deep hole appeared at the foot of the front. The hole was hidden like a trap in the middle of the bush, and it was filled and covered by wide leaves. Live, in such a dark environment, it is impossible to find out. "Ωωω.qiiLα is more and more complete"

The three people stepped into the air at the same time, hugged them and rolled and fell into the pile of leaves. When they got up again, their heads were covered with leaves.

The **** hole was shaped like a big wok, filled with soft leaves and shrubs. Three people sat up and found that on the top of the hole, a few flying apes were pacing back and forth along the edge of the hole. Why didn’t they chase them? Come down

For a while, the surrounding area calmed down, only the footsteps of the flying ape stepping on the fallen leaves, rustling.



When calmed down, the three felt a group of black flying insects roaring in front of their eyes and ears.

Lelehe kept waving his hands to disperse those flying insects. After listening carefully, he knew that it was a fly.

Blow fly

"How disgusting why so many flies?" Lele drove around in disgust, then suddenly stopped and asked, "What smell?"

Hao Zhi also found out. He raised his nose and almost vomited it out. It smelled

The smell of rotting corpses

This is a corpse

"Hold the grass, there shouldn't be any corpses that rot here anymore, no wonder those flying monkeys didn't chase them down, they also disgusted with the smell" Hao Zhipu pulled around, but didn't find any dead objects.

Follow the direction of the smell, where is the corpse under the root of a tree in the middle of the pit, open the leaves of the bush, and find a huge flower

This is really the largest flower in the world they have ever seen. Each petal is as long as a forearm and is fat and wide. The bright red petals are dotted with dense white dots, and there is a zigzag-shaped hole in the middle like a mouth. , The whole looks like a huge jar with five petals, the mouth of the jar is spraying out a foul smell

"I've seen it on TV. This is a big flower, the smelliest flower in the world. It's rare to see it real" Hao Zhi pinched his nose and said in a weird voice.

"Oh" I just drank so much water, my stomach was so full that I almost vomited.

"It's really smelly, it's so numb," even Lele, who has always been gentle, couldn't help cursing swear words at this moment.

"Don't" Hao Zhi's heart moved, "I'm really fortunate to have this thing. If it weren't for this smell, I'm afraid those monkeys would have rushed down and ripped us up."

"It's just that they seem to hate this smell." Lele also seems to realize that this smell may be the key to a few people's escape.

"I hate it too" pinching his nose little by little.

Hao Zhi held his breath, stretched out his hand to grab a petal, brushed it and tore it off, shredded the flower and flesh, rubbed it in his palm, wringing out a lot of stinking water, he didn't care so much, his face, neck, and body were mixed. Smear it

After painting himself, Hao Zhi suffocated the feeling of vomiting, sticking his tongue out and said to Lele and them: "Come on, I will wipe it on you so that the monkeys will not attack you."

Lele looked at the flying apes who were still lingering on the edge of the pit behind him and refused to leave, and at the two sticky, sticky, stinking **** flesh in Hao Zhi's hands, and simply pulled it out from behind. She handed her own saber forward to Hao Zhi: "You should kill me on the spot."

Diandian even pinched his nose and shook his head forever: "I, Zhang Diandian will not wipe that thing to death."

"What can I do if you die here, wait for death here and wait for your body to rot with this flower, you will be as stinky as it is, and you will not dislike it when you see it?" Hao Zhi was so angry that he taught them aloud. When I was speaking, my tongue was hardened by the smell of my body, and the jackal meat I ate in my stomach turned straight up.

"No, we girls have their own dignity, or they are or die" Lele stubbornly hid behind and took a little bit and left.

"You" Hao Zhi was speechless with anger, really can't understand these girls, it's this time, save your life.

He turned around and tore a large piece of petals, carrying them to catch up with them. Before climbing up, he rubbed two stinky flowers and threw them on. Those human-faced flying apes thought it was something to eat and smashed them up. , First hid, and then went around, got together and smelled it, smoked and fled from the old heights, and one of them vomited on the spot.

"Your taste is not as good as a monkey" Lele satirized Hao Zhi, "You stay away from us, don't touch me, ah, ah, your hand"

Hao Zhi wanted to cry without tears. The first time he was so completely disgusted by the girls, he had no choice but to protect them, so Lele had to open the way. As a little stinky person, he had to hold the huge stinky petals. There was a foul fan behind, driving away the last three human-faced flying apes who were still reluctant to leave, and did not dare to rush up.

...(Earth Destruction Plan../34/34735/)--(Earth Destruction Plan

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