Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 261: New problem

?? Lele is okay, a bite is not terrible, but a bit of bite is dead!

The other two did the same. One grabbed a little bit of hair and broke her head, revealing her white neck, and she was about to bite when she opened her mouth!

At this moment, Lele suddenly struggled, shaking off the flying ape from her neck, reaching out and grabbing the clothes Hao Zhi had just laid on the ground, and when she was held down again, she suddenly stinked the piece so hard that it could no longer smell. His clothes stretched under the little bit of nose, and took a deep breath little by little, feeling a sour stench rushing into his throat, his stomach was upset, and a huge feeling of vomiting came up against his heart. I had drunk two and a half bottles before. All the mineral water came out, and she shook her head, a burst of gastric hydration that had just been chewed for a long time in her mouth spurted out wildly, spraying onto the faces of the two flying apes in front of her!

The last flying ape was also taken aback. He didn’t know what was going on. The second wave of rumination started with a "vomit", and another puff of stomach acid and the fruit dregs in his mouth sprayed. It has one eye.

The three flying apes screamed and screamed and rolled on the spot. The huge sting made them madly rolling on the floor, covering their heads and crawling to escape. Hao Zhi put out his last bit of strength. Suddenly grabbing the tail of a jade-faced flying ape that fell behind, the flying ape couldn't open his eyes, and I didn't know who caught him, so scared and desperately trying to break free, but fortunately it was strong enough. He dragged Hao Zhi's entire upper body out of the quagmire. Using the power of the jade-faced flying ape, he slammed upwards and lay flat on the swamp...

"What kind of secret weapon is that? How did you make those monkeys like this?" Hao Zhi asked curiously, panting.

Lele laughed loudly: "God bless, who would have thought that there would be wild chili peppers here? Is this chili water good enough?"

"Oh, oh my god, I'm so spicy!" After holding back for a long time, I started howling loudly. The sound resounded through the jungle, shaking the night birds flying, the leaves shaking, and the whole valley produced a continuous echo.

Lele pulled Hao Zhi's hand up and knelt by the swamp pond with a rolling smile: "Isn't it? That's a pure wild Chaotian pepper. A small one can make a person's tongue tingle." She ate two large handfuls and they were still raw...maybe how spicy it is!"

Her mouth was about to burn and swell. She took a few mouthfuls of the mineral water bottle handed by Hao Zhi, then snorted and rinsed her mouth. After tossing for a long time, she pulled her tongue with her hand and complained indistinctly. Okay. It's so spicy, I won't eat chili again!

"Hey? Why is your voice better?" Hao Zhi reminded her in surprise.

"Yeah, that's right, how could it be done so soon?" Lele also found that the voice of a little bit of talking had recovered more than half!

After listening to these words, she realized that her throat had returned to normal. She coughed dryly, and found that she didn't feel any discomfort: "Wow, it's probably the chili pepper. It's so irritating. Could it be poison to fight poison? I listened. It is said that the primitive tribes in the past used chili to reduce inflammation. Is this because of this?"

No matter what, it's finally better, Zhang Diandian shouted in the woods with a loud voice: "The sky is dry and everything is dry, watch out for the flames, the princess is going to avoid idlers, who is not afraid of death to come out and ask me to see?"

Those strange worms and monsters usually listen to the domineering howls of blind jackals at most. Where have you experienced this inhuman movement? I was so scared that they all shrank their necks and hid them in the hole, and the atmosphere didn't dare to come out...

The three people walked over here talking and laughing. When they reached the foot of the mountain, the sky was already bright. Song Xiaojia took the cane down and hung the three people up one by one. Don’t meet again, and a few people embraced excitedly. Jumping and cheering together.

On the east side of the sea, the golden morning light is slowly rising, and the haze after the Dust Era seems to have all faded away!

But now it’s the second day, the 48-hour countdown, there is not much time left. I look back at the high mountains in front of me. The cliffs are towering and rugged. Between the two steep peaks, there is a platform on it. , Building a house with white walls and black roof, the button to help is there!

Time is running out, and a few people are ready to set off before they can think about it. Suddenly, Lu Fang’s voice came from the collar around his neck: "Congratulations, you guys have passed the first stage. It seems that the monsters in the woods have not caused you too much trouble. A lot of trouble, as I expected, you are very strong, but... the next test will not be that simple!"

"What do you mean?" Song Xiaojia asked him weirdly, "How many monsters can you have? Take it out and let the sister eat it in a pot!"

"Hehe, silly boy, the test the world puts on you can't be solved simply with violence. If that's the case, Tyson would have long been the President of the United States!"

"What tricks do you want to play?"

"Haha, wronged, I kindly remind you that you only have less than 12 hours left, and where you are now, you are probably on the vertical bottom corner of a right triangle, climbing up in a straight line. It’s the closest way. As long as you climb the cliff in front of you, it only takes about 4 hours to reach the laboratory. If you choose to go to the bottom of the triangle, go around to a position where you can go up the mountain, and then go on the hypotenuse of the triangle. It takes at least 20 hours to get to the laboratory even if you keep running, which is too late!"

Wang Yanke inspected the shape and approximate area of ​​the mountain, quickly calculated the distance and time, and nodded to the other people. The information provided by Lu Fang is correct. If it is a detour, it is impossible to make it within 12 hours. To the laboratory, if Wan encountered some monsters blocking the way along the way, it would be even more hopeless.

"And I also want to tell you that, unlike what you think, there is only one button to stop the detonation in the laboratory. We have specially installed five remote controls, one for each, all fingerprint recognition, you only have to press and write The button of your name can prevent your collar from exploding. If someone accidentally presses someone else’s, cancellation will become an explosion. In other words, you can only save yourself, and others cannot save you!"

"Grass! Really perverted! You old man is so wicked, you are not afraid that the coffin will not be covered?" Hao Zhi scolded, I have already reminded it. This is a reward for your previous performance. You can choose how to go the rest of the way! "Lu Fang's voice disappeared, and several people fell into silent thinking for an instant.

The cliff in front of you is six to seven hundred meters high, and is close to a 90-degree right angle. You can’t see the top at a glance. It can be described as towering, not only steep and steep. It is possible to complete the task, even if a rock climber with many years of experience does not have a safety rope and tools, he will not take this risk.

So far, the only person who might climb this cliff is Song Xiaojia, who has a super-developed motor nerve!

Life is a process of choosing one after another, but not every choice is a matter of life and death, so we always ignore the importance of decision-making ability to a person.

The wind on the cliffs is much stronger than the bottom of the mountains. The sea breeze is dry and salty, the sun is bright and dazzling, and everything is grayish white. The rocks are hot and hot to the touch, and a cloud is sneaking past, reminding everyone that the time is still one minute and one second. Walking on the ground, it’s far better to make a choice casually while standing in place. Sometimes, while making a decision, you have already lost the opportunity to make a decision...

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