Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 273: Consciousness energy

?? It happened irretrievably.

There is no regret medicine in the world, but then again, if there is a real chance of regret, would you choose to revise the past?

I think the answer for most people is yes!

Even if that represents danger.

No one knows how Xu Zhe finally changed the position he insisted on. Perhaps it was due to the death of Lin Tao, or the situation that he couldn't manage in the end. He knew that he had no power to restrict Hao Zhi and the others. The strength in them was too great. Strong, as long as the five of them want to do it, no one can stop it. Lin Tao is very smart. This trick before he died has forced everyone to a dead end.

In fact, there is no difference between his position and Lin Tao's position, except that he chose a different path.

Xu Zhe insists on politics, and the possibility of stability is his first choice.

Lin Tao relies on intuition, which is the inspiration he got from years of researching science.

If we continue to develop on a dead end, it is better to take a gamble and take the remaining billions of human beings and the future of the entire planet for a prosperous and peaceful world.

It was Zhang Diandian who changed him in the end. After everyone left, she said something to Xu Zhe. As for what she said, even Hao Zhi didn’t know. In short, Xu Zhe finally nodded and agreed to continue Lin Tao’s Action", because he had already made various preparations in secret before, only a few simple finishing tasks were left, the time capsule had been built, and only one execution time was left.

A week later, in Xu Zhe's office of the head of state.

Hao Zhi patted the table and rebuffed loudly, "Go back 20 years ago? Are you kidding me? I can travel through time, but my ability is not at such a distant point in time. Space distance is not a problem for me. But the time jump I can do is no more than ten minutes! My physical stamina is maintained up to that point, even if I go back, after a second, I will be thrown back by time when I am exhausted. Formation continues, what can one second do?"

"Because you belong to this time, your time attribute is fixed, like an invisible rubber band tied to your waist, even if you try your best to return to the past, this kind of spatial distortion tension Will bounce you back soon." Wang Yanke explained.

"Yes, so you need the help of a higher energy level!" Song Xiaojia stood up.

"Do you have any good opinions from the Ability Department?" Xu Zhe asked her.

"Perhaps," Song Xiaojia opened a document in his hand and handed it over. "I asked my subordinates to make a feasibility report. After all, this is a matter for our Ability Department. You know, Old Xu, for several years. , Our research on supernatural beings has basically touched some context. The fundamental reason why these humans have all kinds of strange abilities is that they all carry a special brain wave, which we also call consciousness Energy is the ability to directly affect the body's atomic energy through the control of biological waves through consciousness.

Just like a person can use consciousness to mobilize the electric waves in the body to change the structure of the atom and make it split, which can cause superficial abilities where everything he encounters is broken by him. The same basic consciousness can pass Different people's personalities are manifested in different forms of supernatural powers, but in fact they are basically the same thing, nothing more than strengths or weaknesses, or different manifestations! "

"Can this kind of consciousness be collected, produced, or transferred?" Xu Zhe sensitively asked the most critical question.

"We haven't found a way to produce, cannot store, and collection has no meaning, but fortunately, it can be transmitted. After all, the ability of supernatural powers to act on others or objects is a process of transferring consciousness."

"Pass it directly?" Xu Zhe asked.

"Some low-level abilities can only be transmitted through touch, and high-level consciousness can control, I am training now, this group of abilities called'Z Warriors' can be directly transmitted through electrical signals in air molecules. As long as everyone erases the destructive part of the ability and only transmits energy, it can help Hao Zhi's consciousness to be strengthened. It seems that everyone’s ability is like a fist, consciously changing the way of transmission. It can turn fists into palms and play a role in fueling the flames. These energy will be transformed into a steady stream of physical strength in Hao Zhi's body, helping him to return to the past, and maintain it for a longer period of time to complete the task."

"Approximately how many abilities are needed to support at the same time?" Xu Zhe looked at the report and asked.

Song Xiaojia smiled, and looked back at the bloodstain on the wall that had not yet been cleared: "If it was before the end of the war, it would be impossible for Lin Tao to perform this, because according to our calculations, according to the strength of the primary ability's consciousness. If superimposed, at least 10,000 people with supernatural powers are needed. At that time, the entire Dawn organization combined, but only more than 2,000 people. Fortunately, after the end of the day, due to the weakening of geomagnetism and the attack of solar storms, the mutated humans exploded. There are no less than 50,000 new people with supernatural abilities on our register alone!"

"The ability department is expanding really fast!" He laughed happily.

"But, attracted by the charm of this girl, there is an endless stream of people who come to pick and choose, and there are still many high-level people. I met a person last week, and the ability has just appeared less than two. Years, it has reached Tier 3 strength."

"Tier 3 strength?" Xu Zhe asked with interest.

"Oh, that's it. For the convenience of management and statistics, we have marked the level of each ability person according to the strength of the ability. If you live with a spoon and pot cover, you can stretch your hands into the oil pan without being burned, and can withstand a stronger current than ordinary people, etc., they are classified as first-order ability persons."

"What about the second order?" Hao Zhi came interested, and wanted to know what order he was.

"The second level is people who can use their own abilities to cause a certain degree of external damage. People at this level can already control their consciousness and pass it through contact, causing certain consequences. Of course, we are not measuring the degree of killing. Yes, although this is also a standard. For example, the 9 major hall masters of the Dawn Organization in the past are all contact-type second-tier abilities. Recently, some have appeared, such as those that can cool the objects they encounter, freeze, or burn. Charging like this."

"Then what level am I? I can hurt them with my voice without touching them." Zhang Diandian grabbed the conversation.

"You must belong to the third order or higher. Anyone who can transfer consciousness energy with the help of microelectronics in the air is within the third order. This kind of ability is relatively strong. It is like a fight. Strength is one thing, and the ability to affect a large enough area is another ability, and the transmission of energy can be regarded as a kind of enhancement."

Zhang Dian nodded his head and thought for a while: "Then, according to this calculation, Lele's ability only affects her, it is a first-order...I am a third-order, Jia Jia, your ability seems to be only useful for hitting people, you Is it a Tier 2 ability? I'm one level better than you. Shouldn't the position of the head of the ability department be given to me? Haha..."

"Sample, you are so beautiful!" Song Xiaojia snapped at her, "This preliminary division of abilities is just a simple one-size-fits-all for easy management. There are many different types of abilities, and it is not so simple to judge~ The actual actual combat situation varies from person to person, and there are many people whose abilities cannot even be judged by this. For example, Ke Ke’s brain power is the only one in the world. How to classify it? And Hao Zhi, Although he is not aggressive, he can travel through space and time. He and Wang Yanke are both classified in other categories, and are not classified for the time being."

"In other words, there are enough people with consciousness ability now. We only need to organize, it is possible to help Hao Zhi have a steady stream of consciousness ability and return to the more distant past... Then there is only one problem left. Go back, but at what time point?" Wang Yanke touched his chin and asked a question.

"Yeah, how do we make sure that the Blood Moon people know the exact location of the earth and decide when to launch an attack?" Lele also turned his head and looked at Xu Zhe curiously.

Xu Zhe turned around and looked at the place where Lin Tao had fallen. There were still dark blood stains left there. Zhang Diandian had arranged for someone to clean it up, but Xu Zhe refused. He seemed to want to use this to alert himself to something.

"Oh! I should tell you anyway. Know more. When you get back to that time, you will know what to do."

Everything has to go back to more than twenty years ago. Xu Zhe lit a cigarette and told the story of Hao Zhi and the others before they were born in a way of passing people...

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