Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 297: Flurry of Demons

?? "Everyone go up together, as long as you rush to the past one, there is hope to defeat Thor!" The doctor shouted in the crowd.

As a result, dozens of high-ranking fighters from the Ability Department were humiliated for the first attack, and they came back again with indignation.

Thor didn't want to make those boring shows anymore, so he flew down from the silver eight-leaf lotus, and suddenly jumped up, shooting into the crowd like an invisible black shadow projectile, dazzling the first chef. .

"This guy is so strong?" The chef was shocked in his heart, but now that he can only stand by the side, his horrible hands are also close to the wound and die, as long as you wipe it. By my side, I will mature your meat!

The chef yelled and moved his fat body like a bag of flour to smash into Thor. He tried to catch him with all his strength, but Thor disagreed. A harrier lightly turned over, holding his head with one hand and turning over his head, brushing The ground fell behind the chef, and the moment he turned around, a hand was already pointing to the chef’s back, and it was hard to see whether it was touching or not. Suddenly, it was at Thor’s fingertips and behind the chef’s heart. In between, a blue electric spark burst out!

"Boom!" The chef was blasted out several meters by the powerful explosive force in an instant, his back was scorched, and a huge black hole rotted out, and he passed out...

"Hold the grass!" The doctor who followed cursed, and raised **** at the speed of lightning and flint, the invisible scalpel seemed to pierce through the air, and the sharpness of the cut tendons and bones cut through the air and issued a sharp whistle. Voice.

Thor didn't care. The abilities of these second-order abilities were only destructive when they touched them. As early as the dawn organization period, these people were all his subordinates, and he knew what kind of abilities each person possessed. , Naturally be prepared.

"Doctor, you haven't made any progress for so many years! Too disappointing this deity!" Thor roared and flashed past the doctor's sharp finger knife. , Two dazzling blue electric lights exploded again, and the doctor was driven by the shock wave to fly out, screaming and knocking down two or three people.

Looking intently again, the doctor's two hands had exploded at his wrists, and blood spurted out of the wound, like holding up two bottles of Coke that had just been opened.

"Hmph, don't you have the ability to operate on your own? I think you have both hands gone, what can you do for surgery?" Thor sneered, and he rushed over again.

"Thor, don't be mad!" Someone on the side shouted angrily, and took the lead in blocking Thor's way. It was the poisonous bee, the guy with thorns all over his body.

"It seems that you are also a contact system in terms of attack. You can only make an electrical explosion when you touch someone. Then you come and touch me?" The poisonous bee shook his body, already blowing up the thorns of the mixed body like a hedgehog. , Come up and hug Thor.

The people around knew that the sting of the poisonous bee was very venomous, and they all stepped away. Thor retreated a little, letting the sting of the bee sting, suddenly put his hands on his chest, and saw a bright blue color. The electric fireball gathered in an instant, and the piercing "crack" sound accompanied him violently pushing forward, the light bullet flew out of the palm of his hand and hit the poisonous bee directly.

"Oh!" The poisonous bee couldn't give way, the electric fireball banged on its back, and it instantly lit up an alcohol cotton ball. The faint blue flame spread at a staggering speed. In less than half a second, the flames were soaring to the sky. Has surrounded him and turned the poisonous bee into a fire man!

"Playing with fire! You all get out of it... The contact system wants to do something with him too much!" Just when everyone was avoiding the poisonous bee to avoid being stabbed and scalded, a silver-haired old man suddenly appeared from the crowd. There are fifty or so. Although they are older, they are newcomers to supernaturalists. They are those who mutate only after the sun's magnetic storm radiation in the late end of the day. They are nicknamed Chi Yan.

Although he was a little older, he did not show any slack in his movements. His face was full of silver beards and cranes, and he drew a circle under his feet. He brushed his body by the side of the poisonous bee. Incidentally, he brought a Tai Chi push hand and swept over the already fallen poisonous bee with a single palm. However, the blue flame on his body was like eyes, and it was drawn into a slender strip with his palm like a stream of water.

The ability to manipulate fire! Everyone was shocked, but the flames from the poisonous bee were all sucked away in an instant, leaving only the charcoal-like corpse lying on the ground, convulsing nervously. What kind of fire was he? How could you carbonize people in an instant? Even if it caught fire to the upper body, it was impossible to burn people like this in less than ten seconds!

You know, more than 80% of an adult's body is water! Even if it is burned by the fire, it is like using a fire to burn a piece of tofu. It takes time to dry the moisture until it burns into coke!

Fortunately, Chi Yan was capable of arson. When he was young, this old man was still a master of Taijiquan. His hands were tumbling, and his steps were a little imposing. With that elusive movement, the blue flame on his hands had gradually turned red. , The more burned, the brighter, the blazing steam was sprayed raging, and everyone backed away.

"Fat!" Chi Yan moved his feet and mixed his body strength, burning the fire in the palm to the maximum, and slammed it forward, like throwing a bowl of boiling water and hot soup, the flame that was originally burning in a blink turned into a red flame. The fire dragon, when it came out, suddenly swelled several times, becoming a bucket thick and thin, several feet long, like a real energetic, with the potential to swallow the sky and the earth.

Lei Shen was concentrating his attention on Chi Yan's movements, but suddenly saw two infamous "hands" on both sides of his body, and he secretly cried out in his heart, as expected, it was a molecule! That thin and slender boy has the ability to blur himself, and his actions are not easy to be noticed. He does not know when he has been behind Thor, molecularized his body, dissolved in the air, and reappeared. At the time, he had already hugged Thor's shoulders from behind!

"Thor, don't want to run away! You are locked in by my molecules, unless you are broken into pieces, and you can't get free! I can melt into your body and grow on you! Haha..."

With this panic of Thor, the fire dragon in front of him could not wait for time. He blinked before him. After the impact, a raging flame instantly surrounded the two people.

The flames soared to the sky, and only in the center of the fire group, I saw two vaguely black figures, entangled together, and no one could move forward.

Give him another cut!

In the crowd, the magnetic lines reappeared. She grabbed a handful of iron nails from her pocket and spread them out in front of her. With both hands, they made a ring. The nails seemed to be attracted by some kind of magnetism, and they all arranged into nail tips in an instant. Moving forward, the magnetic line didn't say much, and again, with his hands facing outwards, dozens of iron nails had been pierced into the fire like bullets.

"Are you crazy? The molecule is still inside!" Hao Zhi couldn't help but yell!

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