Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 286: Mystery organization member

?? Dedicated to the second chapter of rewards and updates, thank you again for your support...

"Maybe they are just to collect the genetic characteristics of other life in the universe? How do you judge that the other party is hostile? After all...their help in the past 30 years has caused the rapid development of our science and technology. If you want to eliminate a nation , How could they put the gun in his hands? Didn’t they teach us hand in hand to make the world’s most powerful nuclear weapons? If they wanted to destroy us, how could they do it?”


Lin Tao really couldn't refute this point of view. As of now, alien civilizations are indeed harmless to the earth, and, with the facts before them, they have indeed been generously helping mankind.

"So your information is useless to me, but I still have to thank you for your warning. I will pay attention in the future to prevent fools like you from making mistakes that threaten the survival of mankind! Go ahead..." Xu Zhe waved to the people around him , Signal to continue.

"Xu Zhe! You are not righteous! You kill the donkey! If Ultrain is harmless to humans, then what I have done cannot be called a mistake!" Lin Tao shouted desperately.

"Boom!" The glass door was knocked open, and a panting guard appeared at the door, "Report to the political commissar...whoop...Super brain, Super brain"

"What's the matter?" Xu Zhe was also startled, but looking at the other's face, something very serious must have happened.

"Ultra Computer, it shuts down!"

Xu Zhe was shocked, and Ultrain shut down? This was something that had never happened before. He stood up suddenly, and then greeted several technicians around him: "Quick! Come and see with me!"

Several technicians also know that major issues are not good. Many valuable data calculations in this bioengineering laboratory on the eighteenth floor have to be handed over to the Ultrain computer for centralized processing, including the establishment, rendering and simulation of many electronic models. It is simply impossible to hand it over to the earth computer.

Everyone huffed and followed Xu Zhe all rushed out of the room and ran towards the elevator.

In this way, Lin Tao was thrown into the laboratory alone and **** quietly. Next to the unnamed precision instrument beside him, there was a technician who was standing guarding him.

"Your luck is good!" The man suddenly said to Lin Tao, as if carelessly.

"What do you mean?" Lin Tao was thinking of a way to escape, when the stranger's words suddenly surprised him.

"Their research on this brainwashing machine is not very successful, the effect is good, but the side effects are very big, maybe you will not have any special feelings in three or five years.

However, when you get older, the deterioration of brain function will be very significant. Maybe you will suffer from Alzheimer's at a very young age, or you may have stroke hemiplegia. This... Xu Zhe may really not know, or he may not report it at all. Otherwise, the leadership of the Military Commission would never allow him to use this machine to deal with his own people! "

"Oh?" Lin Tao heard some clues from the other party's words, but he didn't know what the other party wanted to say.

The man walked up to Lin Tao: "So I said that you are lucky and met me today!"

"You? Who are you?" Lin Tao didn't quite understand.

The man took off the hat and the light green anti-bacterial mask on his face, revealing a bright bald head, a thin face like a knife, a slender nose, and thin lips.

"Introduce myself, my last name is Zhang, Zhang Yu!" The man nodded to Lin Tao politely, "You don't know me, many people here don't know me, but one day, people in the whole world will know me. Yes, no, it’s not accurate to say that, it is to know all of us!"

"Everyone? You mean..." Lin Tao asked.

"Remember the strange events that happened all over the world on New Year's Eve?" A mysterious and smug smile appeared on the man's face.

"How did you know? That's a top secret file!"

"I can know, of course because I am one of the participants!"

"You did all those things?" Lin Tao was taken aback, "What kind of organization are you? Which government are you affiliated with?"

"No, no, no... We are not from any political organization. We are all free men, the first prisoners released by God. We are the free association of free men!"

The man was still proud, as if he enjoyed showing off what he had done very much, like a woman who bought a beautiful dress, but did not encounter a sunny day for several days, and finally had the opportunity to wear it out.

"The sarin gas case in the Japanese subway was the work of a soldier in our organization. Perhaps you are curious, why can a person get out of the way when exposed to sarin gas?

In fact, he is born with the ability to close his own functional circulation. Although it is difficult to understand, as far as I know, he can stop his blood and nerve circulation in a short time.’s as if a person wants to dive underwater and hold their breath. He is just stronger than an average person. He can completely cut off any communication with the outside world and close the skin pores in a short period of time. Stop blood circulation..."

"Then he is a person with special abilities?" Lin Tao expressed his disbelief in exchange for more information.

"It can't be regarded as it. In fact, the so-called supernatural powers are just some people with skills that most people don't have.

Just like some people can make their ears dance, and some people can put their fingers on the back of their hands without getting hurt. Everyone is somewhat different from others. They are just stronger individuals in some places. "

"What about the woman who mysteriously disappeared and reappeared in America? How did she disappear and reappear in an instant?"

"That's not ours, otherwise, why would we kill our own brother?" The man laughed haha, "She is just a randomly selected unlucky person. There is a very powerful brain in our organization. The capable person, Master Sorcerer, he just made the two policemen have the illusion of'seeing a person like that'. I also came up with the idea of ​​the long hands on the face. Isn't it exciting?

In fact, the real woman stood on the top of the building after being hypnotized. The hypnotist planted a signal to his subconscious. As long as he heard the countdown to New Year’s Eve, she would automatically jump down from the stairs, just hitting that unlucky one. In the police car, haha..."

"Oh... this is easy to understand..." Lin Tao said, "The U.S. government was deceived by you!"

"Maybe, but it's not just the U.S. government that is equally vulnerable to deception. You... are they not the same?"

"What do you mean by this?" Lin Tao knew that the other party would tell the secret. This person had too much confidence and publicity. He had no intention to hide it, and even longed to show himself. Now Lin Tao is not worried about this, but ...Why don't those people who went to repair Ultrain's equipment come back?

He knows better than anyone else, when a person tells you all the secrets, the next step is often to let the secret disappear!

He was **** like this now, he didn't have the ability to resist at all, maybe it was because of this that he would tell himself this.

"It's okay to tell you, anyway, your memory is going to be washed away!" The man smiled triumphantly, "Guess who is the driver of the car carrying explosives that wants to hit the capital?"

"I guess... it must be someone else?" Lin Tao smiled sarcastically.

"Smart!" Zhang Yu laughed: "It's me! But we didn't want to do anything bad with explosives. We just frightened you. We took explosives to the inspection post on the eve of the new century. We are not too mentally retarded. Look like,

We can cause more damage, but at present it is just to let you know our existence, so that you high-ranking lords don’t be so arrogant.

In this world, there are still forces that can compete with you! "

"You don't look like such a radical person, and how did you escape from that enclosed space car?" Lin Tao's words were full of curiosity, as religious as a primary school student asking his teacher, of course This attitude is good for the other party to tell their secrets without reservation.

"Get out? Haha...I didn't run away at all, I just took off my clothes. Isn't it a bit of a bottom line? I just sat in the back seat of the car, but they didn't see me!"


"Perhaps you will laugh at my name, Zhang Yu, this is not surprising. I was often teased when I was in school, but the nickname'Octopus' is also suitable for me..." The man said while holding his hand. The sterile gloves he was wearing were taken off, and the palm of his hand was erected to show Lin Tao.

Lin Tao watched that hand slowly disappear in front of his eyes, and was stunned: "Will you be invisible?"

" This is also a special function, I also only discovered in recent years that I have the ability to change the color of my skin!"

"This is not scientific at all. How can someone change the color of their skin like an octopus?" Lin Tao called.

"Octopus can, why can't human beings? Besides, human beings have this ability. When a person is embarrassed, his complexion will turn dark red, while anger and fear will turn pale due to blood loss.

What's more, white, black, and yellow people are itself a kind of skin discoloration mechanism, but the area is relatively large, and some people suffer from vitiligo, won't they also change part of the skin color in a local area?

It’s just...Most people can’t manipulate it freely like me. My skin is like a display screen, which can be freely transformed into any color at any time according to the stimulus of the external environment.

I have checked my body, and it is probably related to a special enzyme contained in my body. It can quickly change the color of a certain spot under certain body temperature conditions. This spot may be as big as the tip of a needle, and there are countless such big spots. The color change of the human body constitutes my living human body display screen......"

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