Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 313: Ghost submarine

In 1902, when the British freighter Votsul Ribeli was sailing in the Gulf of Guinea on the west coast of Africa, the crew discovered a huge monster half-sinking and half-floating in the water.

Under the illumination of searchlights, the crew clearly saw that the monster was made of slightly rounded metal. The central part was about 30 meters wide and 200 meters long. It looked like today's space shuttle. It dived into the water silently in the light without a trace.

In 1963, during a military exercise in the southeastern waters of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Navy discovered an unidentified submarine. It had only one propeller, but was able to sail at a high speed of 280 kilometers per hour at a depth of 9 kilometers. U.S. ships and submarines tried their best to catch up with it, but they were unable to catch up.

The performance of this ghost submarine is staggering, because even the most advanced submersibles currently available can only dive to about one million meters in the water, and the speed in deep water will not exceed 95 kilometers per hour.

In the 1970s, these submarines continued to appear in the Scandinavian waters of Northern Europe. They infiltrated some military ports in Norway, Sweden and other countries with unknown purpose.

At the beginning, the NATO group believed that it was a reconnaissance submarine of the former Soviet Union, but after careful study by American intelligence analysts, this claim was denied.

The newspaper reported that NATO and the navies of Norway and other countries were holding large-scale joint military exercises at the time. The joint fleet was extremely annoyed by this bold submarine and decided to launch an attack. Dozens of ships fired at the unknown submarine at the same time, but it was under fire. When entering and leaving, like entering an uninhabited territory, even the three extremely advanced "killer torpedoes" launched by the Navy did not hit the target.

When this ghost submarine suddenly surfaced, the electronic devices on all the ships malfunctioned at the same time, the communication was interrupted, and the radar and sonar systems all failed.

Ten minutes later, when the unknown submarine dived into the water, the fleet's radio communication resumed normal.

For the consideration of military secrets, the news that each country has blocked is even more numerous, but everyone has a consensus to call these submarines of unknown origin as ghost submarines.

Professor Na Duo put his hands in his pockets, quietly waiting for Hao Zhi to finish reading the dossier in his hand, then raised his head with puzzled eyes and looked at himself in surprise.

"Yes, all kinds of evidence have shown that if people on the seabed really exist, their technology is much higher than our current level of human beings," Professor Naduo said calmly, "In today's world, all countries are not stupid. No one is immersed in the idea of ​​scientific research and behind closed doors. If you want to develop quickly, the only way is to learn. Learn from a more advanced body of knowledge. I believe that the things you told me about the future will all happen, outward. The stars learn advanced technology, or ask for help from the high-tech civilization that exists on our planet."

Hao Zhi thought for a while, and asked slowly: "If these submarine humans really exist, at least they belong to the continuation of the earth civilization, and they can coexist with us on earth. Then there will be a common foreign enemy. If we can get their technical help, we will be able to resist the invasion of alien civilization in the future."

"Yes, maybe it's not accidental that you returned to this era. This is a way for mankind to survive. After all, in your era, it is impossible for mankind to defeat the blood moon people within 100 years if they want to rely on their own development."

"Yes." Hao Zhi became excited for a moment. "If something happens, there must be a cause, and if there is a cause, there must be an effect. This is an infinite loop."

Human beings are like a kid who was bullied in a fight outside, and suddenly went home and found that there was a big brother in his own family.

Hao Zhi saw hope again

"Then, what we have to do now is to find them, and we have to rely on the secrets in the crystal skull." Professor Naduo tapped the transparent skull with his fingers. "The problem is how to unlock the concealed thing. secret"

"What's the secret of this thing?" Jia Jia reached out and picked up the crystal skull and looked upside down. "It looks like a big glass ball, so transparent. When you see through it, what secret can you hide?"

The ugliest thing is exactly what can be seen at a glance, which seems a bit ironic, and even the professor has no clue.

"It would be great if we could ask the Americans for help. They seem to have a crystal skull that has been cracked, and they know the way to crack it. Unfortunately, we can't let them know that we found this thing."

What Americans have in their hands, I think this is the only one in the world

"How come?" Professor Nadu smiled bitterly. "According to the legend, there are 13 crystal skulls made by someone who did not know who made them. The skulls are almost the same as real human skulls, the smallest ones are only the size of an orange, and most of them are found to be imitations of modern craftsmanship after identification."

"Thirteen, so many"

"Moreover, there is a legend of the depths of the Mexican jungle. In the early days of the excavation of the Mayan civilization site, the local indigenous people were very opposed to the American scientific research team taking away a crystal skull unearthed from the site, and even And conflicts arose because of this. They said that once all 13 of these crystal skulls are scattered around the world, it will lead to the end of the world."

"If you don't gather at the end of the world, you will be afraid of something." Hao Zhi smiled, showing the demeanor of the doomsday survivor.

"We performed isotope measurements on this crystal skull and determined that it was made about 20,000 years You know, at that time, humans were still in the Stone Age and used animal skins to make ropes. It is obviously impossible to carve such a hard crystal with the pieces of stone tied to the wooden stick."

"Then it is even more impossible to use the disappearance method to cast such a large metal outsourcing to store it. It seems that there must be someone else behind the scenes."

"I heard that some of the 13 crystal skulls have movable jaws. Once the environmental conditions meet the requirements, they will speak at midnight." Professor Naduo suddenly lowered his voice and said mysteriously.

"Hey, it's so scary that a dead man's bones spoke in the middle of the night, who would dare to listen?" Song Xiaojia felt the hair on the back of his hand stand up.

"Hahahaha, just kidding, as a scientist, I won't believe this kind of nonsense, I just haven't found a way to crack the secrets in the crystal skull, and I'm a little anxious."

"Yes, what secrets will be hidden in it?" Hao Zhi also took the thing and lay on it, like a magnifying glass, seeing that the printed font on the dossier became very thick, but the skull was still only transparent. Didn't hide anything


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