Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 279: The secret of the laboratory

?? Xu Zhe and Lin Tao were shocked, my God, no wonder He Gang took the initiative to bring them here and told them both of the secrets in this laboratory. He was arranging his own affairs. I want to appoint a suitable successor...

When the word "liver cancer" was uttered from He Gang's mouth, it seemed so light and without any sense of quality. It didn't seem to show the weight that the word itself should have. For a general who survived the gunpowder of war, In front of him, even the **** of death looked a little weak.

"I am afraid that my life is running out. All of this must be entrusted to someone I can trust, because it is related to the future and safety of the people of China. The responsibility is so great that it is unimaginable!" He Gang held on to the railing and looked down. Looking at the hundreds of busy scientists below, the tone seemed so heavy.

"Old He... don't worry too much. It is the most important thing to keep your body healthy. Don't bear the burden of thinking!" Xu Zhe deserves to be an old political commissar who has done political and ideological work for many years.

"No!" Lin Tao is young after all, and his brain is turning fast. "Didn't the alien civilization just say that they can provide knowledge of bioengineering so that humans can live longer? Old He, your illness shouldn't be in their hands. It's... why not?"

"No!" He Gang's voice was firm and cold.

"Why?" Lin Tao was puzzled and retorted loudly, "Yu Gong said that this technology can fully realize the long-term development of mankind. It is profitable in terms of strategic foresight, and can benefit mankind around the world and let people enjoy both. Hundred... or even 300 years of life, what a great innovation should that be? In private, your illness can also be cured,, why are you so stubborn? You know, Your daughter will get married soon, don't you want to hug your grandson? Lao He..."

He Gang raised his hand to stop him, Lin Tao's voice stopped abruptly as if he had been turned off, and his flushed face looked very gaffey.

"As for many things here, in the next two months, I will hand over to you two as soon as possible, Old Xu, you are relatively calm, you continue to be responsible for the political and ideological work here, Xiaolin, your professional knowledge is relatively strong. The burden of actual work will be heavier. The maintenance and operation of the entire system will all fall on your shoulders. The responsibility is heavy..."

He Gang's words were very meaningful, and the two of them said nothing, and silently followed He Gang out of the hall, back to the long corridor, and walked towards the elevator.

Behind them, on the right wall of the hall, there was a golden sign inlaid on it, which read: "The Nineteenth Bureau of the Zhongwei Home Security Bureau-Interplanetary Reform and Development Committee and Future Affairs Intelligence Division."

A month later, after getting familiar with the daily business and work of a large number of "Xingweike", He Gang took the two people to the 18th floor of the underground-Digong Technology Plaza, which is different from the computer control room on the third floor. A laboratory that conducts biological science research.

Three people sit side by side at the end of the long table in the conference room. At the other end, sitting upright is a doctor-like scientist dressed in white, his hair is a bit messy, as if he hasn't been washed for a long time, and looks a bit sloppy. .

"Commander He, our research has made some progress, but we still can't break through the key nodes of cell regeneration in the many notes... His record on this point is very vague and general. According to our analysis, he seems to be intentional. He avoided a lot of key data, and some of the graphics in the notes were written by him with a pencil. After unexplained erasing and redrawing, there is a big deviation from the original trajectory data..."

"Why not just ask him himself?"

"I have sent someone there, but the professor is already old, his language is not clear at all, and his thinking is very confused. He... even at noon, he can hardly remember what he ate for breakfast. ..."

"Well, I understand, we must speed up the breakthrough of this project. You must carry forward the revolutionary spirit of bearing hardships and stand hard work and devote yourself to your work. The party and the state entrust you with a heavy responsibility, which is your trust!" He Gang instructed.

"Yes!" The young scientist stood at attention and gave a military salute.

"Also," He Gang called to him who was about to leave, "It's okay to wash your hair, how many times have you said it, no wonder you haven't found a partner for such a big age!"

The young scientist smiled and scratched the back of his head, his face turned red.

"This laboratory..." Xu Zhe asked slowly.

"As you know before, we are like a primary school student who has a partial subject in our studies. Although we score very well in Chinese, Mathematics, and English, we neglect physical education. As a knowledgeable little fat guy, we obviously can’t get out. How far away

This laboratory is a specialized, targeted bioengineering laboratory built to prolong human life in our country. Our experimental basis is derived from the information on bioengineering in the notes of Professor Naduo, and we have gained a little bit so far. , But the road is still very long. From now on, it will be entrusted to you! "

"What about the specific experimental method?" Xu Zhe was still careful and asked a key question.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see!" He Gang stood up, his movements were a bit difficult. It can be seen that his cancer has developed rapidly in the past month. The doctor from the Military Tumor Hospital has done this for him four times. Chemotherapy, but the effect is not very obvious. The cancer cells spread at an amazing speed. In addition to the blackening and zooming of the chemotherapy site, his liver has been severely covered with water, and the entire right abdominal cavity is swollen like a jar. His days , Really not much.

Lin Tao hurriedly stretched out his hand to help him, but He Gang slowly pushed him away. As a soldier, he has his own dignity and bottom line. Soldiers can die on the battlefield or on the job, but absolutely not. Die under the eyes of others' pity and sympathy!

After a while, He Gang finally survived a new round of severe liver pain. After taking two painkillers, he took Xu Zhe and Lin Tao to visit the laboratory.

The three people walked slowly between the various experimental rooms. Almost all of those rooms were transparent and covered with dense medical instruments. Many unnamed experimental instruments were working with high tension.

"Our theoretical experiments have two general directions: First, let the human body develop itself, replicate itself by its own ability, and strengthen cell regeneration...

As you may know, there is something called stem cells in the human body, which can regenerate other body cells and even tissues under certain conditions, while the cell activity of such things in ordinary human bodies is limited...

Usually it can replicate and grow many times when you are young, and when you get older, it no longer works. According to the latest foreign research report: If you change the stem cell by controlling genetic information, you can make it reach the maximum value of self. copy!

In other words-58 times the regeneration capacity! If realized, we humans can regenerate 58 times at that time! So if the necrosis of any organ can be regenerated, the life span of human beings can theoretically be extended by at least nearly 58 times!

If our experiment is successful, then the life span of human beings will be extended to 4000 years in the future! In other words, if this life span was given to the ancients, Dayu is still alive among us now!

And the more valuable point is that if a person's arm is cut off, it can grow out again, like the tail of a lizard! "

I'm dizzy, isn't this Lele's ability? Hao Zhi was also excited and shouted, Lele smiled bitterly. Indeed, the abilities He Gang described thirty years ago are indeed very similar to Lele today!

"You guessed it, Lin Tao became interested in life sciences after listening to the explanation given by Commander He at the time. How many experiments he did and finally created a few of you!"

"Then, what is the other way that Commander He said?" Wang Yanke still used her meticulous thinking and asked only the key questions, and asked.

"I think it has something to do with your ability. Super memory and knowledge storage ability. If you can't break through the life limit, you can only develop your brain's ability!" Xu Zhe smiled, having to admit that Lin Tao is a technology. A genius, if he were not in the army, he would be an excellent and crazy scientist!

The story continues...

He Gang shrugged helplessly, and continued to explain to Lin and Xu: "Because there is still a long way to unlock the secrets of genes. It seems that it is impossible to understand genes at present. You have to understand. A gene is a permutation and combination of letters A, T, G, and C. If calculated according to the mathematical model, it has almost billions of trillions of possibilities.

And when human beings distinguish one of these combinations, it only calibrates the characteristics of one part in 3.1 billion of a gene. As for which aspect of humans is controlled by this gene, more complicated calculations are needed..."

"It's too difficult. It's like buying a lottery ticket. On the surface, it is just a disordered combination of 32 numbers. In theory, everyone on the earth buys a different number. You can't buy a jackpot in 1 billion years. It is also very normal." Xu Zhe said thoughtfully.

"Yes, so we have also opened up another road at the same time-some people say,'Since the length of life cannot be lengthened, we must increase its width'. Since we can only live for so long at present, then we will change the acquisition of human beings. The way of knowledge, that is, the subject of input and output of biological information,

To make another analogy-it's like informationizing a person's brain, using a computer to simulate the operation of human brain neurons, converting the binary language of the electronic computer into electronic information that can be read by the human brain, and directly inputting it into the brain.

At that time, the textbook that a child wants to learn is no longer the traditional reading and memorizing Connect a cable directly from the computer to the helmet, click to copy, and then paste, the knowledge of a school year The amount is all copied into a specific area of ​​the brain, and the rest only needs a little time to fuse memories and digest this knowledge..."

"Then, in the future, a doctoral student might be completed before the age of 12?" Lin Tao said tentatively.

"No! It won’t take that long. In theory, as long as a child is over 8 years old and possesses normal language and logical thinking skills, he can completely reach the doctoral level knowledge reserve within a year, then the rest of his life All the time, just carry out innovative scientific experiments..."

"It's been a long time!" Lin Tao yelled, "9 years old, I was still in 4th grade at that time..."

The storytelling was interrupted by a soft sigh again. Wang Yanke put his cheeks in his hand, and then Xu Zhe suddenly said: "Did Commander He Gang tell me that there is a third way?"

"Oh?" Xu Zhe became interested, "What is the third way?"

Wang Yanke smiled: "It's nothing, I just listened to you telling this story, and suddenly I had an inspiration. I'm not mature yet. I'll talk about it later..."

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