Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 268: Last resort

"No! The method you mentioned is too dangerous!" Xu Zhe could not let him finish, and flatly refused his request.

"What is the solution?" Hao Zhi was still the most curious person after all, unable to hold back and asked.

"Revision...history!" Lin Tao looked at everyone and said firmly.

Edit history?

Everyone's eyes focused on Hao Zhi.

Lin Tao nodded: "It's not difficult to understand. In the 51st area, we had a conversation with Eke the Wise. Do you remember? He said that aliens came across a distance of billions of kilometers. To invade the earth, it must first obtain some useful information about the people on the earth before making this decision, otherwise no one will come hastily.

Therefore, we can know from this that it is human beings that leaked out the biological information of the earth or human beings. Hao Zhi has the ability to travel through time. As long as he goes back to history and prevents us from releasing human information into outer space, he can establish a A new historical node, and completely change all futures from this historical node.

In other words, aliens don't know the existence of the earth at all, or know that there is life on the earth, but don't know whether the earth's environment is the same as they want, and they will not easily invade us aggressively.

It’s like a person crossing the road with a friend. Because he joked, his friend fell into the road and was hit and killed by a car. If he had the ability to go back to the past, he would naturally not make that joke, so history was rewritten. When he returned to his time period again, the future of the time he lived was changed, and his friends were still alive. "

"Childish!" Xu Zhe said sharply, and at the same time walked to the desk and rang the secretary's ringtone. A sweet voice came from the pager. What's your order?

Please Mr. Tom Burton, the person in charge of the Science and Technology Department, to come to my office!


After a while, a white old man with silver hair knocked on the door and walked into the head of state's office with a smile: "Your Excellency, are you looking for me?"

Xu Zhe nodded, and then said to Lin Tao: "I don't understand science and technology, but I will also consult experts. You can listen to what the old man thinks of your plan!"

Obviously, Xu Zhe had already discussed this topic with Tom Burton before. The old scientist knew what was going on when he heard it. He pushed the glasses on his face and answered calmly: "As a theoretical physicist, I am very I appreciate your courage and courage to propose such a grand plan, but it is a pity that it does not conform to the common sense of physics that we have mastered. Fundamentally speaking, it is an impossible plan!"


Mr. Tom slowly stated: "Sir, everyone, as we all know, the theory of relativity clearly states that the speed of time lapse is equivalent to the speed of light. The closer the object speed is to the speed of light, the slower the passage of time. With the speed of light, it is possible to reverse time and go back to the past... However, under the constraints of the basic laws of physics in our current universe, it is impossible for any object to exceed the upper limit of the speed of light. Therefore, since it is impossible, Then this is simply a false proposition that does not exist at all."

"Oh?" Lin Tao sneered, "What if someone has ever successfully returned to the past?"

"This is impossible!" the old scientist retorted in surprise.

"Hao Zhi..." Lin Tao pointed with his hand, "In order to save Wang Yanke, you crossed time once, on the subway, and changed the history once, didn't you?"

"But..." Hao Zhi hesitated and raised his hand to interrupt the dispute between the two. "There was one time, but no matter who was right, even if time travel was feasible, you told me that in the past, It is impossible to change!"

That was when he first saved Wang Yanke by changing the time. Lin Tao once told him that once history is formed, it can no longer be modified. It is like Wang Yanke was shot and killed on the subway at 12 noon. What happened, even if he went back to the past 11 o’clock and changed the time of her death, as long as he remembers the conclusive future event that "Wang Yanke was killed at 12 o’clock", it will definitely continue. It happened, and the facts also proved that Wang Yanke did not escape the catastrophe in the end, and was killed by the ghost in a period of time after a while.

Later, he also gave up this rescue attempt. The old Wang Yanke was indeed dead. This period of history has remained unchanged.

"Have you ever used your ability to save me once? Why didn't you hear you tell me?" Wang Yanke was taken aback and asked Hao Zhi in a low voice.

"Ah? Haha, what is there to say... Actually, I didn't save you, but Lele blocked the shot on the subway for you..." Hao Zhi scratched his head and smiled.

On the other hand, Mr. Burton hesitated and said: "The theoretical basis for time travel has been there before. We can make a simple analogy-suppose a person, let’s call him number 1, for the time being, riding a bicycle on the road. Walking up, there is the same bicycle rider No. 2 behind him. He rides the bike at a higher speed and walks in front of No. 1. Then, we can calibrate the time loss in this time period to three The specific event, that is, one, represents the time when No. 2 is in the past behind No. 1, and two, represents the moment when No. 2 and No. 1 pass by, the time when the two are parallel, and three represents the future 2. The time period before the number 1.

And we can regard No. 2 as the time when the speed of light travels. When its constant speed remains the same, if we want history to repeat itself, we must return No. 1 to the front of No. 2. Then, the only way is to increase When the speed of No. 1 is based on the origin of the coordinates, that is, when the two sides are walking side by side, only when the speed of No. 1 is increased to the speed of light, can it keep moving forward with No. 2. Then, the two people are in parallel. Just stay fixed, that is, time does not move, and if the speed of No. 1 surpasses No. 2, it will return to the front of No. 2, which is a repeat of history. Relatively speaking, No. 2 is riding slowly backwards, and The position of No. 2 depends entirely on No. 1’s speed of surpassing the speed of light. The more it surpasses the speed of light, the more backward the so-called “past” that No. 2 retreats will be...

But unfortunately, the scientific theories we have so far do not allow any macroscopic objects to approach or reach the speed of light, let alone talk about surpassing the speed of light..."

"This is indeed true. The method that the ghost taught me at the time was to go back to the past for a few seconds by relying on brain waves and control Lele's body. It can't be regarded as'I' in the true sense of returning to the past!" Hao Zhi suddenly I remembered this.

Mr. Burton seemed to be proud of the confirmation of his theoretical conjecture, and pushed the thick lenses on his face: "Just a few seconds like the upper body of a ghost is obviously not enough to change any historical node!"

Lin Tao shrugged helplessly: "I did say that at the time, but it was limited to your personal brain waves under the action of your supernatural powers, bizarrely surpassing the speed of light to return to the past. This little bit of microwave has an impact on the historical torrent. The changes in the country should be extremely small. In fact, history is not unchangeable, but our interference with it is not so great that it can affect its progress!"

"The most dangerous thing is your thoughts! What you have to do this time is more than just sending a brain wave message back, sending a living person back to the historical node!" Head of State Xu Zhe said coldly, " Do you know the catastrophic consequences of doing so? In order to atone for your sins, do you have to bear this unpredictable danger for all mankind?"

Atonement? Hao Zhi remembered in a daze. The first time he talked to Lin Tao about aliens, he did call himself that, saying that he was a sinner of mankind, atonement or something.

"Yes! He was the one who leaked the secrets of human genes to the Blood Moon! He made this plan to modify history not purely for the current predicament of mankind, but more just to modify the mistake he committed! The heavy shackles that I have been carrying for 20 years are no more!" Xu Zhe rebuked loudly.

Did Lin Tao reveal the secrets of mankind?

Everyone immediately stunned and looked at him with scrutiny eyes. Lin Tao smiled: "Xu Zhe, I have known each other for 20 years. In your eyes, I will always be the sinner, and you are always too conceited. NS!"

"In any case, I will not allow you to risk the future of mankind. Your speculative thinking will only drive all mankind to **** with you!" Xu Zhe screamed out the door, "Come here! Take him to me!"

However, after stopping for a long time, there was no movement. Xu Zhe faintly felt something was wrong. He leaped forward and jumped to the back of the office. He quickly drew a pistol from under the drawer. The muzzle was just raised halfway, and a black handle was just raised. The gun had already hit his forehead one step ahead of him!

"Lin Tao! What do you want to do?" Xu Zhe was not afraid, but instead asked loudly.

"I don't want to do anything, I am here today, not to apply for your approval of my proposal, but to inform you ~ ~ I want to implement the plan against the sky!" Lin Tao smiled slightly and put his finger on the trigger.

"When I sent away Hao Zhi and the Battle Cat regiment at Lanzhou Airport, I mentioned it to you once. Because of the emergency at the time, I thought that after twenty years, you and I have reached unity on the front. Who knows? You remained silent noncommittal until after the end of the Doomsday War. I mentioned this issue to you again. It was a frank and open-minded hoping for your support. We are fully capable of saving the current devastating planet before the incident. But you are indecisive, thinking that you are thinking about the so-called consequences of arbitrarily modifying history. To prevent me from finding Hao Zhi, you imprisoned me and locked me for more than half a year. You thought I would give it to you again. Will one chance lock me up?"

"You... how did you bring the gun here?" Xu Zhe, as the leader of the doomsday, has always been strict in security work around him. Even if Hao Zhi and Wang Yanke came to see him, he would have to go through a rigorous body search. Lin Tao could not have brought one. Those who pass the security check unless there is an insider!

Before he could finish his question, a tall and thin figure appeared at the door, wearing a straight military uniform, wearing a gray military cap, holding the same gun in his hand, and said apologetically: "Sorry, head of state, I support General Lin Tao's decision is justified!"

Everyone looked at the visitors, and was surprised to find that it was Xu Zhe's most intimate secretary-Zhang Xurui! Zhang Dian Dian...

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